Truck Driver Shawn
Truck Driver Shawn
  • 1 214
  • 1 547 632


MXR: "Joshua Ambient Echo" (DEMO) #mxr #joshuatree #theedge #u2 #demo #delaypedal #ambient #echo
Переглядів 5637 годин тому
@jimdunlopusa MXR Joshua Ambient Echo @HeathenGW Gungnir @RevvAmps G-20 @ArachnidCabinets
Tallon Electric: "The Noise" Pedal (DEMO) #tallonelectric #thenoisepedal #alphawolf #demo #guitar
Переглядів 29816 годин тому
Had way too much fun checking out the @tallonelectric The Noise pedal @AlphaWolf @HeathenGW @ArachnidCabinets
Warhead Amps: "Limited Edition Warhead" (DEMO) #dimebagdarrell #warhead #warheadamps #demo #pantera
Переглядів 1,5 тис.21 годину тому
The Limited Edition Warhead Amps Mini Warhead is on the chopping block @HeathenGW Gungnir @ArachnidCabinets Custom 1X12 @pantera @KHDK
Splawn Amplification: "Quickrod" (DEMO) #splawnamplification #quickrod #demo #guitar #highgain
Переглядів 408День тому
Checking out a 2024 EL34 variation of the @SplawnGuitars Quickrod @HeathenGW Gungnir @ArachnidCabinets Custom 1X12 @ElectroVoiceOfficial Black Label
Airis Effects: "51 Filthy" (Metal Demo) #airiseffects #distortionpedal #heathengw #arachnidcabinets
Переглядів 51614 днів тому
Today, it's my absolute privilege to demo the ‎@AirisEffects 51 Filthy ‎@HeathenGW Gungnir @ArachnidCabinets Custom 2X12 @RedBeardAmps Grendel MK-II
Fuzz Imp: "Creature" (DEMO) #fuzzimp #fuzzpedal #fuzz #demo #heathenguitarworks #arachnidcabinets
Переглядів 13321 день тому
Let's check out the @FuzzImp Creature @HeathenGW Gungnir @ArachnidCabinets Custom 2X12
TDSFX PEDALS: "DOOMBOXXX" (DEMO) #tdsfxpedals #doom #fuzz #fuzzworship #fuzzpedal #demo #guitar
Переглядів 50221 день тому
Checking out the TDSFX Pedals DoomBoxxx @HeathenGW Gungnir @RedBeardAmps Grendel 50w Power Amp @ArachnidCabinets Custom 2X12 #heathenguitarworks #redbeardamps #arachnidcabinets #fuzzpedal #demo #guitarpedaldemo #guitarist #doommetal #fuzzworship #fuzz #doom #tdsfxpedals
Fuzz Imp: "Echo Moon Delay" (DEMO) #delaypedal #fuzzimp #demo #heathenguitarworks
Переглядів 183Місяць тому
Park Kingery from PCP Pedals loaned me his @FuzzImp Echo Moon Delay....... Let's see what it does!!!! @HeathenGW Gungnir prototype @ArachnidCabinets Custom 2X12 @RevvAmps G-20
PRS Guitars: DW CE24 "Dustie Waring" (DEMO) #prs #dustiewaring #demo #guitar #ce24
Переглядів 1,1 тис.Місяць тому
Let's check out the @prsguitars @Dustiewaringofficial DW CE24 Hardtail @ArachnidCabinets Custom 2X12 Driftwood Amplifiers Darkest Nightmare
TDSFX Pedals: Bilé Boost (PROTOTYPE) #boostpedal #boost #guitar #metal
Переглядів 164Місяць тому
Testing the final prototype for the TDSFX Pedals Bilé Boost @HeathenGW Gungnir loaded with Heathen Pickups Jotnars @RepublicAmps X Amp @ArachnidCabinets 2X12
PRS Guitars: "Holcomb" SE V2 (Mods) 1 #prs #holcomb #guitar #mod #heathenguitarworks
Переглядів 387Місяць тому
PRS Guitars: "Holcomb" SE V2 (Mods) 1 #prs #holcomb #guitar #mod #heathenguitarworks
Ozzy Osbourne: "Shot In The Dark" (Guitar Cover) #ozzy #jakeelee #guitarcover #metal #bosskatana
Переглядів 5452 місяці тому
Ozzy Osbourne: "Shot In The Dark" (Guitar Cover) #ozzy #jakeelee #guitarcover #metal #bosskatana
Dunlop: "Wylde" String Lab 10-56 (Demo/Review) #dunlop #zakkwylde #demo #review #guitar
