Daqing Loves Cars
Daqing Loves Cars
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Переглядів 698 місяців тому
这是一只被宠坏的猫,爱了爱了。 动物观察局,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,必剪创作,宠坏了的猫,爱猫,一只,动物圈达人创作营,动物观察局19.0·小动物游园会
Переглядів 608 місяців тому
板翘懒猫,懒猫爱翘翘板。 阿珍爱上了阿强,动物观察局,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,懒猫,动物圈达人创作营,动物观察局19.0·小动物游园会
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别人丢弃的乳猫,好心人把它捡回来细心照顾,这么小能养活吗? 动物观察局,喵星人,萌宠,动物救助,动物观察局22.0·宠物夏日清凉季
Переглядів 248 місяців тому
给它们买了一栋别墅,它们太幸福了。 Andalusia (Filatov & Karas Remix),橘猫,汪星人,喵星人,萌宠,必剪创作,小奶猫,猫笼子,狸花猫,大橘猫,猫别墅
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收养5只即将被遗弃的小奶猫,2只穷养,3只富养。 喵星人,萌宠,小奶猫,收养,领养,被遗弃
Переглядів 569 місяців тому
这样下去小猫迟早被大橘玩死!它这是爱小猫还是欺负小猫呢? 相思湖畔,我的秋日生活碎片,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,小奶猫,大橘欺负小奶猫,欺负,小猫
Переглядів 249 місяців тому
再次收养两只快要被抛弃的小猫咪,从此我的大橘猫不再孤单。 动物观察局,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,小猫咪,流浪猫,收养,领养,大橘猫,动物观察局22.0·宠物夏日清凉季
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你家的猫也这样吗?下雨天看看我养的这只猫崽子 动物观察局,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,崽子,下雨天,动物观察局19.0·小动物游园会
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给猫买的营养膏,同事说是鞋油,我却追着猫吃营养膏。 动物观察局,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,猫粮,化猫膏,宠物营养膏,动物观察局19.0·小动物游园会
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他给我的大橘做了一件披风。 动物观察局,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,披风,动物观察局19.0·小动物游园会
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公猫发情多日不吃不喝要死了,发情过后身体虚弱给它大补一下。 动物观察局,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,必剪创作,翘嘴鱼大补,虚弱,猫发情,动物圈达人创作营,动物观察局19.0·小动物游园会
Переглядів 359 місяців тому
发情的公猫这个情况应该算是熬过去了。 橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,必剪创作,熬过去了,发情期公猫,动物圈达人创作营
Переглядів 229 місяців тому
伙食不好了,自制干粮也快吃完了。 动物观察局,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,必剪创作,自制,伙食,动物圈达人创作营,动物观察局19.0·小动物游园会
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工厂员工放假两天,猫主人给它安排的伙食够阔达了。 动物观察局,橘猫,喵星人,萌宠,必剪创作,猫粮,两天伙食,员工,工厂,伙食,动物圈达人创作营,动物观察局19.0·小动物游园会
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Переглядів 459 місяців тому
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Переглядів 4310 місяців тому


  • @erichill5762
    @erichill5762 4 години тому

    Never wash a non stick pan... never heard that before but I am going to do that now

  • @hsupergabe
    @hsupergabe 20 годин тому

    I took Marco’s advice, and now my stove has pressed charges against me for assault

  • @xJMAN92x
    @xJMAN92x 3 дні тому


  • @CerithMaximum
    @CerithMaximum 4 дні тому

    Marco Pierre White needs a Seinen Anime

  • @CerithMaximum
    @CerithMaximum 6 днів тому

    Damn, Marco has mastered Za Warudo!?

  • @michel4rthur
    @michel4rthur 6 днів тому

    Why wash the rice?

  • @difigiano3939
    @difigiano3939 8 днів тому


  • @blumenhan6939
    @blumenhan6939 9 днів тому

    His hands are fireproof

  • @JS-ln4ns
    @JS-ln4ns 11 днів тому

    I want to think this is his actual kitchen. It’s beautiful.

