Daddy Sage
Daddy Sage
  • 116
  • 26 216
Rejsetip30F Fra Gatlinburg til Ferguso, NC og udflugter herfra.
I denne video færdiggør jeg min video billededagbog fra sommerturen i 2022. Af helbredsmæssige grunde har det taget halvandet år at blive færdig hvilket jeg beklager.Serien består af disse videoer ud over denne:
Rejsetip 30
Rejsetip 30A
Rejsetip 30B
Rejsetip 30C
Rejsetip 30D
Rejsetip 30E
Переглядів: 23


Переглядів 219 місяців тому
Dette rejsetip bringer os fra Bonham i Texas til Lexingtoni Kentucky og videre til Gatlingburg i Tennesse med en udflugt til Great Smoku Moutains National Park
Rejsetip30D- Santa Fe og omegn og videre til Elk City, Oklahoma og Bonham, Texas
Переглядів 349 місяців тому
I denne video tager jeg en (forgæves) tur i Santa Fes omegn, ser på byen og fortsætter videre mod Elk City, Oklahoma og og Bonham, Texas., Desværre er der gået 7 måneder siden sidste opdatering, hvilket skyldes en rygskade, som har forhindret mig i at sidde ved min pc. Den er nu bedret, så med lidt held, går der ikke så længe inden næste opdatering.
En kort opdatering på min helbredssituation
Переглядів 16Рік тому
En kort opdatering på min helbredssituation
Rejsetip30C. Fra Gillette via Green River, Denver, Dodge City til Santa Fe
Переглядів 33Рік тому
Endnu engang en længere tur over flere dage med indlagte ændringer i forhold til planen. Vi blev enb dag længere i Green River og tog en udflugt til Flaming Gorge. Dagenb efter kørte vi mod syd i stedet for mod øst, gennem øde områder i Wyoming og Colorado til Riffle, hvor vi mødte I-70, som vi tog mod øst og kom derfor til Denver vest fra i stedet for nord fra. Så indlagde vi lige en omvej ove...
Rejsetip30B - Fra Green Bay, Wi til Gillette, Wy ad diverse omveje
Переглядів 25Рік тому
I denne video fortæller jeg om de første større ændringer i forhold til plane, som kan ses i Rejsetip 30. Ture tager os fra Geen Bay, Wi til Naubinway. Mi og tilbage igen. Derfra til St. Cloud, Mn og videre via Bismarck, Nd til Gillette i Wyoming, i alt en tur på knap 2.600km, men selvfølgelig kørt over flere dage. De første dage:
Rejsetip 30A- De førfste dage af turen 2022
Переглядів 24Рік тому
Dette er den første opfølgningsvideo på Rejsetip 30. som handlede om planlægningen af vores Roadtrip i sommeren 2022 - og den første lille afvigelse fra planen. Turen her går over Island til Chicago; herfra videre til Walker og Independence i Iowa iog videre til Green Bay i Wisconsin.
Rejsetip30 - Planlægning af Roadtrip 2022
Переглядів 65Рік тому
I denne video fortæller jeg kort om vores planlægning af det road trip jeg var på med min søn i juli og august 2022. Et roadtrip som på de 13-500 km, vi kørte, tog os gennem 17 stater. - og gik fra Chicago af diverse omveje til Virginia,
Rejsetip 29: California State Route 1 fra Leggett til Golden Gate Bridge
Переглядів 131Рік тому
I denne video ser jeg nærmere på den nordlige del af den berømte hovedvej, California State Route 1. De fleste turister. der besøger vejen, kører på den sydlige del af denne, fra San Francisco eller evt. Monterey til Los Angeles gennem Big Sur, men her er det altså den nordlige - også ganske spændende del af vejen, det handler om. Videoen starter dog noget nord for Leggett - i byen Eureka.
Rejsetip 28: Flaming Gorge, Wyoming
Переглядів 80Рік тому
Så er jeg langt om længe tilbage. Der gået over halvandet år siden mit sidste rejsetip. Jeg har desværre været optaget af andre ting, hvilket jeg beklager, men nu prøver jeg igen. Både med rejsetip, men også andre videoer. Dette rejsetip, nummer 28 i rækken, bringer mig (og seerne) til Flam ing Gorge, en kløft, hvor Green River løber. Kløften strækker sig fra dety sydøstlige Wyoming til det nor...
A visit to places connected to the Tom Dooley Case
Переглядів 4422 роки тому
This is my first video on the channel in 10 months due to the pandemic but hopfully I will be able to post more regularly from now on. In a video from some years ago, I took a trip through Tom Dooley land recording with my dashboard cam. In this video I didn't make any stops alone the way, or at least I didn't leave the car. In this video I make up for thar. I do not use a dash board cam, but d...
