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大鱼锦集·草堂游钓 02 Big Fish Collection: Fishing
Переглядів 1129 годин тому
精彩瞬间!一场钓鱼一场梦! Wonderful moments! A fishing trip is a dream!
大鱼锦集·草堂游钓 01 Big Fish Collection: Fishing
Переглядів 13212 годин тому
精彩瞬间!一场钓鱼一场梦! Wonderful moments! A fishing trip is a dream!
怪钓组 60cm鳄雀鳝 牙齿锋利凶猛无比 太吓人 被蜂蛰了一刀 60cm alligator gar with sharp and fierce teeth. I got stung by a bee
Переглядів 240День тому
鳄雀鳝来啦!60cm长,牙齿锋利,凶猛无比!太吓人了!今天被蜂蛰了,好疼,一场钓鱼一场梦!进入九月份,鱼情明显好转。佛州天气暖和,一年四季均可作钓。 Alligator gar is here! 60cm long, sharp teeth, extremely ferocious! So scary! I was stung by a bee today, it hurts so much, it's a dream to fish! Entering September, the fishing situation has obviously improved. Florida has warm weather, and you can fish all year round.
再玩流氓钓组 钓鱼是一场冒险 蜘蛛与蜂 真后怕 Playing rogue fishing again, spiders and bees, so scary
Переглядів 23314 днів тому
此次流氓钓组搭配:7克子弹铅、5克勺型亮片、3/0曲柄钩、内德软饵。一场钓鱼一场冒险!现在想一想真有点后怕,大蜘蛛和蜂随处可见,幸亏没被蛰到!!! The rogue fishing rig was equipped with: 7g bullet lead, 5g spoon-shaped sequins, 3/0 crank hook, and Ned soft bait. Every fishing trip is an adventure! Thinking about it now, I am a little scared. Big spiders and bees can be seen everywhere. Fortunately, I didn’t get stung! ! !
流氓钓组 遇蛇吓一跳 脱钩问题在哪 美国佛州游钓 Rogue fishing rigs, startled by snakes. Fishing in Florida, USA
Переглядів 21914 днів тому
夏日里难得的鱼情,可惜有几条脱钩了。流氓钓组挺流氓,感觉跟复合亮片有异曲同工之妙! It's a rare summer fishing season, but unfortunately a few fish got off the hook. The rogue fishing rig is quite rogue, and it feels similar to the composite sequins!
双重诱惑 软硬兼施 二合一 游钓佛州 Double temptation, soft and hard tactics, fishing in Florida
Переглядів 32521 день тому
亮片加软饵,破空军!夏季鱼真难钓!湖里有很多鳄雀鳝,怎么钓? Sequins plus soft bait, break the air force! Fish are really hard to catch in summer! There are many alligator gar in the lake, how to catch them?
中国造 1$ Walmart复合亮片 佛州夏季鲈钓 Made in China 1$ Walmart composite sequins Florida summer bass fishing
Переглядів 13821 день тому
美国沃尔玛超市里便宜好用的中国造复合亮片,便宜好用,超级厉害! The cheap and easy-to-use Chinese-made composite sequins sold in Walmart supermarkets in the United States are cheap, easy to use, and super awesome!
火与冰软虫 暴雨过后 爆护 美国佛州夏季鲈钓 "Fire and Ice" soft worm, post-rain fishing spree! Florida
Переглядів 19728 днів тому
沃尔玛买的火与冰颜色的软虫,搭配重铅远投,效果挺好!最近发现很多鳄雀鳝在水面觅食,不知道怎样钓这玩意? The soft plastic worm in "Fire and Ice" color I bought from Walmart, paired with a heavy sinker for long casting, works great! Recently, I've noticed a lot of alligator gars feeding on the water's surface. I wonder how to catch these creatures?
