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#ピアノ #ラブソング #フリーBGM
📖 ――ようこそ、音楽図書館へ。
📖 本日の特選書架
0:00 📖 第1章『Secret Valentine / 本命チョコ大作戦』 🍫
2:34 📖 第2章『Unfinished Twilight / 夕暮れ告白未遂事件』
4:50 📖 第3章『Waves, Murmurs, and You / 波、囁き、そして君』
7:55 📖 第4章『Midnight Mirage / 誰も知らないミッドナイトストーリー』
12:32 📖 第5章『Constellations and Promises / 期限なしの再会予約』 🌠🎶
14:55 📖 第6章『The Knight’s Devotion / 騎士はただ忠誠を誓う』 🌿⚔
16:59 📖 第7章『Everlasting Tide / 変わらないもの』 🌅🌊
📖 ――そして、物語のページを閉じる時
Переглядів: 59


[Free BGM] “Unholy Healer” Theme of the white mage who refuses to heal
Переглядів 2462 години тому
#アニメ #コミカル #バンド #フリーBGM ダウンロード 本日も音楽図書館へようこそ。 こちらが館長がお届けする、異端の白魔導士が駆ける波乱万丈の旋律。 ―――「癒し?それより、攻撃した方が早くない?」 『Unholy Healer / 回復拒否の白魔導士』 「回復魔法なんて面倒よ!」そう言いながら、敵陣へ突っ込む白魔導士。 支援役?いや、最前線のアタッカーだ! 呆れる仲間たちをよそに、彼女は今日も戦場を駆ける。 果たして、その拳…じゃなく、杖は救済をもたらすのか――。 軽快なピアノと、疾走感あふれるバンドが織りなす「回復?そんなもの必要ない!」な白魔導士のテーマ曲を、ぜひご堪能ください。 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。 明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています...
【Free Background Music】Pyre Requiem『The Burning Melody of Requiem』
Переглядів 1744 години тому
#レクイエム #ダークファンタジー #フリーBGM ダウンロード 本日も音楽図書館へようこそ。 こちらが館長がお届けする、燃え盛る炎とともに奏でられる鎮魂の旋律。 ―――滅びゆく世界の中で、最後に響く哀歌をどうぞ。 『Pyre Requiem / 葬火のレクイエム』 霧に包まれた墓標の前、ひとり跪く黒き祈り手。 燃え続ける炎は彷徨う魂を導くためか、それとも裁きのためか。 かつて戦場に散った者たちの記憶が、今なお彼女の胸を焦がし続ける。 これは別れの詩か、それとも赦されぬ者たちへの弔いか――。 荘厳なストリングスと、深淵へ誘うピアノが織りなす「終焉と救済が交差するレクイエム」を、ぜひご堪能ください。 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。 明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしてい...
[Free Background Music] "Eclipsed Mire" - A Book That Resonates in the Abyss
Переглядів 977 годин тому
#ダークファンタジー #エピック #フリーBGM ダウンロード 本日も音楽図書館へようこそ。 こちらは館長がお届けする、闇に覆われた沼の底から響く荘厳な旋律。 希望も絶望も飲み込む黒き泥濘(ぬかるみ)へ静かに沈みゆく物語。 『Eclipsed Mire / 闇に覆われた沼』 光を拒む水底、抜け出すことのできない泥濘。 その手に燃える炎すらゆっくりと沈み、やがて闇へと呑まれる。 もがくほどに深みへと引き込まれるその場所で、彼女はまだ最後の願いを捨ててはいなかった――。 悲壮な旋律と荘厳なストリングスが織りなす深淵の響きをご堪能ください。 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。 明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music] "End of the Arcane" - A Composition of Mystery and Tragedy
Переглядів 2229 годин тому
#悲壮 #神秘 #フリーBGM ダウンロード 本日も音楽図書館へようこそ。 こちらが館長がお届けする「魔法の終焉」を描いた一冊。 その旋律は、長き旅の果てに待つ運命を映し出します。 『End of the Arcane / 魔法の終焉』 かつて世界を導いた魔女は、最後の灯火を見つめていた。 悠久の時を超え人々を守り続けたその力は、静かに消えゆく運命。 だが、それは終わりではない――。 魔法の幕が下りる時、新たな物語が始まる。 神秘的な旋律と悲壮感あふれるピアノが紡ぐ壮大なフィナーレを、ぜひご堪能ください。 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。 明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music] "Beyond Blue" - A Fast-Paced Guitar & Piano Track Full of Energy
Переглядів 17112 годин тому
#ギター #ピアノ #疾走感 #フリーBGM ダウンロード 本日も音楽図書館へようこそ。 こちらが館長がお届けする、疾走感と解放感に満ちた一冊。 風を感じ、波を越え、ただ前へ――「Beyond Blue」 をお楽しみください。 『Beyond Blue / 蒼の彼方へ』 彼女は風をまとい、蒼の彼方へと駆ける。 疾走するギターが背中を押し、軽やかなピアノが自由へと誘う。 迷いも過去も振り切り、新たな未来へ飛び込むような爽快で力強い旋律。 解き放たれる瞬間の高揚感をぜひ感じてください。 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。 明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music] "Infernal Overture" - A Dark and Intense Cinematic Opening
Переглядів 17514 годин тому
