  • 414
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Penultimate Letdown - VLOGGIN’ Day 364
Переглядів 415 років тому
Alexa play despacito.
The Hell Is This Angle - VLOGGIN' Day 363
Переглядів 95 років тому
I don't even know anymore.
Final Fortnite Highlight of 2018 - VLOGGIN' Day 362
Переглядів 185 років тому
You didn't think I wouldn't do at least one, did you? LOL. It's the wrong clip.
RIP Ruth Maloy (April 23rd, 1923 - December 27th, 2018) - VLOGGIN' Day 361
Переглядів 225 років тому
I love you Granny.
Korean Food Is So Amazing - VLOGGIN' Day 360
Переглядів 65 років тому
Gaja is where we went.
Merry Christmas - VLOGGIN’ Day 359
Переглядів 115 років тому
It’s definitely Christmas. And I still haven’t even shown those presents.
Crazy Christmas Eve - VLOGGIN’ Day 358
Переглядів 135 років тому
This game is lit.
We Went To Visit My Granny - VLOGGIN' Day 357
Переглядів 65 років тому
These thumbnails are trash.
We Went To A Cat Cafe - VLOGGIN' Day 356
Переглядів 85 років тому
And Adelaide will be ours one day.
We Arrived In Georgia - VLOGGIN' Day 355
Переглядів 115 років тому
The journey begins.
It's Muh Birfday - VLOGGIN' Day 354
Переглядів 165 років тому
We Win Those (Fortnite Gamplay) Part 02 - VLOGGIN' Day 353
Переглядів 45 років тому
Still slayin'
We Win Those (Fortnite Gameplay) Part 01 - VLOGGIN' Day 352
Переглядів 75 років тому
Slayin' out.
I Felt Rather Sick Today - VLOGGIN' Day 351
Переглядів 105 років тому
It sucked.
Absolute Mad Lad Amount of Uploads - VLOGGIN' Day 350
Переглядів 55 років тому
Absolute Mad Lad Amount of Uploads - VLOGGIN' Day 350
Netflix Review: The Haunting of Hill House - VLOGGIN' Day 349
Переглядів 55 років тому
Netflix Review: The Haunting of Hill House - VLOGGIN' Day 349
Five Fantastic Fortnite Fclips For Fya - VLOGGIN' Day 348
Переглядів 105 років тому
Five Fantastic Fortnite Fclips For Fya - VLOGGIN' Day 348
Wrap-Up To A Follow-Up Of A Summary - VLOGGIN' Day 347
Переглядів 25 років тому
Wrap-Up To A Follow-Up Of A Summary - VLOGGIN' Day 347
BOOK 👏 REVIEW 👏: Brandon Sanderson's "Elantris" - VLOGGIN' Day 346
Переглядів 1525 років тому
BOOK 👏 REVIEW 👏: Brandon Sanderson's "Elantris" - VLOGGIN' Day 346
My Best Friend Was In Town - VLOGGIN' Day 345
Переглядів 75 років тому
My Best Friend Was In Town - VLOGGIN' Day 345
Black Friday Haul - VLOGGIN' Day 344
Переглядів 75 років тому
Black Friday Haul - VLOGGIN' Day 344
100,000 Skill Chain (Forza Horizon 2) - VLOGGIN' Day 343
Переглядів 35 років тому
100,000 Skill Chain (Forza Horizon 2) - VLOGGIN' Day 343
Two Customer Services Stories (GameStop & Longhorn) - VLOGGIN' Day 342
Переглядів 135 років тому
Two Customer Services Stories (GameStop & Longhorn) - VLOGGIN' Day 342
The Worst, Yet Somehow Best, Dub (Fortnite Gameplay) Part 02 - VLOGGIN' Day 341
Переглядів 35 років тому
The Worst, Yet Somehow Best, Dub (Fortnite Gameplay) Part 02 - VLOGGIN' Day 341
The Worst, Yet Somehow Best, Dub (Fortnite Gameplay) Part 01 - VLOGGIN' Day 340
Переглядів 45 років тому
The Worst, Yet Somehow Best, Dub (Fortnite Gameplay) Part 01 - VLOGGIN' Day 340
The Culmination of Seven Days of Not Uploading - VLOGGIN' Day 339
Переглядів 55 років тому
The Culmination of Seven Days of Not Uploading - VLOGGIN' Day 339
Cat Eats Hair - VLOGGIN' Day 338
Переглядів 115 років тому
Cat Eats Hair - VLOGGIN' Day 338
This Is Actually The Fifth, Not The Sixth - VLOGGIN' Day 337
Переглядів 25 років тому
This Is Actually The Fifth, Not The Sixth - VLOGGIN' Day 337
A Random Couch Vlog Appears - VLOGGIN' Day 336
Переглядів 55 років тому
A Random Couch Vlog Appears - VLOGGIN' Day 336


