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Hidden Aura Healing
Приєднався 16 бер 2023
Hello and Welcome to My Channel! My name is Deeya Nantarath and I am a Hypnotherapist and a Yoga Instructor! I have been meditating since I was little to help me through social anxiety. I love to connect with the cosmos and spirit guides to channel messages for the collective. I use my gifts to create Guided Full Moon Meditations and Affirmations focusing on Spirituality, Creativity, Finding your Souls Calling, and Manifesting. I recently started working with the body through movement and energy to help others calm their mind, relax the body, and connect deeper with meditation. Yoga, Positive Affirmations, and Meditations can help reduce anxiety, and depression, and relieve stress. Assisting people to reprogram their minds and live a happy life. Creating a supportive community in helping people heal and find their inner light. Thank you so much for Checking out my Channel! Like or subscribe if this channel resonates with you! Sending you Love and Light!
December Cold Full Moon Guided Meditation 2024
Explore the Full Moon this Month. December Full Moon is about sitting in your silence and tuning into parts you. Listening to your stories and blocks that come up when you let go. December Cold Full Moon Guided Meditation 2024 Explores the self. Patterns and rhythms. What do you need to let go with the Full moon, and what do you want to expand in your life.
#coldfullmoon #FullmoonDecember #DecemberFullmoon #ColdFullMoonDecember #fullmoonmeditation #MeditationfullMoon
#coldfullmoon #FullmoonDecember #DecemberFullmoon #ColdFullMoonDecember #fullmoonmeditation #MeditationfullMoon
Переглядів: 6 366
November beaver Full Moon Guided Meditation 2024
Переглядів 3,4 тис.Місяць тому
November beaver Full Moon Guided Meditation 2024 Hello and Welcome to the Full Moon in November. This Month is about creating a loving space with your inner child to make wish. Sometimes we can feel not deserving of our abundances or manifestation or move towards our goals. So this meditation helps remind you and inner child that you are safe to move forward and deserving. I hope you enjoy and ...
Sculpting a Symbol of Your Soul | Guided Meditation
Переглядів 178Місяць тому
Sculpting a Symbol of Your Soul | Guided Meditation Another meditation for this month for missing the September full moon! This is a fun meditation to call back pieces of who we are and create a sculpture or symbol. When you call back your energy and power, you are able to have insight and awareness on your soul journey. I hope you enjoy this meditation. If you want a private session, you can b...
October Full Moon 2024 Guided Meditation
Переглядів 3,4 тис.2 місяці тому
October Full Moon 2024 Guided Meditation. Happy Full Moon in October! Sending many blessings and love this month as we go through transitions. This month's meditation is about connecting to your inner wisdom and higher self. Tune into your heart and see what your soul wants to say or speak to you. Listening to loving, nurturing words.
August Super Full Moon 2024 Guided Meditation
Переглядів 26 тис.4 місяці тому
August Super Full Moon 2024 Guided Meditation - The super full moon in August is about seeing yourself from a different angle and building that connection to yourself. It is about using the vibration of your voice to connect with your body. It is about sharing your goals and telling yourself how you want to create your reality on Earth from a higher perspective. #AugustFullmoon #supermoon2024
888 Lion's Gate Activation Guided Meditation
Переглядів 12 тис.4 місяці тому
This Guided Meditation is about connecting your energy with the cosmos. Feel the healing energy from Sirius and tune into your activation. At the very end of the 888 Lion's Gate Activation Guided Meditation, there is a channeled message from Sirius. I normally channel-write guided meditations, and recently, the stars have been channeling through my voice. It is a short message, and I hope you e...
Buck Full Moon Guided Meditation 2024 July
Переглядів 6 тис.5 місяців тому
Buck Full Moon Guided Meditation 2024 July. This Full moon is about Coming into your strength with major transitions on Earth and cultivating the divine flame within you. This July and the past couple of months, there have been a lot of upgrades and light codes coming in on Earth, which requires letting go and making space for your higher future self to integrate. Note If you don't have UA-cam ...