Переглядів 2152 місяці тому
Dunlop: "Wylde" String Lab 10-56 (Demo/Review) #dunlop #zakkwylde #demo #review #guitar
Make Your Own DIY Jimmy Clip For $2.50 In 5 Minutes #diy #jimmyclip #guitar #prs #markholcomb #ksr
Переглядів 1,1 тис.2 місяці тому
Make Your Own DIY Jimmy Clip For $2.50 In 5 Minutes #diy #jimmyclip #guitar #prs #markholcomb #ksr
TITANUM12: "8 String" (METAL DEMO) #titanum12 #8string #S7G #demo #metal #bareknucklepickups
Переглядів 1,2 тис.2 місяці тому
TITANUM12: "8 String" (METAL DEMO) #titanum12 #8string #S7G #demo #metal #bareknucklepickups
TITANUM12: "Phantom Power Sonic Maximizer" (DEMO)
Переглядів 2582 місяці тому
TITANUM12: "Phantom Power Sonic Maximizer" (DEMO)
Chad Boston: "Guitar Hand Socket Kit" (Review) #guitartool #chadboston #guitar
Переглядів 1282 місяці тому
Chad Boston: "Guitar Hand Socket Kit" (Review) #guitartool #chadboston #guitar
Heathen Guitar Works: One Month Of The Gungnir Prototype
Переглядів 7042 місяці тому
Heathen Guitar Works: One Month Of The Gungnir Prototype
This Heavy Earth: "Spectral Gate" VCA Noise Gate (Metal Demo)
Переглядів 4622 місяці тому
This Heavy Earth: "Spectral Gate" VCA Noise Gate (Metal Demo)
TWA Chemical Z Dual Channel Overdrive (Metal Demo) #godlykeinc #totallywyckedaudio #royz #demo
Переглядів 2843 місяці тому
TWA Chemical Z Dual Channel Overdrive (Metal Demo) #godlykeinc #totallywyckedaudio #royz #demo
Three Days Grace: Animal I Have Become (Guitar Cover) #threedaysgrace #guitar #guitarcover
Переглядів 1683 місяці тому
Three Days Grace: Animal I Have Become (Guitar Cover) #threedaysgrace #guitar #guitarcover
AIRIS EFFECTS: "NEMESIS BOOST" (Metal Demo) #airiseffects #heathengw #guitar #demo #boostpedal
Переглядів 6333 місяці тому
AIRIS EFFECTS: "NEMESIS BOOST" (Metal Demo) #airiseffects #heathengw #guitar #demo #boostpedal
Heathen Guitar Works: I Was There For The 1st Gungnir Build!!! A Chat With Owner/Luthier Royce Braun
Переглядів 2943 місяці тому
Heathen Guitar Works: I Was There For The 1st Gungnir Build!!! A Chat With Owner/Luthier Royce Braun
Tonkawa, OK Mobile Parking Lot Jam 8/20/24 #guitar #guitarist #heathengw #metal #trucker #trucking
Переглядів 1983 місяці тому
Tonkawa, OK Mobile Parking Lot Jam 8/20/24 #guitar #guitarist #heathengw #metal #trucker #trucking
Heathen Pickups: "Drauger V2" (DEMO) #demo #pickups #heathenpickups #tdsfxpedals #redbeardamps
Переглядів 1774 місяці тому
Heathen Pickups: "Drauger V2" (DEMO) #demo #pickups #heathenpickups #tdsfxpedals #redbeardamps
JHS PEDALS: "NOTAKLON" Metal (DEMO) #jhs #jhspedals #demo #guitar #metal #klon #overdrive
Переглядів 4274 місяці тому
JHS PEDALS: "NOTAKLON" Metal (DEMO) #jhs #jhspedals #demo #guitar #metal #klon #overdrive
J ROCKETT: Steve Stevens "Rockaway Archer" (Metal Demo) #stevestevens #jrockett #metal #demo #guitar
Переглядів 2,2 тис.4 місяці тому
J ROCKETT: Steve Stevens "Rockaway Archer" (Metal Demo) #stevestevens #jrockett #metal #demo #guitar
Переглядів 6894 місяці тому
This Heavy Earth: "Mobile Rig" (Metal Demo) #guitar #metalhead #metalguitar #solarguitars #trucker
Переглядів 5074 місяці тому
This Heavy Earth: "Mobile Rig" (Metal Demo) #guitar #metalhead #metalguitar #solarguitars #trucker