美国佛州 鲈钓偶遇小黄鸭 震颤VIB 酷炫 大破空军 Bass Fishing Encounter with a Little Yellow Duck. VIB Lure, Super Cool
Переглядів 95Місяць тому
钓鱼途中偶遇了一只可爱的小黄鸭,呵呵!重磅酷炫VIB,大破最近以来的空军。最近钓鱼,发现水面有很多鳄雀鳝!不知道有没有专门钓鳄雀鳝的饵及方法??? While fishing, I encountered a cute little yellow duck, haha! Using a heavy and cool VIB lure, I finally broke my streak of not catching anything. Recently, I've noticed a lot of alligator gars on the water surface while fishing! Does anyone know if there are specific lures and methods for targeting alligator gars?
迷你棒棒虫 爆护 力气大手感好 炎炎夏日 过瘾 mini senko. It's such a relief to have an amazing catch In the summer
Переглядів 236Місяць тому
佛州钓组,搭配迷你版senko、3/0曲柄钩、红色挡珠、3克子弹铅,效果很哇塞。能在炎炎夏日爆护,真爽! Florida Rig: paired with a mini senko, 3/0 offset hook, red bead, and a 3g bullet weight. The results are fantastic. It's amazing to have a successful catch in the scorching summer heat!
狗朝我咬来 吓人 彩色亮片 红耳太阳鱼 山葡萄 The dog lunged at me, frightening. Redear sunfish. wild grapes
Переглядів 627Місяць тому
美国佛州Lutz,钓鱼途中遇见两只狗,朝我咬来,吓一跳!再次钓到红耳太阳鱼,很漂亮。这里的野生葡萄味道也很好! While fishing in Lutz, Florida, I encountered two dogs that came barking at me, giving me quite a scare! I also caught another beautiful redear sunfish. The wild grapes here taste great too!
特殊饵 大雨爆护 鱼肚子有假饵 Special lure, amazing haul in the heavy rain! Found a lure in the fish's stomach
Переглядів 397Місяць тому
鱼吃senko,一半在口中,一半在肚中! The bass devoured the Senko, half in its mouth and half in its stomach!
59cm大嘴鲈鱼 爆护 刺激 wacky钓组 橡皮筋 59cm largemouth bass with a wacky rig using rubber bands. SENKO
Переглядів 193Місяць тому
橡皮筋wacky妙用,钓获59cm大嘴鲈鱼,开门红!真刺激,爽! Rubber band wacky rig works wonders-landed a 59cm largemouth bass, what a great start! It’s thrilling and awesome!
真打龟啊 46cm弓鳍鱼 有力量 大暴雨来不及跑 全身湿透 46cm bowfin, very powerful. Heavy rain, soaking wet
Переглядів 954Місяць тому
路亚挂到了一只龟,呵呵,打龟!超级有力的大弓鳍鱼,手感真好。鱼口正好,可惜下大暴雨,跑都来不及跑,全身湿透。 I snagged a turtle while lure fishing, haha, what a catch! The bowfin was incredibly powerful, giving an amazing fight. The bites were spot on, but unfortunately, a heavy rainstorm hit, and I couldn't run in time, getting completely soaked.
54cm大嘴鲈 好像被鳄鱼咬过 断线挂底一样不落 54cm largemouth bass, looks like it was bitten by an alligator
Переглядів 543Місяць тому
54cm大嘴鲈 好像被鳄鱼咬过 断线挂底一样不落 54cm largemouth bass, looks like it was bitten by an alligator
又爆护啦 金色小亮片 无穷诱惑 Another great haul! The small golden lure is irresistibly enticing!
Переглядів 78Місяць тому
又爆护啦 金色小亮片 无穷诱惑 Another great haul! The small golden lure is irresistibly enticing!
