We Are Church Ireland
We Are Church Ireland
  • 76
  • 72 697
Draft Constitution for the Catholic Church
Presentation by Dr Luca Badini Confalonieri and Fr Helmut Schüller setting out why the Catholic Church needs a Constitution for all its 1.4 billion members.
7 September 2024
Переглядів: 206


"Equality" song outside closed St Andrews Church
Переглядів 922 місяці тому
"Equality" song outside locked and gates St Andrews church during 50th Dublin PRIDE parade 29 June 2024
WAC at Dublin PRIDE 2024
Переглядів 1462 місяці тому
WAC at Dublin PRIDE 2024
Helena Jeppesen - Outlook for 2024 Synod (11 June 2024)
Переглядів 1083 місяці тому
Helena Jeppesen is one of the (only) 54 Voting Women Participants at the Global Synod. She shares her concerns about how the 10 Study Groups will link back to the Synod.
Synod 2024 - Bishop Brendan Leahy in dialogue with Sr Denise Boyle (18 April 2024)
Переглядів 2185 місяців тому
Discussing the Synod in October 2023 and looking towards the Synod in October 2024
The Synod - Julieann Moran (22 February 2024)
Переглядів 967 місяців тому
Julieann Moran is the General Secretary of the Synodal Pathway for the Catholic Church in Ireland. As we await the Second Synod in October 2024 she outlines the path so far to a WAC Ireland ZOOM gathering.
Bishop Alan McGuckian SJ in dialogue with Sr Denise Boyle about the Synod
Переглядів 1,1 тис.8 місяців тому
Bishop Alan honestly outlines his experience at the October 2023 Synod We Are Church Ireland ZOOM meeting on 25 January 2024
"Upfront with Katie Hannon" RTE1 15 January 2024 CLIP of SOLINE HUMBERT
Переглядів 1768 місяців тому
Soline Humbert talks about her vocation to be a priest.
"The Last Priests in Ireland" RTE documentary; CLIP 1 Soline Humbert
Переглядів 5268 місяців тому
Short clip of contribution by Soline Humbert who has had a vocation to be a priest for 50 years. First shown on RTE1 on 15 January 2024.
"The Last Priests in Ireland" RTE documentary. Clip 2 SOLINE HUMBERT
Переглядів 4188 місяців тому
Ardal O'Hanlon interviews Soline Humbert. First shown on RTE1 on 15 January 2024
WAC Synod Symposium (15.November 2023)
Переглядів 1,7 тис.10 місяців тому
Four Responses to the Synod: 1. Penelope Middelboe 2. Diarmuid O'Murchu 3. Julieann Moran 4. Tom O'Loughlin
Practice of "Equality" song
Переглядів 12611 місяців тому
Practice at Casa Bonus Pastor of "Equality" song, before performing in St. Peter's Square at 19.00hrs on 12 October 2023. The We Are Church International (WAC) message to the Synod: What we seek is EQUALITY for Laity, Women, LGBTQ and Married. WAC supporters from 12 countries gathered to sing our EQUALITY song in St. Peter's Square and we sang all 3 verses of our song: EQUALITY Tune of ‘O Tanne...
WAC IRELAND at 2023 Dublin Pride
Переглядів 99Рік тому
Outside St Andrew's Church on Westmoreland Street a mother joined us with her poster " I Love My Gay Son" as we sang our EQUALITY song. 24 June 2023 Dublin PRIDE enjoyed glorious sunshine and huge support.
All about theology - Dr Fáinche Ryan
Переглядів 297Рік тому
Original title of Dr Fáinche Ryan's talk to We Are Church Ireland on 18 May 2023 in Avila: Don't know much about Theology? Discover everything you ever wanted to know…. but were afraid to ask!
Has the World gone Mad? Part 2
Переглядів 95Рік тому
Has the World gone Mad? Part 2
Has the World gone mad? - Dr Sr Sheila Curran Part 1
Переглядів 81Рік тому
Has the World gone mad? - Dr Sr Sheila Curran Part 1
Prague and the road ahead - Julieann Moran
Переглядів 148Рік тому
Prague and the road ahead - Julieann Moran
We Are Church at Prague Continental Meeting February 2023
Переглядів 71Рік тому
We Are Church at Prague Continental Meeting February 2023
WE ARE CHURCH in Prague for Continental Stage 5 - 7 February 2023
Переглядів 196Рік тому
WE ARE CHURCH in Prague for Continental Stage 5 - 7 February 2023
Can Ireland learn from the German Synodal Path?
Переглядів 95Рік тому
Can Ireland learn from the German Synodal Path?
"Synodality and the Ordination of Women: What would Jesus Do?" - Donal Dorr
Переглядів 286Рік тому
"Synodality and the Ordination of Women: What would Jesus Do?" - Donal Dorr
Synodality and the Ordination of Women: What would Jesus Do? - Donal Dorr
Переглядів 439Рік тому
Synodality and the Ordination of Women: What would Jesus Do? - Donal Dorr
"Priest or Presbyter?"
Переглядів 613Рік тому
"Priest or Presbyter?"
A Practical Response to the Cry of Earth and the Cry of the Poor - Trócaire CEO
Переглядів 118Рік тому
A Practical Response to the Cry of Earth and the Cry of the Poor - Trócaire CEO
Women Deacons and Synodality - Phyllis Zagano
Переглядів 4262 роки тому
Women Deacons and Synodality - Phyllis Zagano
Ursula Halligan in Conversation with Sister Jeannine Gramick
Переглядів 1,4 тис.2 роки тому
Ursula Halligan in Conversation with Sister Jeannine Gramick
"Synod and National Synodal Pathway" - Dr Nicola Brady
Переглядів 3362 роки тому
"Synod and National Synodal Pathway" - Dr Nicola Brady
"Abuse and Cover-up in the Catholic Church" - Thomas P. Doyle
Переглядів 19 тис.2 роки тому
"Abuse and Cover-up in the Catholic Church" - Thomas P. Doyle
Restoration or Reformation
Переглядів 1,1 тис.2 роки тому
Restoration or Reformation
National Synodal Assembly - Bishop Paul Dempsey
Переглядів 5022 роки тому
National Synodal Assembly - Bishop Paul Dempsey


