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Shanghai 4K POV - Night Walk of Tianzifang - China 上海田子坊夜间漫步(2020)
Tianzifang is a touristic arts and crafts enclave that has developed from a renovated traditional residential area in the French Concession area of Shanghai. It is now home to boutique shops, bars and restaurants.
The district comprises a neighborhood of labyrinthine alleyways off Taikang Road, a short street which is today mostly known only for Tianzi Fang. Tianzi Fang is known for small craft stores, coffee shops, trendy art studios and narrow alleys. It has become a popular tourist destination in Shanghai, and an example of preservation of local Shikumen architecture. It is sometimes compared to Xintiandi, though in the latter precinct most of the houses were demolished and rebuilt, rather than renovated.
Tianzi Fang is largely hidden from the neighbouring streets, as it grew from the inside of the block outward, although there are now shops on Taikang Road itself. Historically Lane #248 was a key entrance that, in order to gain access to the commercially developed area, required walking about 50m through whilst be surrounded by local residents' life, including bicycles, hanging laundry, etc. until finally emerging in the 'new' area.
Tianzi fang is located in one of the most expensive areas in Shanghai. It has become a major tourist attraction and has more than 200 diverse small businesses such as cafes, bars, restaurants, art galleries, craft stores, design houses and studios, and even French bistros. It is adjacent to the SML center which is among the largest shopping malls in Shanghai upon completion. It is also near the Shanghai Metro Line 9's Dapuqiao Station which is immediately to the south.
Despite all the businesses selling trendy craft and some foreign goods, the area does not have the look of having been overly beautified - electricity cables are still strung overhead, and air conditioning units are obvious on the outside of the buildings. The district is distinctly different from Xintiandi, another Shikumen redevelopment in central Shanghai further to the northeast, in that it has managed to preserve its residential feel, adding to its appeal.
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Wuhan 4K POV - Hankou Jiangtan - Hubei - China 武汉汉口江滩夜景
Переглядів 4,3 тис.3 роки тому
汉口江滩,位于湖北省武汉市江岸区,面积160万平方米,与沿江大道相邻,与武昌黄鹤楼景区相望,与长江百舸争流相映,构成武汉市中心区独具魅力的景观中心,是武汉市著名的风景游览胜地。 Song: Fredji - Blue Sky (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link:
Rongcheng 4K POV - Chengshan National Scenic Area - Scenic Drive - Weihai - Shandong 成山头国家级风景名胜区
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成山头,又称“天尽头”,位于山东省威海市荣成市成山镇,因地处成山山脉最东端而得名。成山头三面环海,一面接陆,距南北国际主航道仅5海里,与韩国隔海相望,仅距94海里。 成山头是最早看见海上日出的地方,自古就被誉为“太阳启升的地方”,春秋时称“朝舞”,有“中国的好望角” 之称。 成山头海拔高度为200米,东西宽1.5公里,南北长2公里,占地面积2.5平方公里。群峰苍翠连绵,大海壮阔辽远,是理想的旅游胜地。 1988年被国务院批准为国家级风景名胜区,2002年10月又被国家旅游局评定为AAAA级旅游区 ,2004年由于地处边陲风景宜人入选国家地理名片2005年被《中国国家地理》评为“中国最美的八大海岸”之一,与海南三亚的亚龙湾、台湾基隆的野柳一起名列三甲;2011年被国务院批准为首批国家级海洋公园。 据《史记》记载,成山头古时是日神所居之地。公元前219年、210年 秦始皇曾2次驾临此地,...
Chongqing 4K POV - Guanyinqiao - China 重庆网红打卡地观音桥步行街
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#重庆 #ChongQing #观音桥 观音桥步行街地处重庆市江北区,是中国著名商业街,西南地区规模最大、最宽敞、绿化率最高达40%的步行街,城市景观公共空间面积达20万平方米步行街由占地3万平方米的商业建筑及一条长400米的商业步行街组成。北城天街购物广场运用SHOPPING MALL国际商业流行理念,集购物、休闲、餐饮、娱乐于一体,拥有两家主力百货店,两家大型超市,三个休闲景观广场,一个多厅电影城及拥有数百泊车位的大型停车场,包容百货、超市、专卖店、大卖场等各种商业形态,吸纳全市消费力,是目前重庆规模最大,业态最丰的购物广场。建筑面积约为14万平方米,集购物、娱乐、休闲、餐饮为一体的时尚生活购物中心,拥有1家大型超市、3个五星级电影院(UME国际影城(江北店)、重庆万达电影城(江北店)、华谊兄弟电影院(金源不夜城店))、1个专业体育用品连锁卖场、2家主力百货店、3个休闲景观广场、...
