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Petra B
Приєднався 24 лис 2011
This is the youtube channel of the CLTS Knowledge Hub at the Institute of Development Studies with videos relevant to Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
The CLTS Knowledge Hub (www.communityledtotalsanitation.org) is committed to supporting CLTS to go to scale with quality and in a sustainable manner, and to accelerate its spread. It seeks to do so in collaboration with practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and others working in the development, sanitation and related communities, in Governments, international agencies, NGOs, research institutes, and other organisations. The Hub is dedicated to understanding the-on-the-ground realities of CLTS practice and to learning about, sharing and promoting good practices, ideas and innovations that lead to sustainability and scale. We aim to contribute to the momentum of the CLTS movement and to keep the CLTS community well connected and informed. It seeks to provide spaces for reflection, continuous learning and knowledge exchange.
The CLTS Knowledge Hub (www.communityledtotalsanitation.org) is committed to supporting CLTS to go to scale with quality and in a sustainable manner, and to accelerate its spread. It seeks to do so in collaboration with practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and others working in the development, sanitation and related communities, in Governments, international agencies, NGOs, research institutes, and other organisations. The Hub is dedicated to understanding the-on-the-ground realities of CLTS practice and to learning about, sharing and promoting good practices, ideas and innovations that lead to sustainability and scale. We aim to contribute to the momentum of the CLTS movement and to keep the CLTS community well connected and informed. It seeks to provide spaces for reflection, continuous learning and knowledge exchange.
Webinar: Support Mechanisms for Rural Sanitation Programmes
This is a webinar recording with Dr. Jeremy Kohlitz and Professor Juliet Willetts, the authors of the forthcoming edition of Frontiers of CLTS: Support Mechanisms for Rural Sanitation Programmes. The webinar was recorded on 27th June 2019.
The webinar focuses on:
- Different individual support mechanisms including financial, in-kind and non-material that go beyond conventional CLTS support processes
- How these mechanisms can be designed to address the challenges faced by disadvantaged individuals and groups
- The necessary monitoring systems and knowledge sharing needs
- Recommendations for practice moving forward
It begins with a presentation by Dr. Jeremy Kohlitz and Professor Juliet Willetts followed by a Q&A. It is facilitated by Jamie Myers from the CLTS Knowledge Hub.
A renewed focus on equity is being driven by the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation framework and Sustainable Development Goal 6, which emphasises the importance of adequate and equitable sanitation for all. Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is based on the idea that sustained, collective improvements in sanitation work best when communities identify and drive their own sanitation solutions. However, there is evidence that CLTS processes to achieve community-wide outcomes are not always systematic, adequate, sustained, or sufficient to meet the needs of disadvantaged groups. To ensure equitable outcomes, there is increasing attention on additional support mechanisms that complement conventional processes of demand creation, behaviour change, community empowerment and community action.
The forthcoming edition of Frontiers of CLTS: Support Mechanisms for Rural Sanitation Programmes will be available in print and online early July 2019. This is the second part of a two part series on the overarching theme of Equality and non-discrimination (EQND) in sanitation programmes at scale. Part one is available here: Frontiers of CLTS: Equality and non-discrimination (EQND) in sanitation programmes at scale (Part 1 of 2).www.communityledtotalsanitation.org/sites/communityledtotalsanitation.org/files/Frontiers10_EQND.pdf
The webinar focuses on:
- Different individual support mechanisms including financial, in-kind and non-material that go beyond conventional CLTS support processes
- How these mechanisms can be designed to address the challenges faced by disadvantaged individuals and groups
- The necessary monitoring systems and knowledge sharing needs
- Recommendations for practice moving forward
It begins with a presentation by Dr. Jeremy Kohlitz and Professor Juliet Willetts followed by a Q&A. It is facilitated by Jamie Myers from the CLTS Knowledge Hub.
