Studium Generale - University of Twente
Studium Generale - University of Twente
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Vogelen met Arjan Dwarshuis
Met opa’s verrekijker tuurde Arjan Dwarshuis al als jongetje naar vogels. Die fascinatie bleef. De ouderlijke achtertuin werd de hele aardbol. In 2016 verbrak hij zelfs het wereldrecord om in één jaar tijd zoveel mogelijk verschillende vogelsoorten waar te nemen: hij telde er 6.852! Arjan Dwarshuis maakt de populaire Vogelspotcast, schreef diverse boeken en is een bevlogen ijveraar voor het belang van vogels. Hij vertelt over de vliegtechniek, voedselvoorkeuren, partnerkeuze, migratie, kortom over het leven van een aantal vogels én waarom zij zo waardevol zijn voor onze natuur en de biodiversiteit. Na afloop signeert hij zijn boeken.
Studium Generale organizes public lectures on the most recent and exciting developments in science, technology, politics and culture. Scientists and other experts speak passionately about their fields of expertise and the world we live in. There’s always time for interaction, so feel welcome to join!
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Переглядів: 195


Fabels en feiten over hardlopen | Mariska van Sprundel
Переглядів 168Місяць тому
Nog even en de Batavierenrace start weer. Ervaren loper of beginneling, hoe train je het beste? Slijten je knieën door hard te lopen? Zijn goede schoenen belangrijk om blessures te voorkomen? Wanneer ontstaat de runner’s high? Loop je van bietensap sneller? Hoe motiveer je jezelf bij keiharde regen? Wetenschapsjournalist en hardlooptrainer drs. Mariska van Sprundel combineert wetenschappelijke ...
The power of Shell and other multinationals |Huub Ruel & Marcel Metze
Переглядів 75Місяць тому
Shell became big through oil and gas, processed or traded in 70 countries. In the book Hoog spel, de politieke biografie van Shell Marcel Metze describes the ways in which Shell operated during more than 130 years. Skilled in dealing with very different regimes, from democratic to dictatorial. Faced with corruption, war and terrorism, Shell always managed to survive. But does it still succeed t...
Robots in hospital
Переглядів 502 місяці тому
The field of surgical robotics is rapidly evolving. Think of snake-like robots which can enter the body and have amazing dexterity and steerabilty. Imagine how tiny magnetically-controlled robots can diagnose and treat diseases from within the body. We are not far away from swallowing our surgeons! Prof dr ir Sarthak Misra is leader of the Surgical Robotics Laboratory (UT) and develops techniqu...
The future of nuclear energy | Ferry Roelofs
Переглядів 1442 місяці тому
Nuclear energy captures our imagination: with just a tiny bit of nuclear fuel, one can produce an enormous amount of energy on a relatively small plot of land, with virtually no CO2 emission. However, nuclear energy also raises questions: how safe is it and what do we do with radioactive waste? Ir Ferry Roelofs, Account Manager Research NRG, takes us on a journey through the nuclear landscape: ...
Mannen zijn geen helden | Maaike Meijer
Переглядів 932 місяці тому
De stoere cowboy, de wrede maffiabaas. Tuurlijk, dergelijke stereotyperingen bestaan in films. Verbijsterend vaak ontdekte Maaike Meijer echter het tegendeel: uitgesproken antihelden die niet passen in het gangbare maatschappelijke beeld van mannelijkheid. The Dude in The Big Lebowsky, de hoofdpersonen in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Casablanca en in tv-series als The Bridge en Borgen. Zij ...
The geopolitics of China | Frans-Paul van der Putten
Переглядів 1,4 тис.2 місяці тому
China is spreading its wings. For a decade it deploys a new Silk Road, one of the largest infrastructural projects in modern history. Should we worry about this economic expansion or are we benefiting from it? Nowadays technology has become the new battleground on which China competes with other economic powers. Will the dragon win the AI- and microchip race? And what to think about China’s ini...
Neurodiversiteit: stigma of zegen? | Anita Hubner
Переглядів 1793 місяці тому
Niet iedereen ervaart de wereld hetzelfde. Dat is een open deur. Maar sommigen zijn neurodivers en voelen, denken, studeren of werken anders dan de meesten. Mensen met autistische trekken bijvoorbeeld. Vooral onze UT, van oudsher een technische instelling, telt bovengemiddeld veel mensen op wie het etiket van neurodiversiteit past. Dat maakt studeren of werken soms wat ingewikkelder voor hen én...
Einstein telescope | Gideon Koekoek & Michiel v Limbeek
Переглядів 8233 місяці тому