#ロック #映画風 #ダークファンタジー #フリーBGM ダウンロード 『Infernal Overture / 地獄の序章』 闇が燃え狂い 業火がすべてを包み込む 悪魔の微笑みが世界の終焉を告げる 重厚なギターと激しいドラムが疾走感を生み出す、映画のオープニングや壮絶な戦いの幕開けにふさわしい強烈な一曲 許諾事項および禁止事項 「Free Music Library」チャンネル概要欄をご確認ください 👉 ※常識の範囲内で使用していただければ自由にお使いください 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございます。 明日もまた新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music] "Heavensplitter" - A Lightning-Fast and Razor-Sharp Melody
Переглядів 18116 годин тому
#戦闘 #疾走感 #フリーBGM ダウンロード 『Heavensplitter / 天を断つ剣』 閃光のごとく舞い、空を裂く一閃 その刃は、あらゆる運命を切り開く! 疾風のごときリズムと鋭い旋律が戦闘の緊張感を最高潮へと導く、アクションシーンやクライマックスにふさわしい疾走感あふれる一曲 許諾事項および禁止事項 「Free Music Library」チャンネル概要欄をご確認ください 👉 ※常識の範囲内で使用していただければ自由にお使いください 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました 明日もまた新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music] "The Melody of Those Who Defy Fate" - 6 Selected Pieces for Piano & Strings
Переглядів 12919 годин тому
#ピアノ #ストリングス #フリーBGM ダウンロード 本日も音楽図書館へようこそ。 館長がお届けするピアノとストリングスが紡ぐ壮大なアニソン書架です。 『運命に抗う者たちの旋律』を、ぜひお楽しみください。 本日の特選書架 0:00 第1章『Glorious Edge / 栄光の刃』 誇り高き騎士が掲げる刃。 戦場を駆け抜け、未来を切り拓く光となる。 2:42 第2章『Former Hero / かつての英雄』 戦いを捨てた英雄が、再び剣を握る時。 過去に囚われた彼は、未来へ歩み出せるのか。 5:26 第3章『Thousand Year Prayer / 千年の祈り』 千年の時を超え、終わりを願い続ける祈り。 その旋律は、未来へと届くのか。 8:08 第4章『Silver Rebel...
[Free Background Music]"Pixel Glow" - A Relaxing Electronic Sound That Spreads Light
Переглядів 11621 годину тому
#癒し #ピコピコ #フリーBGM ダウンロード 『Pixel Glow / 光のピクセル』 まるで光の粒が静かに踊るようなピコピコサウンド。 柔らかな電子音が広がり、癒しと希望を感じさせる一曲です。 軽やかで優しいリズムとメロディが疲れた心を包み込むように響きます。 リラックスしたい時間や穏やかなシーンにぜひお使いください! 許諾事項および禁止事項 「Free Music Library」チャンネル概要欄をご確認ください。 👉 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music]"Breaking New Ground" - An Adventurous and Fast-Paced Track
Переглядів 190День тому
#冒険 #疾走感 #フリーBGM ダウンロード 『Breaking New Ground / 新たなる地平を切り拓く』 荒波を越え、新しい世界へ―― 期待と興奮に満ちた冒険の始まりを描いた楽曲です。 疾走感あふれるリズムとエネルギッシュな旋律が挑戦への意欲と未来への希望を加速させます。 新たな一歩を踏み出すシーンや冒険のクライマックスにぜひお使いください! 許諾事項および禁止事項 「Free Music Library」チャンネル概要欄をご確認ください。 👉 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music]"Unfinished" - A Piano Pop Depicting Endings and Beginnings
Переглядів 207День тому
#ピアノ #ポップ #フリーBGM ダウンロード 『Unfinished / 終わりと始まり』 1月の終わり――それは、やり残したことに気づき新たな一歩を踏み出す瞬間でもあります。 この楽曲は、終わりと始まりが交錯する時間を描いたピアノポップです。 軽やかなメロディとどこか切なさを感じさせる音色が心に響くひとときを演出します。 過ぎ去る時間を振り返り、未来を見据えるシーンにぜひお使いください! 許諾事項および禁止事項 「Free Music Library」チャンネル概要欄をご確認ください。 👉 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music]"Alive" - An Emotional Track About Reunion and the Feeling of Life
Переглядів 1,2 тис.День тому
#感動 #再会 #フリーBGM ダウンロード 『Alive / 生きる』 涙がこぼれるほどの再会、そして「生きている」という感覚が胸に迫る瞬間―― この楽曲は、そんな感動的なシーンに寄り添う一曲です。 優しいメロディと力強いサウンドが交錯し感情を揺さぶる展開が魅力です。 感動のクライマックスや希望に満ちた場面にぜひお使いください! 許諾事項および禁止事項 「Free Music Library」チャンネル概要欄をご確認ください。 👉 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music]"Catastrophe Beat" - A Powerful Deep Bass and Uptempo Track
Переглядів 500День тому
#重低音 #アップテンポ #フリーBGM ダウンロード 『Catastrophe Beat / 壊滅のビート』 激しい重低音が支配する世界―― この楽曲は、破滅的な力と高揚感を併せ持つ圧倒的なサウンドが特徴です。 疾走感のあるアップテンポのリズムが戦いのクライマックスや圧倒的なパフォーマンスシーンを盛り上げます。 カリスマ性を際立たせる場面にぜひお使いください! 許諾事項および禁止事項 「Free Music Library」チャンネル概要欄をご確認ください。 👉 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music]"Azure Drift" - A Fast and Stylish Track