51cm大嘴鲈鱼 鱼钩拉直 大雨爆护 鳄鱼叫了 51cm largemouth bass, hook straightened out, heavy rain, alligator roared
Переглядів 177Місяць тому
51cm大嘴鲈鱼 鱼钩拉直 大雨爆护 鳄鱼叫了 51cm largemouth bass, hook straightened out, heavy rain, alligator roared
勺型亮片 鱼情差 试上一试有惊喜 Spoon lures: when the fish aren't biting, give them a try and you'll be surprised
Переглядів 145Місяць тому
勺型亮片 鱼情差 试上一试有惊喜 Spoon lures: when the fish aren't biting, give them a try and you'll be surprised
大雨 爆护 螺旋桨亮片 鲈钓美国佛州 Heavy rain, amazing haul! Propeller spinner bait for bass fishing in Florida
Переглядів 211Місяць тому
大雨 爆护 螺旋桨亮片 鲈钓美国佛州 Heavy rain, amazing haul! Propeller spinner bait for bass fishing in Florida
51cm 爆护 鱼头旋转亮片 再次钓到珍珠鳖 Big haul and great fortune! Fish-head spinner bait! Florida softshell turtle!
Переглядів 193Місяць тому
51cm 爆护 鱼头旋转亮片 再次钓到珍珠 Big haul and great fortune! Fish-head spinner bait! Florida softshell turtle!
自制裙子 鸡咖 有鱼用啥饵都一样 Homemade skirts, it doesn't matter what bait you use, the fish will bite
Переглядів 1532 місяці тому
自制裙子 鸡 有鱼用啥饵都一样 Homemade skirts, it doesn't matter what bait you use, the fish will bite
这是啥鱼 旋转亮片 超好用 What kind of fish is this? The spinnerbait is super effective.
Переглядів 3962 місяці тому
这是啥鱼 旋转亮片 超好用 What kind of fish is this? The spinnerbait is super effective.
自由钓组还是鸡咖钓组 美国佛州 鲈钓 Free rig or jika rig, bass fishing in Florida
Переглядів 4272 місяці тому
自由钓组还是鸡咖钓组 美国佛州 鲈钓 Free rig or jika rig, bass fishing in Florida
大雨作钓 路亚钓到珍珠鳖 鲈鱼爆护 Fishing in the heavy rain, I caught a turtle with a lure and a haul of bass!
Переглядів 2912 місяці тому
大雨作钓 路亚钓到珍珠 鲈鱼爆护 Fishing in the heavy rain, I caught a turtle with a lure and a haul of bass!
54cm弓鳍鱼 Popper波爬 大爆口 鱼钩拉直 爽爆了 Massive strike! The hook got straightened out. It was exhilarating!
Переглядів 1552 місяці тому
54cm弓鳍鱼 Popper波爬 大爆口 鱼钩拉直 爽爆了 Massive strike! The hook got straightened out. It was exhilarating!
54cm弓鳍鱼 特殊旋转亮片 54 cm Bowfin caught with a special spinnerbait.
Переглядів 1532 місяці тому
54cm弓鳍鱼 特殊旋转亮片 54 cm Bowfin caught with a special spinnerbait.
52cm 美国佛州遇中国钓友 亮片破空军 钓大鱼 Encountered a Fellow Angler from China. Spoon lure, Catch big fish.
Переглядів 2242 місяці тому
52cm 美国佛州遇中国钓友 亮片破空军 钓大鱼 Encountered a Fellow Angler from China. Spoon lure, Catch big fish.
虾爬子铅头钩 太阳鱼 大嘴鲈鱼 Prawn jighead, bluegill, largemouth bass
Переглядів 3482 місяці тому
虾爬子铅头钩 太阳鱼 大嘴鲈鱼 Prawn jighead, bluegill, largemouth bass
水面系 双叶螺旋桨 睡莲区爆口 Topwater twin-prop lure, explosive strikes in the lily pad area
Переглядів 1582 місяці тому
水面系 双叶螺旋桨 睡莲区爆口 Topwater twin-prop lure, explosive strikes in the lily pad area


