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Local River
ะัะธัะดะฝะฐะฒัั 10 ะฑะตั 2011
Welcome to Local River, ultimate destination for fishing. We explore for fishing techniques, share our experience, review essential fishing tackles and tools and create unforgettable memories on our fishing adventures. Letโs make every fishing trip a memorable one! ๐ฃ๐
แแแแธแแพแแผแ แแแแแแธแ
แถแแแแแ แแแแแแแพแแปแแแนแ| How to fishing big African pompano by using squid
This is the last EP forโhow to fishing on boat?โ To explain what a important point diring fishing on boat. How to hook a squid bait, select the dept of fishing zone, safety line and how to fight with fish when get in the same time with friend.
EP1 : How to prepare fishing tools, equipment, weather checking, wind checking and water tide before fishing on boat here๐
แแแแแแแแแแงแแแแแ แแทแ แแแแขแถแแถแแแถแแป แแปแแแแแแ แแแแผแ แแแแธแแพแแผแ| What we need to do before on boat fishing
๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as
Facebook : profile.php?id=100083113819889&mibextid=LQQJ4d
#localriver #fishinglife #cambodia #fishing #trevally #localriver #แแแแธแ แทแแ แถแแ #boat #boatfishing #africanpompano #youtube #island #tum #squid #how #technique
EP1 : How to prepare fishing tools, equipment, weather checking, wind checking and water tide before fishing on boat here๐
แแแแแแแแแแงแแแแแ แแทแ แแแแขแถแแถแแแถแแป แแปแแแแแแ แแแแผแ แแแแธแแพแแผแ| What we need to do before on boat fishing
๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as
Facebook : profile.php?id=100083113819889&mibextid=LQQJ4d
#localriver #fishinglife #cambodia #fishing #trevally #localriver #แแแแธแ แทแแ แถแแ #boat #boatfishing #africanpompano #youtube #island #tum #squid #how #technique
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ: 877
แแแแแแแแแแงแแแแแ แแทแ แแแแขแถแแถแแแถแแป แแปแแแแแแ
แแแแธแแพแแผแ| What we need to do before on boat fishing
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1,1 ัะธั.14 ะดะฝัะฒ ัะพะผั
๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as Facebook : profile.php?id=100083113819889&mibextid=LQQJ4d #localriver #fishinglife #cambodia #fishing #trevally #localriver #แแแแธแ
แถแแ #boat #boatfishing
แแแแธแแแแแแ แแแแแแแพ แแปแแแแแธแแแแแแทแแแแแทแแแแทแ | How to fish Big Barramundi by Swim bait
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1,3 ัะธั.ะััััั ัะพะผั
Short trip in Raining season, difficult to play but finally got a Big Barramundi by swimbait, like a local fish it hunts. Catch abd released is our way! We have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as:๐ Facebook : profile.php id=100083113819889&mibextid=LQQJ4d TIKTOK : www.tiktok.com/@tum_local.river?_t=8YyJYsLJusL&_r=1 #localriver #fishing #cambodia #fishing...
แแแแธแแ แแแแแแแแพแแแ แผแแแ | Fishing big queen fish and cookThai curry
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 2,4 ัะธั.2 ะผััััั ัะพะผั
How to fishing onshore and select lures following the situation, everyone can adapt for your fishing trip to be get fish in the muddy water while raining season. Enjoy fishing all friend! ๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as Facebook : profile.php?id=100083113819889&mibextid=LQQJ4d #localriver #fishinglife #cambodia #fishing #Jig #softplastic #cra...
แแแแธ แแแแปแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแแ 2แแแแ 1แแแ| Fishing under heavy rain in the forest 2days 1 night
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 6933 ะผััััั ัะพะผั
2 day 1 night in the forest to find a big eel, we collect the small fish to be bait for a big fish. Finally cut the main line. Everyone can enjoy for fishing trip in the forest, how to do fishing at there ๐ ๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as Facebook : profile.php?id=100083113819889&mibextid=LQQJ4d #localriver #fishinglife #cambodia #fishing #ca...