Rejsetip 27: St. Louis, Missouri
Переглядів 993 роки тому
I dette rejsetip ser jerg på St. Louis i Missouri, som trods min begrænsede interesse i storbyer, faktisk er et besøg værd.
USA Rejsetip 26: Kirkegårde og gravsteder i USA
Переглядів 773 роки тому
I denne video ser jeg på kirkegårde og gravsteder i USA fra øst til vest og lidt ind i mellem. I modsætning til tidligere rejsetip, er kirkegårdene det eneste tema denne gang. Artiklen om Frances "Frankie" Silver og mordet på Charlie Silver kan ses her
Rejsetip 25: New England og New York
Переглядів 733 роки тому
I denne rejsetipvideo besøget jeg New York - byen ikke staten og New England, ikke mindst Maine, men med nogle få billder fra Connecticut, Massachusetts (Boston) Rhode Island, New Hampshire og Vermont.
Rejsetip 24 - Et besøg i det nordøstlige Texas.
Переглядів 923 роки тому
Jeg har i denne video eksperimenters med at indsætte tidsangivelse her i kommentarene. Hvis det virker, kan du springe mellem de tre byer, som jeg har lagt hovedvægten på. 1:50 Sherman 6:11 Bonham 14:34 Paris I dette rejsetips fokuserer jeg på et område i det nordøstlige Texas omkring byerne Sherman, Bonham og Paris. Dette er nok ikke et område, som er bassis for et længere ophold, med mindre m...
Rejsetip 23 - På tværs af USA fra Seattle til New York med enkelte omveje.
Переглядів 1373 роки тому
Rejsetip 23 - På tværs af USA fra Seattle til New York med enkelte omveje.
USA Rejsetip 22: Det vestlige North Carolina VI
Переглядів 1094 роки тому
USA Rejsetip 22: Det vestlige North Carolina VI
USA Rejsetip 21 - Det vestlige North Carolina V
Переглядів 644 роки тому
USA Rejsetip 21 - Det vestlige North Carolina V
Rejsetip 20: Det vestlige North Carolina IV: Iredell County
Переглядів 404 роки тому
Rejsetip 20: Det vestlige North Carolina IV: Iredell County
Rejsetip19: Det vestlige North Carolina 3 - Wilkes County
Переглядів 664 роки тому
Rejsetip19: Det vestlige North Carolina 3 - Wilkes County
Rejsetip18 - Det vestlige North Carolina 2 - Caldwell County
Переглядів 354 роки тому
Rejsetip18 - Det vestlige North Carolina 2 - Caldwell County
Rejsetip 17: Det vestlige North Carolina 1 - Swain County
Переглядів 1414 роки тому
Rejsetip 17: Det vestlige North Carolina 1 - Swain County
Spadseretur på Volden
Переглядів 614 роки тому
Spadseretur på Volden
USA Summer Tour 2019 Part 5
Переглядів 174 роки тому
USA Summer Tour 2019 Part 5
Summer Tour 2019 - Part 4
Переглядів 224 роки тому
Summer Tour 2019 - Part 4
Summer tour 2019 - Part 3
Переглядів 234 роки тому
Summer tour 2019 - Part 3
Rejsetip 16: 6 nye steder, der er et besøg værd uden et være overrendte.
Переглядів 1374 роки тому
Rejsetip 16: 6 nye steder, der er et besøg værd uden et være overrendte.
USA Summer Tour 2019 - part 2
Переглядів 314 роки тому
USA Summer Tour 2019 - part 2
USA Summer Tour 2019 - Part 1
Переглядів 394 роки тому
USA Summer Tour 2019 - Part 1
Rejsetip15: 6 steder i USA, der er et besøg værd uden at være overrendt
Переглядів 1464 роки тому
Rejsetip15: 6 steder i USA, der er et besøg værd uden at være overrendt


  • @monicaperry7702
    @monicaperry7702 3 місяці тому

    I am originally from the mountains of Western North Carolina and I own a home in Caldwell County, within the town of Lenoir and also a home where I live in Watauga County in the town of Blowing Rock. I have Very Much enjoyed your video of Dooley Land and learning more from your research. I wonder how you became interested in this fascinating bit of history. Thanks for sharing this! Monica Perry

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 3 місяці тому

      @@monicaperry7702 I became interested in the story from the sign at The Lump outlook on Blue Ridge Parkway back in 2000. I havexdone intensive research since 2002 and I have gained a lot of friends in Caldwell, Wilkes and Iredell counties. In 2020 I published my book "Who Killed Laura Foster?" with my suggestion of what happened. In five other videos on my channel I retell the story.