  • @user-zx369
    @user-zx369 22 дні тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 22 дні тому

      @@user-zx369 是的

    • @user-zx369
      @user-zx369 19 днів тому

      @@snowinghut 哈哈,我猜对了,因为有个我朋友是南阳的

  • @MikeChen-1992
    @MikeChen-1992 23 дні тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 23 дні тому

      @@MikeChen-1992 B站有网友说此组合可用来海钓,还钓到了黄鱼🎣

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 28 днів тому

    Very nice Shuai!!! I am missing the fishing adventures in Florida! Enjoy these opportunities as much as you can, because the life is short my friend, but enough to live a wonderful life!!!!! Have a nice day man!!!!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 28 днів тому

      Thanks!Yes, live in the moment and enjoy every day! It's been really hot lately, and fishing has been tough. The water level at the lake conservation park has risen, so there are no good fishing spots left. Rogers Park has become the best fishing park again, haha. Wishing you happiness and joy every day!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 25 днів тому

      Hey Shuai, the increasing of the lakes water level is normal and necessary. This is part of the Mother Nature cycle! It is a pity for those like you and me, that like wade fishing! Lake Rogers is nice! There are not big fish, but we can catch a lot of bass! Also, the level of lake will continue increasing, maybe more 1 meter to reach the normal level. I think you should think to buy a kayak or try go to the beach and passes!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 25 днів тому

      Give you a chance to know new possibilities in salt water. It will be nice as well! Important is go fishing some times during the week! Don’t forget, keep tight lines and screaming reels!!! Have a great rest of the week! See you man!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 25 днів тому

      @@danielmascota4379 I’ve gone shore fishing in Tampa Bay a couple of times and mostly caught small fish. One time, I used small fish as bait, and while I was setting up my camera, a fish took the bait and pulled my rod into the sea. I might consider getting a kayak later but not for now. Boat fishing should be great! Take care, wish you happy every day!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 24 дні тому

      The fish took away your rod!!!!!😮 Considere also to rent a kayak instead! I had several time the chance to go fishing with my friend and neighbor on his boat. It is another level of experience! Have you bought a smart phone? So I can share some photos and movies about my fishing success around the bays, pass and beaches there!!! See you Shuai! I wish you great weekend!

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 28 днів тому

    Hey Shuai!!!! Awesome Buddy! You are always increasing your fishing skills and using different lures and techniques!!!! Good Job!!!! See you man!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 28 днів тому

      Hi Daniel, how are you! Yes, I’ve been trying different baits to make fishing more interesting. Have you been fishing in Brazil recently? It must be pretty cold there now, right? Take care!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 25 днів тому

      Hi Shuai! I am doing great! That’s it!!! Try different lures as much as you can! It will give you more experience and you will learn which one is better for each season! The result will be catch more fish! Regarding to fishing in Brazil, I am still in the hotel! I have already rented an apartment to live, but my American furnitures are still on the way. I depend on these furnitures to move definitely! I have no time to go fishing here yet. I expect to start my fishing adventures here into a month! Brazil is facing heat wave and dry air even in winter! A lot of fire across the country! It is result of global warming! It will normal again just as from October! Congratulations for the nice movies! I can’t understand almost nothing, but the images worth it! Have a great weekend man! See you! Take care!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 25 днів тому

      @@danielmascota4379 Furniture delivery is slow enough, and you have to live in a hotel. But I think your furniture should be here soon, after all, it has been so long. Maybe I should add English subtitles to my videos, so that it will be much easier to watch. Take care and have a good weekend!

  • @kaylemnaick2069
    @kaylemnaick2069 Місяць тому

    Bro where do you go fishing ?

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut Місяць тому


    • @YongjunWei-c8o
      @YongjunWei-c8o Місяць тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut Місяць тому

      @@YongjunWei-c8o 多尝试尝试,肯定都会中鱼的😀

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 Місяць тому

    Wow!!!! Nice fish!!!! Good job Shuai!!!!!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut Місяць тому

      Thank you! I haven't caught a big fish in a long time. 😄

  • @MikeChen-1992
    @MikeChen-1992 Місяць тому

    请问你这种 亮片 能在海钓 钓 石斑鱼或者海鲈鱼吗?

