sharon grant
sharon grant
  • 27
  • 35 627


1990 - College Cheerleading National Championship
Переглядів 22 тис.8 років тому
1990 - College Cheerleading National Championship
1994 - Polk County Elementary Music Showcase - Florida Southern College - Branscomb Auditorium
Переглядів 888 років тому
1994 - Polk County Elementary Music Showcase - Florida Southern College - Branscomb Auditorium
1997 - Lori at Candlelight Processional - Epcot
Переглядів 9858 років тому
1997 - Lori at Candlelight Processional - Epcot
1989 - Connie's Dance Recital - Dancing in the USA
Переглядів 6498 років тому
1989 - Connie's Dance Recital - Dancing in the USA
1993 - National Talent Competition
Переглядів 1228 років тому
1993 - National Talent Competition
Stormie's Kindergarten Play
Переглядів 268 років тому
Stormie's Kindergarten Play
1995 - 1st Place - Against the Grain
Переглядів 558 років тому
1995 - 1st Place - Against the Grain
1999 - Choreography for Conference - Polk County Pride Team
Переглядів 2768 років тому
1999 - Choreography for Conference - Polk County Pride Team
1994 - Alpha Puppet Show
Переглядів 438 років тому
1994 - Alpha Puppet Show
1997 - Winter in New Hampshire
Переглядів 908 років тому
1997 - Winter in New Hampshire
1994 - Lori's Play - Curious Case of the Christmas Caper
Переглядів 1968 років тому
1994 - Lori's Play - Curious Case of the Christmas Caper
Lena Vista Play
Переглядів 1408 років тому
Lena Vista Play
Keesha Pictures
Переглядів 228 років тому
Keesha Pictures
Gutterson Memories
Переглядів 448 років тому
Gutterson Memories
1993 - Clogging and Lori's 10th Bday
Переглядів 9 тис.8 років тому
1993 - Clogging and Lori's 10th Bday
1992 - Maine Vacation
Переглядів 1348 років тому
1992 - Maine Vacation
1992 - Landscapes and Boating
Переглядів 458 років тому
1992 - Landscapes and Boating
1992 - Christmas and Chelsea's 2nd Birthday
Переглядів 1058 років тому
1992 - Christmas and Chelsea's 2nd Birthday


  • @MarthaFoster-r4p
    @MarthaFoster-r4p 2 місяці тому

    What is this?😂😂😂😂😂

  • @KrustyKlown
    @KrustyKlown 2 місяці тому

    9 out of 10 are still paying for their College Loans ... lesson learned: learn something useful in College.

  • @ericanderson3272
    @ericanderson3272 3 місяці тому

    looking back at this UCLA should have place 2nd

  • @michaelbonner4126
    @michaelbonner4126 8 місяців тому

    Oh hey, the flags work in this

  • @mr.balloffur
    @mr.balloffur Рік тому

    Jeff always had the best attitude, he loved the sport so much

  • @cptgoob70
    @cptgoob70 Рік тому

    Went multiple years with Lake Region HS ty for this

  • @anastasialaguardia3848
    @anastasialaguardia3848 2 роки тому

    A message from God: You shouldn’t promote nor advocate spanking. Spanking is the same thing as hitting, beating, striking, smacking, swatting and slapping. There’s a difference between discipline and punishment. You could have gotten in jail for spanking. Spanking is the sin of murder according to Exodus 21:20, the sin of pedophilia according to Leviticus 19:14 and Matthew 18:6, the sin of violence according to Matthew 26:52, the sin of idolatry (worship of Greek god Pan), the sin of abuse and the sin of pornography. When people advocate spanking, it means they are violent child abusers and have violated 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-4. God’s Word does NOT actually command people to spank. It’s a sin to call kids “good”, “bad”, “naughty”, “clever”, etc. That’s the sin of verbal abuse and the sin of pedophilia. Kids are not bad nor naughty. Kids go through phases that are normal and can be growed out of it. Kids are a blessings from God. Babies, toddlers and kids are too young to make decisions for themselves, have no knowledge between good and evil according to Deuteronomy 1:39, have no sin inside of them, belong to the Kingdom of God according to Matthew 19:14 and are unaccountable according to Ezekiel 18:20. People do not become sinners until they reach the age when they become accountable. The COVID pandemic is a setup planned by the Illuminati in order to bring in a one world government - 6.0 edition and the AntiChrist. Cussing is a sin according to Ephesians 4:29 and Colossians 3:8. Tattoos are an abomination before God according to Leviticus 19:28. Disney is full of all forms of child abuse including spanking - both in love and in anger - either with a hand or an object, the cry it out technique, grounding aka confining to house, bribery, screaming/yelling/raising voices and pedophilia, Satanism, witchcraft, magic, sorcery, enchantments, homosexuality, pride, idolatry, pro-vaccine propaganda, pro-GMO propaganda, Atheism, made up creatures called dinosaurs, cavemen and cavewomen, heliocentricism aka outer space and other stuff that’s an abomination before God. Homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:28-32. Jesus is coming back and he’s calling you to repent! Baptist is a man-made denomination owned by the wicked Catholic Vatican and the Illuminati. There are no denominations in the Kingdom of Heaven. Turn away from spanking both in love and in anger, turn away from tattoo wearing, turn away from the denominational system and turn away from all sin, turn away from homosexuality, turn away from Disney, turn away from verbal abuse, repent and receive Christ as your Lord and Savior before judgement falls on your head! Pornography is not good for you. It is very inappropriate to expose nudity on the internet. Jesus says that if a man lusts after a woman, he commits adultery in the heart.