แแแแแแแแพแแแพแแแปแ แแแแแถแแแแแแผแ
แแแแธแแนแแแแแแแถแแแแ| How to select lure for fishing on shore
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1,8 ัะธั.4 ะผััััั ัะพะผั
During fishing I met a storm in night time and day time, finally I got a fish to cook for dinner with simple cooking style. ๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as Facebook : profile.php?id=100083113819889&mibextid=LQQJ4d #localriver #fishinglife #cambodia #fishing #Jig #softplastic #crankbait #jerkbait #topwater
แแแแธแแแแ แแแแแแแแถแแทแแ| How to fish Giant Snake head follow Thai style
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1 ัะธั.5 ะผัััััะฒ ัะพะผั
New experience for Local River to learn how to fishing the Giant Snakehead fish at Thailand. This trip is the first time for me to use baits to catch the Giant Snakehead. Have many step I want to learn more like a baits preparing, how to select the location, how to set hook in time, etc. Finally I got it but big or small everyone can find in the video. ๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share...
แแแแธแแแแแ | Fishing big snakehead fish in the river with crank bait
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1,1 ัะธั.7 ะผัััััะฒ ัะพะผั
This trip I am going to find Trei Chdoh, in this place a๏ฟผlot of Chdoh but finally I got the Snakehead big size. ONLY THIS SIZE can survived with Trei Chdoh, 1.4 kg is so exciting. ๐๐ฃ ๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as Facebook : profile.php?id=100083113819889&mibextid=LQQJ4d #localriver #fishinglife #cambodia #fishing #localriver #streetfishing ...
Fishing in the hottest day, Terapon Jabua fish with Bait finesse and Micro jig
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 5028 ะผัััััะฒ ัะพะผั
Super hottest day trip at Kampot in April, I went to do fishing at the old place to find Barramundi (Spong Sor) and Qeenfish (Trei Sampan) but the unexpected fish always bite my lure then I turn to play with them, very enjoy with the moment at Terapon Jarbua size is quite big! It turn to be my favourite fish with finesse and Ultra-light style as well now๐ โ
Place : Kampot province, Cambodia ๐ฅWe ...
3 Fishes in one day! Snakehead - Pacu - Catfish | แแแแผแ
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 6419 ะผัััััะฒ ัะพะผั
Fishing park is not an easy place to find some different kind of fish. Here is a herbivorous fish farm but I came here to find a hunter fish. Big snakeghead is a my target. My friend told me at here when found only a big size. Finally by texas rig technique to give me to get my trophy of the day. โ
Place : Samrueng Farm, Ayutthaya๏ฟผ province, Thailand ๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share, p...
Solo Squid fishing and Sashimi cooking at Koh Sichang, Thailand
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1,3 ัะธั.10 ะผัััััะฒ ัะพะผั
Sichang island is a small island in Chonburi province, Thailand. 2 hrs far from Bangkok by car. This trip I am solo to do squid fishing there and cooking my favourite recipe, Sashimi in Japanese style. Everyone can enjoy with technique to get squid, beautiful view with nature and delicious food by me. We have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as:๐ Facebook : facebook.c...
แแแแแแแแ | Street fishing in Thailand to get Snakehead trophy of first trip in 2024
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1,1 ัะธั.11 ะผัััััะฒ ัะพะผั
This is my first trip in 2024. I come back to do fishing in Thailand, Street fishing along the road. Target place are small pond, water canal or some place have water. This season raining has gone, easy to find snakehead fish. Finally I got my first trophy of this year. How to get and how to look at the place, everyone can see in my VDO. I hope every one enjoy more vdo and your fishing moment. ...