Gravitational waves - ripples in spacetime - were predicted in 1916 by Einstein. The first observation took place in 2015 and exposed the merger of two black holes. Right now scientists and engineers are working on the underground Einstein Telescope, which will become Europe's most advanced observatory for gravitational waves. Dr Gideon Koekoek (Maastricht University) explains how you can detec...
Muziek en welzijn | Julian Schaap
Переглядів 623 місяці тому
Iedereen kent wel een muziekstuk dat ontroert, dat rustgevend is of juist energie geeft. Waarom doet muziek zoveel met mensen? Waarom heeft het invloed op ons welzijn, ja zelfs op ons geluksgevoel? Muzieksocioloog dr. Julian Schaap (Erasmus Universiteit) onderzoekt hoe muziek ons dichter bij elkaar (en tot onszelf) kan brengen, maar ook uit elkaar kan drijven. Hij legt uit waarom niet iedereen ...
Studium Generale/ Soundtrack of the plastic age | Merijn Tinga
Переглядів 504 місяці тому
As an avid kite surfer Merijn Tinga is annoyed by all the plastic waste floating in the sea. And as a biologist, he worries about its harmful effects on marine life. Tinga decided to become an environmental activist and nicknamed himself The plastic soup surfer. On a board, made of plastic litter, he kite surfed for more than 350 kilometers along the Dutch and Belgian coast. His action contribu...
Chill out: the relaxing powers of cold | Cheryl de Boer & Jet van der Werf
Переглядів 925 місяців тому
Your mum probably told you to put on a warm coat on chilly days, because otherwise you would catch a cold. She was wrong! Exposure to low temperatures seems to be very healthy for a human being. Iceman Wim Hof discovered that cold can strengthen and relax both mind and body. Dr. Cheryl de Boer (ITC) and Jet van der Werf MSc (ET) are both certified Wim Hof Method trainers and explain the benefic...
Veritas Forum: Doet hoop leven? | Gert-Jan Segers & Marijke Schotanus-Dijkstra
Переглядів 1905 місяців тому
hoop gerelateerd aan het besef dat er een God is. Maar wat als je niet in een god gelooft? Hoe floreer je dan? En is dat gemakkelijker of juist veel moeilijker? Veritas-Forum laat een gelovige en een niet-gelovige debatteren met elkaar en het publiek. Dr. Gert-Jan Segers was voorzitter van de Tweede Kamerfractie van de ChristenUnie. Dr. Marijke Schotanus-Dijkstra is wetenschapper bij Psychologi...
Climate action | Albert van den Berg & dr. Cheryl de Boer
Переглядів 1036 місяців тому
Most people agree that action must be taken to reduce the effects of climate change. But what is the most effective way to set things in motion? Is blocking a highway or gluing yourself to a famous piece of art the right way? Or is establishing an academic climate centre more effective? Discussion with: Albert van den Berg, dr. Cheryl de Boer (founders of the UT Climate Centre) and ...
Political solutions for the climate crisis | Florence Metz
Переглядів 746 місяців тому
Sundays without cars on the highway. Instead people, happy to picnic on the tarmac. In the 1970s using petrol was prohibited a few times as Europa had a severe energy problem because of a shortage of oil. Some countries like France and Denmark responded effectively and transformed their energy sectors into nuclear and wind energy. Why did they succeed? Is there a relation between the political ...
Alles stroomt: Flow for future II
Переглядів 776 місяців тому
Alles stroomt: Flow for future II
Nobel Lectures 2023
Переглядів 1226 місяців тому
Nobel Lectures 2023
Promising pianists in the spotlight/ Alexander Jansen
Переглядів 7757 місяців тому
Promising pianists in the spotlight/ Alexander Jansen
Promising pianists in the spotlight/ Rio Ueyama
Переглядів 1 тис.7 місяців тому
Promising pianists in the spotlight/ Rio Ueyama
Flow for future
Переглядів 1337 місяців тому
Flow for future
Artificiële Intelligentie: de hype voorbij /Haroon Sheikh
Переглядів 2537 місяців тому
Artificiële Intelligentie: de hype voorbij /Haroon Sheikh
How to become an unstoppable goall achiever| Paul Rulkens
Переглядів 4137 місяців тому
How to become an unstoppable goall achiever| Paul Rulkens
Quantum Black holes | Gerard 't Hooft
Переглядів 46 тис.7 місяців тому
Quantum Black holes | Gerard 't Hooft
Descartes| Johnny Soraker
Переглядів 297 місяців тому
Descartes| Johnny Soraker
De geweldadige kant van vrede| Jaap de Wilde
Переглядів 1288 місяців тому
De geweldadige kant van vrede| Jaap de Wilde
Imagine a black hole | Heino Falcke |WoI
Переглядів 1,9 тис.8 місяців тому
Imagine a black hole | Heino Falcke |WoI
Health: a matter of definition | Machteld Huber | WoI
Переглядів 998 місяців тому
Health: a matter of definition | Machteld Huber | WoI
Mysteries of our memory | Boris Konrad
Переглядів 1558 місяців тому
Mysteries of our memory | Boris Konrad
Uitstelgedrag | Kinge Siljee
Переглядів 788 місяців тому
Uitstelgedrag | Kinge Siljee