  • @landonnoel636
    @landonnoel636 6 місяців тому

    Atlanta United wins 3-1

  • @landonnoel636
    @landonnoel636 6 місяців тому

    Goal Atlanta United 1-0

  • @cellperfecto3480
    @cellperfecto3480 2 роки тому

    Those beats gosh dam'it

  • @LuisParson
    @LuisParson 2 роки тому

    I'm surprised many people here like the NES version more than the DS. I like the DS more because it actually sounds like a danger music. Which is fitting for the DS considering the bosses are harder than the NES. The NES one is not bad but sounds too happy when compared to the DS.

  • @longebane
    @longebane 2 роки тому

    Ah yes, wmv

  • @lutherh6090
    @lutherh6090 3 роки тому

    It’s crazy how certain 8-bit music like this can still sound amazing and arguably better than any future remixes to date despite advancing technology

    • @Massacretalitor
      @Massacretalitor 2 роки тому

      It's because of the fact they all miss the most important tones and dynamic of the original. This is the very reason why FFVII Remake OST was so well received, because they held very true to the source material. These days everyone tries to put their own spin into a classic instead of truly improving upon it while staying very faithful. A cover is another thing, but remake or remaster is not.

    • @rpg_haven
      @rpg_haven 2 роки тому

      It does sound great, but I prefer the DS version. So much more epic. I'm not that way for every game, though, like I prefer IV's original soundtrack to the arranged version in the newer releases