Переглядів 51314 днів тому
#疾走感 #エレクトロ #フリーBGM ダウンロード 『Azure Drift / 青の疾走』 透き通るような青い輝きの中を軽やかに駆け抜ける疾走感―― この楽曲は、爽快でかっこいいサウンドが特徴です。 エネルギッシュなビートと洗練されたメロディが未来へと続く道を切り開くような感覚を生み出します。 力強さとスピード感が求められるシーンにぜひお使いください! 許諾事項および禁止事項 「Free Music Library」チャンネル概要欄をご確認ください。 👉 『本日もご来館いただきありがとうございました。明日もまた、新しい一冊をご用意してお待ちしています!』 【楽曲使用クリエイターの動画紹介欄】
[Free Background Music]"Halo" - A Futuristic and Elegant Piano Pop
Переглядів 26714 днів тому
[Free Background Music]"Halo" - A Futuristic and Elegant Piano Pop
[Free Background Music]"Warmth" - A Pop Sound Full of Comfort and Kindness
Переглядів 21014 днів тому
[Free Background Music]"Warmth" - A Pop Sound Full of Comfort and Kindness
[Free Background Music]"Broken Wings" - Piano, Electronic, Tragic Rock
Переглядів 14914 днів тому
[Free Background Music]"Broken Wings" - Piano, Electronic, Tragic Rock
[Free Background Music]"Red Ribbon Magician" - A Gorgeous Swing Track
Переглядів 17714 днів тому
[Free Background Music]"Red Ribbon Magician" - A Gorgeous Swing Track
[Free Background Music]"Blaze Breaker" - An Emotional Track Perfect for Battle Anime
Переглядів 25414 днів тому
[Free Background Music]"Blaze Breaker" - An Emotional Track Perfect for Battle Anime
[Free Background Music]"Luminous" - An Electronic and Emotional Tale of Light
Переглядів 27914 днів тому
[Free Background Music]"Luminous" - An Electronic and Emotional Tale of Light
[Free Background Music]"Twin Stars Symphony" - Kawaii Pop & Rock
Переглядів 20421 день тому
[Free Background Music]"Twin Stars Symphony" - Kawaii Pop & Rock
[Free Background Music] - Special Library of 5 Violin Pop Tracks
Переглядів 22521 день тому
[Free Background Music] - Special Library of 5 Violin Pop Tracks
[Free Background Music]"Afterglow of Despair" - Epic & Emotional Battle Music
Переглядів 20721 день тому
[Free Background Music]"Afterglow of Despair" - Epic & Emotional Battle Music
[Free Background Music]"Balloons of Joy" - Fun and Cheerful Pop Piano Music
Переглядів 16721 день тому
[Free Background Music]"Balloons of Joy" - Fun and Cheerful Pop Piano Music
[Free Background Music]"Mission Impulse" - Tension, Speed & Mission
Переглядів 13221 день тому
[Free Background Music]"Mission Impulse" - Tension, Speed & Mission
[Free Background Music]"Twilight White Knight" - Battle Music, Action & Fast Pace
Переглядів 27621 день тому
[Free Background Music]"Twilight White Knight" - Battle Music, Action & Fast Pace
[Free Background Music]"Festival Spirits" - Traditional Japanese Instruments & Vibrant Atmosphere
Переглядів 20021 день тому
[Free Background Music]"Festival Spirits" - Traditional Japanese Instruments & Vibrant Atmosphere
[Free Background Music] "Final Glimpse" ~Rock & Battle~
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[Free Background Music] "Final Glimpse" ~Rock & Battle~
[Free Background Music] "Prayers and Wishes" ~Emotional & Dramatic~
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[Free Background Music] "Prayers and Wishes" ~Emotional & Dramatic~