  • @samajier2566
    @samajier2566 7 місяців тому

    Great video,,,

  • @adrianlee6070
    @adrianlee6070 7 місяців тому

    Thanks for the beautiful work. I am travelling to Denmark from Australia soon😊

  • @joanndula93
    @joanndula93 8 місяців тому

    Great video 👍

  • @hanneschaflerfrederiksen7661
    @hanneschaflerfrederiksen7661 8 місяців тому

    Hvordan ændrer man så størrelsen af teksten i feltet ?

  • @jocelynturgeon6485
    @jocelynturgeon6485 Рік тому

    Been driving in Denmark for 2 days. This is useful, particularly knowing that parking signs are a challenge even for Danish residents!

  • @braveheartmurali
    @braveheartmurali Рік тому

    I'm new to driving in Denmark. This is very informative and helpful. Keep posting new videos.

  • @dianelewis4339
    @dianelewis4339 Рік тому

    Tom’s father is the brother of my 4th great grand father. Tom is my fifth cousin (1st cousin 5 times removed) I knew my great grandmother Dula. I enjoyed your videos.

  • @Eke621
    @Eke621 Рік тому

    Very interesting video, am in Danmark now with my family for holiday

  • @Marmocet
    @Marmocet Рік тому

    If my reading of the map used at Dula's trial is correct, the Bates places would have been right at the junction of Gladys Fork Road and Bill Horton Road. Tom Dula's cabin would have been on Bill Horton Rd just under a kilometer from the junction with NC 268 and the grave where Foster was found would have been ~300 meters further north, up the road. Is that right? On the map used for the trial, the path Foster is shown as having taken doesn't seem to correspond to any existing road today, but I would guess she took modern Tom Dula Rd east, then took Bill Horton Rd north to meet Tom. It's pretty obvious Dula was, at bare minimum, involved with Foster's murder. I'm 99% sure he did kill her. The only real open question in my mind is to what degree Ann Melton was also involved.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan Рік тому

      I guess that you are reading the map right, but the map is very unprecise. A few examples. The distance between Elk Creek and Linville Branch is in rewl life twice the distance between Elk Creek and Reedy Branch but is shown the same on the map. The river is shown as an almost straight line running in a southeasterly direction, but in reality is very winding here and running in a generally norteasterly direction. Many of the homes are located wrong in the map. Of the houses shown in the map (many more existed) only one exists today, the R.D. Horton home, and it's further away from the river than the map shows. Also some of the distances are given incorrectly. Contrary to you, I'm convinced that Tom was innocent and so was Ann as none of them actually had the time to kill Laura that morning. Ann could have done, but that would mean that Pauline Foster and James Melton both lied in court to protect her.

