  • 98
  • 8 679
My first solves of the year 2025! (a05 and a012)
Today's video is about
"My first solves of the year 2025! (a05 and a012)"
oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video
avg of 12: 9.93
Time List:
1. 9.83 F R F' L2 B2 R2 B' U2 B' R2 B D2 F2 R' U2 B2 F' D B U'
2. 10.05 U2 F L2 U' F2 L2 U' R2 D B2 D B2 D2 L2 B L R' B2 F U B
3. (8.42) U2 R' D' L2 D F2 D' R2 U2 L2 R2 B2 R2 U' F' L D2 F R2 B2 L2
4. (14.75) R U2 L2 F2 U R2 U B2 D2 R2 F2 U2 R2 B' D2 R' U R D R' F'
5. 10.48 L B2 U' D' F U' R' F B' U' L2 D' B2 D2 F2 D' R2
6. 11.26 F' U2 F2 D2 R' B2 U2 L2 U2 L2 F2 L D2 B' L2 R2 U2 B' U' R2
7. 9.57 U' F2 D B' U' B2 L' U' F2 D2 L2 U B2 R2 D' L2 D' B2 D2 F' R2
8. 9.69 L2 B D2 U2 L2 F' U2 B D2 F U2 R D' B U' L B2 D R2 B' D'
9. 8.47 L B U2 R2 D' L2 U B2 L2 D' B2 R2 U2 B2 R U2 F' L2 D F' R2
10. 9.87 L F U B D L' U2 R U F2 U2 R2 U' B2 D' F2 U F2 U2 B2 R'
11. 10.20 U R' B' U2 B2 U2 R2 B' U2 R2 F D' L2 U R' D2 R' U2
12. 9.85 R' U R2 B2 D2 R2 B2 U' L2 B2 D' R2 D B U L' D U2 R' U2
My main cube:
traxxas 50k
cube settings:
looser tensions
first maglev compression
screen recorder: obs
editing app: clipchamp,
about me:
name: bruce
age: 18
bg music: non
rubiks cube
rubiks cube solve
plus 2
ballcore v5
last video: ua-cam.com/video/L1XdGtLqOgc/v-deo.html
Переглядів: 56