  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 18 годин тому

    In the meantime, here's the Chubina music you've probably heard a lot

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 18 годин тому

    Have a nice day, my favorite is midnight mirage, by the way, there are posts on my account related to manga, I hope UA-cam doesn't delete this message again.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 17 годин тому

      Thank you for your wonderful comment! 🎩✨ I’m so happy that you like “Midnight Mirage”! 🌙🎶 I see that you have posts about manga-sounds really interesting! 📖✨ I’ll be sure to check them out! Let’s hope UA-cam doesn’t delete your message again…🙏💦

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 17 годин тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library 記事で残景の地図をシェアしましたが、ご覧になりましたか?

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 17 годин тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Yes! I saw the Zankei map you shared in the article! It looks incredibly detailed and really expands the world’s depth. I love how each nation is inspired by real-world cultures while still having its own unique elements. I’m especially curious about the strategic importance of the Silk and Spice Trade Islands and how the relationships between different nations unfold. Looking forward to discovering more about this world!

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 16 годин тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I will tell you about the power system of this manga soon, whenever you want.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 16 годин тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Whenever you're ready, I'd love to hear more! Also, with martial arts, machine guns, diseases, and diverse nations, your world seems incredibly unique. I'm really curious-what genre of manga are you aiming to create?

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g День тому

    I'm sorry if I was rude to you.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library День тому

      It’s totally fine! 🎩✨ I didn’t feel that way at all-in fact, I really enjoy talking with you! 😊

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g День тому

    I have to say that it is a relaxing beautiful epic song as always by the way I am so sorry if I am disturbing you I sent so many messages in one day I am sorry

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library День тому

      Thank you so much for your kind words! 🎩✨ I’m really happy you enjoyed the music! 🎶😊 And don’t worry at all about the messages! In fact, I love having great conversations with you! ✨ Feel free to message anytime! ☕🎵

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g День тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library 私のプロフィールをクリックしていただけますか。コメントが削除されているため、詳細を説明することができません。

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 2 дні тому

    Sorry I couldn't write you a message, I was a little busy today, by the way I can send you the haita of the world I told you about before as a post on my UA-cam account.

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 3 дні тому

    The cover photo and music are very impressive, and schools are closed today because it snowed a lot.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 3 дні тому

      It must be hard to miss a day of school because of snow ❄ Stay warm and enjoy some relaxing music. ☕😊✨ Actually, this work pays homage to the concept of "dark water" that you mentioned the other day, and arranged it in a dark fantasy style. 🎶🌑 Look forward to tomorrow's music! ✨

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 3 дні тому

      @FreeMusic-Library When making this music, were you inspired by the concept of dark water that I mentioned? This makes me very happy.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 3 дні тому

      @ If you enjoyed the inspiration behind it, that makes me really happy too! 🎶✨ Please feel free to share more interesting ideas anytime! 😊

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 3 дні тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library of course By the way, I really want to tell you about the subject of the manga I want to write.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 3 дні тому

      @@Doorua-k6g I’d love to hear about it! 🎩✨ Please tell me about the theme of your manga! I’m really curious about the world you’re creating and the characters in it! 🎶📖✨

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 4 дні тому

    This is truly my favorite of all time.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 4 дні тому

      I’m so happy to hear that! 🎩✨ I’ll keep doing my best to bring you more music that resonates with you! 🎶😊

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 5 днів тому

    Sorry I couldn't text you because I was at school at that time.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 5 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g No worries at all! 🎩✨ Hope you had a good time at school! 📚✨ Feel free to reach out whenever you have time! 🎶😊

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 5 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library of course

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 5 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library By the way, the time in Japan currently shows 5 o'clock, you wake up at 5 o'clock, I think this is too early, I was wondering if it was rude, I'm sorry.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 5 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g It’s 6:30 AM now! I woke up in the middle of my sleep and went back to bed 😴💤 Let’s do our best today! ✨ What time is it over there? 😊🌍

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 4 дні тому

      @FreeMusic-Library I'm sorry I didn't see your message. When I wrote the message it was 00.00 at night. It's 07.10 now.

  • @katosougyo
    @katosougyo 6 днів тому

    凄くいいです😊攻めてる作業の時使わせていただきます(^^)! フリーミュージックライブラリーさん、チャンネル登録1000人おめでとうございます😆🎊

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 6 днів тому

      ありがとうございます!久しぶりに激しめのロック系にしてみました! 攻めた動画で流れたら嬉しいですね(*'▽') 楽しみにしています!✨ そして、チャンネル登録1,000人のお祝いもありがとうございます!😆 これからも素敵な音楽をお届けできるよう頑張りますので、引き続きよろしくお願いします🎶

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 6 днів тому

    Another really good metal music, and I will send you a song whose chorus, background theme music and tempo I really like, but I suggest you don't pay too much attention to the lyrics, you may not like them, here is the song link:

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 6 днів тому

      The delayed intro leading into the drums is so cool!! I really love the music, tempo, and the scratches in the background. If you have any other favorite songs, please feel free to share them! 🎶😊

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 6 днів тому

      @FreeMusic-Library チャンネル登録者数1000人突破おめでとうございます

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 6 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library 他のチャットアプリを知っていますか?