Beijing 4K POV - around BUAA (Beihang University) - Beijing - China 环绕北京航空航天大学夜景
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#BUAA #BeiHang #北航 北航,我的母校,我的大学,这里是我人生最美好的四年时光度过的地方。 Beihang University , previously known as Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, abbreviated as BUAA or Beihang , is a major public research university located in Haidian District, Beijing, China, emphasizing engineering, technology, and the hard sciences. Beihang University is designated as an eminent key university ( literally a...
Shanghai 4K POV - Night Walk around Jing’an - China 中国上海静安夜间漫步(2020)
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据静安寺内的赤乌碑记载,静安寺由胡僧康僧会始建于三国时东吴大帝孙权赤乌十年(247年),原名沪渎重元(玄)寺,位于吴淞江北岸,距今已有1700多年的历史。 唐朝时,一度改名永泰禅院。北宋太宗大中祥符元年(1008年),方改名静安寺。南宋嘉定九年(1216年)时,住持仲依因为原址寺基受江水冲刷而不稳固,将寺迁至今址。到元朝时,香火大盛。 寺内原有八处名胜,被命名为静安八景(赤乌碑、陈朝桧、讲经台、虾子潭、涌泉、绿云洞、沪读垒、芦子渡),名噪一时,其中山门前的涌泉,更被誉为“天下第六泉”。“静安八景”历代文人多有题咏,元末有诗僧寿宁辑《静安八咏集》。明太祖洪武二年(1369年),静安寺铸铜钟一枚,至今犹存,为镇寺之宝。 1860年太平天国军队进攻到上海西郊,静安寺毁于战火。仅存的一座殿宇数年后也倒塌,致使佛像露天安放,戴笠披蓑,受雨淋日晒。1880年,在胡雪岩等人的资助下,静安寺得以重建...
Chengdu 4K POV - Night Walk - Sichuang - China 中国四川成都夜间漫步视频/前面展望
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#Chengdu #Sichuan #Panda Chengdu , alternatively romanized as Chengtu, is a sub-provincial city which serves as the capital of the Chinese province of Sichuan. It is one of the three most-populous cities in Western China, the other two being Chongqing and Xi'an. As of 2014, the administrative area housed 14,427,500 inhabitants, the largest in Sichuan, with an urban population of 10,152,632. At ...
Lanzhou 4K POV - Downtown Walk - Gansu - China 中国甘肃兰州漫步视频/前面展望
Переглядів 25 тис.4 роки тому
Lanzhou (Chinese: 兰州) is the capital and largest city of Gansu Province in Northwest China. Located on the banks of the Yellow River, it is a key regional transportation hub, connecting areas further west by rail to the eastern half of the country. Historically, it has been a major link on the Northern Silk Road and it stands to become a major hub on the New Eurasian Land Bridge. The city is al...
Nanjing 4K POV - Laomen East Pedestrian Street - Jiangsu - China 江苏省南京市老门东第一人称视角漫步(2020)
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老门东位于南京市秦淮区中华门以东,因地处南京京城南门(即中华门)以东,故称“门东”,与老门西相对,是南京夫子庙秦淮风光带的重要组成部分。门东是南京传统民居聚集地,自古就是江南商贾云集、人文荟萃、世家大族居住之地。门东是个广泛的概念,中华门以东均为门东,如今的老门东历史文化街区是狭义的门东概念。 老门东一带早在三国时期,此处就有民居聚落出现。明朝中华门与内秦淮河沿线成为城市的经济中心,这里成为重要的商贸和手工业的集散地,呈现一派繁华的景象。清末以后,老门东、老门西等老城南地区逐渐成为以居住功能为主的区域,集中体现了南京老城南传统民居的风貌。 老门东历史文化街区北起长乐路、南抵明城墙、东起江宁路,西到中华门城堡段的内秦淮河。总占地面积约70万平方米,历史上一直是夫子庙的核心功能区域之一。开设金陵刻经、南京白局,以及德云社、手制风筝、布画、竹刻、剪纸、提线木偶一类民俗工艺,推出多种南京地区...
Wuhan 4K POV - Downtown Night Drive - Hubei - China 湖北武汉城市夜景
Переглядів 11 тис.4 роки тому
一切都已恢复正常的武汉夜景。 武汉加油!中国加油! 欢迎大家来武汉做客。 Music by A Himitsu ( Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported- CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music released by Argofox Music promoted by Audio Library
Wuhan 4K POV - From Hust to Cug - Hubei - China 湖北武汉从华科到地大
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一切都已恢复正常的武汉夜景。 武汉加油!中国加油!
Beijing 4K POV - Chengfu Road - Beijing - China 北京海淀区成府路夜景
Переглядів 8 тис.4 роки тому
成府路,西起北京大学东门,东到原北京钢铁学院,全段近四公里,东西两端分别与中关村北大街和学院路交汇。 由于成府路内六十年代初到七十年代末建有北京八大学院,即北京地质学院、北京矿业学院、北京钢铁工业学院、北京航空学院、北京石油学院、北京农业机械化学院、北京林学院和北京医学院(中国地质大学、北京航空航天大学、中国矿业大学、北京林业大学、北京大学医学部、北京科技大学、中国石油大学、中国农业大学)。因此,成府路东口被人们称为"八门儿" 。 成府路,以海淀区中部的成亲王府而得名。成府,东起清华南路,西至北京大学东墙,北临清华西路,南至成府路。为乾隆十一子成亲王爱新觉罗·永瑆民国时期的府邸。 成府之北、清华西路北是圆明园,是清王室的夏宫。故此处亦多达官贵人的园林,作为随扈皇上的休憩之所。二十世纪八十年代之前此处多旧宅园,多老旧平房,间有百年以上的国槐与红柏。 原成府的胡同小巷颇多,主要有:书铺胡...