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut Місяць тому

      @@MikeChen-1992 不知道,没钓过

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 Місяць тому

    Very nice Shuai! Rainy days are very good and productive for bigger fish!!!! See you guy!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut Місяць тому

      Yes, I like fishing on rainy days. Have you been fishing recently?

  • @YongjunWei-c8o
    @YongjunWei-c8o Місяць тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut Місяць тому


  • @YongjunWei-c8o
    @YongjunWei-c8o 2 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому


  • @YongjunWei-c8o
    @YongjunWei-c8o 2 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому


    • @YongjunWei-c8o
      @YongjunWei-c8o 2 місяці тому

      @@snowinghut 挂底的话很麻烦

  • @YongjunWei-c8o
    @YongjunWei-c8o 2 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@YongjunWei-c8o 😄沃尔玛买的

    • @YongjunWei-c8o
      @YongjunWei-c8o 2 місяці тому

      @@snowinghut 我是网购的,用了几年了还不错。

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@YongjunWei-c8o 嗯,这款物美价廉

  • @YongjunWei-c8o
    @YongjunWei-c8o 2 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@YongjunWei-c8o 🤝

    • @YongjunWei-c8o
      @YongjunWei-c8o 2 місяці тому

      @@snowinghut 你是河南南阳的吗?

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@YongjunWei-c8o 嗯,你也是南阳的?

    • @YongjunWei-c8o
      @YongjunWei-c8o 2 місяці тому

      @@snowinghut 我也是南阳的,在阿拉巴马州。

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@YongjunWei-c8o 你那里气候好,没那么热吧。佛州这里太热太热了,钓鱼晒够呛,呵呵

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

    Hi Shuai, nice catch! Have a great week man!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      Thanks!Have a great week!

  • @belllab1
    @belllab1 2 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@belllab1 🤝你好

  • @belllab1
    @belllab1 2 місяці тому

  • @李成恩
    @李成恩 2 місяці тому


  • @jinsuozhang9432
    @jinsuozhang9432 2 місяці тому


  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

    Hi Shuai, the chatter bait worked very well in this rainy day! I like go fishing during cloudy and rainy days! Just be careful about thunder storms Normally, the big fish bites better in this weather conditions! Congratulations man! Your experience is increasing day by day! This way you will become a bass master angler soon!!!!! You are catching turtle 🐢 as well!!!😂🎣👍🏼😉

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      Hi Daniel, how are you! Thank you! I also enjoy fishing in the rain, especially in the summer. It's not only cooler but the fishing seems better than on sunny days. Catching that softshell turtle was a bit unexpected, haha! Have a great weekend! Take care!

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

    Hi Shuai, popper lures are amazing! The fish strike hard!!! Nice catches!!!! Have a great Sunday man! See you!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      Thank you! Have a great weekend!

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

    Hey Shuai, nice fishing day! Many fish bites! Congratulations my dear friend! I am already missing this fishing place! Enjoy it as much as you can! Have a great rest of the week! Take care!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      Thank you! The fishing was indeed great that day! You will come back in the future, and we can fish here again. Wishing you happiness and joy every day! Take care!

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

    Hi Shuai!!!! This movies shows our adventure with your alligator 🐊 buddy 😂😂😂 It was a little bit dangerous, the buddy was really starving, but we respected and avoided the contact with him! We caught so many fish this day. It is unforgettable! Thanks a lot for this awesome movies! Good memories forever! Destiny is an amazing thing! I’m from Brazil 🇧🇷 you are from China 🇨🇳 and we meet each other fishing in USA 🇺🇸 It is for reflection! I don’t know the purpose of this! I just know that fishing put us together during some time to enjoy these moments! The life is outstanding! See you guy, continue having fun and enjoying this piece of paradise called Florida! Greetings from Brazil! Keep in touch Shuai!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      I went fishing there again and encountered that alligator. It's really annoying, haha! The fishing was quite good that day. However, the fishing has been poor these past few days; the fish often aren't biting, probably due to the weather. We come from different countries, but we’re brought together by a shared passion-that’s fate. Wishing you happiness and joy every day! Thank you! Take care!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