A renewed focus on equity is being driven by the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation framework and Sustainable Development Goal 6, which emphasises the importance of adequate and equitable sanitation for all. Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is based on the idea that sustained, collective improvements in sanitation work best when communities identify and drive their own sanitation solutions. However, there is evidence that CLTS processes to achieve community-wide outcomes are not always systematic, adequate, sustained, or sufficient to meet the needs of disadvantaged groups. To ensure equitable outcomes, there is increasing attention on additional support mechanisms that complement conventional processes of demand creation, behaviour change, community empowerment and community action.
The forthcoming edition of Frontiers of CLTS: Support Mechanisms for Rural Sanitation Programmes will be available in print and online early July 2019. This is the second part of a two part series on the overarching theme of Equality and non-discrimination (EQND) in sanitation programmes at scale. Part one is available here: Frontiers of CLTS: Equality and non-discrimination (EQND) in sanitation programmes at scale (Part 1 of 2).www.communityledtotalsanitation.org/sites/communityledtotalsanitation.org/files/Frontiers10_EQND.pdf
Переглядів: 172
Why is gender analysis vital when designing toilets?
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Dr Alison Parker, Cranfield Water Science Institute, talks about the importance of researching both men's and women's sanitation and hygiene needs when designing toilets
Why is gender transformative WASH important?
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Helen Lungu a gender specialist working for Plan International Zambia shares her thoughts on why a gender transformative approach to WASH programming is so valuable.
Hanh Nguyen Hong on Gender Transformative WASH in Vietnam
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In Vietnam, many women face challenges accessing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services and facilities; lack of funds and information, exclusion from decision-making, poorly designed facilities along with restrictive gender norms all create barriers. Hanh Nguyen Hong (Thrive Networks/East Meets West) talks about how the Women-Led Output Based Aid (WOBA) programme in Vietnam is overcoming...
Alassane Beye parle du changement de comportement au Sénégal [English Subtitles]
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Alassane Beye (Ministère de l’Hydraulique et de l’Assainissement, Sénégal) parle de la réussite du Projet Pilote récent Hygiène et Assainissement, ainsi que des motivations derrière ce projet. Ce projet a pour objectif d’inciter les changements de comportements à grande échelle à travers une ‘Caravane de Communication’ visitant les zones rurales du Sénégal. [English translation]: Alassane Beye ...
Yadjidé ADISSODA GBEDO parle d'un «pot de défécation» développé localement(Bénin)[English subtitles]
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Yadjidé ADISSODA GBEDO (Chef/PAPHyR BENIN parle du processus qui a permis à l’ONG APIC de concevoir et développer localement un pot de défécation pour les personnes à mobilité réduite dans la Commune de Copargo. English translation: Yadjidé ADISSODA GBEDO (Head / PAPHyR BENIN) talks about the process that allowed the NGO APIC to locally design and develop a defecation pot for people with reduce...
Massa Antoine Traore: le développement de la stratégie nationale du FDAL au Mali [English subtitles]
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Massa Antoine Traore (Directeur Régional Assainissement pour la région de Mopti, Ministère de l’Environnement et de l’Assainissement, Mali) parle du développement de la stratégie nationale de Fin de la Défécation à l’Air Libre (FDAL) au Mali. English translation: Massa Antoine Traore (Sanitation Regional Director for the Mopti Area, Ministry of the Environment and Sanitation, Mali) talks about ...
Massa Antoine Traore explique les étapes de la stratégie nationale FDAL du Mali [English subtitles]
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Massa Antoine Traore (Directeur Régional Assainissement pour la région de Mopti, Ministère de l’Environnement et de l’Assainissement, Mali) explique les six étapes de la stratégie nationale FDAL du Mali. English translation: Massa Antoine Traore (Sanitation Regional Director for the Mopti Area, Ministry of the Environment and Sanitation, Mali) explains the six steps of Mali's national ODF strat...
Ada Oko Williams on sanitation and hygiene behaviour change in Nigeria
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Ada Oko Williams (Senior WASH Manager Sanitation, International Programmes Department, WaterAid UK) talks about the implementation of WaterAid’s behaviour change programme in Nigeria and about why it was developed on from a CLTS approach.