Guilin 4K POV - Downtown Walk - Guangxi - China 中国广西桂林中漫步视频/前面展望
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桂林,简称桂,是世界著名风景游览城市、万年智慧圣地,是国务院批复确定的中国对外开放国际旅游城市、全国旅游创新发展先行区和国际旅游综合交通枢纽,截至2019年,全市下辖6区10县、代管1个县级市、总面积2.78万平方公里,建成区面积162平方千米,常住人口530余万,城镇人口247.34万人,城镇化率55%。 桂林地处中国华南,湘桂走廊南端,是中央军委桂林联勤保障中心驻地、国家可持续发展议程创新示范区、 中国旅游业态风向标,联合国世界旅游组织/亚太旅游协会旅游趋势与展望国际论坛永久举办地,是泛珠江三角洲经济区与东盟自由贸易区战略交汇的重要节点城市。 桂林是首批国家历史文化名城,广西历史上最早的文化教育中心,1201年,著名诗人王正功赋诗“桂林山水甲天下”。拥有世界自然遗产桂林山水、世界灌溉遗产灵渠,甑皮岩是桂林向世界展现中华民族“万年智慧”的历史文化名片,甑皮岩发现的陶雏器填补世界陶器...
Shanghai 4K POV - North-South Elevated Road - China 中国上海南北高架路驾驶视频前面展望
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North-South Elevated Road is an elevated expressway in the city of Shanghai. It begins to the south at Jiyang Road in Pudong New Area, crosses the Huangpu River into Puxi using the Lupu Bridge, and then traverses through Puxi to the Outer Ring Expressway in Baoshan District. Construction on the first phase of the expressway, from the Lupu Bridge to Liuying Road started on 25 October 1993 and wa...
Shandong 4K POV - G18 Rongwu Expressway - China 山东荣乌高速行车视频前面展望(2019)
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Beijing 4K POV - Night Walk around Tian’anmen Square - Beijing - China 北京从天安门到人民大会堂漫步夜景
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Beijing 4K POV - Night Walk around Tian’anmen Square - Beijing - China 北京从天安门到人民大会堂漫步夜景
Guilin 4K POV - Walk on Zhongshan Middle Road - Guangxi - China 中国广西桂林中山中路漫步视频/前面展望
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Guilin 4K POV - Walk on Zhongshan Middle Road - Guangxi - China 中国广西桂林中山中路漫步视频/前面展望
Shenyang 4K POV - Night Walk on Zhongshan Road - Liaoning - China 中国辽宁沈阳中山路漫步视频/前面展望
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Shenyang 4K POV - Night Walk on Zhongshan Road - Liaoning - China 中国辽宁沈阳中山路漫步视频/前面展望
Sanya 4K POV - A Booming City - Hainan - China 中国海南省三亚市市区行车视频/前面展望
Переглядів 6 тис.4 роки тому
Sanya 4K POV - A Booming City - Hainan - China 中国海南省三亚市市区行车视频/前面展望
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 6
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Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 6
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 5
Переглядів 2354 роки тому
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 5
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 4
Переглядів 2334 роки тому
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 4
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 3
Переглядів 2054 роки тому
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 3
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 2
Переглядів 2414 роки тому
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 2
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 1
Переглядів 2384 роки тому
Up in the air - On the flight NS8029 Beijing to Guilin 1
On the Rivival EMU to Daxing Airport(PKX) - Part 3
Переглядів 8154 роки тому
On the Rivival EMU to Daxing Airport(PKX) - Part 3
On the Rivival EMU to Daxing Airport(PKX) - Part 2
Переглядів 6634 роки тому
On the Rivival EMU to Daxing Airport(PKX) - Part 2
On the Rivival EMU to Daxing Airport(PKX) - Part 1
Переглядів 1 тис.4 роки тому
On the Rivival EMU to Daxing Airport(PKX) - Part 1
Beijing 4K POV - Driving Downtown - China 中国北京开车漫游视频前面展望(2020)
Переглядів 11 тис.4 роки тому
Beijing 4K POV - Driving Downtown - China 中国北京开车漫游视频前面展望(2020)
Taiyuan 4K POV - A City with a Long History - Shanxi - China 中国山西太原市行车视频前面展望(2020)
Переглядів 10 тис.4 роки тому
Taiyuan 4K POV - A City with a Long History - Shanxi - China 中国山西太原市行车视频前面展望(2020)


