University Hall, HKU
University Hall, HKU
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A Distinguished Visit to the Castle: Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri at University Hall
In the historical halls of University Hall at The University of Hong Kong, Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, President of Minhaj-ul-Quran, was welcomed for an illustrious visit. This significant event was arranged by Muhammad Ghassan Jawwad, Chairman of the University Hall Students' Association, and showcased the enduring values of leadership and cultural exchange upheld by the Castle.
Upon their arrival, Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri and the esteemed delegation from Minhaj-ul-Quran Hong Kong were warmly received by Beau Lefler, Warden of University Hall. The visit began with an engaging exchange where the values of Minhaj-ul-Quran were shared, followed by an introduction to the rich legacy of University Hall by Chairman Muhammad Ghassan Jawwad. The discussions highlighted the intellectual vibrancy and openness that define both institutions.
Before proceeding to lunch, a ceremonial exchange of gifts took place, underscoring the mutual respect and goodwill between the guests and the University Hall community. The works of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir ul Qadri and Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri were presented to the distinguished guests, including the leadership of University Hall Alumni Ltd., Professor Beau Lefler, and the visiting diplomats.
The afternoon continued with a gracious lunch in the Dining Hall of University Hall, where conversations flourished among distinguished guests. The gathering included notable figures such as Dr. YAU Wah-hon, Chairman of University Hall Alumni Ltd., Mr. SIT Loi-keung, Vice Chairman of University Hall Alumni Ltd., and esteemed diplomats including Consul Mr. Ali Abdulla M. R. Al-Hitmi of the State of Qatar, Mr. Hassan Doutaghi, Acting Consul General, and Mr. Mostafa Shabanipour, Consul of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as Ms. Cynthia Xing, Political Officer from the Consulate General of the United States of America, and Ms. Hanan Chiang, Representative from the Consulate General of the United Arab Emirates.
Following the lunch, an official photograph was taken to commemorate this significant occasion, capturing the unity and shared purpose that characterized the visit. In a gesture of enduring friendship, Chairman Muhammad Ghassan Jawwad presented the honorary flag of the University Hall Students' Association 2024-2025 to Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri, extending greetings on behalf of Professor Xiang Zhang, President of The University of Hong Kong, and Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) of The University of Hong Kong.
This remarkable event, set within the revered University Hall, celebrated the shared values of knowledge and cultural respect, while also strengthening the bonds between Minhaj ul Quran International and University Hall, HKU. The visit stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of University Hall-a beacon of honor, tradition, and scholarly pursuit.
Music: Tala Al Badru Alayna - Alhamdulillah // Fairfield County Children's Choir |
Переглядів: 210