แถแแ Diamond Trevally (African pompano), Year end trip at Kondor, Koh Sdach
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 2,3 ัะธั.11 ะผัััััะฒ ัะพะผั
2023 year end trip, I went to fishing at Kondor fishing spot, Koh Sdach, Cambodia. This trip we focus on a big fish, diamond trevally. Only morning time around 6.30am-9.30am fish are strike our bait. This fish come with group when strike one other also strike in the same time. Every one can enjoy fishing moment in the video. ๐ฅWe have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy a...
3 days 2 nights Catch & Cook at Koh Kong Krav EP:2
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 2,6 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
Exciting journey with us to fishing at Koh Kong Krav island in Cambodia! we catch a lot of fish and squid from the crystal-clear waters. Experience cooking against the stunning backdrop of Koh Kong Kravโs natural beauty. ๐ฃ๐ ๐๐ฆ This clip is a EP2 : I got a big cuttle fish, unbelieveble it bite my fish lure!!! 3rd times of it strikes with hopeless, finally I got it. Everyone can enjoy with us for ...
3 days 2 nights Catch & Cook at Koh Kong Krav EP:1
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 2,1 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
Exciting journey with us to fishing at Koh Kong Krav island in Cambodia! we catch a lot of fish and squid from the crystal-clear waters. Experience cooking against the stunning backdrop of Koh Kong Kravโs natural beauty. ๐ฃ๐ ๐๐ฆ We have more experience and trip to share, please find us and enjoy as:๐ Facebook : profile.php id=100083113819889&mibextid=LQQJ4d TIKTOK : www.tiktok.com/@tu...
Big Grouper : Koh Ampil fishing explore (Full moon island) | Fishing on-shore
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 4,2 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
Big Grouper : Koh Ampil fishing explore (Full moon island) | Fishing on-shore
แแแแธแขแแแแ | Meet Monster! Barracuda at Koh Sdach | Fishing on boat by trolling
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 3,1 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแแแธแขแแแแ | Meet Monster! Barracuda at Koh Sdach | Fishing on boat by trolling
Hiking to the Top of Knong Psa : Exploring unseen landscapes in the Fog
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 332ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
Hiking to the Top of Knong Psa : Exploring unseen landscapes in the Fog
แแขแแแแนแแแแแแแแปแแแแแ แแทแ แแแแผแ
แแแแธ | How to set up hammock camping and fishing in the forest
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1,7 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแขแแแแนแแแแแแแแปแแแแแ แแทแ แแแแผแ
แแแแธ | How to set up hammock camping and fishing in the forest
แแพแแแแแแแแ แแแแธแแแแถแแแ
แแแพแแแแแถแแแแถแแแแแแแขแผแ | Fishing in early raining season to get Monster hampala
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 3 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแพแแแแแแแแ แแแแธแแแแถแแแ
แแแพแแแแแถแแแแถแแแแแแแขแผแ | Fishing in early raining season to get Monster hampala
แ | Fishing small Baramundi by Top water lure
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 650ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แ | Fishing small Baramundi by Top water lure
แแแแธแแแแแแแถแแแแแกแถแแแนแ แแแแแถแแแแแแแแแ
| Fishing snakehead in a super hot day by texas rig
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 549ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแแแธแแแแแแแถแแแแแกแถแแแนแ แแแแแถแแแแแแแแแ
| Fishing snakehead in a super hot day by texas rig
แแแแธแแแแแแแแแแ แแถแแพแแแธแแธแแแ
แแแแแแแแแถแ | Monster Barramundi fishing for the second time
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1,9 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแแแธแแแแแแแแแแ แแถแแพแแแธแแธแแแ
แแแแแแแแแถแ | Monster Barramundi fishing for the second time
แแแแธแแแแแ แแทแ แแแแธแแถแแแแถแแแแ
แแแแแแแแแถแ| Fishing Big barramundi and Queen fish by Top water lure
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 3,1 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแแแธแแแแแ แแทแ แแแแธแแถแแแแถแแแแ
แแแแแแแแแถแ| Fishing Big barramundi and Queen fish by Top water lure
แแแแธ แแ
แแแแแถแ แแทแ แแแแแแกแผแ | Fishing Snapper and Grouper Fish at Koh Tang & Koh Damlaung.