  • @ScissorN
    @ScissorN 28 днів тому

    Does China have asylum seekers or uncontrolled immigration?

  • @محمدالمصطفىالطيب-ر5ط

    مدينة أديس أبابا إثيوبيا 🇪🇹

  • @Karimomar1900
    @Karimomar1900 Місяць тому

    شوفو انظرو يا جزائريين

  • @farazdanish7612
    @farazdanish7612 Місяць тому

    This is the most number of ring roads i have seen in my entire life😂

  • @Wooster77
    @Wooster77 Місяць тому

    I like that they drive on the correct side of the road, unlike UK.

  • @rock5989
    @rock5989 3 місяці тому

    Being an Indian i admire Chinese people's hardwork, resilience and their loyalty towards their own country, culture and language. Respect.

  • @yashpaldhingra6187
    @yashpaldhingra6187 5 місяців тому


  • @Savchenkov1
    @Savchenkov1 5 місяців тому

    Lived on Xinggong St. for four years, all was good until 2019 when I realised my gated community could become a prison. Now I know how an animal in a zoo feels. Due to that inhuman treatment, I shall NEVER go back to China.

  • @LouAntonioGiordano
    @LouAntonioGiordano 5 місяців тому

    还记着新修的学院路00年开通的时候。当时路上都没车 我就在北航附近长大的

  • @jiangniu8780
    @jiangniu8780 6 місяців тому


  • @caughtinprovidence7197
    @caughtinprovidence7197 6 місяців тому

    l兰州去年去过,这个城市讲真还是很落后的 ,😂 路上公交车还是油车 😂

  • @vat513
    @vat513 7 місяців тому

    Just a average city in China. Good day.

    @SHGAMINGCHANNEL-qj6tu 7 місяців тому


  • @mohamedsaleh2258
    @mohamedsaleh2258 7 місяців тому

    Believe it, as if I was the one walking in the streets of Shanghai and not you. Thank you very much because you made me go through an experience that I had not tried before you.

  • @mohamedsaleh2258
    @mohamedsaleh2258 7 місяців тому

    My brother, I do not know how to express my admiration. You are, in my view, number one. I am from Yemen and my circumstances are difficult in Yemen. I have always dreamed of my life’s dream to visit the world. You have fulfilled my dreams and made me visit the cities that I have always dreamed of visiting. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

  • @mohamedsaleh2258
    @mohamedsaleh2258 7 місяців тому

    Switzerland is very beautiful. Please, please, please, post clips visiting the cities of Switzerland, they are extremely beautiful.

  • @mohamedsaleh2258
    @mohamedsaleh2258 7 місяців тому

    You are the best. Thanks to you, you made me visit places I had never visited in my entire life.