  • @jackmatthews2544
    @jackmatthews2544 20 днів тому

    Catholic church is full of cowards so they will comtinue shrinking you see bishops shirk responsibility yo christ this is why

    @ASHIKNAZKHOKHAR 22 дні тому

    Weldon WAC

  • @LilMent-kt2mp
    @LilMent-kt2mp Місяць тому

    I appreciate you so very much Thomas, thank you.

  • @DarrylMiranda-p8y
    @DarrylMiranda-p8y 2 місяці тому

    Fr Thomas Doyle speaks with such eloquently and very humble kind for him to be Laya sizes we must have alot of devils in the church God bless you

  • @crippledhorses919
    @crippledhorses919 2 місяці тому

    Great Break Down and Lesson on this topic

  • @crippledhorses919
    @crippledhorses919 2 місяці тому

  • @gF-iv2yn
    @gF-iv2yn 2 місяці тому


  • @Smudgie
    @Smudgie 2 місяці тому

    Gays for Palestine!!!

  • @Servus-Dei83
    @Servus-Dei83 2 місяці тому


  • @Ryanoloughlin-u6h
    @Ryanoloughlin-u6h 2 місяці тому

    1 Corinthians 6:9 Romans 1:27 Leviticus 20:13. Herecy right here is what it is

  • @michaelmikeykellymikeydama5405
    @michaelmikeykellymikeydama5405 3 місяці тому

    Lord, cast out Satan and all evil spirits who ruin their souls.

  • @boopyondasnooty
    @boopyondasnooty 3 місяці тому

    What a fuckin joke.

  • @Civil-conversation-is-possible
    @Civil-conversation-is-possible 3 місяці тому

    A church group seeking equality! That’s different than what I’m used to seeing from churches.