    • @m.rivers9201
      @m.rivers9201 2 роки тому

      I couldnt disagree more. Spanking and beating the same in Gods eyes and are the same thing as murder?? Not hardly. There are many stories of God using physical punishment in the bible. Abuse and punishment spanking are two different things and we know the difference. The human brain is designed to learn from both positive and negative reinforcement. It's why we learn not to touch a hot stove and we learn that once.(most of us) By removing the negative reinforcement you are removing a major tool of learning. Most already have(by state force) ceased using a spank as a corrective tool and that's why most adults can not handle being told ,"no" and act so poorly today because they weren't properly parented as children with an occasional spanking.

    • @anastasialaguardia3848
      @anastasialaguardia3848 2 роки тому

      @@m.rivers9201 Corporal punishment is in the Bible, but spanking kids is not in the Bible. God did not spank people. Spanking and other forms of physical punishment have nothing to do with the Fruits of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control). Spanking came from Satan and those pagan priests in Ancient Greece who worship an idol named Pan. After Emperor Constantine founded the Roman Catholic religion, Roman Catholic monks and scholars translated the scrolls along in a way that is pro-spanking in nature, catering to the pagan and idolatrous pro-spanking traditions, usually conflated with sexuality. All seven verses in Proverbs that mention the rod are repealed verses, and do not refer to raising children. Instead, they refer to a form of judicial corporal punishment within Judaism where the father was court ordered to issue 40 minus 1 lashes on the back with the rod of correction upon a lawbreaking son (that’s a teenager or young adult), warning him that he would be put to death if he re-offended. Capital and corporal punishment, under Roman law, were shunned by the Early Church, with only mutual accountability between spouses allowed as a form of corporal punishment. The Early Church banned ALL punishment of children, including corporal punishment. Corporal punishment was outlawed and pronounced ungodly after Jesus died on the cross. Many adults who are MK-ultra mind controlled by the Illuminati and traumatized by their own parents who think it’s okay to hit aka spank aka beat hold the Bible to be a pro-spanking document. Prospankers take scripture out of context. However, this a huge misunderstanding of Scripture. The Bible is anti-spanking, anti-cry it out, pro-attachment authoritative parenting, as biblical culture was attachment authoritative parenting culture. The spanking in love technique is not in the Bible and not Biblical at all. The spanking in love technique is abusive, it comes from a very popular book written by a member of the Illuminati named Dorothy Spencer called “The Spencer Spanking Plan” in the early 1900s. This book brought the strong delusion into the church. All forms of physical punishment aka physical abuse including spanking are traditions of men and God hates it. Hitting a infant, toddler or young kid, on the rear end, thigh or hand, either in “love” or in anger, either with a hand or an object, is life-threatening or fatal. Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:7-9 Spanking (even when’s it done in love and even when it’s done as a last resort) can lead kids to reject God and their parents. If the children see the parents as very fallible and using unrighteous judgment on them they could come to reject the parents because of "hypocrisy" and also reject their teachings which for the Christian parents and Messianic Jewish parents is a tragedy! There’s a difference between discipline and punishment.