  • @user-qf4gd5np1o
    @user-qf4gd5np1o 3 роки тому

    陳情案件資料💾分析過去未來人地點案症狀犯罪手段。 2021開車唱舞聽的Sakura 張立基 👧震撼 Touch me 阿威。林智華 江凱榮好朋友👭弟兄歌舞電音板橋國中新莊國中李文正好朋友新莊日本🇯🇵官博紐西蘭DJ板橋台大白雪李山學長程保強愛鳳妹鼎泰豐小沈老婆小葉小蔡小乙虎牙老婆小蔡老婆小王李文正林子良陳楷明美國🇺🇸佳市緹龔書予程保強阿強小強同學👨‍🎓開的DIO 50NSR 150Kawasaki 125和改裝降低車身K6 Coupe VTEC 喜美雙門跑車天窗帝皇黑色和速霸路STI GC8白色台北陽明山ㄧ起夜遊和玩和洗溫泉♨️。理想。三重大魔域夜店的歌曲MC - [ ] 聊電影🎬欣賞。 江湖情。熱血男兒。執法先鋒。藍色情人。至尊無上。真情難捨。神鬼至尊。極速傳說 任達華。方基墨 譚詠麟。劉德華。 張曼玉。程保強。台灣指揮官程遠明。台灣將軍銜姜大仁。台灣媽咪姜晶潔女士。二姊程玉芬小刀板橋國中同學。大姊程玉君。台灣總統馬英九。馬杯杯。市長周錫瑋。周潤發。元彪。考上台北警官👮‍♀️學校研究的電影🎬。板橋國中同學👨‍🎓程保強同學👨‍🎓好朋友👭阿強小強。天使鋼彈。白愁河。傳說戰機。風雲。步驚雲。絕世好劍。甄楚倩。偷偷愛很多人。阿強小強板橋國中同學 - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] 市題門Stemion 美國🇺🇸洛山幾。IT電腦💻大學。高壯大。185。2019-7-18。古尚誠父古維龍印度🇮🇳台北人京華城印度🇮🇳餐廳。奶茶☕️。印度🇮🇳經書。台北101餐廳🍴交朋友👭尼可。具米。牛肉飯。 - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] 板橋國中同學程保強同學👨‍🎓好朋友👭阿強小強買用101 美國🇺🇸電腦💻手機 I phone 8. 256G. 向1台北101巴特Jason 186員工買的。 板橋台藝大交朋友👭用餐。茶🍵。牛肉捲。好朋友家人👭台北101老闆娘學跳舞唱歌🎤陳敏薰。黃立成藝人女。美國台灣女藝人李詠嫻。李玟。coco. Bobo 香港🇭🇰梁詠琪女藝人跳舞。微風廣場老闆娘孫芸芸。蕭亞軒。千田愛紗台灣日本🇯🇵藝人。台北法官律師魏君婷。香港🇭🇰藝人曾寶儀。香港🇭🇰藝人舞皇張立基。台北女醫生👩‍⚕️林玉凰。幫。程玉芬。小刀。程保強。阿強。小強。理想。一起玩。一起唱歌跳舞。打贏官司。健康安全快樂。娶老婆生子。理想 - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] 澳洲美國🇺🇸可麗斯汀程保強台北人同學板橋國中同學👨‍🎓想娶老婆生子的女明星2019- 1206。3。12 9 13。6。426。0624 1209小和田雅子。蔡英文總統0831。比爾柯林頓總統0819。台灣外公將軍銜姜大仁。程遠明姜晶潔台灣指揮官軍官。願望。幫助我們。天A日皇。泰皇。印皇。美皇 英皇。保皇。需要武器裝備儀器設備雷達醫藥餐飲技術防具電子化學武器防具復原健康快樂成長。誠皇。俄皇。港皇。中皇。黑皇。強皇。龍皇。鳳皇。上帝。如來。板橋新莊國中。板橋大觀路中山國小我板橋致理大學。程保強。黃清聖。阿強。小強。ktv王傑範志龍。美國🇺🇸傑米。架市緹。美國🇺🇸安華。安司。ㄟ拉。利娜。安娜。安妮。小刀。板橋國中程玉芬。林子良。林智華。江凱榮。楊智勝。張郁文。張巧玲。陳建成。新莊恒毅中學同學程保強同學👨‍🎓好朋友👭阿強 小強同學和新莊國中同學👨‍🎓 李文正 恆毅中學同學 👨‍🎓徐國耀 田薏仁和新莊籃球🏀場日本🇯🇵工柏哥和美國🇺🇸紐西蘭DJ哥和好朋友👭阿強小強是好朋友👭家人結拜兄弟👬。。阿永。英板橋新莊國中。板橋大觀路中山國小我板橋致理大學。程保強。黃欽聖。阿強。小強。ktv王傑范志 龍。舞神子龍。舞王鴻麟。舞皇益祥。小刀。林子良。陳維鈞。凱渥阿偉。張錦程。許宗敬。蔡志偉 黃嘉源 蕭亞軒。謝怡仿。黃欽聖。陳建明。程保強。同學👨‍🎓👩‍🎓弟兄台大師大附中碩博士黃鈞哲。破關。

  • @deuce5546
    @deuce5546 3 роки тому

    Usually in Boss Fights, I get scared, because I need to think my every move so I don't get squashed. However when this theme comes up, I just go with the flow at ease, that's what good music does.

  • @xxJinraixx
    @xxJinraixx 3 роки тому

    I like how in-game, the music shifts into mono whenever your pointer moves or selects an action, or when your character attacks

    • @joaonitro5149
      @joaonitro5149 3 роки тому

      It doesn't shifts to mono. It just uses one sound channel. All Nes music are in mono.

    • @xxJinraixx
      @xxJinraixx 3 роки тому

      @@joaonitro5149 oh I see thanks for that info!

  • @simeonrice6047
    @simeonrice6047 3 роки тому

    This song is both intimidating and empowering at the same time.

  • @DieKatzeMomo
    @DieKatzeMomo 3 роки тому

    Im the only one who is worried about his legs?

  • @rayjohnnercacao3703
    @rayjohnnercacao3703 3 роки тому

    Dissidia FF Opera Omnia: Welcome to Medusa's World of Pain

  • @RagnaCloud13
    @RagnaCloud13 3 роки тому

    Onion Knight Burst Theme

  • @eaglelandxam-ness5700
    @eaglelandxam-ness5700 3 роки тому

    Use Haste, Drink power! Breserk !! 30 HITS!! DAMAGE 9999!

