The Collector Chronicles
The Collector Chronicles
  • 7
  • 12 717
The Collector Chronicles - Episode 4 - Playstation Galore
A familiar face popped into the shop today and brought in a bunch of goodies along with him. Everything in this box is absolute perfection. But can we really afford to spend so much on them....?
Переглядів: 5 987


Collector Chronicles - Episode 3 - El Dorado - Pokemon Gold Version
Переглядів 1,5 тис.Місяць тому
Customer comes into the shop with a VERY nice copy of a sealed pokemon gold version. Her intention is to sell it, but she might be asking a bit too much money.
Collector Chronicles - Episode 2 - Emerald City
Переглядів 2 тис.2 місяці тому
Our friend Tony stops by the shop with something very familiar. Can we find a deal? Or will the grade be too good to give up. Catch us on the socials! hagglequest
Collector Chronicles Episode 1 - I Choose You Venusaur
Переглядів 3,5 тис.Рік тому
Collector Chronicles Episode 1 - I Choose You Venusaur


  • @nusilver
    @nusilver 29 днів тому

    Wait, is this the copy I sold you??

  • @nusilver
    @nusilver Місяць тому

    Glad to see you're back, Isaac! I was worried this project had fizzled out.

  • @whiteowl8703
    @whiteowl8703 Рік тому

    Nothing like selling ex shit off. Ffs

  • @meniiix
    @meniiix Рік тому

    Seems a bit scripted but if its a pilot great work! The concept is dope! Some shotsbdrag on a bit like the intronor opening but thats just me. Looks really clean for a "pawnshop" show but maybe thats the new way to go. Personally i like a lil more "grimmy" like funkier angles. Props tho