Road to Sub 10 (Demo video + New angle)
Переглядів 75Місяць тому
Today's video is about "Road to Sub 10 (Demo video New angle) " oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video avg of 5: 9.86 Time List: 1. (8.71) F2 U B2 R2 B2 U' F2 R2 U B' R D' R' F R F R D' L 2. (10.83 ) F2 D2 R D2 U2 R' F2 U2 R2 U2 B R U F' U2 R' D2 B2 L2 3. 9.81 U' D2 R2 B R2 U2 B R...
MY FIRST EVER SUB 6 SOLVE! (w/Reconstruction and Walkthrough)
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Today's video is about explaining my new PB and giving a walkthrough so we can learn together! oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: 1. 5.80 R' U' R D' B U' B2 R L2 U' D' R2 D' L2 B2 U2 R2 L2 F2 About the cube: RS3M V5 BALLCORE EDITION lubes: traxxas 50k dnm-37 cube se...
In class Rubik's cube solving session!
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Today's video is about "In class Rubik's cube solving session! " oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video avg of 5: 9.98 Time List: on screen My main cube: RS3M 2020 lubes: traxxas 50k dnm-37 cube settings: looser tensions first spring compression screen recorder: obs editing app: c...
One day to One month of SCHOOL be like:
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Today's video is about "One day to One month of SCHOOL be like:" oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: non My main cube: RS3M V5 BALLCORE EDITION lubes: traxxas 50k dnm-37 cube settings: looser tensions first maglev compression screen recorder: obs editing app: clipcha...
Where have i been?! | (mini skit + life update)
Переглядів 475 місяців тому
Today's video is about "Where have i been | (skit mini life update)" oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: non My main cube: RS3M V5 BALLCORE EDITION lubes: traxxas 50k dnm-37 cube settings: looser tensions first maglev compression screen recorder: obs editing app: cli...
Переглядів 825 місяців тому
Today's video is about "MY RUBIK'S CUBE PB AVERANGE OF 5!!! . " oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video avg of 5: 8.91 Time List: 1. (9.48) B' F2 L2 D' L2 F2 R2 F2 U' L2 D2 F L D2 U' R2 B' R2 B' L2 2. 8.67 U2 L' R2 D' B2 R2 U2 R2 F2 D' R2 D' L' D' R2 B' L' R2 U' 3. 8.68 D2 R2 U' L2...
Wanting a new Rubik's cube but then I realize the price...(skit)
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Today's video is about "Me when I want to buy a new Rubik's cube but then realizing the price...(skit)" oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: non My main cube: RS3M V5 BALLCORE EDITION lubes: traxxas 50k dnm-37 cube settings: looser tensions first maglev compression sc...
MY WORST and UNLUCKIEST solving session ever...
Переглядів 1875 місяців тому
Today's video is about "MY WORST and UNLUCKIEST solving session ever... " oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: 1. (8.40) D R2 F2 U B2 D' F2 R2 U F2 U2 L2 B D' L F2 R' D' R' U R2 2. 9.16 L' U2 L2 F2 D2 B2 D R2 F2 D' B2 U L U F R D' B F2 U B' 3. (13.23) D2 B' F2 U2 F D2...
WORST things that can happen during a solving session (skit)
Переглядів 1466 місяців тому
Today's video is about "WORST things that can happen during a solving session " oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: non My main cube: RS3M V5 BALLCORE EDITION lubes: traxxas 50k dnm-37 cube settings: looser tensions first maglev compression screen recorder: obs editi...
NEW 3X3 PB! w/ Walkthrough and Reconstruction
Переглядів 1926 місяців тому
Today's video is about explaining my new PB and giving a walkthrough so we can learn together! oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: 1. 6.33 B' U' R B2 D2 L' R2 D2 R' F2 R2 B2 R2 D R2 F L' U2 B' U2 About the cube: RS3M V5 BALLCORE EDITION lubes: traxxas 50k dnm-37 cube...
When I haven't solved a Rubik's cube in awhile... (skit)
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Today's video is about "when I haven't solved a Rubik's cube in awhile" oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: non About the cube: RS3M V5 BALLCORE EDITION lubes: traxxas 50k dnm-37 cube settings: looser tensions first maglev compression screen recorder: obs editing app...
Getting sub-10 Ao5 TWO TIMES!
Переглядів 736 місяців тому
2 sub-10 AO5!!! oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: (1st Ao5) 1. (10.48) U L2 U F2 U' L2 U B2 U2 R' U' F L' F' L' D2 B' R 2. 10.03 F2 R2 L U R F2 U' R D2 F2 U2 L2 F2 B L2 U2 F' U2 L2 U2 D 3. 10.16 B R2 F' U' L2 U2 D' R U' R2 U2 F2 R2 B2 L2 U R2 D2 L2 U' 4. (9.59) R' ...
Переглядів 456 місяців тому
Today's video is about what had happened in the last 3 days of my life and why i been absent this past 3 days without uploading oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: sorry no time list because my cstimer glitched out and i cant access it anymore :( About the cube: RS3M...
Revisiting and solving my first Rubik's cube
Переглядів 2166 місяців тому
Today's video is about my long-story-short the start to my cubing hobby and my first Rubik's cube. oh hello everybody my name is bruce, and today were gonna be playing with a rubiks cube. So yes were just gonna be having fun so relax and enjoy the video Time List: 1. (10.18) F2 U2 B D2 U2 B U2 B' U2 F2 L' B D' R2 F L2 F' D' R2 2. 11.29 F' L B U' R' B' D' B U2 L B2 U2 R2 D2 L F2 L U2 D2 R2 3. (1...
Solving a cube that I am really bad at :/
Переглядів 1566 місяців тому
Solving a cube that I am really bad at :/
When I suddenly realized HOW LONG I've been cubing for (skit/meme)
Переглядів 216 місяців тому
When I suddenly realized HOW LONG I've been cubing for (skit/meme)
Переглядів 1166 місяців тому
When am trying to learn OLL but am very lazy... (skit/meme)
Переглядів 466 місяців тому
When am trying to learn OLL but am very lazy... (skit/meme)
When your favorite SPEEDCUBER stops uploading (skit/meme)
Переглядів 346 місяців тому
When your favorite SPEEDCUBER stops uploading (skit/meme)
Переглядів 1136 місяців тому
Practicing "slowing solving" (lookahead over TPS)
Переглядів 447 місяців тому
Practicing "slowing solving" (lookahead over TPS)
BACK TO THE PAST | WEILONG WRM MAGLEV 2021 (my longest session so far...)
Переглядів 167 місяців тому
BACK TO THE PAST | WEILONG WRM MAGLEV 2021 (my longest session so far...)
Road to sub 10 | two 8 seconds solves?!?!
Переглядів 627 місяців тому
Road to sub 10 | two 8 seconds solves?!?!
2X2 PB! 2024!
Переглядів 1068 місяців тому
2X2 PB! 2024!
Переглядів 568 місяців тому
BACK TO THE PAST! | RS3M2020 (mini-series)
Переглядів 528 місяців тому
BACK TO THE PAST! | RS3M2020 (mini-series)
After a month Am I still good at Speedcubing?
Переглядів 308 місяців тому
After a month Am I still good at Speedcubing?
I never been soo RELIEVED on getting a sub-10
Переглядів 489 місяців тому
I never been soo RELIEVED on getting a sub-10
2X2 avg PB! but does it count though?
Переглядів 119 місяців тому
2X2 avg PB! but does it count though?


