- 22
- 111 901
Приєднався 24 лип 2010
Internet Radio - Listen to 50,000 stations from around the world!
Internet Radio - Listen to 50,000 stations from around the world!
★ Recommended by
- USA TODAY : usat.ly/RadioToday
- Gizmodo : bit.ly/RadioGizmodo
- Appsafari Rating 4.5/5 : bit.ly/RadioSafari
★ Features
- Listen to 50,000 radios stations from around the world
- Antique-style theme provided
- Search for stations by keyword
- Display song information (title/singer)
- Control brightness / Volume
- Listed stations by country
- Listed stations by Top 100
- Sleep Timer Supported
★ What is SHOUTcast™ Radio?
The SHOUTcast™ Radio Directory is one of the largest directories of professionally and community programmed online radio stations in the world. Today SHOUTcast™ Radio features over 45,000 stations from around the globe. If you're into popular or indie music, or want to check out local or world programming, you're sure to find something you like on SHOUTcast™ Radio. SHOUTcast™ Radio also provides audio broadcasting software tools for those who want to create a radio station. It permits anyone on the internet to broadcast audio from their computer to listeners across the Internet or any other IP-based network (Office LANs, college campuses, etc...)
★ Recommended by
- USA TODAY : usat.ly/RadioToday
- Gizmodo : bit.ly/RadioGizmodo
- Appsafari Rating 4.5/5 : bit.ly/RadioSafari
★ Features
- Listen to 50,000 radios stations from around the world
- Antique-style theme provided
- Search for stations by keyword
- Display song information (title/singer)
- Control brightness / Volume
- Listed stations by country
- Listed stations by Top 100
- Sleep Timer Supported
★ What is SHOUTcast™ Radio?
The SHOUTcast™ Radio Directory is one of the largest directories of professionally and community programmed online radio stations in the world. Today SHOUTcast™ Radio features over 45,000 stations from around the globe. If you're into popular or indie music, or want to check out local or world programming, you're sure to find something you like on SHOUTcast™ Radio. SHOUTcast™ Radio also provides audio broadcasting software tools for those who want to create a radio station. It permits anyone on the internet to broadcast audio from their computer to listeners across the Internet or any other IP-based network (Office LANs, college campuses, etc...)
Переглядів: 57 007
Internet Radio - Listen to 50,000 stations from around the world!
Переглядів 1,1 тис.12 років тому
Internet Radio - Listen to 50,000 stations from around the world! ★ Recommended by - USA TODAY : usat.ly/RadioToday - Gizmodo : bit.ly/RadioGizmodo - Appsafari Rating 4.5/5 : bit.ly/RadioSafari ★ Features - Listen to 50,000 radios stations from around the world - Antique-style theme provided - Search for stations by keyword - Display song information (title/singer) - Control brightness / Volume...
20120710_채널IT 생방송스마트쇼_이시각 채널IT 웹 TOP5
Переглядів 11312 років тому
채널IT 생방송스마트쇼_이시각 채널IT 웹 TOP5 인사이트미디어
App Review #44 - Radio Wecker (by Brennerchen13) - Ensight Media
Переглядів 35413 років тому
Radio Wecker: itunes.apple.com/de/app/radio-wecker-mp3-radio-ton/id380271167?mt=8 Ensight Media
2010 코리아 모바일 어워드 베스트 앱 공모전 - 최우수앱 시상
Переглядів 8514 років тому
최우수앱으로 "북앤딕 세계의 명연설" 선정! 방송통신위원장상 수상! 인사이트미디어
인사이트미디어 최우수앱 시상
Переглядів 1914 років тому
인사이트 미디어 (Ensight media) "북앤딕 명연설" 2010 코리아 모바일 어워드 베스트 앱 공모전 최우수앱 시상
Radio Alarm - MP3/Radio/Nature Sound Alarm + Sleep Timer (Ensight media)
Переглядів 11 тис.14 років тому
■ Multitasking is fully supported! All features including alarm(with MP3&Radio), radio and sleep timer can be run while other app is running. ■ Featured in Apple's 'New & Noteworthy' section! ■ Recommended by Gizmodo.com : bit.ly/RadioGizmodo - Radio Alarm is about as rich as an app that hinges on a single function can get, and manages to offer pleasant features without being bloated. ■ Recomme...
ラジオアラーム - MP3/ラジオ/自然の音アラーム + 就寝タイマー
Переглядів 3,7 тис.14 років тому
■発売記念! 先着順1万人に限って割引価格の1.99$で販売します。 ■マルチタスキングを完ぺきにサポート! アラーム、ラジオ、就寝タイマーなどのすべての機能を他の作業と同時にやることができます。 ■これからiPhone/iPodタッチを品格あるラジオへ変化して下さい。 [リリース記念イベント! ~ 8月15日] 3万5千ラジオチャネルの中で自分が最も気に入るチャネルルート/名称/理由をメールアドレスと一緒にレビューコメントを書いて下さい。 最も多く推薦された10名様にEnsight mediaのお勧めのアプリケーションのRedeem Codeセットをプレゼントします。(Book&Dic-世界の名演説 Premium、写真フォルダ管理-i写真フォルダ、星座物語) ●朝起きる時、しんきさい機械音で起きさせられていませんか。 - 「ラジオアラーム」をならば好きな音楽(iPod MP3)...