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 7 днів тому

    My comment was deleted, I sent you a link to an anime opening that I really liked, whatever, I'll send it again.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 7 днів тому

      ### **1. コメントの翻訳** I tried to open the link, but I couldn’t play the video 💦 It showed a message saying, **"This video is not available in your country."** However, I found it as *Ranking of Kings* Season 2’s opening, **"Naked Hero."** I’m really happy you shared such a wonderful song! 🎶✨

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 7 днів тому

      @FreeMusic-Library I was wondering why it said it wasn't available in your country, and I'm also glad you liked the song.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 7 днів тому

      @ I was also curious about why there’s a regional restriction 💦 But I’m glad I was able to find it another way! ✨ Thank you for sharing such a great song! If you have more recommendations, feel free to share them anytime 🎶😊

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 7 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library Here is another piece of music that I think might inspire you:

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 7 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Thank you for sharing such a wonderful song! 🎩✨ The title means "I Have a Problem," and it carries a deep theme that makes one reflect on introspection and the meaning of life. I truly appreciate you sharing such a cool piece of music! ✨

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 8 днів тому

    あなたの音楽を待っていました ところで、メッセージを書くことができません。あらゆることを試しましたが、残念ながらうまくいきませんでした。

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 8 днів тому

      Thank you for always watching! ✨ I wonder why... I can't send messages on X? 💦 What platform are you using? Also, if you like, please use the video comment section as a bulletin board.

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 8 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I don't understand how it works as a bulletin board. In x, when I try to send you a message, I try to click on your profile, but unfortunately it doesn't work.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 8 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g ### **1. コメントの翻訳** I see, so you can’t send messages on X 💦 Can you open my X account? []( What I meant by using it as a bulletin board was continuing our conversation in the video comment section! If there’s anything you’d like to share, feel free to leave a comment on a video 😊✨

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 8 днів тому

      @FreeMusic-Library I understand now, thank you. I also When I clicked on the link you provided, I got a message like this: came across a message like thisThis page is not working If the problem persists, contact the site owner. HTTP ERROR 400

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 8 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library Sorry, I got a strange error when I clicked on the link.

  • @木野田美子
    @木野田美子 9 днів тому

    妹を溺愛している兄が思いがけないアクシデントに巻き込まれ、とっさの判断で庇って生死不明の離別…。妹は絶対に諦められず探し続けるも手がかりすら掴めず。諦めようとした瞬間、両手が義手になった彼とようやく再会できた運命の日、と感じました。 素敵な時間をありがとうございます!

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 9 днів тому

      @@木野田美子 ドラマティックな物語を感じ取っていただき、ありがとうございます✨ 必死に兄を探し続けた妹、そして何かを抱える兄…。二人の物語の行方が気になりますね☺️ ──両手が義手になった兄との再会。 驚きと喜びが入り混じる中、妹は震えながらも再び巡り会えたことに安堵する。しかし、兄の表情にはかすかな影が落ちていた。 「……お前に会えてよかった」 その声はどこか遠く、まるで何かを隠しているかのようだった。 事故の真相、彼が生き延びた経緯、そして彼を変えてしまったものとは--。 妹の旅は終わりではなく、ここから新たな幕が開くのだった…。 ──

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 9 днів тому

    Hi friend, to tell you the truth, it sounds very similar to an alarm sound, but I have to say I like it.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 9 днів тому

      Come to think of it, it has an alarm-like atmosphere! ⏰🎶 But I'm very happy that you liked it! ✨ The alarm is the signal for the next one...! 🚀 I hope you enjoy the excitement of moving forward with this song 😊

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 10 днів тому

    I don't know what to say, beautiful as always

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 10 днів тому

      Thank you for your kind words! 🎩✨ I’m truly honored that you feel that way. I’ll keep doing my best to bring you more beautiful music, so please come back and listen anytime! 🎶😊

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 10 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I found a new inspirational song for you song

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 10 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Thank you for sharing such wonderful music! This kind of energetic arrangement is also a great source of inspiration for me. If you find more amazing songs, please feel free to share them! 🎶😊

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 10 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library It's not always a thing

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 11 днів тому


  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 11 днів тому

    Here's an inspiring new song for you. Song name: Derinden(deeply) Singer: Barısh Diri song song subtitle: unfortunately not

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 11 днів тому

      Thank you for sharing such a wonderful song! 🎩✨ "Derinden" has a calm and deeply moving melody. The gentle yet rich sound is very soothing, making it a song that truly lives up to its title, "Deeply." 🎶✨ I really appreciate the music recommendation! Feel free to share more anytime! 😊

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 11 днів тому

      @ Is there an app where I can message you to talk about manga?