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 1,5 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแแแธ แแ
แแแแแถแ แแทแ แแแแแแกแผแ | Fishing Snapper and Grouper Fish at Koh Tang & Koh Damlaung.
แแแแธ แแแแฝแแแแปแแแ แแแแแแแพแแปแแแแ แแ
แแแแพแแแแ แแแแ | Fishing Monster Milk-fish by Top water lure
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 2,1 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแแแธ แแแแฝแแแแปแแแ แแแแแแแพแแปแแแแ แแ
แแแแพแแแแ แแแแ | Fishing Monster Milk-fish by Top water lure
แแแแธแแถแแแแแผแแแถแแแแแแแแแถแ? | Fishing snakehead along the street and get bird?
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 934ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแแแธแแถแแแแแผแแแถแแแแแแแแแถแ? | Fishing snakehead along the street and get bird?
แแถแแแแ | How to fishing SQUID on shore by using Squid JIG.
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 14 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแถแแแแ | How to fishing SQUID on shore by using Squid JIG.
แแแแธแแแปแแแ แแ
แแถแแแแ | How to fishing on-shore by using Jerk Bait.
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 4,1 ัะธั.ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแแแธแแแปแแแ แแ
แแถแแแแ | How to fishing on-shore by using Jerk Bait.
แแแแแแ แแแแผแ
แแแแธ แแแแพแแแ แผแแแ
แแแแแแ แแถแแแแธ | Camping Fishing and Cooking at Bong Peak Miโs house.
ะะตัะตะณะปัะดัะฒ 642ะ ัะบ ัะพะผั
แแแแแแ แแแแผแ
แแแแธ แแแแพแแแ แผแแแ
แแแแแแ แแถแแแแธ | Camping Fishing and Cooking at Bong Peak Miโs house.
The best video phi and released stress when I'm watching your video. ๐
@@SornSok-v8m Thank you so much bart๐
๐Thank you
แแนแแ แผแแขแแ? แ แพแแแแแ แแแปแแแแถแแแแแแแแแแ?๐
Water 40m bart, water high flow๐
Orkun jren na bart๐
Orkun jren na bart๐
Bro can you talk more about reel and rod you recommend for lure fishing
Thank you so much, letโs me make it next time๐
แแฝแ แแแแแแผแแขแแแแ๐
Ban ot na๐
@@Tumlocalrivernext video help explain about cost na ja๐
@@Trn888 okay na bart๐ฅฐ
Finally EP 2 is released ๐
Please enjoy na bart๐
@@Tumlocalriver It's nice to see the EP2 uploaded for all to watch and enjoy. Keep the videos coming and have fun fishing. Tips for catcing more African Pampano... Use Shrimp as bait and lighter lines such as Fluorocarbon or Monofilament in the 30-40 pound range for best result. Anything bigger, you will catch less fish due to Pompano fish is line shy. Hope this fishing tips helps. Keep tight lines!