  • @MigaFerreira-fg5nk
    @MigaFerreira-fg5nk Місяць тому

    Hi there, just letting you know that if a middle layer is off by one move, it is not a +2, it is a DNF. Because it is seen as a R an L move, not a M slice

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF Місяць тому

      Oh thanks for the advice, will take note of this

  • @Cubism72
    @Cubism72 Місяць тому

    dam bro you really are "WayTooFast"

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF Місяць тому

      very much appreciate it, how are yall liking the new angle tho?

    • @Cubism72
      @Cubism72 Місяць тому

      @WTooF I think it's good, but is it annoying to solve with your hands infront of a camera

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF Місяць тому

      true it was hard at some point in the video, i just wanted to try it because i seen other videos with the same angle

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber Місяць тому

    Btw congrats on 105 subs

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF Місяць тому

      yoooo thanks so much, how are yall liking the new angle tho?

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber Місяць тому

    He is back

  • @Cubism72
    @Cubism72 2 місяці тому

    Hey man i love your videos, you are such a cool guy and you are amazing at cubing. I have around the same amount of subs as you as well! I subbed, i love your channel!

  • @bigbrojhay334
    @bigbrojhay334 2 місяці тому

    Whats.the cube?😊 Thanks Btw im the 100th one😊❤🎉

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 2 місяці тому

      Thank you so much for subscribing! And the cube that i was using is the RS3M maglev ballcore edition

  • @WTooF
    @WTooF 2 місяці тому

    Sorry for the wait guys, school started 3 months ago and havent found any time to record but i have discovered since we are allowed to basically do alot of things during our school break, i decided to take advantage and start to film and this is what i got. This is just a “tester video” for the future and more higher quality videos come out from here!

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 2 місяці тому

    Btw and congrats u deserve it

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 2 місяці тому

    The legend is back

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 2 місяці тому

      Ayyy thanks bruvv appreciate the support still and sorry for the delay of videos school has been beating me down 😭

    • @youssifcuber
      @youssifcuber 2 місяці тому

      @@WTooF bruh are u serious take ur time it's okay

  • @LeviathanXDXD
    @LeviathanXDXD 4 місяці тому

    This dude needs more subs and views bruh -Your fan

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 4 місяці тому

      i appreciate my bro, thanks for the comment!

