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111128 WE Love RM - HONG KONG 사랑해요 런닝맨 - 홍콩
Thanks 런닝맨 !!
Переглядів: 83 729



  • @ysc94109410
    @ysc94109410 10 років тому

    우와 인기 진짜 많은가보다ㅎㅎ근데 왜 미안해하시는거지 안그래도 되는뎅..ㅜㅜI love hongkong!

  • @ssysyhlove
    @ssysyhlove 11 років тому

    Bgm " don't be good to me" by kim jong kook ^^

  • @AKHUNG1993
    @AKHUNG1993 11 років тому

    用下腦啦好心你地,話明RUNNINGMAN係要跑 咁樣點跑?WALKMAN?搞到最後去左酒店跑有咩意思 番韓國都大把酒店地方跑,諗下原本係朗豪方到跑幾好睇 都唔知幾時先有第2次黎香港,可能咁情況都唔會有 開心啦FAN們!?

  • @ClarenceLaiSpacetop
    @ClarenceLaiSpacetop 12 років тому

    Super like. Although it is not an ideal situation but it shows the popularity of Running Man. Daebak !

  • @itsjmonkey
    @itsjmonkey 13 років тому

    @kiieml I doubt they were too chafed about it though. It's not as if they were forced to relocate because they were hated, it was because they were too loved. Can't be a bad feeling. As for rearranging their plans, I feel their experience setting up for 3 or 4 locations every episode for the past year and a half has helped them enough that this was just a minor speed bump but at the end of the day we really don't know what happened we just know that it worked out so.... <3 HK fans, gj RM staff.

  • @tellme193
    @tellme193 13 років тому

    우와. 요 아래에는 감사하다는 놈까지 있다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 뭐가 감사하다는 거야. 지가 유재석이고, 이광수고, 김종국임????? ㅋㅋ

  • @clffld
    @clffld 13 років тому

    언젠가 홍콩에도 꼭 여행가보고 싶네요 ㅎㅎ There is no need to be sorry.. Thank you, HongKong

  • @kimura3033
    @kimura3033 13 років тому

    Kim Jong Kook is a great singer.

  • @miyoko066
    @miyoko066 13 років тому

    What song is it? Very good song^^

  • @thakd7
    @thakd7 13 років тому

    와~Daebak!! Don't be too sorry. Obviously, they could see your mind. I think they might rather be pleased with lots of fans. So, Don't worry about that. ^^ thanks for the running man hk fans! 고마워요 ^^

  • @kimychi02
    @kimychi02 13 років тому

    What happened?

  • @chenjanejane
    @chenjanejane 13 років тому

    if you want to critized the people inside, you had to be one of them i went at 6:30, and left at 9:40, because i love rm some of extreme fans were wrong, but most of them were considerate... don't u see there were lots of people leaving the mall after 2:41? if u waited for 3.5hrs (like me), saw nth, will u leave at once? (especially the mall lied to us that they said the filming will be canceled) i just hate people sitting home knowing nth and bash those who were innocent and left quietly.

  • @magiaerebea2011
    @magiaerebea2011 13 років тому

    @kyuverns Give this person a medal for sincerity! :D

  • @ilovekpop486
    @ilovekpop486 13 років тому

    ♥ RunningMan ♥

  • @cyw27456192
    @cyw27456192 13 років тому

    @Nfcfx 咁唔通制作組要為無fans黎而高興? 咁係咪會因為無fans睇所以就黎拍?

  • @y37010
    @y37010 13 років тому

    WHAT is the bg song??

  • @hunghungkitty
    @hunghungkitty 13 років тому


  • @myfriendgogogo
    @myfriendgogogo 13 років тому

    好多人... 怎麼跑呢?

  • @lechampiones
    @lechampiones 13 років тому

    @zovenus lol 1n2d is awesome too ㅋㅋ

  • @DaZ616
    @DaZ616 13 років тому

    fuarrrrk! THE Most fan's ive ever seen in RM!

  • @joxcrocodile
    @joxcrocodile 13 років тому

    I heard they have to change the venue to Langham hotel?? Aghhh, it would be awesome though if they can film it at langham... but seriously, im happy that running man is coming here to film and im SO looking forward to that episode, but then if its because of the fans that made them have to change the venue, its just disappointing ...how can they film if all you guys are stuck in the mall and not even go =.= they have to RUN dude, lol thats why its called running man. ...gosh

  • @sevenyi926
    @sevenyi926 13 років тому

    真係未見過朗豪坊咁多人 RM DAEBAK!

  • @onezero824
    @onezero824 13 років тому

    「面係人地俾既,架係自己丟既」 這一次香港粉絲真的有點兒丟架了.....

  • @vanillaaaaaaaa
    @vanillaaaaaaaa 13 років тому


  • @asiaki
    @asiaki 13 років тому

    RM! PD stop doing Asia tour for a sec.!!! and come over to the States! You have NYC, SF, LA, MIA, CHI, LV, BOS,......etc so many place to film! COME!!!