@@Tumlocalriver Thank you very much for sharing bong. Big fan is here๐คฉ
@@HaknumansoksanThank you so much for watching our vdo and share some knowledge to get more fish, hope someday can join trip๐
@@Tumlocalriver You're welcome, Tum! Yes. Whenever I get the chance to go fishing in the ocean, I will let you know and contact you. But for now, I'm just relaxing, observing others fishing and tying up my assist hooks for Slow Pich Jigging. ;-)
The best fishing on boat, very clear technique. Thank you for sharing
Thank you so much๐
Orkun jren na bart๐
Orkun jren na bart๐
แแทแแแถแขแแแ แถแแแ
Thank you brother๐
What your name page
@EUROSTEEP Local River bart, Facebook also have ๐
Hope u can recommend for everyone about product quality good and good price bong
Thank you bart, I will try my best to recommend you a good product with good price ๐โค
แขแแแ Cool โค
Orkun jren bart bongโค๐
Nov Koh Takiev, The last point bart๐
แขแแแปแแแแแแถแแแแถแแ แแแแแแแโโค
Orkun jren na bart๐๐
Orkun jren bart bongโค
Waiting EP2 bong, please soon
Jam tic na bart, next week naโค
@@Tumlocalriver cannot wait bong ๐ณ
@@Meymey11sWaiting on this our channel naโค
Thank you for your knowledge
Your welcome, please wait a bit for EP2๐
@@Tumlocalriver I'm waiting for EP.2 video, Tum. When it's coming out? ;-) I'm glad to find your channel and happy to see you share fishing knowledge with Khmer people. I've been fishing since the late 1980's to 2017 and haven't had a chance to go fishing again since then, but I'm planning on going to fish in the ocean for Amberjack, Tuna and Snappers around Koh Tang when I have times. Hope to see around and share with you a few fishing tips from my experiences. Until then, have fun fishing and keep tight lines!
@@Haknumansoksan Great, can I join your trip? Thank you for your like in our page. Hope you get a trophy in your trip๐
@@Tumlocalriver Yes, you can join me. I will definitely envite you and a few others to go out and catch those larger fish in the ocean. It's going to be a lot of fun and hard works fighting those Reef Donkeys (Amberjack) and Tuna. But until that time comes, keep a tight lines and have fun fishing, Tum. I'll be watching your videos as you post them. NOTE... Amberjack are stubborn fish to pull up out of the structures, and that's why it got its name as Reef Donkey in the U.S. Now you know. ;-)
@@Haknumansoksanwow look so amazing, I never find Amberjack maybe so strong๐
แขแแแแแ แนแแแ?
Release oy mean trei pel kroy bart bongโค
big fish style
Oddam ot ban tov muay knea๐
Very good knowledge to know๐
Thank you bartq
Thank you bartโค
thank for sharing
Thank you so much bartโค
Thank you for sharing ๐
Thank you so much na bartโค
@@Tumlocalriverwhen release next part Ja?๐
@@Trn888This week na bartโค
Thank you bartโค
Nov Kampot bart bong๐
@@Tumlocalriver ๐
@@Tumlocalriver แ แพแแแ แแแแปแแแถแแแแแ
@@maovathana-p6c Sre ambel bart
@@ManMan-s4h Thank you ๐
แแปแแแแแแฝแแแแ แแแแปแแแถแแ
@@VONHSO hello bong, nov Kampot bart
แแแแแถแแแแแแนแแแแปแแแแแแแแปแแถแแแแแแแแขแถแแแแแถแแแ๐ฉต๐๏ธ๐ ๐ฉตแแผแแแแแแผแ แแแแถแแแแถแแ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ป๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ๐๐พ๐๐ฟ
Orkun jren na bart๐
แแแแแผแ แแแแแแผแ แแแแปแแแทแแแขแผ แแแแแแแแถแแแ
Around 500$ bart bong๐
Nice fish
Thank you so much bart๐๐
Can i get the location bong?
Hello bong, at Kampot bart๐
Wow big fish ๐
Thank you bart๐๐
Mean na bartโคโค๐
Orkun jren na bartโคโคโค๐
Wow big size of Barramundi, very great to see you get by swimbait
Big thanks๐๐
Where is this bong ?
Koh takiev bart bong๐
Wow so cool bong!
@@socheatdaroththank you so much bart๐
The best challenge and knowledge, how do you can imagine like that?
Hello, I checked following fish behavior. Then can image where is fish and how it will bite the bait๐
Wow amazing phi! I never saw it.
Thank you so much na bart๐
28:26 แแแแแแถแแ๐
๐๐๐chngan na bart
Big fish time
Tos tos need big fish๐
Jam merl na bart, nov Local River ng na๐
@@Tumlocalriver waitng to see bong. thx u