Hey there man, I got the same kit from CB Performance about a month ago, and recently installed them, the linkage is tricky to hook and Im having issues on how to tune 'em. I just got an SU type carburetor Synchronizer and so far haven't found a diagram of these solex with electric choke where indicates the jets I need to adjust in order to achieve a proper synchronization. Do you know how to do that? I would like to see a video of your installation and synchronization if you ever make one. Cheers
Congratulations AJ!
Merry Christmas Ajay!
Just got mine today
Hey there man, I got the same kit from CB Performance about a month ago, and recently installed them, the linkage is tricky to hook and Im having issues on how to tune 'em. I just got an SU type carburetor Synchronizer and so far haven't found a diagram of these solex with electric choke where indicates the jets I need to adjust in order to achieve a proper synchronization. Do you know how to do that? I would like to see a video of your installation and synchronization if you ever make one. Cheers