I was impressed to see Midori with her leg above her head in 2 spin sequences. Respectfully in the technical and original programs. Nice. Was any other international contenders doing those yet, besides standard Bielmans if any?
Ah figure skating. Unlike what we are subjected to today. Funny how she is considered not artistic. Look at her back and her arm positions and compare them to the contorted mess the Russian ladies give us today. I'm pretty sure in the definition of jump it actually references leaving the ground. Another big difference between this genius and the poop who contend for medals now.
I was impressed to see Midori with her leg above her head in 2 spin sequences. Respectfully in the technical and original programs. Nice. Was any other international contenders doing those yet, besides standard Bielmans if any?
What an incredible short program, with choreography that perfectly fits the music! Amazing!!
Ah figure skating. Unlike what we are subjected to today. Funny how she is considered not artistic. Look at her back and her arm positions and compare them to the contorted mess the Russian ladies give us today. I'm pretty sure in the definition of jump it actually references leaving the ground. Another big difference between this genius and the poop who contend for medals now.
Love her! Hate those bitchy commentators tho!
Midori Ito, the complete package. But most of all, forever the greatest ever ladies figure skater!
あんたねぇーあそこで何逆に滑ってんの!コツン‼︎。 ごめんごめん🙏間違えた🤗。 技術的には全く問題無く6.0が出てます😌 プログラム的に間違えちゃったりなんかもしてるんで芸術点は少し落とされちゃったりしてね😅 改めて伊藤みどりの滑りを見ていると意外に片足でずーと滑っててそこからのダブルアクセルとか、他の選手ではあまり見ない気がしますね。 ジャンプしてからのシットスピンとかも。 然し、身長150センチ無いんですよね。みどりさん。 なのに氷板の上で滑ってるのを観ると一時もそれを感じ無い。 スタイル、プロポーションのバランスが凄く良いんでしょうね。 。