  • @AriePutra-r9m
    @AriePutra-r9m День тому

    Goddd im like

  • @AriePutra-r9m
    @AriePutra-r9m День тому

    Woww is amazing

  • @AriePutra-r9m
    @AriePutra-r9m День тому

    Im like

  • @youWoNtLikeMe04
    @youWoNtLikeMe04 2 дні тому

    I got one, black one... Need an attenuator for it. Has to be cranked to get good distortion and it's fucking way to loud.

  • @youWoNtLikeMe04
    @youWoNtLikeMe04 2 дні тому

    Speaking of putting Dime's name on something...Chinese made Dean from Hell guitars are selling in the $2,000 range right now... I have one, an early one.... Supposedly early ones are better.. anyway a Chinese Dean from Hell is not worth over $1,000.

  • @katana777888
    @katana777888 4 дні тому


  • @MetalheadOv666
    @MetalheadOv666 4 дні тому

    Really want one of these but can’t justify $250 for what it does

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 3 дні тому

      It's definitely worth the money, but you have to really want that particular thing to justify the purchase for sure

  • @notalazyman
    @notalazyman 5 днів тому

    That guitar looks really cool

  • @VanDiemen1969
    @VanDiemen1969 5 днів тому

    Ay Shawno! All the way From Tasmania, Australia. Its way south of heaven, home to the tassie devil and the band psycroptic if you are familiar. Just wanted to say Shea owes you a beer or several! Im late to the party, but subscribed and bought the v2 fleshrot due to your demos, so thanks. I thought i was getting mean enough tones through a marshall mode four, lichtlaerm medusa and eq pedal. The V2 takes it to a whole new level. Cheers

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 5 днів тому

      Shea and Daniel are amazing dudes making amazing products...... They owe me nothing!!! They did all the work I just played with some toys

  • @JosephCee
    @JosephCee 5 днів тому

    A big boy amp indeed. I hope to get one myself in the very near future. 🤟🏻

  • @dkramer5264
    @dkramer5264 5 днів тому

    HELLYEAH Bro! Excellent video 📹

  • @theariesexperiment4642
    @theariesexperiment4642 6 днів тому

    Use split power chords on the bendy "I'm Broken" verses.

  • @theariesexperiment4642
    @theariesexperiment4642 6 днів тому

    Are you using a thin pick!!??? It's coming through the signal all scratchy and sizzly. Your pick angle could be the culprit as well. Just saying.

  • @chrisfoster9178
    @chrisfoster9178 6 днів тому

    pre-ordered mine over the black friday weekend instead of picking up one of his other pedals

  • @JBGoode-zx7pp
    @JBGoode-zx7pp 6 днів тому

    4:07 Decent sound - No? 🤔

  • @liveto1
    @liveto1 7 днів тому

    First to like! There is so much going on… all the neurons firing - brain on overload- about to explode… oops got some on your guitar.

  • @keving8877
    @keving8877 7 днів тому

    I wear Sauvage Elixir as a base..under my clothes and then Creed Aventus after I'm dressed. Some say I smell "Heavenly." 😂 Like Billy D Williams old Colt45 commercials said: "Works every time."