  • @CptDuck
    @CptDuck 12 днів тому

    Love how he tell the story of how he attack a stove. Just bcuz he didn't want to get intimidated by the stove.

  • @matthewwilliams3789
    @matthewwilliams3789 16 днів тому

    These videos are mind blowingly good

  • @numberstation
    @numberstation 18 днів тому

    Onions? Some people chop them. Marco grates them. I file them. Garlic? I sandpaper it. It’s my choice.

  • @webcommenter8073
    @webcommenter8073 19 днів тому

    Where does the acidity go? You can’t boil out acids in the water vapor. Maybe the acidic compounds are breaking down?

  • @tehma120
    @tehma120 20 днів тому

    Goddammit dude, it's just bolognese.

  • @joaogoncalves1151
    @joaogoncalves1151 20 днів тому

    Great food tastes better in the afterdays for sure

  • @MarcelWasserman
    @MarcelWasserman 21 день тому

    Beautiful... entertaining, philosophic, rewarding. Yet we are making food. P.S. From where are these videos from?

  • @leandroroi2030
    @leandroroi2030 21 день тому

    3:56 now it make sense to me why Gordon Ramsay always says “let the knife do the work” he got that phrase from his mentor, Marco Pierre White himself.

  • @TheHiddenNarrative
    @TheHiddenNarrative 27 днів тому

    Marco was unusually reflective this episode.

  • @frettinround
    @frettinround 27 днів тому

    Fix your fucking videos for Christs sake

  • @yayal7336
    @yayal7336 27 днів тому

    BS 😂

  • @MikesModelshop
    @MikesModelshop 28 днів тому

    I can't describe how much I adore this man and love his cooking. He reminds me of my father, who was also an excellent cook

  • @centurio7019
    @centurio7019 28 днів тому

    People mostly don't want to know why it should be done this way, they don't read manuals, they don't practise, and so forth, and so on. Really good cooking is for the clever people.

  • @amdsdd76
    @amdsdd76 Місяць тому

    Alright let's begin.....start with 10 packets of Knorr Ragu Bolognese Stockpot.

  • @amdsdd76
    @amdsdd76 Місяць тому

    4 days later........"Umm, are we gonna eat soon or what?"

  • @humbertostunter1
    @humbertostunter1 Місяць тому

    This is the best Bolognese sauce recipe I have ever seen, thanks gor sharing your knowledge

  • @SofaMuncher
    @SofaMuncher Місяць тому

    Marco Pierre White is the only chef that makes me feel like I have the potential to cook great food

  • @caiusjulius9836
    @caiusjulius9836 Місяць тому

    He did a completely different Steak Au Poivre recipe a long time ago though. I suppose this is the more traditional way of doing it.

  • @declangaming24
    @declangaming24 Місяць тому

    Home cook now not a professional get on masterchef marco where's the stockpot.

  • @Urizen61
    @Urizen61 Місяць тому


  • @gakon8154
    @gakon8154 Місяць тому

    No salt, no pepper this will be bland as fuck.

  • @feralkid1879
    @feralkid1879 Місяць тому

    I sub the vino with pure pomegranate juice and it's awesome.

  • @mariaaerts6990
    @mariaaerts6990 Місяць тому

    No reason why I couldn't do this with ground pork is there?

  • @DeadbeatGamer
    @DeadbeatGamer Місяць тому

    This became an ASMR video half way thru

  • @DeadbeatGamer
    @DeadbeatGamer Місяць тому

    so, arr those cat heads with horns on the wall?

  • @MrDavey2010
    @MrDavey2010 Місяць тому

    Such an arrogant man! Awful guy! He loves himself! What’s with the hat? Ridiculous!

  • @a_pav
    @a_pav Місяць тому

    Can someone explain what he means when he says the Bolognese will taste better in three days time?