      Hi Shuai, be careful about, that alligator 🐊. He has a weird habit! Normally, the alligators don’t face or disturb humans! I am almost sure he came from another lake or pond, that someone used to feed him with fish! Take care man, I wanna meet you in 2026 for new adventures! Have great adventures Shuai!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 Hi Daniel, how are you! I look forward to fishing together again in the future. I went fishing there this morning and encountered that alligator again, haha. It kept following me, so I had to move to a different spot. When I was about to head home, I ran into another alligator. It saw me in my raincoat and must have felt threatened, as it raised its tail, lifted its head, and growled. I quickly moved away, haha, it felt a bit dangerous! It rained all morning, and the fishing was great. I caught 10 fish, one of which was 20 inches long. You must have found your apartment by now, so it’s time to go fishing! Haha! Take care!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

      Hey Shuai, be careful about this alligators man, they are spawning, for this reason they are more aggressive! If he try to catch your fish or you, just run away! I have already found a nice apartment to live for the next 3 years, but I have to stay in hotel till my personal belongs and furnitures arrive. Have great adventures there man! See you in the next movie!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 Hi Daniel, congratulations on finding an apartment you like. Once you settle in, you can enjoy fishing again. Yes, stay away from alligators, whether they seem aggressive or not. Safety first! Wishing you happiness and joy every day! Take care!

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

    Hi Shuai, I am already in Brazil man! We had a good trip! I am already missing the fishing time in Tampa as well! Now I have to work hard to find a nice place and an apartment to live at least for the next 3 years! I would like also to use this opportunity to thank you for this nice movie! It is a great memories about our adventures in Tampa! I will share this movie with my family and friends. I really appreciated to meet you and have fun together! Have a great day! I think you are fishing right now! Enjoy it as much as you can, because the life is short in this level! Greeting from Brazil 🇧🇷 🎣👍🏼

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      Hi Daniel, how are you! It must feel great to be back in your home country! We shot a lot of footage that day, so the video is split into two parts. This is one part, and the other part is also published. It was a wonderful memory! I haven’t been fishing these past few days because it’s been too hot and the fish aren’t biting much. I look forward to fishing together again in the future! Take care!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

      Hey Shuai everything is Okay here in Brazil, now fishing will be possible only after some months, cause I have a lot to do. Summer in Florida is tough, specially for you that love snow ❄️! During these hotter days is better to go fishing early morning from the park opening til around 11 am! After that, better go home drink a lot of water and rest! Try go to the beach and fishing there! Use the shrimps with jig-head 3g I gave you! This lure catches all kind of fish! Be careful with the thunderstorms! Have a great weekend!! See you, bye bye!!!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 2 місяці тому

      Hi Shuai, one tip from my side for you! It is other very nice park I visited for fishing was “Trout Creek Park”! I was there sometimes and I caught many nice fish there! There are 2 good lakes near the parking lot! They look like wild! Nice place! Try fish there! The Hillsborough river cross through the park, but I never catch nothing there! Give you an opportunity to fish there! See you guy!!!!🎣👍🏼😎

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 Yes, you're right. It's best to go fishing in the morning. When I get the chance, I definitely want to try beach fishing-it must feel even better. Have a great weekend! Take care!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 2 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 I recently visited this park and tried fishing in both lakes but didn't catch anything. Not sure why. I've only caught bluegill in the Hillsborough River before.

  • @mileshoo
    @mileshoo 3 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому


  • @徐强-f9i
    @徐强-f9i 3 місяці тому


  • @jinsuozhang9432
    @jinsuozhang9432 3 місяці тому


  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

    Wonderful catch Shuai!!!!Congratulations!!!!

