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Ewnet Tube እዉነት ቲዩብ
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አለቅን ከ60 በላይ ሰዎች ተገ.ደሉ ከሟ.ቾች የተረፈው ግለሰብ ተናገረ
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We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating various philosophies and positions regarding the community. As the motto succinctly describes it, “Truth is the winner!
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ያሳዝናል ዛሬም በመ.ሬት ና.ዳ ሰዎች ሞ.ቱ ስለህፃን ሄቨን የተሰማው አነጋጋሪ መረጃ
Переглядів 1,1 тис.7 годин тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
የጉድ ሀገር ሰሊናን በህይወት እያለች ቀበ.ሯት እህት እና ወንድም የፈፀሙት ከባድ ወን.ጀል
Переглядів 4,4 тис.14 годин тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ሰበር ዜና አርቲስቶቻችን አ.አ ላይ የተፈፀመው ግ.ፍ አርቲስት ሰላም ተስፋዬ ምን ነካት
Переглядів 17 тис.19 годин тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
እረ.ኡ.ኡ.ኡ ህፃን ባምላክ በእንጀራ አባቷ ተደ.ፍራ ተገ.ደለች ወላጆችም ህይ.ወ.ታ.ቸው አለ.ፈ
Переглядів 3,3 тис.День тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
መርካቶ ከእሳት አደ.ጋው ጀርባ የተሰማው አስደን.ጋጭ መረጃ ወንጀለኞቹ ተይዘዋል የአአ ፖሊስ መግለጫ ሰጠ
Переглядів 10 тис.14 днів тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ያሳዝናል መርካቶ የአመታት ልፋታቸው በደቂቃዎች የወደመ.ባቸው ወገኖቻችን አደጋ.ው እስከአሁን ቀጥሏል
Переглядів 2,4 тис.14 днів тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
አሁንም መርካቶ እየወ.ደመች ነው ምን ማድረግ ይቻላልየተላከው ኢሊኮፍተር መጨረሻ
Переглядів 8 тис.14 днів тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ጉድ ነው ተወዳጇ አርቲስት ብሩክታዊት የራ.ቁ.ት ቪዲዮ ወጣባት ለቤ/ያን ደብዳቤ ተላከ
Переглядів 2,8 тис.14 днів тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ኬብሮንን አትፈልጓት ገለ.ው ጥለዋታል ጎንደር እያነባች ነው
Переглядів 70314 днів тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ያሳዝናል ተወዳጇ አርቲስት ሄለን በድሉ እና ቤተሰቦቿ ለዓመታት የተፈፀመባቸው ግ.ፍ ወንጀ.ለኛው ይፈለጋል
Переглядів 16 тис.14 днів тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ሰበር ዜና ተወዳጇ ሊዲያ በሰርጓ ማግስት በባሏ ተገ.ደለች አ.አ ከመሸ መሬት አሁንም ተንቀጠቀጠ
Переглядів 6 тис.14 днів тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
አስደን.ጋጭ ዜና ሩታ በፍቅረኛዋ ክህንፃ ተወርውራ ሞተ.ች ከሞሞቷ በላይ የተሰማው አስደንጋጭ
Переглядів 8 тис.14 днів тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
271 ኦርቶዶክሳውያን መገደ.ላቸው ተሰማ ebs በድርጊቱ ተከሰሰ በግድ.ያው መግለጫ ተሰጠ
Переглядів 36 тис.21 день тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ዳኒ ሮያል እና አብርሽ ተጋ.ደሉ ለሀ.ጭ አቶድም ነግራኛለች ሚስቴን ይመልስልኝ
Переглядів 10 тис.21 день тому