    • @Marmocet
      @Marmocet Рік тому

      @@wncjan Thanks for the clarification on geography. Regarding Dula's guilt: all of the evidence points squarely in that direction. For example: 1) Dula told a neighbor he intended to kill the woman he thought gave him syphillis; 2) Dula told his doctor that he thought Laura Foster gave him syphillis; 3) on the day of her disappearance, Laura Foster told a neighbor she was en route to meet with Dula at Bates' place; 4) at around the same time, Dula was seen by multiple neighbors heading along a different road in the same direction, toward Bates' place; 5) the broken end of the rope that had been used to tie the mare Foster was riding on her way to Bates' place was found tied to a tree right near Bates' place along with two piles of dung, indicating that the mare had been hitched to the tree for quite some time; 6) a patch of foul-smelling earth stained with what appeared to be blood was found right near Bates' place; 7) Dula had asked a neighbor for a digging tool the day before Foster's disappearance; 8) neighbors spotted Dula digging with the borrowed tool along the path right near the spot where Foster's body would later be found buried in a shallow grave (which was also right near Dula's home); 9) Dula did not return the digging tool until a day or two after Foster disappeared; 10) Ann Melton made several statements strongly indicating that she knew Dula to have murdered Foster (and also that she participated in some way); 11) Ann knew precisely where Foster was buried; 12) during all of the possible times during which Foster could have been murdered, Dula has no alibi and there is no account for where he might have been; 13) Dula was known by at least one witness to have habitually carried around a knife whose proportions matched those of the stab wound found in Foster's clothing; 14) no other actual evidence exists that plausibly implicates anyone other than Dula, with Ann Melton as a possible accomplice. To suppose that someone else might have been Foster's killer requires building one evidence-free speculation on top of another. The most likely scenario, in my opinion, is that Dula killed Foster early in the morning of May 25th, hid her body among the bushes and trees at Bates' place, then retrieved her body and buried it at night on the 25th-26th. Some have suggested that rigor mortis, which would have set in in Foster's corpse by that time, would have made it impossible to draw her legs in in the manner in which her body was discovered, but this isn't the case. The limbs of a body displaying rigor mortis can still be bent. If enough force is applied to them, muscle fibers affected by rigor mortis will "pop" and then the limb can be moved into whatever position is desired. Had I been on the jury at Dula's trial, the only reason I _might_ have hesitated to convict Dula would be that the evidence against Dula was circumstantial and I would be uncomfortable seeing someone receive a death sentence on the basis of a guilty verdict reached on that caliber of evidence. PS - Are you a Dane? My grandfather was from Tønder and your accent reminds me of his.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan Рік тому

      @@Marmocet Buy my book Eho killed Laura Foster? But I will get back to each of your points later. There you will find all my arguments 😄 and yes, I'm Danish.

    • @Marmocet
      @Marmocet Рік тому

      @@wncjan One thing to keep in mind when you're reconstructing the timeline of events is that back in 1866, people weren't using daylight saving time. If you aren't using DST, sunrise near Wilkesboro on May 25th is at ~5:15 and first light is at ~4:45. Another astronomical tidbit that may be of interest is that the moon rose at 14:27 (GMT-5) on May 23rd and set at 2:37 on May 24th (~75% of the disk was illuminated), then rose at 15:22 on May 24th and set on May 25th at 3:09 (~83% disk illumination). The moon rose again on May 25th at 16:16 and set on May 26th at 3:42 (90% disk illumination). In the part of the world where this murder took place, it gets profoundly dark at night if the moon isn't out. Having the moon out at night makes possible doing things like transporting a body and trapsing through the woods to bury it without needing a lamp. Another point: If the place where Laura was buried is roughly where where I think it is (36.0851436 N by 81.39850 W) and the mountains in NC are like mountains elsewhere in the Appalachian chain, then I'm not surprised whoever dug it (Tom) stopped digging when it was 2.5 feet deep. Even though those mountains are covered with trees, there's usually very little soil on them. Usually you barely have to scratch the surface before you hit rock.

  • @urabagofcells2228
    @urabagofcells2228 Рік тому

    lol no one in the US knows that obscure danish police officer

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan Рік тому

      If you listen carefully you will hesr me say "the best known police officer IN DENMARK" not in thd US

  • @seankinal858
    @seankinal858 Рік тому

    Tom Dooley was the first song I learned on the guitar in 1972, an a school in Ohio. I could never have imagined that 50 years later I'd be living only 35 minutes from Happy Valley. I love local history, and am thankful for your work and resources. (I've created a google map listing the significant locations of the incident.

  • @GeoffSawchuk
    @GeoffSawchuk Рік тому

    To the person narrating who are you??????

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan Рік тому

      I'm the author of the book "Who Killed Laura Foster",

  • @freshmintsky
    @freshmintsky Рік тому

    I’m from California & just drove in Nærum for the first time, after this video. No right turns on red lights - it feels surprising how strong the urge is to go!! I made sure I stopped and stayed stopped thanks to your video.

  • @freshmintsky
    @freshmintsky Рік тому

    I appreciate this explanation so very much!! Thank you for taking the time. I feel reassured & safer now.

  • @tanvirpiash7411
    @tanvirpiash7411 Рік тому

    Fantastic explanation sir

  • @EsQuizzyMusic
    @EsQuizzyMusic Рік тому

    Dear Sir, thank you *very much* for this video and for your website (where you linked to this video). Using Google Earth alone before I found your excellent site, I could not match the hand drawn map of the situation with the actual locations. So your info in Update II and this video brought everything so much closer for me to understand more of the Tom Dula case. Actually, I only heard of it yesterday for the first time in my life. I was given a songbook with a lot of old songs and one of these (of course) was the famous one about Tom Dooley - with a very compressed description of the disturbing history and execution that led to the writing of the song. Naturally, I was intrigued. By now, I consider myself hooked. I haven’t read through your entire site yet by far, but this very sad case is certainly… a challenging mystery. I do not claim to be smart or knowledgeable enough to reach any (original?) conclusion, but I am very much enjoying your research and information on this subject. Again: thank you *VERY MUCH*!