University Hall Tour - UHSA 2024-2025
Переглядів 7764 місяці тому
Brought to you by the University Hall Students' Association 2024-2025. Join Muhammad Ghassan Jawwad and Tom Tam as they take you on an exclusive tour of University Hall at the University of Hong Kong. Directed by Nafis Ul Islam, this video showcases the rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant community life of one of HKU’s most iconic student residences. Explore the grand halls, cozy c...
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傑出堂友系列 - 李梓成
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【一音各解,境隨心轉】 李梓成堂友於2016年加入大學堂,曾為港大學生會文學院學生會主席及港大學生會大學事務秘書,更為本年度港大校委會學生代表。 在戴教授解僱事件中,李堂友於校委會內堅守原則,保障院校自主及學術自由,投下反對一票。 李堂友以"紅酒"比喻自己在舍堂的成長:一支紅酒隨著時間的變遷,會有不同的味道;就如自己在舍堂裡,由一個年少輕狂的少年,成為能以身作則,影響他人的學長。 一音各解,境隨心轉。面對四年大學生涯,李堂友本來感到疑惑不解,隨後卻能與之共舞。箇中因由,讓我們在片段裡找出答案。 - Daniel Lei has been a castler since 2016. He was the Chairman of Arts Association, HKUSU and University Affairs Secretary of HKUSU. He is now the...
傑出堂友系列 - 方浩軒
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【幻變不息,吾主命運】 現 區議員方浩軒在2015年加入大學堂,成為大學堂宿生的一員。於居於古堡的三年內,方堂友曾加入曲棍球隊、橋牌隊,同時亦擔 當時的宿生會主席。畢業後,方堂友更於反修例風波期間挺身而出,參選區議會選舉,並成功當選為元朗區議會區議員。 在無常的歲月裡,我們難以控制週遭事物的一切生發起落;但方堂友認為,改變的主導權應當在於自己。即使簡單如踏出第一步,與身邊的人多加交流,甚至是說服他人合作,都必須靠自己身體力行,才能取得成就。 「幻變不息,吾主命運。」讓我們一同傾聽這個關於"改變"的故事。 - Willis joined University Hall since 2015. He was a member of the hockey team and bridge team while holding office as the chairman of our s...
絃歌不輟古堡猶新:香港大學大學堂之今昔 History of University Hall, HKU
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舍堂作為課室以外第二教育殿堂,所能傳授的,或許遠遠超出諸位想像。大學堂由創始至今經已六十四載,數十年間為學界乃至社會培育岀代代英才。不少懵懂稚子於十八廿二之齡走進古堡,岀離之日,已長成能昂首面對未來的成年人。究竟於此三數年間,大學堂能為堂友帶來何種改變?所倚仗的又是什麼?是其歷史底蘊?還是舊生人脈?有請各位看官一同走進大學堂的世界。 - As an integral part of education, halls could provide much more than one could conceive. Since the University Hall’s establishment some sixty years ago, we have bred elites, leaders, not only in HKU, but also in different secto...
HKU University Hall - Nazarene Nite
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Nazarene Nite是大學堂的傳統節日,當晚畢業生會品嚐第二杯Hall Blood,並分享他們在大學堂的生活點滴。宿生會亦會頒發獎項予上年度的傑出堂友。 讓我們回顧當中的精彩片段。 Nazarene Nite is a special occasion in University Hall, which we welcome our alumni, freshly graduated to come back to have their second cup of hall blood. Prizes were also presented to outstanding hallmates last year.
HKU University Hall - 2018 Halloween Party II 大學堂萬聖節派對 狂歡篇
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月黑風高,萬魔齊集 一連兩日萬聖鬼節,百年古堡沾上血染風采,激發人類深層恐懼 2018 Oct 30-31
HKU University Hall - 2018 Halloween Party I 大學堂萬聖節派對 恐怖篇
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月黑風高,萬魔齊集 一連兩日萬聖鬼節,百年古堡沾上血染風采,激發人類深層恐懼 2018 Oct 30-31
We Will Never Fall - HKU University Hall
Переглядів 8477 років тому
「不管前路茫茫,有兄弟在旁,我都站得住腳。」 1954年,香港大學從巴黎外方傳教會手上購入拿撒勒樓(The Nazareth House),準備將其改建為男生宿舍。大樓外牆按原色重漆,銀白色的牆身更化成舍堂代表顏色之一,鐘樓內部則被設為宿生及導師的浴室及洗衣房。宿舍的傢具亦得時 校長捐贈,整座古堡煥然一新。最後,改建工作僅用了三四個月時間,由測量、設計至峻工,均由舍堂首 Tutor廖本懷一手包辦。1956年正式命名為大學堂。 每天傍晚,當薄扶林村的炊煙趕去落日,大學堂上下常聚在Dining Hall一起用饍,興致勃勃暢談。不同學系的人,都可以有多元接觸,這就是舍堂的好處。宿生常舉辦聯誼餐會,載歌載舞;每月亦穿起代表莊嚴的綠袍,出席高桌晚宴,百年古堡,洋溢著青春的氣息。當時其他舍堂都有聘人打理宿生的房間,更有洗衣以及燙衫服務。惟大學堂不然,堂友過着自律的生活,也許「大學堂內個個好漢」就...
Everlasting Springtide - HKU University Hall Registration Day 2017 Promotion Video
Переглядів 3 тис.7 років тому
有人說:「大學四年如煙花,轉𣊬即逝但仍燦爛。」 我說:「我在大學堂得到的如古堡,宏偉壯觀而永不倒。」 大學四年在大多人生中,不過是撒在海面的雨花。但Uhall仔大學生涯中的赤誠和熱血,將會永垂不朽。這是我們永恆的青春,是我們的 everlasting springtide。 Background music: 小紅帽 silhungmo - 《夏意識》 Registration Day 2017 Date: 10th, 11th August Venue: Run Run Shaw Podium, HKU Touch Camp 2017 Date: 12th-13th August Venue: University Hall, 144 Pok Fu Lam Road Everlasting Springtide - Kingdom:
Everlasting Springtide - Brothers
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“I'm looking for someone who speaks my language.” Everlasting Springtide Coming Soon - 3 August 2017 Registration Day 2017 Date: 10th, 11th August Venue: Run Run Shaw Podium, HKU Touch Camp 2017 Date: 12th-13th August Venue: University Hall, 144 Pok Fu Lam Road
Everlasting Springtide - Everlasting
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“Eternity is now.” Everlasting Springtide Coming Soon - 3 August 2017 Registration Day 2017 Date: 10th, 11th August Venue: Run Run Shaw Podium, HKU Touch Camp 2017 Date: 12th-13th August Venue: University Hall, 144 Pok Fu Lam Road
Everlasting Springtide - Kingdom
Переглядів 1517 років тому
“This is our kingdom.” Everlasting Springtide Coming Soon - 3 August 2017 Registration Day 2017 Date: 10th, 11th August Venue: Run Run Shaw Podium, HKU Touch Camp 2017 Date: 12th-13th August Venue: University Hall, 144 Pok Fu Lam Road
三嫂九十歲大壽 90th Birthday of Auntie Three
Переглядів 6 тис.7 років тому
香港大學大學堂宿舍宿生暱稱為「三嫂」的袁蘇妹女士,在大學堂工作超過四十年。她擔 過宿舍的四級廚師,助理廚師和宿舍服務員等職務,然而這些職稱都未能反映她作為宿舍靈魂人物的重要性。「三嫂」對宿生們的照顧無微不至,除了起居飲食,也關顧到男生們身心的健康成長,每每給他們以支持與鼓勵。「三嫂」於 1990年獲大學堂的宿生選為終身榮譽會員。1998年「三嫂」榮休前,歷代大學堂的宿生聚首一堂為她舉行了一場盛宴, 並致送她一枚金牌,以表揚她畢生對大學堂的貢獻。2017年是三嫂的九十歲大壽,我們為三嫂準備了一個金壽桃,祝三嫂壽比南山,歲歲平安,身體健康。 Ms YUEN So Moy served at University Hall for over four decades, from 1957 until her retirement in 1998. Her official job tit...
HKU University Hall Registration Day 2016 Promotion Video
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HKU University Hall Registration Day 2016 Promotion Video
HKU University Hall - Choices
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HKU University Hall - Choices
Rock On Pok 2015 - University Hall
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Rock On Pok 2015 - University Hall
University Hall Registration Day 2014 Promotion Video
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University Hall Registration Day 2014 Promotion Video
2014 X Camp - Band Show
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2014 X Camp - Band Show
HKU Rock On Pok (Music Performance) 2014 - University Hall
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HKU Rock On Pok (Music Performance) 2014 - University Hall
Interhall Drama Competition 2014: University Hall - Internship (2nd runner up)
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Interhall Drama Competition 2014: University Hall - Internship (2nd runner up)
Interhall Choir Competition 2014: University Hall - Akari
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Interhall Choir Competition 2014: University Hall - Akari
Interhall Choir Competition 2014: University Hall - Tskhenosnuri
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Interhall Choir Competition 2014: University Hall - Tskhenosnuri
100天踩單車到印度 @ HKU GE sharing
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100天踩單車到印度 @ HKU GE sharing
HKU Joint Hall Music Performance 2013 - University Hall
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HKU Joint Hall Music Performance 2013 - University Hall
Social Responsibility - HKU University Hall Registration Day Promotion Video 2013
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Social Responsibility - HKU University Hall Registration Day Promotion Video 2013
HKU University Hall Dragon Boat - 大學堂龍舟
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HKU University Hall Dragon Boat - 大學堂龍舟


