Apart from the disrespectful edits and cuts to the Tchaikovsky concerto, I wonder how many viewers and people in the room realized that they were blessed with seeing one of the greatest violinist of the century play at such an early age. I envy people who were in the concert hall.
So do I! The experience of listening and watching her performance of this stage will be the best treasure through life. I think the orchestra members also will be proud of their performance with Himari. She might be a idol for them.
重要な演奏部分での多くのカットが多い編集は、奏者に取って失礼です。また、動画の視聴者に取っても大変残念です。 Editing with many cuts at important performance parts is disrespectful to the performer. It is also very disappointing for the viewers of the video.
Sorry, but that's a stupid remark. First of all, the observation is certainly not true, as a lot of Asians play classical music at a "normal" or even fast tempo. Secondly, if Himari plays this first movement slightly slower than usual, her rendition certainly has tons of incredible qualities which make one to want to listen to it over and again.
She has nothing in common with David Oistrach. And should not perform at such young age. They are ruining her talent by exposing her so much....@@jansnauwaert1785
One can almost literally see it in her eyes that this is a very special child. The eyes of a prodigy, a genius (the laser focus in them, their radiance).
When Himari was 10 years old, she performed this piece at a competition in Poland, and I think she won first place or higher. Considering this level of perfection, it's no surprise since it's above the junior level. Furthermore, at her victory commemorative performance, she perfectly performed the second and third movements. The third movement in particular is the most difficult piece, but he plays it easily and is truly a genius.
"above the junior level". Kind of funny. Himari is OF COURSE above junior level, even if she is still very junior in age. If one closes one's eyes, this is very accomplished virtuoso in his or her prime. I agree of course that She (not "he") is truly a genius. Incredible.
Anche lì il gran prix come in tutte le competizioni a cui ha partecipato, non gli basta vincere nella sua categoria, ma è così brava che è addirittura stanca di vincere
Niesamowite,w wieku 9 lat tak grać rośnie wirtułożka, dużo zdrowia i powodzenia w dalszej karierze skrzypaczki 🥰♥️
Трудяга! ❤❤❤
Incrivel criança ;bravo!!!!!
Apart from the disrespectful edits and cuts to the Tchaikovsky concerto, I wonder how many viewers and people in the room realized that they were blessed with seeing one of the greatest violinist of the century play at such an early age. I envy people who were in the concert hall.
So do I! The experience of listening and watching her performance of this stage will be the best treasure through life. I think the orchestra members also will be proud of their performance with Himari. She might be a idol for them.
オケのマスク姿 指揮はコバケンか・・・・マスクは意味無とファウチが議会で証言しているよ。 マスコミ病の 哀れな日本民俗。欧米は2回で危険と判断できたが 日本は7回も打って45万人 以上 超過死亡。マスコミは絶対報道しない。出来ない状態が我が日本。
Incroyable et magnifique ☝️☝️☝️❤
重要な演奏部分での多くのカットが多い編集は、奏者に取って失礼です。また、動画の視聴者に取っても大変残念です。 Editing with many cuts at important performance parts is disrespectful to the performer. It is also very disappointing for the viewers of the video.
奏者でもない者が奏者を代弁できてるのか? 他の多くは演奏の一部でも動画アップしてくれた事に感謝してるのに。 撮影許可も、動画作成する資金と時間も、アップする気概もない庶民は感謝しかない。
お金払って見に行きなよ みっともないコメント
Why all asians play so slowly western clasic
Sorry, but that's a stupid remark. First of all, the observation is certainly not true, as a lot of Asians play classical music at a "normal" or even fast tempo. Secondly, if Himari plays this first movement slightly slower than usual, her rendition certainly has tons of incredible qualities which make one to want to listen to it over and again.
HIMARIさんの音色はDavid Oistraに一番近いですね、いやそれ以上に繊細でより深く叙情的な音色に聴こえます9歳で信じ難いこの子は正に奇跡です。
She is. I have tremendous Oistrakh, but I think that Himari's tone is even superior. As you say, it is a true miracle.
@@jansnauwaert1785 様本当に奇跡です。何故これほどまでに心に響き魂を揺さぶるのか?何度でも聴きたい音色です。チャイコフスキー全楽章聴きたいですね、それと特にこの子のBachは神の調べです、生演奏は本当に奇跡です私は涙ぐみました。なぜこれほどまでの神娘が出現したのでしょうか?生涯のファンより
She has nothing in common with David Oistrach. And should not perform at such young age. They are ruining her talent by exposing her so much....@@jansnauwaert1785
Mask idiots
バイオリンの曲のことはよくわかりませんが,ヒマリチャンの演奏が好きで追っかけて聴いています。途中から始まったフレーズを聴いて、あっこれはロシアのくるみ割り音楽祭の時、実は優勝候補に上がっていた男の子が決勝戦で弾いた曲だ!ということがわかりました。 もちろんひまりちゃんが優勝して彼は2位でしたが、今彼女が弾いているのを聴くと熟練度が以前よりももっと上がっていて力強さも加わり益々素晴らしい演奏者に待っていました。この方はどこまで成長されるのでしょうか? 末恐ろしいです。
Second or third time around in this world for this young lady, plain to see. This is no child expressing herself here with such maturity.