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan Рік тому

      You are most welcome. Should you ever come to the area on a third Saturday between April and October, make sure to visit the Tom Doolwy exhibition at Whippoorwill Academy and Village in Ferguson, NC. And if you want my complete ttake on the case, I tell it in my book, Who Killed Laura Foster?

    • @EsQuizzyMusic
      @EsQuizzyMusic Рік тому

      @@wncjan Thank you for your swift reply and the recommendations! And wishing you a happy and peaceful 2023. =)

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan Рік тому

      @@EsQuizzyMusic Happy New Year to you too

  • @travelpassion1515
    @travelpassion1515 2 роки тому

    Thanks a lot and it is very informative.

  • @Steven26789
    @Steven26789 2 роки тому

    This is best video i have seen so far. I moved from India and wanted to buy a new car and it helped me alot in understanding rules, signs everything. I just have one more question that while on traffic light, if i need to take left turn, somewhere there is left light and somewhere not. I want to understand when to start left ??

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 2 роки тому

      If o left turn arrow, start left when no carsfrom the other direction.

  • @LifeistooshortCK
    @LifeistooshortCK 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this. We arrive from Norway today so this was very useful 👍

  • @nicjensen1976
    @nicjensen1976 2 роки тому

    That was great, Thank you 🙂

  • @explorewithlloydi
    @explorewithlloydi 2 роки тому

    this was a really great interesting trip

  • @TheDillinger22
    @TheDillinger22 2 роки тому

    Daddy Sage .. Tom Dula is said to have written the original Ballad of Tom Dooley the most well known rendition being the "Doc Watson" version, while in prison awaiting execution for the 1866 murder of Laura Foster. _Hang your head, Tom Dooley, Hang your head and cry; You killed poor Laurie Foster, And you know you're bound to die. You left her by the roadside Where you begged to be excused; You left her by the roadside, Then you hid her clothes and shoes. Hang your head, Tom Dooley, Hang your head and cry; You killed poor Laurie Foster, And you know you're bound to die. You took her on the hillside For to make her your wife; You took her on the hillside, And ther you took her life. You dug the grave four feet long And you dug it three feet deep; You rolled the cold clay over her And tromped it with your feet. Hang your head, Tom Dooley, Hang your head and cry; You killed poor Laurie Foster, And you know you're bound to die. "Trouble, oh it's trouble A-rollin' through my breast; As long as I'm a-livin', boys, They ain't a-gonna let me rest. I know they're gonna hang me, Tomorrow I'll be dead, Though I never even harmed a hair On poor little Laurie's head." Hang your head, Tom Dooley, Hang your head and cry; You killed poor Laurie Foster, And you know you're bound to die. "In this world and one more Then reckon where I'll be; If is wasn't for Sheriff Grayson, I'd be in Tennesee. You can take down my old violin And play it all you please. For at this time tomorrow, boys, Iit'll be of no use to me." Hang your head, Tom Dooley, Hang your head and cry; You killed poor Laurie Foster, And you know you're bound to die. "At this time tomorrow Where do you reckon I'll be? Away down yonder in the holler Hangin' on a white oak tree. Hang your head, Tom Dooley, Hang your head and cry; You killed poor Laurie Foster, And you know you're bound to die._ The lyrics say to me he was actually admitting guilt, which no less than his flight to Tennessee and the written signed confession says he was justly hanged.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 2 роки тому

      I know he's said to have written the song, but he didn't. First of all he was almost illiterate, and had to sign the affidavit for his release from POW camp with an 'X'. Second, the song is based on a poem that was not published until many years after Tom's execution. Third, even at the gallows, when no hope for avoiding execution, Tom claimed that he was innocent, and was only convicted because some witnesses committed perjury at his trial. Why would he claim this, if he had already confessed his guikt in a song?