Meditation Journey Vlog 1.1 Sending Gratitude
Переглядів 1195 місяців тому
Meditation Journey Vlog 1.1 Sending Gratitude. Making videos can be uncomfortable, but I want to send love and gratitude to those who have supported my meditation channel and growth. I struggled a lot with social anxiety throughout my whole life, but I kept pushing through my fears. I also wanted to share where I first wrote my meditation scripts and started recording my meditation before I mov...
June Full Moon 2024 Guided Meditation
Переглядів 3,6 тис.6 місяців тому
Welcome to my channel, where I post guided meditations and other fun stuff. In this guided meditation, we will connect with the June Full Moon. The June full moon is all about connecting with your inner wisdom and seeing if you can pull an answer from your own guidance. Everyone is wise, and listening to your soul will help align you on the right path. Listen to June Full Moon 2024 Guided Medit...
Flower Full Moon In May 2024 Guided Meditation
Переглядів 9 тис.7 місяців тому
Hello Everyone! Happy Full Moon! Open your creativity with the Flower Full Moon In May 2024 Guided Meditation. Allow your soul to paint a symbol that represents you. May full moon is about blooming into who you want to be. Relax with the Flower Moon. Creativity is an important part of life. We are always creating our reality with our thoughts. This guided meditation helps people tap into their ...
Pink Full Moon In April 2024 Guided Meditation
Переглядів 8 тис.8 місяців тому
Loving the Pink Full Moon this month. Connecting in with your gifts and see what comes through in April. Pink Full Moon In April 2024 Guided Meditation is about self-love, self-care, and remembering your potential. See if there are any symbols or hidden gifts that will come through in your guided meditation. It is a Timeless Full Moon meditation. Enjoy the Pink Full Moon in April! I am curious ...
Full Moon Guided Meditation March 2024
Переглядів 9239 місяців тому
Connect with the Worm Full Moon in March. Ground your manifestation into reality. Full Moon Guided Meditation March 2024 helps nourish our soul by building a strong foundation. If you have a lot of wishes, dreams, or manifestations in your mind, call and bring them into your meditation to be grounded and be your compass Note If you don't have UA-cam Premium you can always listen to this Guided ...
Spring Equinox Timeless Guided Meditation
Переглядів 5019 місяців тому
Spring Equinox Timeless Guided Meditation. Spring Season is Here! Guided Meditation about rebirth and awakening a part of ourselves. Connect and relax into your goals for the season. Note If you don't have UA-cam Premium you can always listen to this Guided Meditation on my website @ www.hiddenaurahealing.com/online_store/spring-equinox-timeless-guided-meditation #SpringEquinox2024 #Springequin...
Floating Lantern Guided Meditation
Переглядів 869 місяців тому
Manifest and Make a wish. Light a Sky Lantern up into the cosmos and let your wishes float to all realms of time. Floating Lantern Guided Meditation is a Meditation to help visualize your manifestation and connect with your spirit guides. Note If you don't have UA-cam Premium you can always listen to this Guided Meditation on my website @ www.hiddenaurahealing.com/online_store/lantern-full-moon...
Wolf Full Moon In January 2024 Guided Meditation
Переглядів 9 тис.11 місяців тому
Wolf Full Moon In January 2024 Guided Meditation Guided Meditation of the Wolf Full Moon helps you let go of the old and bring in new vibrations. Connect with your spirit animal and call in strength to help you expand your energy in January. Note If you don't have UA-cam Premium you can always listen to this Guided Meditation on my website @ www.hiddenaurahealing.com/online_store/wolf-full-moon...