You mean reincarnation?
There is no need to call her a "genius" anymore. Everyone knows she is a top-level musician. Genius has already graduated.
She is more than a top-level musician. Despite her very young age, one can already say that she is one of the greatest violinists who ever lived.
人差し指は弦を普通に押さえて 小指のところで弦に触れるくらいで押さえると 倍音の方が強く鳴ってくれるのです✨ 弦で抑えてる音の倍音が聴こえてるということです 人工フラジオと調べると詳しいのがみれると思います!!
@@上田菜月-z3z ありがとうございます! そんな技術があるのですね!! 勉強になりました。
毎日のようにこのひまりちゃんの動画を見て感動しているおばあさんですが、一つだけお願いがあります。 それは、曲の最初から最後まで、カットなしの通しの演奏を聴いてみたいのです。 音源が残っているのでしたらどうか叶えて頂きますようお願いします。
この演奏はTV放送されたもので、CMの関係上からかカット無しでも15分の短縮版でした。 第一楽章のノーカtット版は20分程なのですが、それはこの後にシンフォニックシネマの公演としてで何回か演奏されてyoutubeにアップロードされています。 それらは私のプレイリストにまとめてありますのでご参考まで。
ありがとうございます。 この動画はテレビ放送にむけて編集されたものだったんですね。了解しました。 シンフォニックシネマの方も何度も聴かせていただいて、そのたんびに感動しているのですが、このコバケンさんとの取り合わせが何とも微笑ましく、ひまりちゃんの息づかいまでいとおしく思え、中断なしで聴いてみたいと思い、はじめてコメントした次第です。 返信、ご親切にありがとうございました。
このまま 少女バイオリニストで居てほしい😢
詩的で、霊感に溢れ…素晴らしい 才能あり過ぎ 感謝しか無い…
No musicians believe that such a cute child will perfectly play a magnificent Chaikovsky. They may look away from miracles.
Perfectly? :)
Nobody - and I mean literally nobody - looking at this little girl would suspect she is such a miracle!!! And yet, there we are.
はぁーもう感嘆の連続。やっぱり天才。やっぱり神童。子供の発達の可能性、人間の能力の凄さよ。 「ママ」と言わずに「お母さん」と言って語るところも含めて、話し方までしっかりしているね。 ご両親による教育の良さまでも伝わってきました。
One can almost literally see it in her eyes that this is a very special child. The eyes of a prodigy, a genius (the laser focus in them, their radiance).
感情表現が既に円熟した大人の演奏。それも何十年間もヴァイオリンを修行し続けて到達したような。 まさに神童。「好きこそ物の上手なれ」という次元を遥かに超越した演奏です。 基本的に記憶力や知能指数も半端なく高いのでしょう。 今月になって初めて姫鞠さんをUA-camで知りまして。 UA-camを開けば彼女の演奏動画ばかり探し回っています。もう姫鞠漬けです(笑)、、、
前髪ありも可愛い~。 本当に人形みたいで、皆が思ういい成長をしていて、いつでも可愛いって奇跡です。バイオリニストは寄りで撮られるけど、どの角度も可愛いくて安定していて目が離せない。 浅田真央さんのように、国民総おじおばみたいになってしまいそう。 本当に彼女の存在が音楽界を変えますね。
妃鞠さんの5歳前後の貴重なUA-cam映像を見つけました。その一年後:コンクール動画での劇的進歩が天才である事を証明。 ua-cam.com/video/er8ks0SZ6Dg/v-deo.html&ab_channel=ijmc 妃鞠さん当時6歳:第10回国際ジュニア音楽コンクール本選「 一位受賞動画」・・・既に天才である事を証明しています。 ua-cam.com/video/__7VBCJIsIk/v-deo.html&ab_channel=ijmc
途中を編集では処理な! テレビ局の無能共が、素敵な演奏が台無し😂 ひまりさんと演奏家の皆様に失礼! 恥をしれ!
When Himari was 10 years old, she performed this piece at a competition in Poland, and I think she won first place or higher. Considering this level of perfection, it's no surprise since it's above the junior level. Furthermore, at her victory commemorative performance, she perfectly performed the second and third movements. The third movement in particular is the most difficult piece, but he plays it easily and is truly a genius.
"above the junior level". Kind of funny. Himari is OF COURSE above junior level, even if she is still very junior in age. If one closes one's eyes, this is very accomplished virtuoso in his or her prime. I agree of course that She (not "he") is truly a genius. Incredible.
Anche lì il gran prix come in tutte le competizioni a cui ha partecipato, non gli basta vincere nella sua categoria, ma è così brava che è addirittura stanca di vincere
この難曲に、、 指の長さ、手の大きさは関係ないと証明してくれてる。素晴らしい😆
音に愛され 音を愛し 音を支配する。異次元
She is small, but her hands are relatively big. Also her fingers are long and thin, which is an advantage, surely for the pink.