    • @TheDillinger22
      @TheDillinger22 2 роки тому

      Yeah thanx for the reply .. very few "functionally illiterate" ppl are truly illiterate, that Dula signed his release papers with an X could be because out of chagrin against his captors he like many incarcerated persons "played dumb" in the face of officialdom. At that time newspapers and newspaper barons ruled the information dissemination roost, whence the daily consumption of newsprint in the eastern United States was about 1 kilogram per adult inhabitant per day. *As well we suggest that since the case had attracted national attention dealing as it did with all sorts of sexual matters it sold plenty of papers, and say the newspaper ppl machinated the setting aside of Dula's first trial and wanted there to be a second trial to extend the life of the case, in their desire to sell more papers.* 18yo Laura Foster was allegedly intending to meet Dula for the purpose of elopement, according to the testimony of witness Betsy Scott who swore she had talked to Laura the day before she disappeared. Doc Watson recounts one of his grandparents was present when Ann Melton on her deathbed admitted murdering Laura Foster, the other Foster sister Perline had allegedly said Tom Dooley had killed Laura and that Ann had taken her to the place of burial .. we will say that when officers of the law interviewed both girls they would have given full accounts of whatever they knew. So the picture emerges of Ann and Tom blaming Laura for bringing syphilis into the community, despite the popular conception Perline was the one who had been infected with the disease, so we know the lengths ppl go to when they have "someone to blame," that Ann and Tom between the two of them decided to lure Laura into their company in the promise of matrimony and when she duly turned up they murdered her .. Tom's signed confession where he accepted full responsibility was to absolve Ann Melton, which worked since she was found not guilty in the face of mountains of evidence. So let's take another look at the song .. some of the less critical parts are written in the first person al la the lyric "you can take down my old violin and play it all you please, for at this time tomorrow, boys it'll be of no use to me," while the gory bits are in the second person "you killed poor Laurie Foster and you know you're bound to die, you took her on the hillside for to make her your wife, you took her on the hillside and there you took her life," "you dug the grave four feet long and you dug it three feet deep, you rolled the cold clay over her and tromped it with your feet." It is not unusual for killers to do that, read Morman Bishop JD Lee's account of the 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre .. their narratives roll along until they get to the bad bits which they are unable to countenance, so they change it around and present the material as though they were spectators not perpetrators .. Tom Dula was a quick witted individual who could play banjo and violin, despite his allegedly limited schooling he would still have obtained the basics of the 3R's and had plenty of time there after to keep up with it all, so we don't give too much credence to the "illiteracy" claim. Allegations of witness perjury from convicted ppl are not uncommon, however they are in many instances typographical errors per se rather than deliberate attempts to obfuscate facts, so we are gonna say the whole affair would have been an "open and shut" murder case except it was beaten up by the press .. as well some of my stuff probly doesn't tally with your in depth analysis, it does not mean I am deliberately presenting false information cheers from Brisbane, Australia.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 2 роки тому

      @@TheDillinger22 If you want to know more about my research into the case, you should read my book, Who Killed Laura Foster? Or The Tom Dooley Files by Charlotte Corbin Barnes.

    • @TheDillinger22
      @TheDillinger22 2 роки тому

      xxxMy synopsis of what transpired as to the murder of Laura Foster is as good as anyone else's .. very few "functionally illiterate" ppl are truly illiterate, that Dula signed his release papers with an X could be because out of chagrin against his captors he like many incarcerated persons "played dumb" in the face of officialdom. At that time newspapers and newspaper barons ruled the information dissemination roost, whence the daily consumption of newsprint in the eastern United States was about 1 kilogram per adult inhabitant per day. *As well we suggest that since the case had attracted national attention dealing as it did with all sorts of sexual matters it sold plenty of papers, and say the newspaper ppl machinated the setting aside of Dula's first trial and wanted there to be a second trial to extend the life of the case, in their desire to sell more papers.* 18yo Laura Foster was allegedly intending to meet Dula for the purpose of elopement, according to the testimony of witness Betsy Scott who swore she had talked to Laura the day before she disappeared. Doc Watson recounts one of his grandparents was present when Ann Melton on her deathbed admitted murdering Laura Foster, the other Foster sister Perline had allegedly said Tom Dooley had killed Laura and that Ann had taken her to the place of burial .. we will say that when officers of the law interviewed both girls they would have given full accounts of whatever they knew. So the picture emerges of Ann and Tom blaming Laura for bringing syphilis into the community, despite the popular conception Perline was the one who had been infected with the disease, so we know the lengths ppl go to when they have "someone to blame," that Ann and Tom between the two of them decided to lure Laura into their company in the promise of matrimony and when she duly turned up they murdered her .. Tom's signed confession where he accepted full responsibility was to absolve Ann Melton, which worked since she was found not guilty in the face of mountains of evidence. So let's take another look at the song .. some of the less critical parts are written in the first person al la the lyric "you can take down my old violin and play it all you please, for at this time tomorrow, boys it'll be of no use to me," while the gory bits are in the second person "you killed poor Laurie Foster and you know you're bound to die, you took her on the hillside for to make her your wife, you took her on the hillside and there you took her life," "you dug the grave four feet long and you dug it three feet deep, you rolled the cold clay over her and tromped it with your feet." It is not unusual for killers to do that, read Morman Bishop JD Lee's account of the 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre .. their narratives roll along until they get to the bad bits which they are unable to countenance, so they change it around and present the material as though they were spectators not perpetrators .. Tom Dula was a quick witted individual who could play banjo and violin, despite his allegedly limited schooling he would still have obtained the basics of the 3R's and had plenty of time there after to keep up with it all, so we don't give too much credence to the "illiteracy" claim. Allegations of witness perjury from convicted ppl are not uncommon, however they are in many instances typographical errors per se rather than deliberate attempts to obfuscate facts, so we are gonna say the whole affair would have been an "open and shut" murder case except it was beaten up by the press .. as well some of my stuff probly doesn't tally with your in depth analysis, it does not mean I am deliberately presenting false information, cheers from Brisbane, Australia.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 2 роки тому