    • @anastasialaguardia3848
      @anastasialaguardia3848 2 роки тому

      @@m.rivers9201 Let’s look at the Hebrew context of Proverbs 13:24. He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. Proverbs 13:24 The word “chastenth” has the Hebrew term “musar”. Musar does NOT mean “to punish”. Discipline does NOT mean to punish. Chastisement does NOT mean to punish. Parents are being told by crypto-Jewish false prophets who call themselves a Christian or Messianic Jewish to use this as a primary form of punishment (what those so-called experts refer to as discipline). These people are basing their theology from the traditions of men! Satan and the Illuminati would want to the world to believe that the words “punishment” and “discipline” mean the same thing, but the reality is that there’s a difference between discipline and punishment. The words discipline and chastisement mean to teach, to correct, to educate and to instruct. The word “discipline” also has a Latin word “discipuli”, from which we get the word “disciple”. The word “punishment” has the Hebrew terms “onesh”, “shillumah” and “epitimia”, the Greek word “poine” and the Latin word “poena” meaning “a fine“, “penalty” and “retribution”. Poena means revenge, from which we get the words “pain” and penalty”. The Greek term for the words “chastisement”, “chastening”, “chaseteneth”, and “chastened” in Hebrews 12:5-11 is paideia/paideuo. To equate paideia/paideuo with punishment is an unlikely use of the word. Paideia/paideuo actually means training or education, especially of children. Hebrews 12:6-9 is not talking about God punishing His children. If we read Hebrews 12:6-9 and substitute punishment for discipline, it makes little sense in the context. Plus it undercuts the argument in chapters 9-10 about the perfect sacrifice of Christ. Is training painful? Sometimes it is. Read Hebrews 11:33-38. Sounds painful. Suffering is painful. And God is using that pain for good. Consider how pain works in training. The ballerina trains. There are plenty of sore muscles and gritting it out in practice that are part of training for a recital or a show. Yes, there is pain in training. Do we have to cause pain to train our children. The answer is no. There is no intimation that God causes His children pain in order to train them. Hebrews 12:6-9 does not actually teach us that we need to cause our children physical, emotional or verbal pain in order to train them. However, pain will still come into our kids’ lives. We should use those sometimes painful circumstances in our child’s life to help teach and train them. Also, when it comes to Biblical parenting, just because we are not seeking to cause pain, does not actually mean that our children will not experience our training as painful. The word “grevious” in Hebrews 12:11 has the Greek term “lupé”, which means sorrow or grief, not physical pain. The “rod” is NOT talking about spanking children. The rod is not a spoon, a shoe, a hairbrush, a paddle, a cane, a kitchen spatula, a tree branch, or any other item that is used to hit people. It’s a stick big enough to beat a man to death. The rod is never applied in the Bible to anyone younger than a teenager. It’s not for young children. The rod is used on the back. It’s not used on the rear end aka tushie. The word “rod” has the Hebrew term “shebet”. Shebet is judicial weapon that is strong enough to bear the weight of a grown man. Back in the Old Testament times, in Deuteronomy 25:1-4, if teens and adults committed controversy and rebelliousness, then they were given forty lashes on the back. The shebet was used for teens and adults on the back, not for babies and kids on the rear end. King Solomon did not invent spanking. The apostles never hitted their own kids on the rear end, thigh or hand. Spanking goes back to Ancient Greece where pagan priests who worship an idol named Pan hit women on the rear end with goat whips in order to increase fertility rate. After Emperor Constantine & Satan started the Catholic religion in 300 AD, Satan and other members of the Vatican brought the spanking technique into the Catholic Church for cleansing of sins. It was used for men on the back and women on the rear end. In the 18th century, the people in Victorian times expanded the Catholic tradition of spanking to kids and babies that are from ages 0 to 12. Spanking is also used in inappropriate pornographic video websites and pornographic movies. Sweden was the first country to ban spanking in 1979. Israel, which is God’s Holy Land, also banned spanking and other forms of physical abuse and verbal abuse in 2000. That’s why the Bible does NOT command people to spank. When you hit a person, either a kid, a baby, a teen or an adult on the rear end, thigh or hand, you’re worshipping an idol named Pan. Also, the spanking in love technique is not in God’s Word. The spanking in love technique comes from a very popular book written by a member of the Illuminati named Dorothy Spencer in the early 1900s called “The Spencer Spanking Plan”. Spanking in love is like insulting or stabbing someone with love. Spanking aka hitting/striking on the rear end, thigh or hand with a bare hand or an object (spoon, cane, spatula, shoe, etc.), insulting, and stabbing are not love. In fact, spanking in love doesn’t really help. Research finds parents who spank in love increase anxiety and depression in kids. That’s why spanking is the sin of idolatry. The word “son” in Proverbs 13:24 has the Hebrew term “ben”.