  • @humbertoss2499
    @humbertoss2499 7 днів тому

    Dude... that was really cool! Thanks for making this video!!!!!!

  • @zipchtkdn7804
    @zipchtkdn7804 7 днів тому

    Is that vape a overdrive pedal

  • @jrlee243
    @jrlee243 8 днів тому

    I have nothing against down tuning guitars. I personally just do the drop D thing, but i also play drums for hire. What i can not stand is the crazy 200,220 bpm. A lot of the best music (in my opinion) is normally no faster than 120 to 175 bpm. I just dont get it. Almost every guitar player i worked with can't even keep it at half time consistently. but if that's what keeps you playing and inspires, you keep it going.its not for me. Groove metal is right where i like to stay. Killer playing brother, and that cab is sick.

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 7 днів тому

      Thanx man..... today's music is about being trying to be overly inventive and showing off silly tricks. The actual riff butchery that's going on today is ridiculous. And yeah Arachnid Cabinets make the best Cabs available today

    • @jrlee243
      @jrlee243 7 днів тому

      @Truck_Driver_Shawn i agree totally. I love some of the technical playing like J.P. , Keith merrow does, but they do it in a musical way to where it doesn't sound forced or out of place. But the main riffs are normally pretty simple, not over the top.

  • @Addicted.To.Not.Thinking.
    @Addicted.To.Not.Thinking. 8 днів тому

    My god that guitar is so sick

  • @Earth-Worm-Tim
    @Earth-Worm-Tim 8 днів тому

    Shawn…. man see if you can get a Blood Ritual and demo that dude. I’m dying to get a hold of one of them. I use the Ball Gag and Dybbuk on my board and they’re permanently affixed.

  • @Earth-Worm-Tim
    @Earth-Worm-Tim 8 днів тому

    I’d trade my little sister for his amp lolol

  • @WayneMalloy-g7v
    @WayneMalloy-g7v 8 днів тому

    Your playing is ruthless. Subscribed!

  • @bathehockey3447
    @bathehockey3447 8 днів тому

    Are you Mainer?

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 8 днів тому

      Lived there for 35 of my 50 years on this spinning marble

    • @bathehockey3447
      @bathehockey3447 8 днів тому

      @ fuck yeah, I live down near Portland and have been watching your channel for years and never put it together till now. Thank you for all the demos and I love the channel

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 8 днів тому

      @bathehockey3447 thanx for the kind words man I really appreciate it

  • @Chugratocaster
    @Chugratocaster 9 днів тому

    Great video, I especially enjoyed the raw playing without “lets hear what it sounds like ina mix” or just playing the whole time in a mix, who cares? i wanna hear what the piece of gear sounds like, not a over produced overly shined up product commercial, so thats greatly appreciated! Also great playing, great conversation

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 9 днів тому

      Thanx man...... my content isn't for everyone, but it's made the way it is because it's what I want to see and can't seem to find

  • @juanvaldez5422
    @juanvaldez5422 9 днів тому

    Will somebody do a Kemper profile

  • @chrisgonzales5880
    @chrisgonzales5880 9 днів тому

    i tried getting the amp and couldnt get it. now people are selling them overpriced everywhere

    • @crock2434
      @crock2434 9 днів тому

      Can find the original warhead 212 combo for 800$ and its way louder...

    • @LekkerBlanka
      @LekkerBlanka 9 днів тому

      why not preorder the black one?

    • @chrisgonzales5880
      @chrisgonzales5880 9 днів тому

      @@LekkerBlanka i did. but i would have liked the green one as its my favorite color.

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 9 днів тому

      Just get the regular one..... there's nothing special whatsoever about the Limited Edition

  • @TechValleyJeff
    @TechValleyJeff 10 днів тому

    Hey Shawn! Really dig your playing! I'm thinking about grabbing the Spark Cab for my Valeton GP200. Yours is the only channel I've seen that shows a modeler hooked up to the Positive Grid Cab. Oh, and just a heads up-you can't mic up an FRFR speaker, as you've probably figured out!