      @@TheDillinger22 I didn't ban it. So pls post it again.

  • @zabikamran85
    @zabikamran85 2 роки тому

    Thank you very much. It is a very informative video and one of the best ones on the subject

  • @kjferguson
    @kjferguson 2 роки тому

    Hello Sage, i was told about you by Edith many yrs ago, i found your channel by accident thru researching Tom Dula, i also am fascinated with this story, i research all the graves in the Happy Valley & surroundings, i cannot figure out how to contact you? Hilsen, K. fra DK bor nu NC, mange tak.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 2 роки тому

      You can contact me on email: or on messenger: Jan Kronsell

  • @adama.martinussen4182
    @adama.martinussen4182 2 роки тому

    super dejlig og reflekterende video #ilovematematik

  • @mariaamtorp3545
    @mariaamtorp3545 2 роки тому

    Super video. Tak for den :)

  • @shagrinannebarrett
    @shagrinannebarrett 2 роки тому

    This is so peaceful!

  • @rwpattonstl
    @rwpattonstl 2 роки тому

    Very impressive work you've done over several years. I like that your camera has recorded your position, so that I can plot points of interest on maps. Thanks!

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 2 роки тому

      Your'e welcome. Hope to redo this video on my next vist, whenever that may be

  • @freddula6908
    @freddula6908 2 роки тому

    Great video! Did you ever get around to plotting your locations on a modern map? Cheers.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 2 роки тому

      Most of them though I'm not sure of the precise location of them all.

  • @debrawalker1355
    @debrawalker1355 2 роки тому

    My mother grew up in Ferguson, and is the great-great granddaughter of Pinkney Foster, who was Anne Melton's brother. Thank you for this video!

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 2 роки тому

      I'm glad you liked the video. I'm sorry though that I only used my dashboard cam, so I will try to make a better video on my next visit to NC, hopefully around Easter of 2022, if covid allows travels. Also I learned a bit more about where Lotty Foster and Ann Melton lived, and where Bates Place was (the information in this video is a bit off) and in 2018 I finally managed to locate the graves of Pinkney Foster and his wife, who was actually the widow of Tom Dooley's older brother, William, who died during the Civil War.

  • @outdoorstours
    @outdoorstours 3 роки тому

    So schönes Video, tolle Präsentation. Vielen Dank für's Zeigen

  • @sebastianhuus7016
    @sebastianhuus7016 3 роки тому

    super dejlig video sage thumps up herfra

  • @adama.martinussen4182
    @adama.martinussen4182 3 роки тому


  • @Noah-vt4eh
    @Noah-vt4eh 3 роки тому

    rigtig god og forklarende video

    • @sebastianhuus7016
      @sebastianhuus7016 3 роки тому

      helt enig noah, hils skildpadden fra mig.

    • @Noah-vt4eh
      @Noah-vt4eh 3 роки тому

      @@sebastianhuus7016 det vil jeg gøre hils hunden

  • @alishataylor6017
    @alishataylor6017 3 роки тому

    Toms father-is my 4th great grandfather, Tom is my 3rd great grand uncle.