  • @LeviathanXDXD
    @LeviathanXDXD 4 місяці тому

    Yo its ur fan, I swear pops are literally jumpscares

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 4 місяці тому

      i know right 😅 they can be surprising, and sorry for the lack for uploads, school has been a pain

    • @LeviathanXDXD
      @LeviathanXDXD 4 місяці тому

      Yeah me too man.. Schools just kinda spam homeworks everyday

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 5 місяців тому

    This is totally relatable. I think I speak for the most of us when I say that you shouldn't force yourself to upload twice a week. Just do what is fun for you 😀 *Edit* almost at 100 subs!!! 4 more to go as of now!

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      @@strangesalkin5508 Thank you for the comment and the advice! I will definitely try to figure out to balance between school and UA-cam ✌️ peace thanks again (don’t forget to drink your water)

  • @EaglesFanCTC-d6b
    @EaglesFanCTC-d6b 5 місяців тому

    Bro i feel you, I went from having so much energy during summer and now I have 3 AP classes (not a crazy amount, but still a lot of work considering 2, are histories) I just feel so drained

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      I know right bro 🤝, during the summer it was nothing but cubing, but now since classes start I never so haggard this much ever 😭

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      Btw liking and subscribing would be appreciated 👍

  • @skoolingjuelz6594
    @skoolingjuelz6594 5 місяців тому

    I’m gonna wait until you have 99 subscribers so I could be your 100

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      Thank you so much, I will remember this 👌✌️😁

    • @skoolingjuelz6594
      @skoolingjuelz6594 5 місяців тому

      Just remember me when you get famous 😊😊😊

  • @FunctioningFunctionX
    @FunctioningFunctionX 5 місяців тому

    My PR (and also PB) is only 9.01 :( Also those were some amazing solves, you deserve more than just 28 views

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      Oh my days, congrats on your PB too, 9.01 is pretty fast 😊, keep going!. Thanks for the kind words 💙 (subscribing and liking will be appreciated!)

    • @FunctioningFunctionX
      @FunctioningFunctionX 5 місяців тому

      @@WTooF Of course! :)

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      @_IShowSlow Thank you so muchhh 😁✌️👌

    • @FunctioningFunctionX
      @FunctioningFunctionX 5 місяців тому

      @@WTooF np

  • @GlydLev
    @GlydLev 5 місяців тому

    where are you from?

  • @Marcoz108
    @Marcoz108 5 місяців тому

    Kill me this is too cringe

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 5 місяців тому

    Literally me when ordering cubes. Lol 😂 Btw was thinking about your comment to upgrade my rs3m 2020 to the v5 but I heard the wrm v10 is kinda a mixture between the v5 and the wrm v9 so I ordered the wrm v10 instead. It is also kinda a new release so it should it be cool.

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      Oh that's really cool, glad you decided on a cube, hope it suits your turning style! 👍

    • @strangesalkin5508
      @strangesalkin5508 5 місяців тому

      @@WTooF moyu cubes are really good most of the time. Are you gonna get a new one soon or nah? Btw what is your 2x2? I have the moyu rs2m evo

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      @@strangesalkin5508 i have been thinking about getting the tornado V3 M flagship version for a while now or maybe one of the Weilong line-ups. My 2x2 is just the qiyi MS 2x2 m

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 5 місяців тому

    I think u should collab with other small YT creators

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      Yes, that would be nice, i am open to that idea and as long as we have the same intentions, i am willing to collab

    • @youssifcuber
      @youssifcuber 5 місяців тому

      @@WTooF I will search for small YT

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      @@youssifcuber Thank you that would help 👍

    • @youssifcuber
      @youssifcuber 5 місяців тому

      There u go The Superflip M Cuberzz Russian Cuber The Cubing Critics Cubanormal SpeedyGoneCuber Dcubes Caiden Lee TheSpeedyJay 5tuffz

    • @youssifcuber
      @youssifcuber 5 місяців тому

      I hope it helps

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 5 місяців тому

    Ay he is back

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      yepp, been feeling good these pass couple of days

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 5 місяців тому

    "Stay hydrated" Bruce

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      yepp of course 😅, looking out for you guys!