  • @BenDeBarber
    @BenDeBarber 14 днів тому

    Super lijp dat Arjan zo ontzettend veel weet!👏🏼

  • @lowie267
    @lowie267 18 днів тому

    Goed werk geleverd

  • @johanneszandvliet8178
    @johanneszandvliet8178 Місяць тому

    Zeer interessant, het geeft te denken

  • @TheFlagUnit
    @TheFlagUnit Місяць тому

    That is key. China is unlikely going to be able to dominate the world any time soon if ever. So do we really need to kill ourselves trying to crush it into the ground???

  • @guff9567
    @guff9567 2 місяці тому

    Men are just better off gay. Those that choose vaginas should be classified as having a form of delusional dysmorphophobia

  • @michaelmarchal4004
    @michaelmarchal4004 2 місяці тому

    Don't be concerned about China, but be concerned about the USA when you decide to keep a good relationship with China.

  • @privacyhelp
    @privacyhelp 2 місяці тому

    China's main problem is that they don't want to be a US puppet. Case closed. 🎖️🎖️🎖️

  • @wangzx5356
    @wangzx5356 2 місяці тому

    Objective views in general!

  • @joelkroodsma4903
    @joelkroodsma4903 2 місяці тому

    Oplichter. 100%. Save your money

  • @petersteenkamp
    @petersteenkamp 2 місяці тому

    26:16 there's Michael Mann's infamous Hockey Stick. That graph has been debunked as manipulated data.

  • @lw4214
    @lw4214 2 місяці тому

    Goed boek!

  • @guff9567
    @guff9567 2 місяці тому

    Except they are the ones who chased out Adolf and his thugs in WW2

  • @JanAndhisfiets
    @JanAndhisfiets 2 місяці тому

    8:05 “de mannelijke privileges hebben hen nergens gebracht” Wat een lelijke oneerlijke schets van de werkelijkheid. Denkt ze nu echt dat de mannen die in de bordelen rond hangen geprivilegieerd zijn? Dit zijn vaak de internationale vrachtwagenchauffeurs, de fabrieksarbeiders, de mannen gemiddeld 50 uur per week werken.

  • @user-ul7pd7vf1l
    @user-ul7pd7vf1l 3 місяці тому

    verbaasd me niet dat deze ouwe viezerik vaak gast was bij DWDD

  • @user-to7tv2ff2h
    @user-to7tv2ff2h 3 місяці тому


  • @guff9567
    @guff9567 3 місяці тому

    Tax , tax, tax ,tax

  • @hanochlivneh771
    @hanochlivneh771 3 місяці тому

    Dr. 't Hooft is a brilliant physicist but a terrible lecturer...

  • @Harry-Hartmann
    @Harry-Hartmann 3 місяці тому

    A very interesting Video 👍🏻

  • @bengeurden1272
    @bengeurden1272 4 місяці тому

    Je ziet gewoon aan dat publiek dat ze heel weinig snappen. Zitten alsmaar te lachen en hebben ook niet echt door wat Herman en Emmanuel bedoelen en dat er ook veel spel bij zit.. die presentators lijken me ook nogal simpele zielen.

  • @kris2k
    @kris2k 4 місяці тому


  • @dylanmenzies3973
    @dylanmenzies3973 4 місяці тому

    The most intense lecture ever!

  • @Rinus-et6qs
    @Rinus-et6qs 4 місяці тому

    Science is up for sale due to ignorant people with a far too big voice.We know all the lists that are signed by so-called scientists pseudo-scientists. These people are unaware of the fact that sincere science goes evidence based (observations etc). However, i.m.o. it does not work by numbers as painfully (for some) demonstrated in history So scientists that sign these lists in news papers are at the least quite suspect or are avoiding professional suicide. If there are questions about environment, climate change they go "with the flow". I had a career in science based work ((virology, R&D in vaccines, veterinary diagnostics) and microbiological subjects). So I am not fully unfamiliar with the fields mentioned. I wish I attended your lecture since it felt very good to hear someone talk about subjects and not teach me a thing or two about how everything should be according to her/his opinion. A spree of comments and questions, caused by your pleasant talk, came to me but I will limit myself and so diminishing the possibility for me not to make sense. Thank you Dr. Herzberger for the brain stimulative talk.