  • @alishataylor6017
    @alishataylor6017 3 роки тому

    Toms father-is my 4th great grandfather, Tom is my 3rd great grand uncle.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 3 роки тому

      Great. Which of Tom's siblings do you descend from?

    • @alishataylor6017
      @alishataylor6017 3 роки тому

      @@wncjan Selena C ( Kendall l Dula

    • @alishataylor6017
      @alishataylor6017 3 роки тому

      @@wncjan( Selena kendall) Dula

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 3 роки тому

      @@alishataylor6017 The unknown sister 😀 who was only mentioned in one census (1840) with no name, as she married James Kendall or Kindall im 1848 and moved to Georgia. I learned her name from Jerry Kendall, who must be related to you, while I was writing my book, Who Killed Laura Foster? just in time to include the information in the book. Do you know anything about her?

    • @alishataylor6017
      @alishataylor6017 3 роки тому

      @@wncjan no just that Laura was Toms lover if u r talking about Laura

  • @rumenok
    @rumenok 3 роки тому

    Tusind takk på det video Hilsner fra Ukraine :)

  • @1xcarla
    @1xcarla 4 роки тому

    Vi har køt på Blue rige park way af to omgange, desværre jar vi ikke været så omhyggelige, som denne video, dog deles samme glæde for området - det er en imponerende tur. P.S vi glemte vi skyline drive som må være til gode, kan anbefale appen som virker trods dårlig dækning,

  • @toldbodhc
    @toldbodhc 4 роки тому

    Beatiful bird song

  • @daniellechurch4480
    @daniellechurch4480 5 років тому

    I just found your channel I was born and raised in wilkes I grew up with this story I can't thank you enough for your videos and your research I just saw the play last night been looking for as much info as possible on this case and your videos are very informative and well done

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 5 років тому

      Thank you. I'm in Lenoir right now and will go see the play on Friday. I will move to Ferguson on Saturday to visit Whippoorwill Academy on opening day. If you haven't been already, you should definitely go. The Tom Dooley Art Museum there is great. And if you want to knoew more about the case, visit my homepage, or better, get the book The Tom Dooley Files by Charlotte Corbin Barnes.

    • @daniellechurch4480
      @daniellechurch4480 5 років тому

      @@wncjan thank you so much whipporwill academy is really nice I have an 8 yr old son that loves history I've been wanting to take him back to the academy he was very little last time we went he don't remember it after he saw the play last yr he's wanted to learn everything about the case and all the history in wilkes have you been to the old wilkes jail Museum yet im so glad I found your channel you have been a big help I've learned so much from your vids

    • @daniellechurch4480
      @daniellechurch4480 5 років тому

      Oh yeah and have you visited Tom's and Laura's graves yet it's really sad to visit their graves I always sense so much sadness when I visit them to pay my respects its so sad what happened to poor Laura I may be wrong but I think it was Ann and pearline that killed Laura and Tom got the blame

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 5 років тому

      Yes I have visited both Tom's and Laura's graves and also Ann Melton's as well as several others from "the cast". As late as today I visited the graves of Mary Winkler, wife of J. W. Winkler on whose property Laura wa buried and her son, Rufus, married to Ann Melton's youngest daughter, Ida.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 5 років тому

      And if you want my view on "who did the terrible deed" you should by my novella, The Doctor's Secret 😎. Just a little advertising herel

  • @megholli1981
    @megholli1981 5 років тому

    Love your videos and website! Great work!!!

  • @marcoantoniogodoy9526
    @marcoantoniogodoy9526 5 років тому

    Faeroes Islands and Groenland, could be a future great independent countries as Kingdoms members of United Nations and a future Royal Danish Commonwealth

  • @wncjan
    @wncjan 6 років тому


  • @sarakopilow7357
    @sarakopilow7357 6 років тому

    det er du sluppet rigtigt godt fra, flot er det

  • @wncjan
    @wncjan 6 років тому

    Der blev kun vedtaget en forhøjelse af prisen på $5 pr. park.

  • @TheStrangest
    @TheStrangest 6 років тому

    North Carolina is the best!

  • @tkreitler
    @tkreitler 7 років тому

    Thank you for this. I became interested in the Dula case recently and spent the day up there yesterday. It is only 1.5 hour drive from my home. I wish I had found your video beforehand. I will now have to go back to visit the places I just learned about.

    • @wncjan
      @wncjan 7 років тому

      Wonderful area. Enjoy!

  • @SageKronsell
    @SageKronsell 7 років тому

    God video