  • @GiyuT0mioka877
    @GiyuT0mioka877 5 місяців тому

    Can you upload on how you record your solves and edit?

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      That would be an interesting idea to do, i might think about it in the future. For editing i use is clipchamp and for filming i use my phone

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      subscribing and sharing would be appreciated 👍

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 5 місяців тому

    Is the only cube you solve 3x3 and 2x2?

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      yep, and i been doing a few one-handed solves too in my free time

  • @RasRac377
    @RasRac377 5 місяців тому

    I was averaging around 10.55 seconds , after 5 days . I average worse than before , and finally. After 3 days averaged 11 seconds. That is why i quit cubing

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      Oh sorry to hear that, maybe try and reset-up your cube and take a break for much time as you want, once you’re ready and well rested, start solving again. You can’t quit now, remember why you started, you got this

    • @RasRac377
      @RasRac377 5 місяців тому

      @@WTooFIn my opinion, cubing is very overrated that my parents want me to get rid of Rubik's Cube. they think coding is better than Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Cube is for a people over 18 years old, Rubik's Cube is not a job. People made a cubing course isn't a good idea, Rubik's Cube is not my thing, coding is my thing... My dad said: "I want to you become a professional at coding" because when i grow up, I'll work computer science because it' gains me a lot of money while working computer science

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 5 місяців тому

      Oh well then, if that’s the case, I wish you nothing but the best and goodluck on your coding journey/career and I hope you make it to the highest level!

  • @EaglesFanCTC-d6b
    @EaglesFanCTC-d6b 6 місяців тому

    That was me yesterday but just add 10 seconds to each solve lol. Do you have any tips for getting better at lookahead? Ive been improving a lot with learning lookahead.

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Oh glad you ask, for lookahead, I would try to spot 1 or 2 cross pieces before solving and then figuring out how to put them together, then eventually I would add an f2l piece and then try to solve that with the cross, it’s all about gradual progress and getting use to one thing and moving forward, if you can get use to solving 2 cross piece then try solving the whole cross and once you get used to that then try adding an f2l pair

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Hope this helps and thanks for the question

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

    Hotake: E-perm isn't that bad

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Yes in a way, the e perm alg isn't bad to execute if anything it's satisfying, but once you mess it up and do the alg in the wrong side it has a pretty big time loss especially if your solved-time is fast (IMO but i respect your take)

  • @crossgaming6999
    @crossgaming6999 6 місяців тому

    This was Hype

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Thanks bruv ✌️ appreciate the comment

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 6 місяців тому

    He is back

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      yep, been going out alot and happy to find some time to make videos for you guys!

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      and glad to see you guys miss me in a way

    • @EaglesFanCTC-d6b
      @EaglesFanCTC-d6b 6 місяців тому


  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

    What was your previous pb? gg btw

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      a 6.52 but its on mobile tho

  • @yuehanservano6953
    @yuehanservano6953 6 місяців тому

    Is that a V9 ball core?

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому


  • @EaglesFanCTC-d6b
    @EaglesFanCTC-d6b 6 місяців тому

    Thats a well earned pb because you didnt get any ll skips

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      True, it was a full step solve

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      But I did get lucky with the xcross

    • @EaglesFanCTC-d6b
      @EaglesFanCTC-d6b 6 місяців тому

      @@WTooF true

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

    Bro even messed up the U-perm 😅

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

    I solving my new 2x2 while watching because no way I'm gonna get a sub 10 average on 3x3. lol

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      dont worry bro, you'll get there, just practice efficient solving and advance finger tricks until you get used to it! (and dont push yourself too hard, take breaks so your wrist wont hurt)

  • @EaglesFanCTC-d6b
    @EaglesFanCTC-d6b 6 місяців тому

    Happy birthday

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

    Alles gute zum Geburtstag nachträglich! (German for "Happy belated birthday!") 😀

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      oh my, thank you so muchhh!! (note: my bday was last week but my family decided to celebrate it at a later date)

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 6 місяців тому

    Happy birthday man 🎉🎉🎉

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Thanks bruv, it was actually my bday celebration (to not confuse people, my bday was last week but my family decided to celebrate it at a later date)

  • @EaglesFanCTC-d6b
    @EaglesFanCTC-d6b 6 місяців тому

    Hey I subbed and I have a couple questions: 1. I am planning to start to a cubing channel, do you have any tips? 2. I use roux and am sub 30, if you know roux and are better than me do you have tips for roux?