Hunter's Full Moon in October- Guided Meditation 2023
Переглядів 324Рік тому
Hunter's Full Moon in October- Guided Meditation 2023
Harvest Full Moon Guided Meditation in September 2023
Переглядів 641Рік тому
Harvest Full Moon Guided Meditation in September 2023
New Moon July 2023 Guided Meditation Inner Compass
Переглядів 513Рік тому
New Moon July 2023 Guided Meditation Inner Compass
Buck Full Moon: Guided Meditation For July 2023
Переглядів 4,5 тис.Рік тому
Buck Full Moon: Guided Meditation For July 2023
Starseed Guided Meditation Ground your Transformation
Переглядів 364Рік тому
Starseed Guided Meditation Ground your Transformation
Strawberry Full Moon Guided Meditation 2023
Переглядів 1,3 тис.Рік тому
Strawberry Full Moon Guided Meditation 2023
TY 💜💫💜🧚♀️. I choose to move forward shinning my light brightly
You got this! Shine it brightly!! Sending you so much love! 🙏 💓
Thank you! Beautiful and powerful. I found it hard to listen too with headphones because of your voice shifting and distracting me. Felt a bit of a gimmick without purpose - but I must have missed the point. Bless you ❤️
💓 🙏
Thank you , i loved the tone the words and the energie of this fullmoon meditation so much❤
Aww! Thank you! ☺️ I am glad you love the Meditation. 🙏 💓 Sending you love and light to all parts you! ✨️
Beautiful! Thank you 💗
💓 🙏 😊
I'm happy to have found your channel. Blessings to you in the coming year. ❤
Hello! Thank you! I am grateful you found this channel! Yay! Wishing growth and blessings as well. 🙏 ❤️ 💓
Thank you very much. With softness and wisdom I go to bed and let the night do the 'work'. Intuïtion is the new me 🙏
Beautiful! Trust your wisdom, intuition, and the teacher that lives within you! So much love! 😊 Happy full moon in December. Thank you for listening to the guided meditation. 🙏 ❤️
Hi John! Thank you for the donation 😊 🙏 happy full moon in December! I am sending lots of love and light your way! 💓
💓 💕 💞
🪞 🪞🪞🎉♻️🌕
Deep Sis ✊🏾💫🫶🏾🌊⚓️💜🌸ty
Love and many blessings! 💓 🙏 thank you for listening to the full moon meditation!
Wonderful meditation. Thank you. Xx
Thank you for listening and leaving a comment! ❤️ 🙏
💓 happy full moon in December 🙏
❣Happy Full Moon in December! ❣December's full moon is a great time to sit in silence and listen to parts of ourselves. Parts we want to let go of and what we want to expand as we move into the New Year. Understanding a bit more of what emotions come up when we do let go. There is a lot of transitioning and massive changes happening on Earth, energetically and collectively. I find silent moments help us connect deeply with our intuition and higher self. I hope this guided meditation helps connect to different parts of you. Each part of you, old self and new self, brings understanding and wisdom for your soul’s journey. Thank you for Listening to this month’s meditation, and sending you love and light! 🙏💓
Wow! So nice. Thank you Deeya. ❤
💓 Hi! Thank you for tuning into the Meditation. Sending you love and light your way ✨️ 🙏
Beautiful thank you Sis-star 💖
Sis-star 🌟 I love it! Sending you love. Thank you for listening. 🙏 ❤️
That was a beautiful meditation I cried as I felt my inner child didn’t have that protection before it was so overwhelming but also felt like a release thank you 😊
Thank you for sharing your experience. I am glad you got to connect with your inner child. Sending you so much love! 💓 🙏
Thank you! Me and my inner child had fun and feel so blessed 💚♥️🙏🏻🪬🤓🫶🏻 🌕
Awesome! Yay! That's is so lovely. 😊 happy full moon in november! 💓 🌼 🙏
Hello, Happy Beaver Full Moon! This month is meditation is about connecting with your younger version of self and creating safety and protection to allow abundance to come in. Sometimes we may block manifestation coming in or personal growth because the foundation of childhood never felt safe to express and create. By creating love, stability, and connecting to your inner child you can see what messages you want to receive, share, and working together to manifest what aligns to you on your future souls path. Thank you for tuning in to the Full Moon meditation this Month! Sending Everyone so much Love 💖🙏😊
Thank you it was beautiful ❤
Thank you for listening! Love and Light 😊🙏💖
❤️ 💓 ❤️
Hello, beautiful souls! Since I missed the September Full Moon Meditation. I thought about putting an extra meditation out this month. It’s a really fun meditation to create a centerpiece of your soul. Calling back who we are from people, places, and situations. See what the subconscious mind wants to create and mold. Sometimes, we might not understand the symbol of our subconscious mind and the wild creations, but maybe later along the road, you might know why your subconscious mind has shown you symbols. So, it's always best to keep a journal close by and discover codes within. ❤ This year, I have also been trying to get out of my comfort zone when it comes to speaking in front of people, so I made an introduction video to this meditation. I might do some more intro videos on some of my meditations. It's been quite a journey learning to activate my throat chakra. Thank you to everyone who has supported my channel and for sharing kind comments and uplifting each other. Love and light! 💗✨
goodmorning the moss was there the Bench was there. I didn't see the symbols yet. Maybe in my subconscious mind. The words i got were Energy Abundance and Love of Nature.. Namasté sending Love & Light from the Netherlands. ❣️
Good morning lovely! Sometimes when it comes to the symbols with subconscious mind, the symbols or messages would reveal later along the road in life. Thoses are beautiful messages. Love it so much! Thank you for sharing 🙏 💓 Many blessings and abundance.