  • @darrylmiranda9160
    @darrylmiranda9160 3 місяці тому

    Thank you Fr Thomas P Doyle for speaking up for innocent children you are a true Priest of Jesus Christ those who are against him who speaking the truth shame on shalitan Priest most of you who are in denial you all have to pay the ultimate price that's hell

  • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
    @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 3 місяці тому

    “Watch out no one deceives you. For MANY will come in my name Claiming “I am the Christ” and will deceive MANY” “I am Christ” ~ “Vicar of Christ” How MANY Vicars DECEIVED How MANY of the many ??? Lifting Up any man to level of CHRIST = USURPING Authority & Majesty.

  • @greyhoundmama2062
    @greyhoundmama2062 4 місяці тому

    Priests have Holy Orders. They can change bread into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus. You can't. They are human, but unfortunately a target for the demonic. If you do not believe in the supernatural, you will not believe this. This is not an excuse for evil behavior, but a good explanation. We are in a spiritual battle. Unfortunately, they let a whole lot of homosexuals into the seminaries. Most abuse is homosexual, not pedophilia. The main victims are adolescent males. In your efforts to end this horrible behavior, you have become a heretic. There is nothing untrue in the Catholic faith as revealed by Scripture and Tradition. You are making a grave error in blaming perverted behavior on Catholic faith.

  • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
    @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 4 місяці тому

    Choice to pay lawyers instead of attending to the needs of victims is all the information that anyone needs to know about Catholicism. DON’T Trust the UN-trustworthy. DON’T Give 1 Cent. Get Out. Lucifer wanted to be equal to or above GOD. Book of Isaiah records 5 “I will” statements made by Lucifer. USURPING the Authority, the Word, the Names/titles of THE incomparable and irreplaceable HOLY GOD is what this religion has done. “Watch out no one deceives you. For many will come in my name claiming “I am the Christ” and will deceive many.”

  • @fantasticator
    @fantasticator 4 місяці тому

    When is 3,009?

  • @ionlyemergeafterdark
    @ionlyemergeafterdark 4 місяці тому

    1.00 in, "jump ahead to the year 3009"? What? This is only 2024. 3009 is in the future! What does this mean?

    @CLAYMEISTER 4 місяці тому

    Not 3009! 309AD perhsps?

  • @jackwinemiller8358
    @jackwinemiller8358 4 місяці тому

    I would gladly sit down and play cards with the devil before I ever step foot in a catholic church again.

  • @marzymarrz5172
    @marzymarrz5172 4 місяці тому

    And it is still going on and priests are still being moved to outlying communities where people are less likely to complain. It is a sick institution.

  • @vaticanjesuitNWO
    @vaticanjesuitNWO 5 місяців тому

    Tom Doyle, you said that wherever Catholicism is, there is sexual abuse. You also said that you were looking for a common thread so as to find the cause of this scourge. All you have to do is read Romans chapter one beginning in verse 22 and ending in verse 28. Here it is: Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; In actual fact, it isn't found just in Catholicism. Sodomy (and pedophilia with young victims easy to intimidate into silence) is found wherever idolatry is found. Idolatry is defined in the bible as the making and worshiping of images and idols. God sees idolatry as reducing Him to filth. Idolatry is reducing God's body to an inanimate object, which is detestable. God sees it as an expression of dishonor; a vile affection. And the punishment for idolatry perfectly fits the crime. God's recompense for idolatry is to cause idolators to dishonor their own bodies likewise....to do that which is detestable and filthy and perverted and vile and against nature. Break down all your Roman Catholic images and idols and worship God in spirit and in truth and the curse will be lifted. I don't even hope that Roman Catholicism will take the cure. But you, sir, must come out of that idolatrous church TODAY. The curse of Sodomy is found in every other idolatrous "religion", which is nearly every religion in the world except the TRUE church of God, wherein you will NEVER see any man-made image of anything in heaven or in earth or in the water under the earth. And you will NEVER see any true believer bow down himself to images or idols. Neither will you see ANY true believer suffer from the divine recompense for idolatry, SODOMY!!! You now have that common denominator that you were seeking. And you didn't get it from a man. You got it straight from God's Holy Word. Thank Him for opening your eyes.