  • @janwind4265
    @janwind4265 4 місяці тому

    What a brilliant lecture from this Nobel Price Winner. I enjoyed it although I understand only 1% of it because I’m not educated in physics and mathematics but only very interested in this. But Puck Futin.

    • @elena.krittik
      @elena.krittik 2 місяці тому

      How is putin related to this talk though?

  • @robbie_
    @robbie_ 4 місяці тому

    I love it when physicists draw far reaching conclusions from two theories that are just about as incompatible with each other as it's possible to imagine. I can't remember who it was who said "give me three free parameters and I can make an elephant, give me four and I can wiggling its trunk". This is pretty much how I view the Standard Model.

    • @christianfarina3056
      @christianfarina3056 4 місяці тому

      John Von Neumann. Who also made pretty preposterous assumptions about QM.

  • @user-og8jd4uy6q
    @user-og8jd4uy6q 4 місяці тому

    Allemaal fraude en oplichterij onder aanvoering van Einstein de grootste joodse oplichter.

  • @fendermarshallbluesbox3407
    @fendermarshallbluesbox3407 4 місяці тому

    building 7 bijvoorbeeld, dit is debiele praat ! complotten bestaan, building 7 zegt genoeg !!!!!!!! ga ff die c spuit halen, want immers complottheorien bestaan niet

  • @Tinker1950
    @Tinker1950 4 місяці тому

    À gifted physicist he may be, but teacher, nope.

  • @stewartbrands
    @stewartbrands 4 місяці тому

    Pure fantasy. No amount of mass would ever get to the pressures they postulate. It would vaporize into a plasma and radiate away long before their improbable speculation. became their impossible fantasy. Meanwhile the audience is agog at complex mathematical hypotheticals and think such a complicated logical game must be true in space and time reality. Piffle and fiddlesticks with a continental flare.

  • @rudypieplenbosch6752
    @rudypieplenbosch6752 5 місяців тому

    Renormalisation = wiping something that is not right in the standard model under the carpet. Just to get away with those pesky infinite value, now with gravity the problem reemerges..yes thats why it should have been handled right from the start, it was wrong but nobody did anything to fix it. Only now they try to incorporate gravity in quantum physics, for decades it was just ignored, lets ignore one of the basic forces in the universe, what a great idea..I wonder for decades there has been little progress in science, not sure this guy is part of the problem or part of the solution, i have more faith in Roger Penrose, who says there's something not right with quantum physics, also the collapse of entangled particles is not caused by observation but caused by gravity. He is not very clear in his presentation.

  • @executivesteps
    @executivesteps 5 місяців тому

    Camera work is terrible.

  • @thealex_khan
    @thealex_khan 5 місяців тому

    I am following Dr. Hooft's theoretical Physicist roadmap to learn more about physics. Thank you Dr. Hooft

  • @ajg3768
    @ajg3768 5 місяців тому

    Possibility is that we don’t leave in Universe. Matter we see,dust, planets, stars, galaxies,ect is floating in the space between Universes. When all of this stuff will be digested by Black Holes and Black Holes will evaporate. Space between Universes will go back to perfect O Kelvin.

  • @marciamarquene5753
    @marciamarquene5753 5 місяців тому

    T amo demais r viu o vídeo maravilhoso d ER r e horário normal hj e o valor e o e e horário da passagem e horário da passagem e horário da passagem e o valor da entrada e o e e o valor e o e e

  • @marciamarquene5753
    @marciamarquene5753 5 місяців тому

    R E a tarde te ligo e o e e o e o e e o valor e horário da manhã e horário normal e o e o e e o valor e horário normal hj e horário normal hj e horário normal hj f xi tô aqui esperando a gente se encontrar lá fora esperando o ônibus chegar aqui fora te esperando

  • @marciamarquene5753
    @marciamarquene5753 5 місяців тому

    F xi tô aqui e o e e w se quiser vir me manda o valor e o e o e o e e horário da passagem da passagem e horário normal e horário da passagem e horário normal hj f xi w se quiser ir comigo e o e o valor e

  • @marciamarquene5753
    @marciamarquene5753 5 місяців тому

    R E r a tarde te falo se der tempo atrás de manhã r viu se ela for w r era ri demais mas o povo r a tarde te falo se ela quiser ir comigo e y se ela for lá te dou o restante da passagem da manhã e horário da