Adama Sy parle du les Caisses de Solidarité Villageoise (Sénégal) [English subtitles]
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Adama Sy (Responsable de programme, Agetip, Sénégal) parle d’une initiative locale, les Caisses de Solidarité Villageoise, auxquelles toutes les personnes au sein d’un même village contribuent, même les plus démunies. Le but de cette initiative est de pouvoir soutenir financièrement tous les villageois à construire des latrines et à y accéder. Une fois que le statut FDAL est atteint les caisses...
Dr Josué Ibulungu parle d'une stratégie WASH semi-urbaine en RDC [English subtitles]
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Dr Josué Ibulungu (Coordinateur du Consortium SWIFT en RDC, Oxfam) parle du développement d’une stratégie semi-urbaine pour l’assainissement, l’hygiène et l’eau en RDC. Cette stratégie adapte sensiblement l’approche CLTS pour être utilisée dans les zones semi-urbaines. English translation: Dr Josué Ibulungu (Sustainable WASH in Fragile Contexts (SWIFT) Consortium Coordinator, Oxfam Congo) talks...
Ada Oko Williams talks about WaterAid's behaviour change programme.
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Ada Oko Williams (Senior WASH Manager Sanitation, International Programmes Department, WaterAid UK) talks about WaterAid’s behaviour change programme working with concepts of scripts, settings and social norms to change behaviour.
Nanpet Chuktu on post-ODF village 'peer reviews' in Nigeria
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Nanpet Chuktu (Programme Manager, United Purpose, Nigeria) talks about the local initiative ‘WASH committees’ - small community groups who carry out ‘peer reviews’ of neighbouring post-ODF villages to help ensure high WASH standards are maintained.
Jamie Myers on Innovations for Urban Sanitation: Adapting Community-led Approaches
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The CLTS Knowledge Hub is pleased to announce the launch of its new book, 'Innovations for Urban Sanitation: Adapting Community-led Approaches.' Over half the world’s population now lives in urban areas and a large proportion of them lives without improved sanitation. This book has been developed in response to calls from practitioners for practical guidance on how to mobilise communities and i...
Menstrual hygiene management for girls in Eritrea
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Yirgalem Solomon (WASH Specialist, UNICEF) talks about a recent study on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in Eritrean middle schools, ‘Breaking the Silence on Menstruation’, that has led to a pilot programme promoting open dialogue on menstruation to help girls address the many challenges they face. This study was part of the UNICEF’s global project, ‘WASH in Schools for Girls: Advocacy and C...
Sanitation marketing for improved handwashing technologies in Zambia
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Sanitation marketing for improved handwashing technologies in Zambia
Community solutions for improved sanitation in Kenya
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Community solutions for improved sanitation in Kenya
Using Dialogue Circles for inclusive sanitation in Malawi
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Using Dialogue Circles for inclusive sanitation in Malawi
Engaging pastoralist men and boys in sanitation in Kenya
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Engaging pastoralist men and boys in sanitation in Kenya
The Other Side of Gender: Sanitation, Men and Boys
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The Other Side of Gender: Sanitation, Men and Boys
Promoting sanitation behaviour change in Tanzania
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Promoting sanitation behaviour change in Tanzania
Developing a Beach and Island Sanitation Strategy
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Developing a Beach and Island Sanitation Strategy
Institutional triggering for improved sanitation in Uganda
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Institutional triggering for improved sanitation in Uganda
Dean Spears on 'Where India Goes: Abandoned toilets, stunted development, and the cost of caste.'
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Dean Spears on 'Where India Goes: Abandoned toilets, stunted development, and the cost of caste.'
Tracking Progress and Sustainability: Monitoring, Verification and Certification of CLTS
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Tracking Progress and Sustainability: Monitoring, Verification and Certification of CLTS
Using a CLTS approach in peri-urban and urban areas
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Using a CLTS approach in peri-urban and urban areas
CLTS in Post Emergency and Fragile States Settings
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CLTS in Post Emergency and Fragile States Settings
Participatory Design Development for Sanitation
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Participatory Design Development for Sanitation
Sustainable sanitation for all: experiences, challenges and innovations
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Sustainable sanitation for all: experiences, challenges and innovations