  • @Notmehimorthem
    @Notmehimorthem 5 місяців тому

    If you think the bible is a good place to learn how to bring up children... would you then say that if your child answers you back, you should put them to death? The bible does.

  • @Notmehimorthem
    @Notmehimorthem 5 місяців тому

    If you think the bible is credible ask yourself whether donkeys talk to Angels?

  • @Notmehimorthem
    @Notmehimorthem 5 місяців тому

    Where is the wordwide Christian and church effort to expose and stop all this? Waiting..... yep, just like those that have waited 2000 years with no results...

  • @Notmehimorthem
    @Notmehimorthem 5 місяців тому

    Did you know that for hundreds of years, the Church encouraged the use of Castrati - young boys who are castrated to improve their singing life? Did you know that Pope Stephen VI actually dug up his predecessor's corpse and put it on trial? Did you know that Pope John 12 murdered a lot of people and gave money and land to mistresses? John 12 turned the Vatican into a brothel. Did you know that King David had his men murder. 200 Pharisees in order to harvest 200 fresh foreskins for his wedding dowry? The whole fnn enterprise has always been corrupt. The Bible contains hundreds of vile passages. Did you know that Psalm 137 says blessed are those that batter babies' heads on rocks? Boniface VIII was that paedophilia was no more problematic than “rubbing one hand against the other.” God himself is not above torturing everyone and wiping out village (even their livestock) on w whim. Sure he may have cured 10 lepers for comic effect, but he also created leprosy (according to the bible) and just left all the other lepers to die by having bits drop of them. He really does not care - just watch the way humans and animals suffer and we all perish mostly horrible, in the end, whether we have been good or bad, even in the womb. The Image of the church and Christianity is a lie.

  • @erickanter
    @erickanter 5 місяців тому

    What the catholic church did in Ireland is a crime against humanity.

  • @jamestucker3142
    @jamestucker3142 5 місяців тому

    A few years ago, I received a payment from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia if I promise not to sue the Archdiocese in thr future.Recently I found out the Archdiocese had published a list of credibly accused deceased priests. The name of my abuser was not on the list.

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 4 місяці тому

      Hope you keep posting. Obviously, the church continues to do business as usual. 1 problem is that those who have been indoctrinated into the religion of Catholicism can’t, won’t + don’t want to SEE the Obvious.

  • @jaqian
    @jaqian 5 місяців тому

    There's nothing stopping women spreading the Gospel and there are plenty of roles for them in the Church but the priesthood was ordained by God both in the Old and New Testament ro he for men only "in personae Christi" and it will never change.

  • @jaqian
    @jaqian 5 місяців тому

    Not so simple.

  • @jaqian
    @jaqian 5 місяців тому

    Most of these people are elderly, young Catholics aren't interested in woman priests etc and most new priests are conservative. They are a product of their generation.

  • @recs8564
    @recs8564 5 місяців тому

    Disgusting and sickening to the stomach

  • @eabm1984
    @eabm1984 6 місяців тому

    As a Catholic, I have no issues, frankly none of us do, with experts, citizens, and victims bringing forth these issues and crimes, and discussing the errors and horrors committed, as well as bringing punitive damages to those involved as well as corrective recommendations, The only issue I have with all of this, is that a lot of people want to promote this idea that The Church was complicit and a proponent of these crimes, negating that The Church was following the guidelines established by the psychological experts, at the time, believing (or at least claiming) this was a curable problem. These narratives, also, minimize the fact that it was the Church that initiated it's own internal investigaton and brought the issues and horrors to light and to their respective authorities and not that this was an external investigation or exposé. Then there is those cases where, though they were clergy this was done outside the church and in remote locations unrelated to the Church, yet because they were clergy, the Church took absorbed it as if it were an issue in The Church. Not like The Church is an institution that promoted or revered sexual abuse of any kind, like those individuals and institutions that promote child mutilations and abortions.