  • @Emjlwk
    @Emjlwk 13 років тому


  • @Alektor
    @Alektor 13 років тому

    @bunnyclaire08 This Song is very nice! Thanks a lot!

  • @yshunming1
    @yshunming1 13 років тому

    It Should Be RM, The Programme Itself That Is To Blame!!!! They Are Too Careless When Considering Factors! HKers Are Just Victims In This Blame Game!

  • @ChrisChanDayo
    @ChrisChanDayo 13 років тому


  • @getupkorea
    @getupkorea 13 років тому

    WOW~ DEABAK 홍콩에서 런닝맨이 이렇게 인기를 많다니 놀랍네요^^ 그리고 런닝맨한테 미안해할필요 없는데...오히려 감사해하면서 런닝맨 출연진&제작진들은 촬영하고 있을겁니다.

  • @esmehaha
    @esmehaha 13 років тому

    Feeling sorry and regrets.. we just love RM and it's hard to see them in HK.. please dont blame all of us as some of the fans are secondary school students and they are not mature enough.. please forgive HKers!

  • @pkppkpkpkpk
    @pkppkpkpkpk 13 років тому

    I think this time in Hong Kong trip, should not external bulletin. Just like that time in China, Hong Kong has too many crazy fans

  • @veron0904
    @veron0904 13 років тому

    frankly speaking, i know there are so many fans waiting at Langham place which cause a disrupt. That's very sorry but this is all a good sign to show how popular runningman in HK which people are all watching from online and been wide spread out among HKers that this is a good TV show. Please dont' hate us, is all becos we love RM and is really rare for Korean TV to film in HK becos of our limited geographic location! Please continue to support runningman!!

  • @jazmnf
    @jazmnf 13 років тому

    sorry.....even though I was not there

  • @Deincrosse
    @Deincrosse 13 років тому

    Hong Kong fans are inconsiderate... shouldn't they leave already after seeing the place being so crowded? Now they flew to HK just to cancel the filming, do you know how much money/time is wasted?

  • @lkhdungeon
    @lkhdungeon 13 років тому

    HK Running Man fans, you guys are Epic :)) I understand your feeling

  • @woonieya
    @woonieya 13 років тому

    not all ppl there should be at blame. at first it's pretty peaceful and orderly. ppl were showing their immense support by standing there for hours with banners and placards in their hands. it should be understandable how rare and precious this opportunity was. it only started to go wrong when people didn't leave despite the cancellation announcement being made. i bet they all knew well enough that RM could not possibly film in this state and had to clear the place first. shame on THESE ppl.

  • @shrytu
    @shrytu 13 років тому

    Half of them probably don't even know what's Running Man lol.

  • @karnkyky
    @karnkyky 13 років тому

    คนเยอะมากอ่าาาาาาาาาาาาาาา -3-

  • @s7456396541
    @s7456396541 13 років тому

    唉,,其實唔好意思都要講!! (我結)黎香港拍既時間!!香港既fans都好守秩序! 不過今次太多中學生的fans!!我眼見佢地勁唔合作!! 我係餐廳到食緊飯!! 見到有個保安好聲好氣話需要清場!!但d學生妹叫佢你走先啦 阿伯!!! 太無禮貌!!不但阻住rm拍攝!!更加令佢地覺得我地香港fans太無品!! 我走個時都聽到有女仔話(尼)係toilet到!!去到1230聽說13樓都重有人叫極唔走!! 真係太過份啦!!! sorry running man

  • @bunnyclaire08
    @bunnyclaire08 13 років тому

    @kyuverns so true!

  • @kyuverns
    @kyuverns 13 років тому

    i'm from the Philippines and i don't hate HK.. i'm so happy for them that they got the chance to see RM cast.. they are just fans who would want to see their idols.. we cannot blame them.. at least the RM team is now aware that they have lots of fans in HK.. i''m sure they're so happy to see it! ^0^

  • @gustsfung
    @gustsfung 13 років тому

    sorry for RM~

  • @phillrhyme
    @phillrhyme 13 років тому

    stop the madness!

  • @rikeeey
    @rikeeey 13 років тому

    wahh.. so envy to HK. hope RM casting in indonesia :3

  • @3bbbbbb
    @3bbbbbb 13 років тому

    @lauprecious that's in night. so after school and work, they go there.

  • @suet0525
    @suet0525 13 років тому

    @lauprecious .............. they just left from school/work and got there.Actually,that's about 9..10 pm

  • @GG13322
    @GG13322 13 років тому

    @lauprecious a lot fans(students) apply for school leave just to see RM... and ppl rush to that mall right after their work is finished (before9)

  • @chingkaka22
    @chingkaka22 13 років тому

    don't hate hong kong please..we really love running man Sorry!

  • @1234setsuna
    @1234setsuna 13 років тому

    I'M boice from japan but i guess they just excited to watch their idol n i don't think RM will hate HK but they will love HK when they saw so much fans support their show(RM)