  • @makhyusnimakhyusni401
    @makhyusnimakhyusni401 3 роки тому

    Onion Knight look older in this art

  • @makhyusnimakhyusni401
    @makhyusnimakhyusni401 3 роки тому

    Ah remember when i think i can beat nepto

  • @omgazr0
    @omgazr0 3 роки тому

    I like the sense of panic this theme instills, it sounds like it wants to be intimidating and the percussion sure does hit that way. The remixes, both fan and official, tend to really wash it out which makes the theme sound kinda lifeless because of the lack of percussion.

  • @user-lk4lz8dg2i
    @user-lk4lz8dg2i 3 роки тому


  • @nothere413
    @nothere413 4 роки тому

    I feel like this could be remixed into a club banger.

  • @cindyromero6610
    @cindyromero6610 4 роки тому

    Target has the worst return policy I've ever witnessed. They don't even offer store credit after 60 days even if you have the receipt and tags.

  • @C_Train74
    @C_Train74 4 роки тому

    Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but I’ve never heard a remastered version of a Final Fantasy song I like more than the original.

  • @pungol36
    @pungol36 4 роки тому

    ff3 music slaps so hard

  • @user-zo8sg7qw7s
    @user-zo8sg7qw7s 4 роки тому

    やべぇ 音楽聞いてると、やりたくなってくる😄

  • @Okcarhn
    @Okcarhn 4 роки тому

    I think when you say NES from super smash bros get it?

  • @RafaelRodriguesAxelyexNobody
    @RafaelRodriguesAxelyexNobody 4 роки тому

    pepeD pepeDD pepeD

  • @KCUFyoufordoxingme
    @KCUFyoufordoxingme 4 роки тому

    This at 50% playback when you are high AF!

    • @ShrimplessScampi
      @ShrimplessScampi 4 роки тому

      feh meh had to do it while I’m waiting on FFVII remake to download. Good ears man!

  • @podrissimo9814
    @podrissimo9814 4 роки тому

    *spoiler alert* @6:30 I bet you're talking about Hrathen getting the shaod! Ahaha! I felt the same, but then what actually happened makes total sense :D

  • @matthewlachance7815
    @matthewlachance7815 4 роки тому

    I dunno about the rest of the FF fam, but this boss theme is the dopest of all of them.

  • @bigbosspresident
    @bigbosspresident 5 років тому

    Ever since the first time I listened to this boss theme while playing, it always feels like a dream.

  • @clampowder9061
    @clampowder9061 5 років тому

    Can you return an item that’s a different version of an item you bought at target with the original target items receipt?

    • @huybanh500
      @huybanh500 4 роки тому

      No, you can't. Even though the items might seem similar, a slight difference in the item would result in the item model number or UPC barcode being a tad different. Therefore, the system would recognize the nonoriginal item being returned.

  • @ianbrandonanderson5290
    @ianbrandonanderson5290 5 років тому

    The acoustics here are garbage. Wholesome otherwise.

    • @kliqIMB
      @kliqIMB 5 років тому

      Ian Brandon Anderson It was on a rooftop that had a plastic tarp around it because it was raining and heaters going. I could barely hear them. Haha.

  • @madisonwolfe777
    @madisonwolfe777 5 років тому

    Meteor 3025 damage *AnnIhIlated* Now go grind for an hour

  • @brianc7282
    @brianc7282 5 років тому

    I really like that you get it man. Most ppl are crying the game is simple and feel it's too expensive for what you get. I'm about to pick it up because I grew up with this style and it looks challenging enough. Not super meat boy level, but I don't need another heartattack every few minutes anyways 🤣🤣🤣 I think ppl have gotten spoiled by the advancements of technology. It's $5 and under so I'm wondering if you agree ppls expectations are a bit high these days? I don't think low price means something good, but I think you can't fault a game too much for such a reasonable price and content available. Good review/vlog!

    • @kliqIMB
      @kliqIMB 5 років тому

      Brian C I would say that it’s probably all dependent upon the value of $5 to that person as well as how the value of $5 has changed over the course of time with regard to digital titles on consoles. There was a day when pretty much every single XBLA title was either $5, $10, or $15. You knew the $15 were general top tier, whereas your mileage might have varied on $5. Additionally, XBLA games were only worth 200 GamerScore. Now we have tons of games flooding the market for $5 and less, with a thousand GamerScore that can be beaten in 10-15 minutes. It’s a clear business model decision and I actually think Jack n Jill does a smart thing by giving you all the GamerScore within around 30 minutes of play, but still having a few hours worth of gameplay baked in afterwards for people that are interested in the game itself. I think the whole $1 = 1 hour of gameplay is a decent adage for smaller titles, though I would say it notably excludes hi-fidelity narrative experiences like Gone Home or Tacoma or Dear Ester. Those games are built on the weight of their stories and are, by consequence, naturally going to be more expensive productions with less physical “time” investment.

