Power Platform User Group Iceland
Power Platform User Group Iceland
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Connection References explained
Переглядів 992 місяці тому
Connection References are used to create an addition abstraction layer to ease a proper Application Lifecycle Management process. Connections are scoped to an environment, not solution aware and on a user level. This fundamental difference is important to understand and leads regularly to problems in every project. This session will finally bring an end to this! We will deep dive into how conne...
Supercharge Your Canvas Apps Performance Optimization Secrets Unveiled 20241024 110444 Meeting Reco
Переглядів 813 місяці тому
Presented by: Krzysztof Kania www.linkedin.com/in/krzysztof-stefan-kania/ 🔓 Unlock Performance Excellence in Canvas Apps! 🕰️ Tired of waiting for your Canvas Apps to load? Learn how to trim down those wait times and keep users engaged from the get-go. Understand the differences and good practises for OnStart vs OnVisible and Local vs Global variables to leverage them effectively to optimise app...
10 power fx tricks that you didn't know you needed movie
Переглядів 1063 місяці тому
Are you a Canvas Apps developer looking for ways to optimize your creations? Perhaps you find yourself writing duplicate code, being frustrated with forms or experiencing poor performance? This session is a tour de force through 10 of the most useful formulas and functionalities in Power Apps. You will learn how to combine simple formulas that you already know in new ways and optimize your use ...
Licensing As Part of Design
Переглядів 33Рік тому
For most of us the Dynamics 365 & Power Platform Licencing Guides represent a great cure for Insomnia! The result is that more often than not, Licensing is left as an afterthought as part of the Solution Design Process. This session will help you understand the benefits of considering the licence requirements early on in the design process and how this can have a huge impact on your project.
Enabling Copilot in Dynamics 365 and Power Platform
Переглядів 109Рік тому
Copilot is built upon Azure Open AI. Learn how to enable copilot capabilities within Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. With some demo of the functionality using Copilot.
Power Platform User Group Iceland 23.10.2023
Переглядів 26Рік тому
Kick-off á nýrri fundarröð og farið yfir dagskránna næstu vikur. Aðeins talað um copilot, leyfismál og sitthvað fleira
Reusable components in Canvas Apps
Переглядів 812 роки тому
The session is about Canvas Components in Canvas apps which allows developers to enable reusable pieces in the application. The session will include a hands-on demo to demonstrate the creation of such components. After this session, attendees will have a better understanding of Canvas Components.
Power Platform for SME’s: The possibilities and the way forward.
Переглядів 122 роки тому
As most small businesses see power platform as too expensive. It reduces a lucrative and effective mode of doing business using data centred approaches to a traditional approach, an approach which is mostly based of communal knowledge and activity. We discuss how to harness Power Platform for SME’s while lowering their costs and increasing their productivity.
Power BI with Dynamics 365 and Power Apps Portals
Переглядів 2102 роки тому
Learn how to use Power BI with Dynamics 365. Connecting to Dynamics 365 / Dataverse. Creating visuals, reports and dashboards in Power BI and showcasing the Power BI dashboard in Dynamics 365. Also security and performance considerations. Presenter: - Mihir Shah LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mihircrm/ Twitter: @mihircrm Blog: 365WithoutCode.blogspot.com Resources Power BI Reports with Model dri...
Mixed Bag of goodies for the Power Platform 20220407 111207 Meeting Recording
Переглядів 242 роки тому
Almennt spjall um hvað þarf að hafa í huga þegar að planið er að fara að nýta sér Power Platform lausnir innan fyrirtækja og stofnanna. Hvernig koma umhverfin e. Environments inn í þetta, hvernig notar maður solutions, hvað er solution publisher og fleira í þessum dúr. Hvers vegna á til dæmis EKKI að nota default umhverfið fyrir þróun of hvað þá öpp og annað í rekstri fyrirtækja? Ef að þú vilt ...
Að nota Microsoft Graph API í Power Platform lausnum 20220324 110113 Meeting Recording
Переглядів 492 роки тому
Fyrirlestur um það hvað þarf að gera til þess að nýta Microsoft Graph API með Power Platform lausnum. Farið yfir grunnatriðin um Microsoft Graph API og svo sýnidæmi varðandi ferlið frá upphafi til enda.
Lokafundur Azure og Power Platform
Переглядів 363 роки тому
Upptaka frá lokafundi vetrarins. Lýsingin er úr fundarboðinu Við ætlum að skella í sameiginlegan lokafund hjá Azure og Power Platform á Íslandi áður en að sumarfríin skella á. Við mætum svo sterk til leiks um eða eftir miðjan ágúst. Ef að það er áhugi fyrir einhverju tilteknu efni í tengslum við Power Platform þá er alveg möguleiki að skella í einn fund eða svo Efni fundarins verður Azure API o...
Power Automate and RPA
Переглядів 463 роки тому
Let's define few concepts and look at Power Automate and Power Automate Desktop in the RPA context and where Power Automated Desktop stands in comparison to the current leading RPA solutions. Finally let's also look at few fun examples.
Friday chat and bit about licensing
Переглядів 153 роки тому
This time we will have an open mic and Einar will talk about licensing and try to shine some light on the Power Platform license tetris
App making and Power Platform ALM
Переглядів 893 роки тому
App making and Power Platform ALM
Power Platform Iceland User Group Lounch
Переглядів 323 роки тому
Power Platform Iceland User Group Lounch