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Panzer4channel ゆっくりパンツァー4
Приєднався 13 січ 2013
name is ゲームパンツァー4
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동영상 봐 줘서 고마워! 만약 동영상이 좋으면 높은 평가나 댓글! 채널 등록도 부탁드립니다!
Mainly post railroads and travel and anime
철도나 여행과 애니메이션을 메인으로 투고합니다
name is ゲームパンツァー4
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동영상 봐 줘서 고마워! 만약 동영상이 좋으면 높은 평가나 댓글! 채널 등록도 부탁드립니다!
Mainly post railroads and travel and anime
철도나 여행과 애니메이션을 메인으로 투고합니다
京都市営32系統 京都外大ー河原町ー京都外大
Tik tok
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Переглядів: 69
very interesting video. it was good to show a suburban line.
THKS! comments!
コメントありがとうございます。 返信が遅くなりすみません。 確認したら【やさか観光バス株式会社】でした。 タイトル訂正しておきます! ご指摘ありがとうございます!
コメントありがとうございます! 初めて知りました!! そういった運用があるんですね!
愛宕山登山には 八木駅からはこの神吉経由原ゆきが便利です🚌
そうなんですか!? 初めて知りました! 確かに徒歩でJR保津峡駅行けますもんね!
@@yukkuripanzer4 確かに愛宕山登山に行くのにJRで八木で下車八木から神吉経由原行き乗車して終点原で下車、帰りは電車の時間もあるので徒歩で保津峡迄歩けば電車の時間に間に合います🚃
〜お知らせ〜 #近畿大学医学部.関西空港オフィス 再編に伴い特急ラピートbeter号が 早く着きます。堺から25分短縮、 本部から53分、 5:07 大阪狭山と 関西空港キャンパスは一つになる 運転手不足のため当社のグループ では、#関西空港交通.は難波OCは 早く着く 9:31
@@yukkuripanzer4 ありがとうございます
コメントありがとうございます!! そうですね曲線がキツすぎて曲がれるのかと思ってしまうくらいです笑
Looks pot!!!!
Thank youComments
@@yukkuripanzer4 💖🥰
Thank youComments!
Think I’ve watched too many rail and walking tour videos on UA-cam when I can recognise a place I haven’t seen for months and have never actually physically been too, lol. Great video. Love the way JP rail just winds in and out of neighbourhoods the way it does, it’s really satisfying to see.
Thank youComments!!! I also like Japanese railroads! But foreign railroads are not so good. There are many interesting routes, such as long-distance trains and streetcars in the city! I once took a train in Austria and was amazed at how spacious and well-equipped it was!
@@yukkuripanzer4 yeah those trains that go through the alps do look quite pretty. Wouldn’t mind visiting Austria or Switzerland.
Very calming. Even under grey skies, the beauty of the area is clear to see. Thank you for posting. 😊❤🎎
Hello. In my country many local railroads were abandoned although the regional authorities give subsidy for the regional public transport. Are those local trains in Japan profitable or are they given subsidy by regional or national authorities?
Thank youComments!! Japanese railroad companies basically generate revenue from other businesses since fare revenue is not enough. For example, the railroads are supported by revenues from the real estate business, supermarket operations, and other leisure facilities!
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ukkuripanzer4 そう思うのですが、どうやってやりますか❤
7:22 the iconic station ❤❤
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Trains in Japan are incredible. This line is so climatic :)
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There's nothing better than to be on a trip with you! Thank you for your journeys! : )
Sorry delay reply Thank youComments!!
I let my mind drift to the other side of the world whenever I'm traveling with you. It's such a super great experience. Thank you!
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What a beautiful video! Thank you for this! Love the atmosphere!
Thank you Comments! Welcome to Japan!
The beginning part of this line is so like to the suburban tram.
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solo con pornografia, llegue a viajar aca
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Nice ride and beautiful little train. Isnt there the famous crossing which is known from an anime or something like that after 5:15 ?
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Сразу после отправления взрез стрелки😂😂
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懐かしい 昔の東横線あおがえるに似た車輌わ何処にあるのかな?
