Ren Yun Zi Za
Ren Yun Zi Za
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Jagpa Melen, the Great Dharma Protector of Bhutan | Introduction to the Drukpa Kagyu of Bhutan
#不丹 #藏傳佛教 #bhutan #deities #drukpa
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Buddha Akshobhya | Vow never to be angry | Demon king Bo Xun cannot interfere or hinder him
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#不動佛#阿閦佛#妙喜世界#五方佛 不動佛又稱阿閦佛,是五方佛中的東方妙喜世界淨士的佛陀跟西方極樂世界的阿彌陀佛是一樣的,不動佛法門是具有超強的除障和淨除惡業的法門,不動佛發願「永遠不對眾生起瞋恚心」,如果常持咒唸誦能遠離惡夢與不祥預感,還能使身心靈得到安定平衡,連魔王波旬和其他的惡魔都無法來干擾及擾亂修持不動佛法門的各位行者,而不動佛法門更是具有超強的超度力量,影片中還介紹了最尊貴的第十七世大寶法王說到修持不動佛法門的理由,以及最後給各位聽一段尊貴的不丹佛學院院長昆列給琛仁波切的不動佛心咒。 播放清單 ➡️西方神秘 📌 ➡️東方傳奇 📌 ➡️ 運自在 📌ua-ca...
摩利支天菩薩 | 眾神之母斗姆元君 | 加持力迅速 | 日本忍者隱形術起源 | 任運自在
Переглядів 9 тис.10 місяців тому
#菩薩 #摩利支天菩薩#忍術 摩利支天菩薩從唐朝盛元開世到清朝,都是備受推崇與信奉的信仰,明朝著明的航海家鄭和,每次出發前都會向摩利支天菩薩祈求保佑,每次都能平安歸來,因為具有隱形自在的大神通力,在日本更是忍者修煉的守護本尊,忍者的隱形術起源,而在道教,被稱作斗姆元君,地位非常的高,是眾星之母,輔佐玉皇大帝掌管星辰。 播放清單 ➡️西方神秘 📌 ➡️東方傳奇 📌 ➡️ 運自在 📌 ➡️穿越時空的守護者 📌
Avalokitasvara | Hayagrīva
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#觀世音菩薩 #聖誕千秋 觀世音菩薩的重大三個節日,其中一個是3/28(農曆二月十九日)是觀世音菩薩的聖誕,在久遠劫前就已成佛的觀世音菩薩,佛號為「正法明如來」,馬頭明王是觀世音菩薩的忿怒相化身,為了救度解脫行者自在修行上遇到的各種障礙。 播放清單 ➡️西方神秘 📌 ➡️東方傳奇 📌 ➡️ 運自在 📌 ➡️穿越時空的守護者 📌 如果喜歡這影片的話,請...
Divus Guan | Sangharama Bodhisattva
Переглядів 61410 місяців тому
#關聖帝君#關公#伽藍護法#菩薩 三國時期著名的武將關公,是如何走向神壇成為大家信仰的關聖帝君,更成為了佛教的護法神 「伽藍菩薩」,藏傳佛教的「噶瑪漢神」 播放清單 ➡️西方神秘 📌 ➡️東方傳奇 📌 ➡️ 運自在 📌 ➡️穿越時空的守護者 📌 如果喜歡這影片的話,請點讚👍留言喔 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道收到影片更新通知喔 ...
Xuantian God | Origin of Xuanwu God
Переглядів 4 тис.10 місяців тому
#玄天上帝#上帝公 #真武大帝 從上古時期的玄武信仰 ,2000年來玄天上帝的形象,戎裝戰袍手持七星劍腳踏龜蛇,真實身份本來是一國王子,為了蒼生走向修煉道路,修道成仙。 播放清單 ➡️西方神秘 📌 ➡️東方傳奇 📌 ➡️ 運自在 📌 ➡️穿越時空的守護者 📌 如果喜歡這影片的話,請點讚👍留言喔 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道收到影片更新通知喔
Green Tara with super strong supporting power | The incarnation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
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#綠度母 #媽 #觀世音菩薩 #加持 綠度母是觀世音菩薩悲淚的化現,具有超強的加持力,綠度母發願以女身度化眾生,在未法時代,修持綠度母,成效立見,而且媽祖修也是修持的綠度母法門 播放清單 ➡️西方神秘 📌 ➡️東方傳奇 📌 ➡️ 運自在 📌 ➡️穿越時空的守護者 📌 如果喜歡這影片的話,請點讚👍留言喔 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道收到影片更新通知喔 bit....