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

    Hey Shuai, what a movie!!!! It is a nice memory for me about these moments, that we were fishing together!!! Thank you man!!! I appreciate it!!! My time in Florida is almost over, but I have still 2 weeks before I go!!! It would be nice to go fishing with you one last time!!! Let me know, if you have time next week let me know! Have a great rest of the week! See you and take care!!!!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      Hi Daniel, How are you? Yes, it was an amazing moment and a wonderful memory. I'm available next week except for Tuesday and Thursday. Take care!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

      Ok! Let me see what day is better to me and I let you know till Saturday!!! It will be nice to go fishing with you one last time before I go to Brazil! See you!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 Sure, no problem. Looking forward to fishing together again. See you!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

      Hi Shuai, let’s go fishing on Monday! I would like to go to conservation park again, because there we have more possibilities and lakes with many fish! It will be my last fishing there before I go back home! Please, just confirm! 8am at the same parking lot we parked last time! It will be nice. Have a great weekend! See you and take care Shuai!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 Sure, no problem. Let's go fishing next Monday. I found a new fishing spot there that we can check out to see if there are any fish. Have a great weekend! See you next Monday! Take care!

  • @jinsuozhang9432
    @jinsuozhang9432 3 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому


  • @BhontotOFFICIAL
    @BhontotOFFICIAL 3 місяці тому

    Hello... good job is the best

  • @xcpuu1418
    @xcpuu1418 3 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому


    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

      Thank you guy! I got some experience during these last 45 years! My father taught me fishing when I was a little boy! From there it became a passion and therapy for life! I love to be outdoor enjoying the Mother Nature and fishing!!! Have a good one and take care!

    • @xcpuu1418
      @xcpuu1418 3 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 I picked up fishing recently after years and I’m heavily addicted haha. Haven’t gotten a lot of success fishing here in Austin. Still, it’s so much fun!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 👍

  • @coolduck5262
    @coolduck5262 3 місяці тому

    Are these telescopic rods good? Or do you use them for convenience? I've never seen them in a store.

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      The main reason is for convenience. Walmart has similar ones, but their quality doesn't seem very good.

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

    Congratulations Shuai, you are learning fast! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎣👍🏼

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      Thanks! Popper fishing is incredibly captivating! This is the biggest fish I've caught so far, haha.

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      Hi Daniel, How are you Our fishing video from Lake Conservation Park has been uploaded to UA-cam and is now available to watch. Thank you!

  • @xcpuu1418
    @xcpuu1418 3 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому


    • @xcpuu1418
      @xcpuu1418 3 місяці тому

      @@snowinghut 谢谢

  • @andrewan906
    @andrewan906 3 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому


    • @andrewan906
      @andrewan906 3 місяці тому

      @@snowinghut 钓鱼天堂

  • @andrewsoutdooradventures-a2056
    @andrewsoutdooradventures-a2056 3 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому


  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

    Hi Shuai! You are getting well on surface lures like an expert! Keep on drive you to perfection day by day! Remember, softness, smoothness way, imitate the nature! Try to think like a fish! See you guy. Have a great week!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      Thank you. Got it. This was filmed earlier, and my actions while using the popper were a bit exaggerated, haha. Luckily, you taught me how to use it correctly yesterday. Have a great week! See you!

    • @biotester
      @biotester 3 місяці тому

      Try to think like a fish, he remembers anything for 7 seconds hahaha.

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      @@biotester haha

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

    Very nice Shuai!!!! Congratulations for the catches!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      Thanks. It's easy to get snagged when fishing in the lily pad area.

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

      The best way to fishing in lily pads areas is using frogs and no sinking rigs with soft baits! The hooks must be hidden into the lure!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      ​@@danielmascota4379 Yes, frog lure fishing is a good choice, especially in the lily pad area. It will definitely be a different experience.