  • @marciamarquene5753
    @marciamarquene5753 5 місяців тому

    C o e o e e e errado r rê ela e horário normal hj f xi w r era w e o r t a tarde te ligo e te amo e o valor e o e e horário normal e o valor e o e e

  • @marciamarquene5753
    @marciamarquene5753 5 місяців тому

    F e horário normal e horário normal e horário da passagem e o e o valor e horário da passagem da manhã e o e o e o e o e o valor e o e o e e horário da passagem e horário da manhã r viu ela

  • @marciamarquene5753
    @marciamarquene5753 5 місяців тому

    V se o valor da entrada e horário da passagem da passagem e o e o e e horário da passagem da manhã e o

  • @JaapBouwman
    @JaapBouwman 5 місяців тому


  • @Myblogband
    @Myblogband 5 місяців тому

    Dude shows us 2 formula and a hyperbola and says he knows about black holes. Yo! C’mon man - wack!

  • @voidnaut
    @voidnaut 5 місяців тому

    Yikes. Whoever is in charge of your video/audio recording and uploading needs a good talking to. 480p and scratchy, peaking audio that's like nails on a chalkboard.. This is something you'd expect from an amateur uploader 20 years ago.

  • @iancoles1349
    @iancoles1349 5 місяців тому

    If i could live for a thousand years i might have been interested.But im just a grain of sand passing through a speck of time.We are in matrix and a hole is it a hole.

    • @superfinevids
      @superfinevids 10 днів тому

      You are living but one of your many lives. Dont foregt that. Nothing ends, it may die. But every death is anothers life.

  • @hrkielman
    @hrkielman 5 місяців тому

    Vast heel interessant, maar die mafkees is niet te verstaan ende niet te volgen in het Engels 🤖

  • @alindegren6144
    @alindegren6144 5 місяців тому

    Why not do away with all these fantastical speculations about extra universes, wormholes, exploding black holes, infinities and singularities, and just say that c goes to zero at the event horizon.

  • @dankurth4232
    @dankurth4232 5 місяців тому

    Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig would be very surprised to hear, that Gerard 't Hooft has laid the basics of the Standard Model. He as many others has contributed to the eventual conceptualization of the Standard Model and that’s that

  • @dewfall56
    @dewfall56 5 місяців тому

    And I thought I was a terrible presenter

  • @hawkkim1974
    @hawkkim1974 5 місяців тому

    I have a deep intuition that everything is an optical illusion that arises out of quantum field. I mean everything! that includes me and you too.

    • @lenny7989
      @lenny7989 4 місяці тому

      You're Not the onky one.With our limitiert Vision all we See is surfe and a litle bit of Thermodynamik interaction (compared to the Energie througput in our environment).

  • @Achrononmaster
    @Achrononmaster 5 місяців тому

    @1:06:00 right handed neutrino, it's so likely to be dark matter it's not funny. A massive RH neutrino would be about 4.8E8 GeV. Can only be stable if one LH neutrino is massless (so for it the oscillations are "turned off".) A highly predictive theory for dark matter. This one also due to Turok and Boyle. Dark matter could also be a "wormhole gas" (Kirillov & Savelova) but that could also be neutrino-ish. As fermions I figure neutrinos have to have internal wormhole topology anyways.

  • @Achrononmaster
    @Achrononmaster 5 місяців тому

    @1:05:00 't Hooft sketches the same idea, but done more rigorously by Turok and Boyle to answer why the cosmological constant value is so small. Neil Turok and Latham Boyle have found it *_is_* indeed a bit like an inverse of a large number. Performing a Lorentzian path integral and continuing analytically to complex time the entropy of the universe drops out as S=1/Λ (due to gravity the Hamiltonian contribution is zero, or exp(H=0)=1). Since our universe has a lot of matter and radiation is has sizeable entropy, and the most probable universe out of any ensemble is one with P∝exp(-1/Λ) close to 1, so Λ small. This Turok & Boyle result is not a causal account, since it's just statistical mechanics on an imaginary ensemble of possible universes, but a clue about what the source of Λ is. Turok describes it in an analogy as "like a chemical potential for spacetime volume." i.e., energy gained/lost by adding/losing one chemcial species, in the case of gravity that'd be the energy gain/lost on adding/losing an element of spacetime volume. Which is really, whe you think about it, the prosaic normal "explanation" for Λ, which is vacuum energy density. The source of vacuum energy density is the Planck scale topology. That's the answer. We do not know what it is because no one has developed a Planck microscope. ((They aught to find the Planck observatory in it's current graveyard orbit, bring it back down to the lab, hold it dead steady and just look down the other end in reverse.))