    • @anastasialaguardia3848
      @anastasialaguardia3848 2 роки тому

      @@m.rivers9201 The words “spank”, “hit”, “beat”, “smack”, “slap”, “swat”, “smack” and “whip” according to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, which is used for Bible studies, all mean “to strike”. The word “strike” means “to hit”. There’s no difference. Spanking is the same thing as hitting and beating. The techniques of “lite” spanking and pulling by the ear came from the wicked Pharisees who brought the spanking technique from Ancient Greece in their book called the Talmud (Tractate Baba Bathra 21A5 and Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 245:10). The Talmud is not the Word of God. The Talmud contains blasphemies against Jesus and antisemitism against the Gentiles. The technique of spanking so as “not to leave a mark” came from the slave trade in order to protect the value of enslaved people. A slave with marks on their back would be sold for less because they were assumed to be rebellious or lazy. Slave owners developed paddles to use because they were less likely to leave a mark than rods or whips. The actual truth that Solomon is teaching in Proverbs 13:24 is that it is loving to discipline (teach, train, correct, rebuke with a gentle but firm voice) our children, and also unloving to leave them without parental training. Teenagers can have foolish hearts and they need caring adults to teach them in the ways of wisdom. Parental discipline prepares our child to flourish in God’s world. And that if we fail to train our children, there may be future heartache for us. The rod Solomon is teaching is actually a symbol of authority, care, education, protection and guidance, not an object to hit with.

    • @anastasialaguardia3848
      @anastasialaguardia3848 2 роки тому

      @@m.rivers9201 It’s also a sin to hit/whoop/spank/smack/slap special needs and autistic people on the rear end, thigh or hand. Leviticus 19:14 says “Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD.” The Matthew Henry commentary of this verse says: “Do no hurt to any, because they are unwilling or unable to avenge themselves. We ought to take heed of doing any thing which may occasion our weak brother to fall. The fear of God should keep us from doing wrong things, though they will not expose us to men's anger”. Spanking (even when it’s done in love) leads to violence. Jesus said in Matthew 26:52 - “Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword”. When a kid is hit on the rear end, thigh or hand either in love or in anger, either with a hand or an object, then the only lesson a kid learns is to hit and humiliate. Anyone who hits/spanks/beats/smacks/swats/slaps a baby, a toddler, a young kid, an older kid, a teen or a pet on the rear end, thigh or hand or paw, either in love or in anger can be sent directly to jail. If the person who committed the sin of hitting/spanking/beating/smacking/swatting/slapping a baby, a toddler, a young kid, an older kid, a teen or an animal on the rear end, thigh or hand or paw, either in love or in anger has not repented, nor confessed to God, nor turned away from spanking, nor turned away from all forms of physical punishment aka physical abuse, then that person who committed the sin of hitting/spanking/beating/smacking/swatting/slapping a baby, a toddler, a young kid, an older kid, a teen or an animal on the rear end, thigh or hand or paw, either in love or in anger and did not repent, confess to God nor turn away from spanking nor turned away from all forms of physical punishment aka physical abuse will automatically go to Hell for 1,000 years plus and in The Lake of Fire for all eternity because that person who committed the sin of hitting/spanking/beating/smacking/swatting/slapping a baby, a toddler, a young kid, an older kid, a teen or an animal on the rear end, thigh or hand or paw, either in love or in anger and did not repent, confess to God, nor turned away from all forms of physical punishment aka physical abuse nor turn away from spanking has violated Matthew 26:52, Exodus 21:20, 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-4. Spanking also leads to sinful activity and wicked behavior when people grow older, like homosexuality, pride, pedophilia, zoophilia, animal abuse, witchcraft, alcohol drinking, smoking tobacco or weed, vulgar language and all forms of child abuse. Exodus 21:20 says “And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.” Spanking is the sin of murder. In fact, there are kids who have died from the cruel methods of Debi & Michael Pearl. Exodus 21:20 means that parents need to learn to be very careful in training up their children, setting them a good example, especially in the government of their passions, and in praying for them; taking heed not to provoke them to wrath. Spanking can also cause people to have unhealed trauma and lie.

  • @katie5096
    @katie5096 2 роки тому

    This is definitely NOT cheerleading. This is dance.