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 11 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g ### **1. コメントの翻訳** Thank you for your comment! 🎩✨ You can talk with me here anytime, so feel free to share your manga ideas or questions! I love discussing creative topics, and I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts! 🎶📖✨ If you prefer a more private conversation, I also have an X account.

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 11 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library Thank you🙂

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 11 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I can't comment specifically for you, do you have an Insta?

  • @NilüferMevaArabacı
    @NilüferMevaArabacı 12 днів тому

    Bunu chatgpt önerdi😅

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 12 днів тому

      Thank you for your comment! 🎩✨ I use ChatGPT a lot😊 I'm not very knowledgeable about languages, but it's very useful because I can talk to people from various countries. However, the comments may still have a bit of an AI feel to them💭 I hope that one day I'll be able to comment properly in my own words🌟

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 12 днів тому

    It is a music that reflects the theme of emotional reunion very well.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 12 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Thank you for your comment! 🎩✨ I’m so happy that you felt that way! I’m glad this music could resonate with you and bring a special moment to life. Please enjoy it again anytime! 🎶😊

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 12 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library 私はひらがなで「あいすきくこ」という文字を覚えました。

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 12 днів тому

      @ Thank you for your comment! 🎩✨ It’s amazing that you’ve learned “あいすきくこ” in hiragana! 😊✨ Learning the vowels “あいうえお,” which are the foundation of the 50 sounds, will make understanding the other sounds much easier. It’s fascinating how stretching the sounds reveals the underlying vowels!

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 12 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library Thank you ☺

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 12 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library Do you use Instagram? If so, I would like to talk there. Of course, if you want, I would like to tell you about the manga I will write.

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 13 днів тому

    If there was music playing in the background of the chase scenes in anime, this music would suit that scene.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 13 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Thank you for that visual! I’m thrilled to hear you think the music fits so well with high-energy anime chase scenes. That’s exactly the kind of dynamic and thrilling atmosphere I hoped to capture!

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 13 днів тому

      @ By the way, there are a lot of characters and letters in Japanese, kanji, hiragana, katakana and more than 2000 characters that need to be learned. I wonder how they teach you these letters and how do you remember them? I want to learn Japanese too.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 13 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Indeed, Japanese has many characters, making it quite challenging to master. However, if you think about it phonetically, there are essentially what we call the ‘50 sounds’ that make up the language. These sounds are represented in two scripts: hiragana and katakana. Hiragana is generally used for traditional Japanese words and everyday writing, while katakana is used for foreign words. Just like learning the alphabet in English, starting with these 50 sounds can be a good approach to learning Japanese. 😊

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 13 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I know that hiragana starts being taught in primary school, katakana in middle school, and kanji in high school, sorry if I'm wrong.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 13 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Hiragana and katakana are taught starting in some kindergartens and in the first grade of primary school. Kanji is also introduced gradually from the first grade, with more complex kanji being taught by the time students reach high school. I’m happy to hear about your interest in Japanese! Please continue to enjoy learning it! 🎶😊

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 14 днів тому

    My comment was deleted, I sent you a link to a song. song name:Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? (Pilule bleue)

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 14 днів тому

      Thank you for letting me know the song title! “Est-ce que tu m'aimes” was amazing! I truly appreciate you sharing this wonderful recommendation. If you have any other favorite songs, please feel free to share them anytime! 🎶✨

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 15 днів тому

    I will ask you a question. Is it the purple fire that burns existence (it can even burn water) or the dark water that extinguishes everything (it can even extinguish purple fire, which can burn existence) Which one wins and which one disappears? Both win and both disappear? There was a question that I will include in my manga about this incident: What happens if an unstoppable spear hits an immovable shield? There was a paradox, I was inspired by that

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 15 днів тому

      The story of the “unstoppable spear” and the “immovable shield” is truly fascinating! The way the balance of power is maintained or broken seems like it could become a central theme of your manga. As for myself, I often express moments of personal awakening, growth, or the transformation of harmony and encouragement from others into great strength through music. I’m very curious about the message you want to convey through your manga! I’m eagerly looking forward to seeing how your answer will be shaped in your story! 🎶✨

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 15 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library Thank you🙂

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 15 днів тому

    By the way, in the world of the manga I have in mind, there is also Japan in that world. I named it Rinezuren. Do you think the name Rinezuren is beautiful? It has a meaning, of course, and your music comes every day and makes me happy.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 15 днів тому