    • @a.m.phaneuf6164
      @a.m.phaneuf6164 4 місяці тому

      Issue seen to curable does not mean you shuffle priests parish to parish or out of diocese. Internal investigations didn’t usually come first, from what i can tell. What’s done remotely, not being church ‘business,’ is an absurd statement.

  • @sandramcdaniel2
    @sandramcdaniel2 6 місяців тому

    We see you and we love you and we thank you for everything you’ve done to bring this to light and helping victims everywhere

  • @johnbreslin9271
    @johnbreslin9271 6 місяців тому

    I wish you well Fr. Tony and I applaud your courage in speaking truth to power. Let us be still but not silent!

  • @chrisnavarro9117
    @chrisnavarro9117 7 місяців тому

    ❣️ Promo*SM

  • @edwardsianski725
    @edwardsianski725 7 місяців тому

    Thank you for a powerful, informative, compassionate and challenging presentation! Your Galilee reaches the ends of the earth and is a fabulous ministry of healing, one day at a time!

  • @renegoldsmith6281
    @renegoldsmith6281 7 місяців тому

    Get a habit!

  • @dianarich3602
    @dianarich3602 7 місяців тому

    I had the pleasure of meeting Alan in the 80s when we were both studying theology in the states. I wish him a multitude of blessings in his new assignment. Pace e Bene Alan. Diana Rich

  • @Beanbag777
    @Beanbag777 8 місяців тому

    Vomit 🤮.

  • @Beanbag777
    @Beanbag777 8 місяців тому

    You guys are hilarious 🤣 heretics United fc

  • @pegitwillcomebacktoyou
    @pegitwillcomebacktoyou 8 місяців тому

    Of course I did not watch this (I don't give my energy to anything RTE produces), but I'm sure this was a NWO propaganda, was it?

  • @christianspraying1688
    @christianspraying1688 8 місяців тому

    The Church doesn't save. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior saves from eternity without a relationship with our Creator who loves us. Jesus has never stopped praying for us or the church and asks us to pray for the church. Seeing the church but not seeing Jesus praying and present and forming a relationship through prayer with God. Jesus asks me to follow Him, but not to expect the people in the church to be minor dieties that can save me from my sins. Jesus does ask me to love and forgive sinners found in the church. I forgive the church. Spiritual blindness is seeing only the sins of the church or seeing only saints. Dont reject the many for the sins of a few.

  • @Lee-bo1wp
    @Lee-bo1wp 9 місяців тому

    Your presentation is much appreciated. Very helpful.

  • @ccmagee972
    @ccmagee972 10 місяців тому

    The real question is, can you find the love of Jesus outside the Catholic Church, of course you can staying at church you're going to have to answer for because it is what it is it's a systemic issue, and you're being held hostage by a tradition, a systematic tradition that hoses people hostage

  • @ccmagee972
    @ccmagee972 10 місяців тому

    Catholics are under a demonic spell, inspite of everything that has come to light ,with regards to the pedophilia within the church, they remain committed, it's like they suffer from Stockholm syndrome, I left over 20 years ago , thank you Jesus . It's all about you and you alone, righteous redeemer. I love you.

  • @georgejunior2929
    @georgejunior2929 10 місяців тому

    The catholic church runs the ultimate ponzie scheme. Complete BS.

  • @starfireooo4844
    @starfireooo4844 11 місяців тому

    Yes, i agree.

  • @drjoe53
    @drjoe53 11 місяців тому

    I have always admired your courage and integrity., Tom. I was raised Catholic. I was abused. I walked away as soon as could. I am a happily married (37 years and counting) gay man. I have heard for years that “the church isn’t the bishops, it’s the people’. I think the more honest statement is “the church SHOULD be the people”. The reality, as you so well articulate is that the Catholic Church is an authoritarian hierarchy, empowered by magical beliefs, led by a largely psychologically unwell clergy. It is evil. When I say “I hate that evil, that I hate the the Catholic Church” (and I do) does that mean I hate the people? If the church is the people what does it mean to ‘leave’ the church? When I say “I am not a Catholic ‘ does that mean I am not one of ‘the people?