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The Last : Naruto The Movie [ザ・ラスト ナルト・ザ・ムービー] - Naruto and Hinata OST
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Naruto & Hinata - Memories OST : Naruto Shippuden
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  • @-kirito-steam26
    @-kirito-steam26 Місяць тому


  • @MCS-58
    @MCS-58 2 місяці тому


    @KRYSHOUU 3 місяці тому

    Ma man deserves that end 😔 he suffered a lot , now he need to rest and enjoy his new life with his new family 🤍

  • @lglg1790
    @lglg1790 3 місяці тому


  • @isabelleisa1310
    @isabelleisa1310 4 місяці тому

    I didn't understand why he was so loved and why all the young people were fans of him from a different generation... We didn't have the same heroes, I read his story and I saw the series as well as the animations, despite the curse that was given to him as a receptacle to save a whole world and not just his village. He never sought revenge or even to hate, that curse he made it force until he became a member of the family.

  • @mavericksteveon
    @mavericksteveon 4 місяці тому

    what the song name in spotify?

  • @divinekash.23
    @divinekash.23 5 місяців тому

    Princesse hinata i love you forever 🤍🤍🤍🤍☝🏽🔥

  • @vinciblureclosado7502
    @vinciblureclosado7502 5 місяців тому

    What song title

    • @PratibhaDiwan-s6d
      @PratibhaDiwan-s6d 3 місяці тому

      Memories ost of Naruto shippudden ❤❤or gentle hands

  • @NarutoFilm-qc4ef
    @NarutoFilm-qc4ef 5 місяців тому

    I didn't know that this simple video was going to have a little success. Thanks everyone!! 😁GO for 100,000 views!!

  • @AryabhDubey
    @AryabhDubey 5 місяців тому

    Best moments :- 1:07 2:20

  • @NirmanTamang
    @NirmanTamang 6 місяців тому

    The best naruto movie

  • @sergiovector1298
    @sergiovector1298 6 місяців тому

    Hoje é dia 11/06/2024 Estou escutando esse música perto do fogo de lenha meu avô vai ficar bom 😊

  • @GerardoAntonioMorilloJara
    @GerardoAntonioMorilloJara 6 місяців тому

    Realmente el destino lo unión por todo lo que pasaron para llegar ese punto

  • @danielortizsanchez1398
    @danielortizsanchez1398 6 місяців тому

    1:21 2:27

  • @abbiemaddison9761
    @abbiemaddison9761 6 місяців тому

    I’ll be walking down the aisle with this song

  • @Numerodepweblan01
    @Numerodepweblan01 6 місяців тому

    Gracias por dejar sus avances ala jente de lo lindo de sus vidas

  • @erwintv5
    @erwintv5 7 місяців тому

    Aki lo que también alguna vez se sintieromn frustrado pero no te importo de lo que los demás dijeran.!

  • @rekhamalini
    @rekhamalini 7 місяців тому

    Its so cool

  • @ChichipOtaku
    @ChichipOtaku 7 місяців тому

    Cómo se llama la canción?

  • @notgadot
    @notgadot 7 місяців тому

    💩💩🐽boruto is hinatarash son😂 what do you expect?Lol

  • @notgadot
    @notgadot 7 місяців тому

    Everybody says they want a girlfriend like hinata but in reality, quiet and shy girls are ignored and disliked.. lol

    • @Mizraab2912
      @Mizraab2912 7 місяців тому

      Nope...I married one.

    • @notgadot
      @notgadot 7 місяців тому

      @@Mizraab2912 Eeww.....👙

    • @Mizraab2912
      @Mizraab2912 7 місяців тому

      @@notgadot wdym??

    • @notgadot
      @notgadot 7 місяців тому

      @@Mizraab2912 Uzelezz trazh bad mum boring wife=hinatard

    • @notgadot
      @notgadot 7 місяців тому

      @@Mizraab2912 Garbage wife Rubbish mum=hinatrazzhh

  • @Giratina575
    @Giratina575 8 місяців тому

    The moment our favorite knucklehead ninja became a man

  • @irvinmorales5641
    @irvinmorales5641 8 місяців тому

    Guys i have found my hinata. A christian one, who fell in love with the naruto anime, as well as with worshipping God. She also likes to play videogames with me. I work a lot so i dont have a lot of time to play vg, we are getting marry in 2 months and she wants this to be played in our wedd

    • @truthovertea
      @truthovertea 8 місяців тому

      Brother!!! I found an epic Christian Hinata too! And we wed tomorrow! I’m also using this song!

      @GTACHOCOLATE 7 місяців тому

      ​@@truthoverteahow was your wedding brother 💝

    • @notgadot
      @notgadot 7 місяців тому


    • @Dorsusek
      @Dorsusek 7 місяців тому

      I also have a thought, that I want this song on my wedding day, but i still havent found my other half. Good luck on your way!

    • @irvinmorales5641
      @irvinmorales5641 6 місяців тому

      You will brother, you will​@@Dorsusek

  • @Days-ru8jh
    @Days-ru8jh 8 місяців тому

    Genuinely so peak, so beautiful. Rewatched naruto for the first time in years. Too much to say.

    • @notgadot
      @notgadot 7 місяців тому

      Nah. Worst ending. Embarassing. Naruto became twilight saga.

    • @irvinmorales5641
      @irvinmorales5641 6 місяців тому

      ​@notgadot na it was amazing. The war arc was the horrendous one. But they gave him a good ending. Boruto ruined it with konohamaru having to be naruto. At least better then one piece and it's repetitive arcs having to wait 600 episodes to get good

  • @PratibhaDiwan-s6d
    @PratibhaDiwan-s6d 8 місяців тому

    Every men should get hinata and every women get Naruto that God has send for them ...❤❤😊😊 Edit . If u are indians then you'll see them as lord Ram and mata seeta 😊😊❤❤...

  • @josejaimemacalupufernandez
    @josejaimemacalupufernandez 10 місяців тому


  • @CodyWilliams-d6f
    @CodyWilliams-d6f 11 місяців тому

    When you really think about it... you realize that Naruto and Hinata are meant to be together.

  • @Sk04320
    @Sk04320 11 місяців тому


  • @cirylgane7920
    @cirylgane7920 Рік тому

    I wish every man will find his Hinata that God send for him to this world

    • @RAMKUMAR-lq2uy
      @RAMKUMAR-lq2uy 10 місяців тому

      Search your hinata my wishes tooo

    • @andresespana5985
      @andresespana5985 8 місяців тому

      I found her 🎉

    • @irvinmorales5641
      @irvinmorales5641 8 місяців тому

      I have found mine,such an amazing, christian,hardworking,naruto lover,gamer woman

    • @notgadot
      @notgadot 7 місяців тому

      Hinata is oogly 💩

    • @irvinmorales5641
      @irvinmorales5641 7 місяців тому

      @@notgadot ino? Ino ain't shi

  • @CodyWilliams-d6f
    @CodyWilliams-d6f Рік тому

    Naruto x Hinata ❤

  • @Tobecont2005
    @Tobecont2005 Рік тому

    Hinata always dreamed of marrying the man she loves, her dream finally came true.

  • @axelmeunier6970
    @axelmeunier6970 Рік тому

    Great video. This scene always made me cry, especially with this music.