      Thank you for your comment! 🎩✨ “Rinezuren” is such a mystical name! It’s not a word that directly brings “Japan” to mind, so it feels quite unique and intriguing. I’m curious about its meaning and how it fits into your world😆 Also, I’m truly happy to hear that my music can accompany and brighten your wonderful creative moments! 🎶✨

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 15 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library By the way, are the Japanese nationalist people? I haven't seen the Japanese being very nationalistic, so I was wondering if you don't mind if I ask you.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 15 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Indeed, it’s a complex topic to discuss whether Japanese people as a whole are “nationalistic.” As you mentioned, Japanese culture tends to quietly respect its own traditions and values. However, this is not in a way that denies other countries but rather stems from an emphasis on harmony and mutual respect. 😊✨ Additionally, Japanese history and culture include aspects such as male dominance and seniority-based systems, which differ from modern global perspectives. However, with the rise of connections through platforms like UA-cam and social media, there is also a growing embrace of diversity, individuality, and freedom. 🎶✨ As times change, I hope the spirit of harmony between Japan’s unique strengths and the wider world continues to flourish!

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 15 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I understand, I hope Japan will always be at peace.

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 16 днів тому

    By the way, as I told you before, I want to write a manga. I want to tell you about the subject of this manga whenever you want.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 16 днів тому

      Thank you for your comment! 🎩✨ I’d love to hear about the theme or ideas for your manga-I’m so curious! If you don’t mind, I’d be thrilled to draw inspiration from it for future music or posts. I’m looking forward to hearing your story! 🎶✨

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 16 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library もちろん、将来的には、私の漫画が大人気になってアニメ化され、私のアニメについての考察がされたり、他の言語に翻訳されたり、ファンアートが描かれたりすることを夢見ています。 。

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 16 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library of course

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 16 днів тому

    You have made music that reflects compassion and love very well.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 16 днів тому

      I’m so happy that you felt compassion and love through the music. It’s my hope to deliver moments that resonate with the heart. Please continue to enjoy these pieces! 🎶✨

  • @halhalt16
    @halhalt16 17 днів тому

    イントロが良き…! ドラマティックな曲展開も好き…!

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 17 днів тому


  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 17 днів тому

    My favorite

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 17 днів тому

      Thank you for your comment! I’m so happy to hear this is one of your favorites! May this piece continue to add color to many wonderful moments for you. 🎶✨

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 17 днів тому


    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 17 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library インスタグラムを使っていますか?

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 18 днів тому

    I am sorry apologies

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 18 днів тому

    What is swing? also nice music

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 18 днів тому

      Swing in the context of jazz refers to a style that is rhythmic and involves a feeling of groove or flow that is quintessentially smooth and lively. In my own work, I use the term ‘swing’ to describe music that evokes the excitement and anticipation of a magician’s act or a circus show, capturing that thrilling sense of something spectacular about to happen🃏🪄

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 18 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I understand, so I think it is a music that reflects the swing theme very well.

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 19 днів тому

    You can create a song inspired by the saying, "Man is longing for the past, longing for the future, and complaining about the present."

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 19 днів тому

      Thank you for your comment! 🎩✨ A song inspired by these profound words is such an interesting theme. I’ll keep this theme in mind as I nurture ideas for new compositions. 🎶✨

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 19 днів тому

      @ nice

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 20 днів тому

    I found a new song for you to be inspired by. It has Japanese subtitles. song links:

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 20 днів тому

      Thank you for sharing such a wonderful song! 🎩✨ Is this a Turkish song? Its melody is so touching, and I’m completely captivated by it. Every time I encounter beautiful music like this, it inspires me deeply! 🎶✨

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 20 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library Yes, this is a Turkish song. I'm glad it inspired you.From the comments of the video, people were talking about Turkey and from there I understood, love from Estesian to Japan.

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 21 день тому

    I feel like I hear this kind of music in romantic anime.Nice

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 21 день тому

      Thank you for your lovely comment! 😊🎶 I’m delighted you felt a connection to romantic anime through this piece. Music like this aims to paint such heartfelt moments. Please enjoy and feel free to visit anytime for more treasures! 🌸✨

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 22 дні тому

    I found yakisoba, which is very popular in Japan, at the market, but unfortunately it is ready-made. I hope to eat the handmade one one day.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 22 дні тому

      Oh, so you encountered Japanese yakisoba at the market! In Japan, you often see it at festival stalls, but now that you mention it, I don't hear of any yakisoba restaurants. I think of them as Chinese restaurants or set meal restaurants.

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 22 дні тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library By the way, there was an American-made samurai game, that samurai was not Japanese, he was black as you know, the producer company says this is because they want to give more space to black people in games and movies. What do you think about this issue?