Good morning lovely! Sometimes when it comes to the symbols with subconscious mind, the symbols or messages would reveal later along the road in life. Thoses are beautiful messages. Love it so much! Thank you for sharing 🙏 💓 Many blessings and abundance.
You are my favorite
Thank you ❤❤❤
Happy full moon in October! Blessings and love ❤️ 🙏 ✨️
Thank you ❤️💫𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 & 𝓛𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽💫❤️
Your Welcome. Happy full moon in October. Love and Light!
Thank you that was beautiful
Happy full moon in October! 💓 🙏
Beautiful ❤️ Love & Light X
Many blessings! 💓 ✨️
Thank you so much. Your beautiful voice and meditation were just what I needed xx
Thank you for listening to the guided meditation! Many blessings and happy full moon! 💓
That was really great thank you so much🎉
Thank you! Happy Autumn season! 🍂 Many blessings 💓
Thank you for the Super Thanks! Love and light 😊 🙏 💓
I am good health I am a money magnet i am happy person I am abundance A am prosperity I am in the energy of sweet fullmoon And the sunshine of sun every morning I am a good person am broker I am love peace I am energetic to do exercise
✨️ You are a beautiful loving soul. And abundance is expanding within and around you each day. Everything is already in your vibration ready to recieve. Love and many blessing to you and the divine light you radiate 💕 🙏 😊
Namasté it is a beautiful 1❣️ Sending Love & Light from the Netherlands i am doing this 1 again tonight i was not fully into it just now
✨️ Thank you for tuning into the the Meditation. Love and light from Canada to the Netherlands! 💓 🙏 😊
Perfect, thank you 🌟💫✨
This was lovely thank you.
💓 🙏 😊 thank you for tunning into the meditations!
Thank you Sending so much love and gratitude I felt total bliss
Awesome. I am glad you had a wonderful experience with the full moon meditation 😊 🙏 love and many blessing to you and your creative light. ✨️
to whoever reads this, i love you
I love you 😊 ❤️ 🙏
Thank you universe!!!! This was everything I needed!!! Thank you
Gratitude and love 💓 🙏
Thank you universe for sending this beautiful message to me - just at the best moment for me. ❤
✨️ Thank you for supporting the channel and tunning into the Meditation this month. Love light and many blessings🙏 ❤️ 😊
beautiful meditation!! used it on my porch while my moon water sits on the windowsill 🌕
That is so lovely. ❤️ many blessing and love. Have a wonderful evening with the fullmoon! 💓 🙏
I am abundance and abundance is me..abundance flows to me and thru me
✨️ Abundance flow in every cell of your body! Bless and love the light within you. Yaahooo! Yay! Happy full moon! 💓 🙏
Thank you so much! This was incredible guidance as I gazed at the moon by the river 🫶🏻
That's sounds like a beautiful night. Full moon by the river. Peaceful and grounding. Thank you for listening to the guided meditation. 🙏 💓 love & light ✨️
Thank you...
💓 🙏
Thank you for this meditation. Namaste! ❤
✨️ Enjoy the beautiful night with the moon! Love and gratitude ❤️ 🙏
💓 💓 💓
Beautiful! Tysm. Sending love & light to the collective!❤
Sending love and light. Have a wonderful night with the full moon. 💓 🙏
Thank you, very peaceful 🩷🏔️🪽
Have a love night with the moons energy! Love and many blessing to the creative light within ✨️ 💕 🙏
Thank you ♥️🙏
Love and gratitude ❤️ 🙏