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому


  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому

    Hi Shuai! I am very happy you have used the shrimp I gave you! This lures is very effective, because 1) shrimp is part of feed chain of the bass! 2) nobody use such lure for bass, just me and now you! Light lures catch more fish for sure! On Monday we will try different shrimps rigs, sizes and colors! Congratulation to catch so many fish! I think you have caught around 20 fish! See you on Monday, Buddy! Have a great weekend!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 4 місяці тому

      Hi Daniel, How are you? When the time comes, you can fully showcase your fishing skills, and I'll record it. The shrimp lure you gave me was very useful, but unfortunately, it got ruined. I left it in my soft bait bag, and because the temperature was too high, all my soft baits melted and fused together with the shrimp. There were a lot of bites that day, but I didn’t catch many fish. Some seemed to have not taken the bait firmly, and a few others got away because the tip of my hook bent to a 90-degree angle and couldn't penetrate the fish. See you on Monday. Have a great weekend and take care!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 3 місяці тому

      Don’t worry Shuai!!!! Things happens! I will give you some brand new shrimp for you! About the bites! The water is getting warm and hotter. The summer is there! The bass are ending the spawning time, and they go rest and eat at most at dawn , dusk and during the night! This is part of the nature cycle! Spring is the best season! Enjoy it! See you soon!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 3 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 Hi Daniel, How are you? Sorry, I just saw your message. Thank you for giving me a few more shrimp today; they worked great. Congratulations on your big catch today; your fishing skills are impressive. Although I only caught two fish today, I had a great time. Looking forward to fishing together again soon. Take care!

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому


  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому


  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому

    There are two you tube channels you can watch many fishing adventures from me, my brother and friends! Enjoy it Shuai!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 4 місяці тому

      Alright, I'll watch it. There must be many exciting fishing moments there.

    • @mileshoo
      @mileshoo 4 місяці тому


    • @mileshoo
      @mileshoo 4 місяці тому

      Hi,Daniel,I also want to watch,I met you through Shuai videos

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 4 місяці тому

      @@mileshoo 评论区,他发有链接

    • @mileshoo
      @mileshoo 4 місяці тому

      @@snowinghut 没找链接到哈

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому


  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому


  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому

    To find some videos from me and my brother, click on the links below!

    • @mileshoo
      @mileshoo 4 місяці тому

      I can't find the links😂

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому

    Hey Shuai! Very nice video! Pity I just understood what we were talking each other!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 4 місяці тому

      Haha, I can sense your love for fishing.

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому

      Fishing is my hobby, my passion, it my therapy, you know! I love to be outdoor integrated to Mother Nature! It is a life style!

  • @danielmascota4379
    @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому

    Hi, Shuai!!!!! How are you doing!!!I am becoming famous in China!😂 Nice to see me in a movie like a tv show! Thank you to include me in your adventures! I have found some nice place to fish this week. I have been caught almost every where! I hope to meet you in a fishing adventure soon! Have a great weekend man!!!

    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 4 місяці тому

      Hi, Daniel, I'm doing good, how about you? The video we recorded last time where we talked about fishing was very long, so I split it into two parts. Only one part has been uploaded so far, and the other part will be released the day after tomorrow.😂 Finding more fishing spots is truly a joy for any angler. I have some things I must do every morning, so I can only leave for fishing at 7 AM. Sometimes, it’s already 8 AM by the time I reach the destination. Additionally, I have things to do on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, so on those days, I can only go fishing in the afternoon. If it fits your schedule, we can fish together, and you can showcase your excellent fishing skills in my video. Last week, I also discovered a new fishing spot called Carrollwood Village Park. I tried using a popper, but didn’t get a single bite. I’m not sure if there are any bass there.

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому

      Hi Shuai! I have some things to do every day, but I always find time for fishing! Next week, if you want we can meet each other at conservation park on Monday! We can share experience and have fun there in the morning! Just let me know! See you guy!!!!

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 4 місяці тому

      @@danielmascota4379 Sure, what time should we go? Lake Conservation Park doesn't open until 8 AM.

    • @danielmascota4379
      @danielmascota4379 4 місяці тому

      So, on next Monday around 8am to 8:15am I will be there!

  • @chenglicheng5340
    @chenglicheng5340 4 місяці тому


  • @henryqi
    @henryqi 4 місяці тому


    • @snowinghut
      @snowinghut 4 місяці тому