  • @rutinerad
    @rutinerad Місяць тому

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned about top chefs it’s that they really hate their nonstick pans.

  • @DeadbeatGamer
    @DeadbeatGamer Місяць тому

    Oh you dirty old man, that steak fell in love a second time

  • @andrewkim485
    @andrewkim485 Місяць тому

    Ive always wondered, is that actually his house??

  • @annekedebruyn7797
    @annekedebruyn7797 Місяць тому

    What I love about Marcos teaching is that he explains what happens and why he does it.

  • @andrewkim485
    @andrewkim485 Місяць тому

    MPW is getting way too serious over a bowl of tomato sauce

  • @davidjohnstone7724
    @davidjohnstone7724 Місяць тому

    Mf double dipped

  • @thehellofajumper
    @thehellofajumper Місяць тому

    This could really do with a knorr stock pod.

  • @tonyb9560
    @tonyb9560 Місяць тому

    Time is a wheel, dont question whether you are at the top of the wheel or the bottom. Now about these stock pots.

  • @gladroad
    @gladroad Місяць тому

    Does he do audio books? Very soothing voice

  • @Marenqo
    @Marenqo Місяць тому

    Garlic in Ragu??! Sacrilege! Spaghetti? Work of the devil. Bay leaf, thyme? Nooooooo!

  • @peddaz55
    @peddaz55 Місяць тому

    Ok guys, I need your help. So, I've cooked this Ragu according to the video and the ingredients given below in the comments. I am a decent cook, not a beginner, so I know the basics. The frying and draining of the mince went well. Lots of flavor there. The grating and cooking of the vegetables was also pretty good. It good sweeter and sweeter the longer I cooked it. I added a decent bottle of red wine and reduced it down to what I thought was about 10%. I had nice flavors of the meat, the vegetables and the red wine. Then, I added the passata. and from there it all went downhill... All I could taste was bland tomatos. No more meat, no vegetables, and only the acidity of the red wine (I think I should have reduced it even further to get rid of that acidity). I cooked it with a cartouche in the oven, gave it a lot of time. Still, all I could taste afterwards was bland tomatos. All the flavors where gone / overshadowed by the passata. What was my mistake? for how long do I have to cook the ragu on the stove after adding the passata? Should I reduce it down? I just added the passata, put the lid and cartouche on and put it into the oven.

    • @ConorCruise-hw4ql
      @ConorCruise-hw4ql Місяць тому

      @peddaz55 Well, the main thing thing is that the wine is thoroughly reduced to a thicker consistency, enhancing its flavor while mitigating acidity. When introducing the passata, consider using a smaller quantity and adjust based on taste, allowing for more control over the flavor profile. You could try enhancing the the base flavors with additional sautéed garlic or onion, it can offer a counterbalance to the tomato's dominance. Also, a good idea good be to extended the simmering period post-passata addition, either on the stove or in the oven, it can help the flavors to better integrate. Incorporating fresh herbs towards the end of cooking can inject a fresh dimension into the dish. If the wine's acidity remains too pronounced, a slight adjustment with sugar or baking soda could provide the necessary balance. Hope this helped!

    • @peddaz55
      @peddaz55 Місяць тому

      @@ConorCruise-hw4ql Man, you are awesome. That's actually great advice. Thing is we are not at a all in tomate season. So the passata I get or the tomatos I can buy are all less than optimal. Your advice is really helpful and I will give it a new try this week. Gonna come back to you with an update!

  • @DjDustyUK
    @DjDustyUK Місяць тому

    He’s a great chef but he rambles on and on about pointless shit and actually sounds a bit mental these days.

  • @timothy790110
    @timothy790110 Місяць тому

    Where's the bovril?

  • @HansBernd180
    @HansBernd180 Місяць тому

    but i was told to NEVER move the pan when doing a bolognese ragu ? i am so confused now