The first ancestor of Chinese Zen Buddhism - Bodhidharma
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#達摩#禪宗#不倒翁 傳奇的東土禪宗創始人 - 達摩祖師,著名的格言「直指人性,見性成佛」,在中國涅盤後留下了一隻鞋的空棺材,據傳西去後的達摩祖師就是創立施身法的尊貴的聖者帕當巴桑傑, 播放清單 ➡️西方神秘 📌 ➡️東方傳奇 📌 ➡️ 運自在 📌 ➡️穿越時空的守護者 📌 如果喜歡這影片的話,請點讚👍留言喔 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道收到影片更新通知喔 ...
Tibetan great and special "The Practice of Chöd" | Machig Labdron
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Tibetan great and special "The Practice of Chöd" | Machig Labdron
The first day of the Lunar New Year is the Christmas of Maitreya Bodhisattva
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The first day of the Lunar New Year is the Christmas of Maitreya Bodhisattva
The legendary Tibetan war god and protector King Gesar
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The legendary Tibetan war god and protector King Gesar
Is your zodiac sign in the Year of the Dragon in 2024 a case of Tai Sui?
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Is your zodiac sign in the Year of the Dragon in 2024 a case of Tai Sui?
Mysterious Event Files | Universal Space-Time Gate Transmission
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Mysterious Event Files | Universal Space-Time Gate Transmission
Patriarch Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism, whose body is indestructible
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Patriarch Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism, whose body is indestructible
The Mahasiddhas - Thangtong Gyalpo| Leonardo da Vinci in the Himalayas | The Iron Man of Bhutan
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The Mahasiddhas - Thangtong Gyalpo| Leonardo da Vinci in the Himalayas | The Iron Man of Bhutan
"Puma Pengu Stone", the ancient megalithic ruins of South America
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"Puma Pengu Stone", the ancient megalithic ruins of South America
Dakini is the messenger between humans and Buddha | The mission of Sky Dancer
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Dakini is the messenger between humans and Buddha | The mission of Sky Dancer
The mysterious ancient archangel with healing powers | Archangel Raphael in the Bible
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The mysterious ancient archangel with healing powers | Archangel Raphael in the Bible
Personality traits based on date of birth | Myanmar’s eight zodiac signs
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Personality traits based on date of birth | Myanmar’s eight zodiac signs
Burmese old monk with supernatural powers shares practical tips for life
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Burmese old monk with supernatural powers shares practical tips for life
Time travel of future people | Prophecies from the future
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Time travel of future people | Prophecies from the future
The White God of Wealth increases wealth and eliminates karma | Guanyin Bodhisattva
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The White God of Wealth increases wealth and eliminates karma | Guanyin Bodhisattva
The two Buddhas who attract wealth, luck and feng shui
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The two Buddhas who attract wealth, luck and feng shui
Ganesha superpower to attract money | The Ganesha trunk represents wealth, wisdom and luck
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Ganesha superpower to attract money | The Ganesha trunk represents wealth, wisdom and luck
The best way to improve your relationship & career! The miraculous ability of the Goddess Kurukelee
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The best way to improve your relationship & career! The miraculous ability of the Goddess Kurukelee
Christmas Story | Santa Claus and 12 Reindeer | NORAD Santa tracker | Merry Christmas
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Christmas Story | Santa Claus and 12 Reindeer | NORAD Santa tracker | Merry Christmas
Taishang Laojun | The Japanese army's powerful artillery fire cannot destroy it
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Taishang Laojun | The Japanese army's powerful artillery fire cannot destroy it
The mysterious and legendary story of Arhats | The famous eighteen Arhats
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The mysterious and legendary story of Arhats | The famous eighteen Arhats
ASURA | Four Asura Kings | Fighting Gods
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ASURA | Four Asura Kings | Fighting Gods
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils | Revealing the Mysteries of the Eight Great Gods
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Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils | Revealing the Mysteries of the Eight Great Gods