    • @brianc7282
      @brianc7282 5 років тому

      @@kliqIMB with all due respect I call bulls***. Only because A) games cost 40- 60$ for only a few hours back in my early gaming days. B) people waste their money on alcohol and drugs that kill them everyday or fast food so it's priority and C) being spoiled by technology maybe? I know what you're saying and we clearly have differing opinions, but at the end of the day this games worth every penny because it does what it intends to for a very reasonable price. I've played AAA titles that weren't worth $20 IMHO, and again that's my opinion, but I really think ppl expect something for nothing these days. Still good review and no bad blood at all. Hopefully that made sense and didn't make me sound like a prick. P.s. I'm not rich, so it's not that influencing my opinion either. Have a good day sir

  • @emyemyanne
    @emyemyanne 5 років тому

    *spending a lot of time together* normal people things

  • @civilwildman
    @civilwildman 5 років тому

    Any suggestions on how to build my party for the end of the game on the DS version? Last I left off, I was about to face Garuda and was going with at least 2 lancers if not all lancers (I forgot; it's been months). Not sure what to do after that.

    • @civilwildman
      @civilwildman 2 роки тому

      Update: Beat the game later that year. Ended up with (by official names) Luneth as a Ninja, Arc as a Magus, Refia as a Devout, and Ingus as a Black Belt.

  • @nicholasmorgan7609
    @nicholasmorgan7609 5 років тому

    I definitely like this version of the boss theme better than the DS version's. The DS one sounds too different.

  • @JonathanSegura
    @JonathanSegura 5 років тому

    Hi nice video

    • @kliqIMB
      @kliqIMB 5 років тому

      Thanks! Preesh brah.

  • @fauxfatale3451
    @fauxfatale3451 5 років тому

    nice lamp btw, that looks almost exactly like mine

  • @jloppyear
    @jloppyear 5 років тому


    • @kliqIMB
      @kliqIMB 5 років тому

      I'm trying my dawg.

  • @emyemyanne
    @emyemyanne 5 років тому

    Ya whiny. Also the audio cracks in this one too. Maybe it’s the air pods.

  • @emyemyanne
    @emyemyanne 5 років тому

    Audio on this is very crackly

    • @kliqIMB
      @kliqIMB 5 років тому

      emyemyanne I would presume it’s because of all the issues I had with it. I’m going to try something different tonight.

  • @jloppyear
    @jloppyear 5 років тому


  • @jloppyear
    @jloppyear 5 років тому

    60-252=212 quick maffs

    • @kliqIMB
      @kliqIMB 5 років тому

      Ya boiiiii

  • @Dragonheardt
    @Dragonheardt 5 років тому

    Why is Firion on the cover of this lol

    • @TofuSG98
      @TofuSG98 4 роки тому

      Most of the artists characters depictions look the same, I could even say this looks like Cecil.

    • @MrYTPfan123
      @MrYTPfan123 4 роки тому

      I'm pretty sure Luneth's design was based off this drawing

    • @RafaelRodriguesAxelyexNobody
      @RafaelRodriguesAxelyexNobody 4 роки тому

      He is wielding onion swords

    • @fachrulalam9204
      @fachrulalam9204 4 роки тому

      Yea ikr, i legit thought he was firion without his unique cap His face, his hair, his blood sword pretty much same

    • @silvergrove8517
      @silvergrove8517 3 роки тому

      I don't know why but the concept art for the characters rarely looks like the actual characters in-game. Just look how different from the actual characters the concept arts for FF V are...

  • @jloppyear
    @jloppyear 5 років тому

    Packed "everything" up

    • @kliqIMB
      @kliqIMB 5 років тому

      James LaPierre All relative terms my dude.

  • @Nindotendofreak
    @Nindotendofreak 5 років тому

    I definitely want to pick the game up. Maybe in next month's budget?

    • @kliqIMB
      @kliqIMB 5 років тому

      Shawn Wylie It’s most definitely worth it.