  • @PETERCHAN-i3d
    @PETERCHAN-i3d 3 дні тому

    我想買條HKU校tie, 請伸出援助之手,謝謝。

  • @heyyu7955
    @heyyu7955 4 місяці тому


  • @kaulchan2263
    @kaulchan2263 11 місяців тому

    在Google map 上找不到U Hall的照片,只見有建築圍板,上U Hall的路亦封了,U Hall是否被拆? 這是古蹟,香港政府怎可隨便拆卸?

  • @raymondleung2215
    @raymondleung2215 2 роки тому


  • @Math-rc9tq
    @Math-rc9tq 3 роки тому


  • @lee-uf1cx
    @lee-uf1cx 4 роки тому

    are there any reg day videos in English?

  • @marylouisedistefano680
    @marylouisedistefano680 4 роки тому

    I was at Ricci Hall. We called U Hall guys bandits. Now I know they are real bandits.

  • @frankieleung2215
    @frankieleung2215 6 років тому

    She is a real person. Everyone loves her.

  • @TheSky1412
    @TheSky1412 7 років тому

    Top Ten Anime Openings of All Time

  • @josephchan8044
    @josephchan8044 8 років тому

    golden beach? or should it be golden peach?

  • @wangying3003
    @wangying3003 8 років тому

    我不是 U Hall 仔:我是1969 BArch 畢業的 Hornellian。 But, back in the sixties, when John Llewellyn was warden of U Hall, I had some very close fellow students in architecture who were U-Hallians. I spent many happy days, mixed with stress and anxiety, in U Hall working with them, often through the night, to meet project deadlines. I was 'caught' a few times sleeping on the floor in one of my friends' rooms and Mr Llewellyn only said, 'illegal immigrant' and closed the door. He was such an affectionate, fatherly figure and he really understood! And what sustained us through those challenging times were the wonderful suppers we always had in the dining hall (or the former refractory?) prepared by Sam Shou 三嫂 and the late-night treats she made for us, without asking. I graduated with honours in 1969, with my U-Hall classmate, Wong Shiu Kwan. Without Sam Shou I really doubt that I could have made it. My deepest gratitude to her and long may she live! WONG Po Lung John, BArch 1969

  • @frankieleung2215
    @frankieleung2215 8 років тому

    I did not do any these. I got first class honors degree.

    • @pannoki
      @pannoki 7 років тому

      u are fucking smart indeed !

  • @garyfong
    @garyfong 11 років тому