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 22 дні тому

      @@Doorua-k6g I completely agree that the recent trend toward valuing diversity is a wonderful shift. In the past, prejudice and fixed stereotypes were more prevalent, but the growing acceptance of diversity today is truly inspiring. It would be amazing if the next generation of children could grow up in a world where respecting and embracing differences feels completely natural. Music, too, has the power to connect people across nations and cultures, and I hope to play a small part in fostering that connection. 🎶✨

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 23 дні тому

    It's original and has a nice cyberpunk vibe as always.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 23 дні тому

      Thank you for your wonderful comment! I'm glad you felt the cyberpunk vibe in this track. I'll keep delivering music that resonates with unique styles.

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 22 дні тому

      @ nice

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 24 дні тому

    Happy birthday to you music ıt's nice

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 24 дні тому

      Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the music of "Happy Birthday to You." It's nice to have a song that brings joy and smiles🥰

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 24 дні тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library By the way, I want to write a manga and turn it into an anime, but there is no one I can consult my thoughts with. Can you help me with this?

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 24 дні тому

      @@Doorua-k6g I'm not very knowledgeable about turning manga into anime, but I'm more than willing to offer my personal views and feedback. If there's anything I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to ask!

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 23 дні тому

      @About the manga anime stories I'm thinking about

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 23 дні тому

      @@Doorua-k6g That sounds so exciting! Manga and anime stories always inspire such creativity. I’d love to know more about the ideas you’re thinking of. Feel free to share anytime!

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 25 днів тому

    It sounds like Hange's battle music with the giants in Attack on Titan, so it's beautiful.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 25 днів тому

      Thank you so much for sharing your vivid imagination with us! 😊 I’m really glad to hear that this song evoked such clear images for you!

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 25 днів тому

    It sounds like the background music used especially in isekai anime.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 25 днів тому

      Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you felt that way because that’s exactly the vibe I was going for with this track. ☺️

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 25 днів тому


    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 25 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g That's great! I'm glad you relate to samurai music😊

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 25 днів тому

    It's rock style music. You can use it as battle music in anime. It's nice.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 25 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Thank you! I’m looking forward to the day the music plays in a battle scene too. I’ll keep working hard to make that happen! 💪

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 24 дні тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library 👍

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 25 днів тому


    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 25 днів тому

      @@Doorua-k6g No, no, don't worry! How are you feeling? Your comments are always welcome here😊 I would appreciate it if you could comment at your own pace☺️

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 24 дні тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I am ill

  • @カンテラ-y8p
    @カンテラ-y8p 25 днів тому

    >この山脈は未開の地であり、多くの危険が潜むが彼女はそのリスクを承知で挑戦を受け入れます。 彫刻家だけに超過酷…なんちゃってw

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 25 днів тому


  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g 29 днів тому


    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library 29 днів тому

      Three days of insomnia is tough... Music and breathing exercises are particularly effective and often help you fall asleep. Also, just closing your eyes and relaxing can help your body rest. Moderate exercise and reducing screen time before bed are also effective. I hope you'll try out various methods and find one that suits you😟

  • @FreeMusic-Library
    @FreeMusic-Library Місяць тому


  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g Місяць тому

    The beginning part resembles the opening part of the anime No Game No Life, was that where you were inspired?

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library Місяць тому

      I've never seen the anime "No Game No Life" so I'll try it next time. Thank you for letting me know😁

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g Місяць тому

    It sounds like Celtic music, it's really beautiful music.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library Місяць тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Thank you for your comment 😊 When I imagine forests and nature, I think of Celtic music 😊 What kind of music do you imagine?

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g Місяць тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I really like counting stars style music and linked horizon's music.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library Місяць тому

      @@Doorua-k6g Thank you for sharing your musical tastes. I will continue to post music that combines elements of pop and rock, so please look forward to it😄

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g 29 днів тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library 👍

  • @FreeMusic-Library
    @FreeMusic-Library Місяць тому


  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g Місяць тому

    I found a song, I'm sure you will like it and get inspired, by the way, you are improving yourself every second, by the way, the song has English subtitles, here is the link of the song:

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library Місяць тому

      Thank you so much for sharing the song and for your kind words about my progress. It was a very clear and beautiful song😁 English subtitles are sometimes automatically added, but I don't know how to stop them😲

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g Місяць тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library ım sorry but I dont know

  • @Doorua-k6g
    @Doorua-k6g Місяць тому

    Every music you make leaves your previous music behind, just like a flower that releases a more beautiful scent every time it fades, I hope you continue like this.

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library Місяць тому

      Thank you for that great analogy! I will continue to strive to deliver more beautiful and impactful sounds😄

    • @FreeMusic-Library
      @FreeMusic-Library Місяць тому

      Your way of expressing is truly lovely😄 It adds a special touch to our conversation😆

    • @Doorua-k6g
      @Doorua-k6g Місяць тому

      @@FreeMusic-Library I should really be grateful to you. These music make people forget their daily problems and get them pumped up.