コメントありがとうございます。 俺たちの旅世代です🎉
@@佐藤武夫-c9g もし動画やチャンネルが良かった際にメンバーシップ加入して頂けるととても嬉しいです! 詳細はメンバーシップの概要!
I'm a train enthusiast from 🇮🇳, can someone explain at 0:24 points are made to go on other track then how this train was able to cross that point ?
Thanks Comments!! In my opinion, there is like a small machine next to the tracks, The tracks are moved by that small branching device. Japanese branching is basically fully automatic, so it is unmanned.
I was wondering about that too. There are point motors next to the points but I didn't see the rails move. Is it perhaps some kind of spring action?
ask my friend I think so rail point use spring!
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青春ブタ野郎シリーズ のアニメを見てみよう ~ 👍
Как открылся светофор, если стрелка не в маршруте? Взяли стрелку взрезали
Thank youComments! I think so rail point use spring system If you feel interested in the videos and channels. Would you like to join our membership? price very cheap
Japan 🇯🇵 = discipline + cleanliness > 🇮🇳 INDIA
THKS you Comments.
@@yukkuripanzer4 あなたは日本人ですか
@@HakaiEditz55日本人ですよー! もし動画やチャンネルを応援というか寄付等でも良いので!メンバーシップ加入して頂けませんか!!
여행 중이신가요? 오스트리아에서 독일로?
오스트리아 연수로 그라츠에 갔다!
@@yukkuripanzer4 ^^답해주셔서 감사합니다! 혹시 한국어 잘하시나요? 저는 일본어 전혀 못합니다!^^
@@희망곰No problem.! Japanese Very difficult but,vocabulary study only ok! Japanese young people is k-pop Very like!
Ostatni Twoj film EP-ku 009... Kilka godzin poźniej odeszedłeś..., ale Ty żyjesz we mnie do śmierci.
Dziękujemy za komentarz. Co jest nie tak?
Ten film był ostatnim jaki przed śmiercią obejrzał mój kochany Lupy Epek 009. On kochał pociągi a ten japoński pociąg z Twojego filmu był jego ostatnim tu na Ziemii. Dziękuję
한국어 안내 방송도 나오네요❤
댓글 감사합니다! 한국어 방송은 일본 전역의 거의 모든 전철에 한국어 방송이 있습니다! 일본으로 놀러 오세요!
@@yukkuripanzer4 穴埋めってなんのこと?
鎌倉行きに対する『江ノ島駅のブザー』に関してですが、まずはドア閉め扱い後、発車前に車掌から「ブー、ブー(腰越駅の鎌倉寄り1両を戸閉切放する合図のブザー)」、これを受けた運転士がすぐ、右上にあるドア切放スイッチを取り扱います(運転席の後ろで観察してると分かりますよ☺)。その後、すぐに運転士から「ブー(確認了解!)」、最後に車掌から「ブー(了解、発車!)」となります。 このブザーは江ノ電ならではの『4両編成(2両+2両。但し、2両編成の間に有る「連接台車」による)』においての動作で、藤沢行きに対しては、ドラマ「俺達の朝」(←歳がバレますね(笑))やアニメの「スラムダンク」で有名な『鎌倉高校前』でも同様に実施しています。
コメントありがとうございます!ブザーに関する事で、そんなにも沢山の動作確認があったのですね! はじめて知りました!
@@yukkuripanzer4 いえいえ。鉄道好きの知識として取り上げました次第でありますm(_ _)m。
俺はコソボ自閉症少年ベスニクだ! 나는 코소보 자폐증 소년 베스니크다! I’m Besnik, the Kosovo authority heroic youngster.
And who are you? お前は誰だ? 너는 누구야?
コメントありがとうございます! まだ電車の洗車イベントって行った事が無いんですよね〜、いずれは行ってみたいものです!
Am I the only one who thinks the turnout is in the wrong position? (0:22-0:26)
Thank youComments! rail point ues spring system! If you feel interested in the videos and channels. Would you like to join our membership? price very cheap
Thank you for showing us the trip from the driver's cabin. It is a magnificent video
Thk!!Comments! More video uploaded!
@@yukkuripanzer4 hello hello
0:22 the switch is incorrect, or am I missing something?
it's a spring switch so it's fine
Thank you!! support!@@yohanespradono5224
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