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Firstly thank you for subscribing means a lot to me and secondly if you are planning on starting a cubing channel, just be confident in yourself, make the content you want to film (without violating the restrictions ofc) and be yourself in front of the camera. And for roux, I don't have a lot of experience with roux but if I were to give advice, I would say, don't rotate, focus on one side first and use 'M' move ALOT but if you want to really learn roux I suggested watching j perms video for more info.

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      I hope this helps

    • @EaglesFanCTC-d6b
      @EaglesFanCTC-d6b 6 місяців тому

      @@WTooF Thanks bro appreciate it

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 6 місяців тому

    My solar was setup like a gan cube and it's only 12 dollars and got a small bottle of dnm am it was perfect and even looks like a Gan 11 M Pro

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 6 місяців тому

    I don't know why here is my first cubes Moyu melilong sc Dainsheng solar s m Rs3m 2021 Super BC

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

    GG on your average of 5 ! I have a quick question what should I get after a rsm3 2020?

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Thank you very much for the kind words. And what should you get after the rs3m 2020? for me, I think you should get the upgraded version the rs3m v5 ball core, its relatively cheap and it has most of the customization features that a lot of the flag ship/expensive cubes have now a days and if you really like the rs3m 2020 then you will really like the V5 ball core edition even more.

    • @strangesalkin5508
      @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

      @@WTooF Thanks! I‘m look forward to see your progress in 2x2 :D

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      @@strangesalkin5508 ayy thanks, glad you enjoyed the video!

  • @bellalastrilla8377
    @bellalastrilla8377 6 місяців тому

    Go! You r getting there slowly my surely🙏


    true im lazy too

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Same, I keep procrastinating and then never learning any new olls for months

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

    You're WayTooGood!

  • @youssifcuber
    @youssifcuber 6 місяців тому

    An underrated cuber btw do u have any tips for me I avg 23 sec using 2 look OLL and PLL and begginer F2L how do I improve

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Firstly thank you for subscribing and thanks for the compliment 👍, and secondly just try to get use to beginner F2L for now and practice efficient solving (ex. Using fewer moves to insert a pair, only rotating when necessary) and learning more advanced finger tricks would be good as well, (I recommend watching “brodythecuber” finger tricks video), and don’t worry about “look ahead” for now just learn more techniques on how to pair pieces and inserting the best way possible. That’s all, I hope this helps 🤝

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      And also sharing this channel would be great as well 👍

    • @youssifcuber
      @youssifcuber 6 місяців тому

      @@WTooF tnx man this helps a lot btw are u sponsored

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      I am not yet sponsored sadly, because my channel is still a bit too small for cubing companies to view me still

    • @youssifcuber
      @youssifcuber 6 місяців тому

      @@WTooF ah ok u will get there one day

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

    very true lol

  • @strangesalkin5508
    @strangesalkin5508 6 місяців тому

    6:08 How does that cube sound so crunchy? My moyu sounds like spring. I probably need to lube it. Happy birthday btw!

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      Oh, I am glad you asked, it's actually because of the lube I use, I used Traxxas 50k on the pieces, maybe that's why it sounds that way, and thank you for the happy bday message 👍

    • @WTooF
      @WTooF 6 місяців тому

      And also subscribing would be greatly appreciated 😅👍✌️

  • @bellalastrilla8377
    @bellalastrilla8377 7 місяців тому

    Go, go! This is better...viewers now can see u❤.