  • @بدرالراشد-م7ق
    @بدرالراشد-م7ق 8 місяців тому


  • @SgGamers97
    @SgGamers97 9 місяців тому

    I saw this video almost one year ago for the first time. I had never been to china before and I was a bit afraid and insecure about my life in this city. Turned out I had some of the most wonderful months of my life. I'm back in Italy rn, but a piece of my heart will always remain in Lanzhou. Thank you for being as amazing as you are❤

    • @heisernsu
      @heisernsu 7 місяців тому

      Splendid; I am Chinese born in the USA with roots in Lanzhou, Ive travelled there multiple times. I hope the visit was pleasant! Did you do or see anything cool there?

    • @SgGamers97
      @SgGamers97 7 місяців тому

      @@heisernsu Some of the best memories I've built are about the 百塔山 and the 兰山. I'd give everything just to be once again on the top of the 兰山 sipping tea at that AMAZING shop. I also travelled to xi'an and climbed the 华山, simply amazing

    • @heisernsu
      @heisernsu 7 місяців тому

      @@SgGamers97 😄👍 Xi'an is also beautiful

  • @emaadalooo1726
    @emaadalooo1726 9 місяців тому

    صوت ليست وضح

  • @user-RGF0611
    @user-RGF0611 9 місяців тому

    荣乌高速 我走过涞源到浑源的😊

  • @nokariconnection
    @nokariconnection 9 місяців тому

    What is the camera?

  • @skinnyman1102
    @skinnyman1102 11 місяців тому


  • @srinivasarka5077
    @srinivasarka5077 Рік тому

    Very nice

  • @americaneagle76
    @americaneagle76 Рік тому


  • @IbrahimSalifou-f1q
    @IbrahimSalifou-f1q Рік тому


  • @sombat_
    @sombat_ Рік тому

    Zhou Tia kee

  • @sombat_
    @sombat_ Рік тому


  • @mamatapanigrahi9998
    @mamatapanigrahi9998 Рік тому

    though i am an Indian but inspite of hatred inside i am totally loving this country. though there is eneminity between us but i don't want to hate this beautiful country Love from India

  • @jin913x
    @jin913x Рік тому


  • @子名美能
    @子名美能 Рік тому


  • @userhome000
    @userhome000 Рік тому


  • @beakhyungson4710
    @beakhyungson4710 Рік тому

    In India there is heatwave in delhi

  • @beakhyungson4710
    @beakhyungson4710 Рік тому

    This is delhi not beijing

  • @MisterEmpadagamer
    @MisterEmpadagamer Рік тому

    Amazing country ! One day i go visit, love from Brazil 🇧🇷

    @UNIKLIKUNI Рік тому


    @UNIKLIKUNI Рік тому


  • @sainbell7723
    @sainbell7723 Рік тому

    I love China I love north Korea. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

  • @sainbell7723
    @sainbell7723 Рік тому

    I love chini developing I love chini population I love chini people I love China I love north Korea. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

  • @edwardsnowden8821
    @edwardsnowden8821 Рік тому

    how far is it from Lanzhou to xiahe

  • @kasturideraman7983
    @kasturideraman7983 Рік тому

    Muslims City

  • @rajeshgajbhiye1048
    @rajeshgajbhiye1048 Рік тому

    So quite, I love it!

  • @zhegemingzigouchang
    @zhegemingzigouchang Рік тому


  • @duleekalakshani3874
    @duleekalakshani3874 Рік тому

    Can I know which month Beijing City snowing..

  • @caulfield2106
    @caulfield2106 Рік тому

    Amazing highways I applaud 👏 how advanced your country is 👌. However why are they going so slow in the “Highway” you’re supposed to be going at high speed, but it looks like you’re like 40kph. It is such a waste for such amazing infrastructure. 🤔

    • @jianshu7022
      @jianshu7022 Рік тому

      because there are tons of speed camera out there,and typical speed limit in Chinese city highway is between 60 to 80kph😢

    • @jianshu7022
      @jianshu7022 Рік тому

      and I guess this guy just want to drive slowly to see the view😂

  • @bernd32
    @bernd32 Рік тому

    Is there no penalty in China for running a red light? 4:12

  • @5smix653
    @5smix653 Рік тому

    Excellent nice city

  • @SgGamers97
    @SgGamers97 Рік тому

    Is it common for people in Lanzhou to meet foreigners? I will be spending 5 months there and I'm scared people won't understand me

    • @fukab25
      @fukab25 Рік тому


    • @SgGamers97
      @SgGamers97 Рік тому

      @@fukab25 我发现了😭

  • @古灯
    @古灯 Рік тому


  • @alexbrandonlee
    @alexbrandonlee Рік тому