  • @leannaboyle6836
    @leannaboyle6836 2 роки тому

    I just heard Little Richard in the background at 6:12

  • @StFidjnr
    @StFidjnr 3 роки тому

    28:44 WSU did Hit zero for the whole routine

  • @tampamabins2868
    @tampamabins2868 3 роки тому

    Singing here was one of the highlights of being a teen!! My love for music and the arts has never diminished! My heart will forever remember these good times! Representing Plant City High School jazz choir 1997!!

    • @shelltatom8612
      @shelltatom8612 2 роки тому

      Plant city i was in that choir mr. Floyd was our teacher and same with me best memories were with my singing sqaud

  • @Jennozen1
    @Jennozen1 3 роки тому

    Colonial H.S.

  • @chucke.cheese2212
    @chucke.cheese2212 3 роки тому

    PTT Munch!

  • @ariversjourney9005
    @ariversjourney9005 3 роки тому

    Nice!! Been looking for this. I was also there with Altha High School. Graduated 98 in May.

  • @lorrireid8933
    @lorrireid8933 4 роки тому


  • @Invaderzimheavymetal
    @Invaderzimheavymetal 4 роки тому

    OR maybe eastgate ohio

  • @katebeeson7235
    @katebeeson7235 4 роки тому

    I have this whole show on VHS in my house somewhere.

  • @cuiviststwo180
    @cuiviststwo180 4 роки тому


  • @guywilliams6569
    @guywilliams6569 5 років тому

    Wtf is going on AFTER the competition???

  • @plaroswulatylebotufraoay4407
    @plaroswulatylebotufraoay4407 5 років тому

    COMMENT: I better hope you answer my question,Sharon Grant!

  • @plaroswulatylebotufraoay4407
    @plaroswulatylebotufraoay4407 5 років тому


  • @GS195
    @GS195 5 років тому

    9:29 Now there's something you don't see every day

  • @mattswife81
    @mattswife81 5 років тому

    Pretty sure I was up there as well. Representing Seabreeze High School... I was astonished this was out there.... Thanks for posting!

  • @sagepoldanser2340
    @sagepoldanser2340 5 років тому

    I remember I would watch this on tape everyday. WOW... Memphis State was a powerhouse team for many years!

  • @thundercatmc
    @thundercatmc 5 років тому

    I'm pretty sure I'm in this group lol Confirming if it was '96 or '97

    • @lorianngie
      @lorianngie 4 роки тому

      Hi! This was definitely 97.

  • @glitzen05dood
    @glitzen05dood 5 років тому

    See how chucks snout is so “polished”

  • @siluvatar
    @siluvatar 6 років тому

    Thank you SO MUCH for this video! I was a tenor in Lake Region HS, and i had no footage of this. I cherish these memories.

    • @cptgoob70
      @cptgoob70 5 років тому

      I was a tenor also. The cd is for sale still starting at $50 lol LRHS Mr Anderson we were the best

    • @siluvatar
      @siluvatar 3 роки тому

      @@cptgoob70 OK, i never thought I would find an old classmate on youtube comments!! this is great!! I contacted M Anderson a few years back, he worked at the community college. had a few mail exanges with him. Find me on facebook if you'd like.

    • @siluvatar
      @siluvatar 11 місяців тому

      @@cptgoob70 RON right?

  • @ashleyanderson991
    @ashleyanderson991 7 років тому

    Wow 1990 cheerleading was lit

  • @glitzen05dood
    @glitzen05dood 7 років тому

    dos mooves R Real good!!

  • @eascec8374
    @eascec8374 7 років тому

    I think I know. Brandon, FL.

    • @mgstudios9232
      @mgstudios9232 5 років тому

      It’s not in Florida, it’s somewhere in Alabama

    • @CECSWF
      @CECSWF 4 роки тому

      @@mgstudios9232 if it was alabama then it was mobile , it was the only location with cyberamics in alabama

    • @mgstudios9232
      @mgstudios9232 4 роки тому

      CEC & Chill you may be right

    • @mgstudios9232
      @mgstudios9232 4 роки тому

      Joshua Laurin I think you’re right my dude

    • @chuckecheeseshows
      @chuckecheeseshows 4 роки тому

      CEC & Chill - Mobile had a 3-stage lol

  • @shawnmelanson1940
    @shawnmelanson1940 7 років тому

    hahaha, this is awesome that you have this. thank you for posting, it brings back so many memories and the fact that I was so clumsy and goofy looking that the camera person found it critical to keep me out of frame most of the video. I love it