  • @jaredmestas
    @jaredmestas 10 днів тому

    I have a quickrod that is nearly identical to that

  • @MrTabasham1990
    @MrTabasham1990 11 днів тому

    Do you still use Kirlin cables?

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 10 днів тому

      Currently I'm using the DAddario studio cables. Kirlin is a fantastic company though and I highly recommend them

  • @humbertoss2499
    @humbertoss2499 11 днів тому

    Strange name... great sound!!!!

  • @jasongoddard8167
    @jasongoddard8167 12 днів тому

    I bought one a few months ago, wish I had bought one years ago! Great vid as always.

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 12 днів тому

      Thanx for the kind words man

    • @jasongoddard8167
      @jasongoddard8167 12 днів тому

      @@Truck_Driver_Shawn Just bought the TDSFX pedal.

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 12 днів тому

      @jasongoddard8167 thank you so much...... should have it shipped by Monday if not tomorrow

  • @kindred5765
    @kindred5765 12 днів тому

    Hey Brother....glad to see you doing a review of the Quickrod. Killer amp. And Scott is a great guy to deal with.

  • @brandonbryson3317
    @brandonbryson3317 12 днів тому

    I love the solo feature, but that’s cause I play live.

  • @jconner3891
    @jconner3891 12 днів тому

    No drinks on the equipment! Shaun we know the rules. 😂. Except for 😉

  • @jconner3891
    @jconner3891 12 днів тому

    Shaun what is based ooff of.? Sounds Marshall like

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 12 днів тому

      Pretty much it's got that Marshall sauce, but way more refined and versatile

  • @NickySayahSina
    @NickySayahSina 13 днів тому

    I have a Splawn Nitro SS that I love. Playing some Heathen Jotnars through it sounds really good!

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 12 днів тому

      Jotnars are my favorite pups ever. Hopefully I will get to check out a Nitro at some point

  • @SplawnGuitars
    @SplawnGuitars 13 днів тому

    Awesome!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 12 днів тому

      Great amp...... been wanting another one ever since my KT88 variant crapped the bed about 8 or 9 years ago

  • @harleyf150davidson6
    @harleyf150davidson6 13 днів тому

    Just bought this pedal and it’s doing exactly wat TDS is saying. Not happy with the pedal, Zuul and Zuul+ still has the win for me. Plus the 4 cable method is pointless for the Pylon!!

  • @MjolnirR52
    @MjolnirR52 13 днів тому

    Brilliant review 😂

  • @IvoVasconcelos
    @IvoVasconcelos 14 днів тому

    Hi @Truck, I wonder how the Black Label compares with the Eminence DV-77 Mick Thomson? I am considering getting one of them.

  • @juliusmaximus753
    @juliusmaximus753 16 днів тому

    With a floyd rose, d'addario is one of the worst strings in terms of break-in. sorry infinite break-in. No problem without Floyd rose

  • @cygnussx1781
    @cygnussx1781 17 днів тому

    Hey man,, dig your shit. So here it is. 51 Filthy or This Heavy Earth -- Grim3???? which one ya gettin. This does sound fuckin good,,,,

    • @Truck_Driver_Shawn
      @Truck_Driver_Shawn 17 днів тому

      For overdrive Grim V3 and for distortion the 51-FILTHY

    • @cygnussx1781
      @cygnussx1781 11 днів тому

      @@Truck_Driver_Shawn Right on,, thanks man.

  • @Krigloch
    @Krigloch 17 днів тому

    Well fuck. Guess I need one of these to go along with the Nemesis Boost

  • @humbertoss2499
    @humbertoss2499 18 днів тому

    Nice setup

  • @causticlicks5786
    @causticlicks5786 18 днів тому

    Fuckin beast

  • @DUNN..
    @DUNN.. 18 днів тому

    That’s a filthy sounding pedal for sure. And yes drugs are cheaper than GAS

  • @hartvenessa
    @hartvenessa 18 днів тому

    How long does it take to charge?

  • @orphanmedina
    @orphanmedina 18 днів тому

    Bro I used to own a Red Bear Half stack! Great for a power amp lol, I can't believe you have one. The 51Filthy sounds MASSIVE!