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ሽማግሌ ልኮ ሸወደኝ ዶ/ር ትንሱ በስርግዋ ዋዜማ ፍቅረኛዋን በአሳ.ዛኝ ሁኔታ አጣ.ችው
Переглядів 39 тис.21 день тому
ሽማግሌ ልኮ ሸወደኝ ዶ/ር ትንሱ በስርግዋ ዋዜማ ፍቅረኛዋን በአሳ.ዛኝ ሁኔታ አጣ.ችው
መሬት ዛሬም ጨከነች አ.አ ውስጥ እህቶቻችህን ህይወታቸው አ.ለፈ በመሬት መንሸራተቱ ሰዎች ሞ.ቱ
Переглядів 3,6 тис.21 день тому
መሬት ዛሬም ጨከነች አ.አ ውስጥ እህቶቻችህን ህይወታቸው አ.ለፈ በመሬት መንሸራተቱ ሰዎች ሞ.ቱ
የሄቨን እናት እና አጎት ማግ.ጠዋል ያልታሰበው የአልጋ ቤት ቪዲዮ ወጣ ገዳ.ይዋ የላከው መልዕክት
Переглядів 10 тис.28 днів тому
የሄቨን እናት እና አጎት ማግ.ጠዋል ያልታሰበው የአልጋ ቤት ቪዲዮ ወጣ ገዳ.ይዋ የላከው መልዕክት
አይረሴው ምሽት አ.አ መሬት ከተንቀጠቀጠ በኋላ አስደንጋጭ ነገር ተፈጠረ ልንጠፋ ነው ቤት ስንመለስ ያየነው ያማል አስታዝ አቡበከር ሚስጥሩን ዘረገፉት
Переглядів 1,5 тис.28 днів тому
አይረሴው ምሽት አ.አ መሬት ከተንቀጠቀጠ በኋላ አስደንጋጭ ነገር ተፈጠረ ልንጠፋ ነው ቤት ስንመለስ ያየነው ያማል አስታዝ አቡበከር ሚስጥሩን ዘረገፉት
5 ባሎች አሏት የሄቨንን እናት ጉድ ስሙ ቧለቤቷ ሚስጥሩን ዘረገፈው
Переглядів 2,8 тис.28 днів тому
5 ባሎች አሏት የሄቨንን እናት ጉድ ስሙ ቧለቤቷ ሚስጥሩን ዘረገፈው
ያሳዝናል እናትም ተገደ.ለች ስለ ሄቨን እናት የተሰማው አስደ.ንጋጭ ዜና
Переглядів 2,3 тис.28 днів тому
ያሳዝናል እናትም ተገደ.ለች ስለ ሄቨን እናት የተሰማው አስደ.ንጋጭ ዜና
እንደፍየል አር.ዷት ነው የደረስነው ብርክቲን ባለማትረፋችን አዝነናል ቀድመው የደረሱ የሰፈሯ ሰዎች በእ.ንባ ተናገሩ
Переглядів 3,6 тис.Місяць тому
እንደፍየል አር.ዷት ነው የደረስነው ብርክቲን ባለማትረፋችን አዝነናል ቀድመው የደረሱ የሰፈሯ ሰዎች በእ.ንባ ተናገሩ
ሞዴል ብርክቲ በቧላ ታር.ዳ ተገደ.ለች ያሳዝናል አርቲስቷ ምን ገጠማት ህዝቡ ግልብጥ ብሎ ወጣ
Переглядів 24 тис.Місяць тому
ሞዴል ብርክቲ በቧላ ታር.ዳ ተገደ.ለች ያሳዝናል አርቲስቷ ምን ገጠማት ህዝቡ ግልብጥ ብሎ ወጣ
መሪር ሀዘ.ን ከ145 በላይ ኢትዮጵያውያን ባህር ውስጥ ሰመጡ ህዝቡ እያነባ
Переглядів 1,6 тис.Місяць тому
መሪር ሀዘ.ን ከ145 በላይ ኢትዮጵያውያን ባህር ውስጥ ሰመጡ ህዝቡ እያነባ
ይህን መስማት ያማ.ል ተወዳጇ መቅዲ የልጇን ሞ.ት ስትሰማ በድን.ጋጤ ህይ.ወቷ አለፈ የፓትሪያሊኩ መልዕክት
Переглядів 7 тис.Місяць тому
ይህን መስማት ያማ.ል ተወዳጇ መቅዲ የልጇን ሞ.ት ስትሰማ በድን.ጋጤ ህይ.ወቷ አለፈ የፓትሪያሊኩ መልዕክት
ሰበር አሳዛኝ ዜና 45 ሰዎች ሞተ.ዋል የአ.አ ልጆች ህይወ.ታቸው አለፈ ግሽን ማረያም ሲጓዙ ነበር
Переглядів 12 тис.Місяць тому
ሰበር አሳዛኝ ዜና 45 ሰዎች ሞተ.ዋል የአ.አ ልጆች ህይወ.ታቸው አለፈ ግሽን ማረያም ሲጓዙ ነበር
አ.አ እያነባች ነው የ10 ዓመቷ ህፃን ላይ የተፈፀመው ዘግ.ናኝ ድርጊት እናት አልቻለችም
Переглядів 3,3 тис.Місяць тому
አ.አ እያነባች ነው የ10 ዓመቷ ህፃን ላይ የተፈፀመው ዘግ.ናኝ ድርጊት እናት አልቻለችም
ተወዳጁ አርቲስት ሚስጥረሩን ዘረገፈው በሰርጋቸው ቀን የሚ.ስቱን ሆድ እቃ ዘር.ግፎ ገደላት ኮማንደሩ በእንባ ተናገሩ
Переглядів 2,8 тис.Місяць тому
ተወዳጁ አርቲስት ሚስጥረሩን ዘረገፈው በሰርጋቸው ቀን የሚ.ስቱን ሆድ እቃ ዘር.ግፎ ገደላት ኮማንደሩ በእንባ ተናገሩ
በበዓል ቀን መ.ርዶ ካህኑን እና 5 ቤተሰቦቹም ተገ.ደሉ ዶ/ር አብይ መልዕክት አስተላለፉ
Переглядів 14 тис.Місяць тому
በበዓል ቀን መ.ርዶ ካህኑን እና 5 ቤተሰቦቹም ተገ.ደሉ ዶ/ር አብይ መልዕክት አስተላለፉ
ሚስቱ ድንግል ስላሎነች በሰርጋቸውቀን በባሏ ተገደ.ለች ሌላ 28 ሰዎች ሞተ.ዋል
Переглядів 4,3 тис.Місяць тому
ሚስቱ ድንግል ስላሎነች በሰርጋቸውቀን በባሏ ተገደ.ለች ሌላ 28 ሰዎች ሞተ.ዋል