수능시험 합격수첩 (기출문제 + 듣기평가 + 학습자료) - 인사이트 미디어
Переглядів 61514 років тому
※ 수학능력시험 전과목의 최근 기출문제 듣기평가 MP3 수록 ■ 수능시험 합격수첩 주요 기능 ✔ 언어영역 및 외국어 영역의 듣기평가 MP3를 모두 내장하여 듣기평가까지 한번에 학습할 수 있습니다. ✔ 가로모드 지원 세로모드와 가로모드를 동시에 지원하여 보다 넓은 화면에서 편안하게 문제 풀이가 가능합니다. ✔ 학습에 최적화된 깔끔한 화면 구성 과목별로 구성된 책장형식의 화면을 통해 학습하고자 하는 기출문제를 간단히 선택가능합니다. ✔ 실시간 채점 문제의 답을 선택하는 순간 정답/오답 여부를 실시간으로 알려주어 틀린 문제에 대해서 보다 빠른 확인으로 학습 효율을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. (옵션에서 on/off 설정 가능) ✔ 찜하기 기능 문제 풀이 중 애매한 문제나 틀린 문제에 대해서 찜하기(즐겨찾기) 할 ...
Book&Dic-世界名演讲 Premium (World's Famous Speeches)
Переглядів 95514 років тому
"我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将在一个不是以他们的肤色,而是以他们的品格优劣来评判他们的国度里生活。" 1963年8月28日,马丁•路德•金 "别想走捷径,如果真想飞上天空,就要培养自己的热诚。要聆听自己内心的呐喊。如果相信自己,就一定会成功。" 2008年6月15日,奥普拉•温弗瑞 如此,每一句都由名言构成的演讲稿是由演说家逐字斟酌而写成的文章,整篇文章简练精湛,受到了学英语的人们的广泛好评。 'Book&Dic-世界著名演讲'收录了世界著名人士的名演讲稿和人物介绍,能够让您在学习英语的同时感受改变世界、推动历史的演讲家们的价值。 通过'Book&Dic-世界著名演讲',请欣赏高品格的表现方式和感人的语句,积累更上一层楼的英语实力。 ■ 之所以要利用'Book&Dic-世界著名演讲'学英语的理由 ✔ 不受时代限制的名士们的名演讲 从被称为演讲之典故的林肯Gettysburg演说开始到...
북앤딕-세계의 명연설 Premium (Book&Dic - World's Famous Speeches)
Переглядів 6 тис.14 років тому
"나에게는 꿈이 있습니다! 내 아이들이 피부색을 기준으로 사람을 평가하지 않고 인격을 기준으로 사람을 평가하는 나라에서 살게 되는 꿈입니다." 28th Aug. 1963, Martin Luther King Jr "지름길을 생각하지 마세요. 정말 날고 싶다면 여러분의 열정의 힘을 기르세요. 스스로의 외침에 귀 기울이세요. 자신의 마음을 믿는다면 성공을 이룰 수 있을 겁니다." 15th, June, 2008, Oprah Winfrey 연설문의 특징은 모든 문장이 연사에 의해 수없이 다듬어진 명문장이라는 사실입니다. 영어 학습자라면 연설문을 듣는 순간 그 가치를 바로 읽을 수 있을 것입니다. '북앤딕-세계의 명연설'에서는 세계 명사들의 명연설문과 인물에 대한 소개를 수록하여 영어를 학습하는 것과 동시에 세상...
Book&Dic-世界の名演説 Premium (World's Famous Speeches)
Переглядів 2,6 тис.14 років тому
"私には夢があります! 皮膚の色を基準として人を評価しないで人格を基準として人を評価する国で 私の子供たちが生きていくようになる夢です。" - 1963年8月28日、マーチン・ルーザー・キング "近道のことを考えないで下さい。本当に飛びたいと思うならば皆さんの情熱の力を育てて下さい。自らの叫びに耳を傾けて下さい。自分の心を信じると成功を成し遂げることができます。" - 2008年6月15日、オペラ・ウィンフリー そのように一文章、一文章が明文からなっている演説文は演説者によって数えきれないほど整えられた形式で、語句の一つ一つまで気を遣って無駄なくて簡単明瞭な特徴を持っているので、その間英語を勉強する人々から愛されました。 'ブックアンドディック世界の名演説'は世界名士らの名演説文とその人物についての紹介を収録し、英語を学習することと同時に、世の中を動かして歴史を変えた演説家らの価値ま...
Book&Dic-World's Famous Speeches Premium (English)
Переглядів 1,3 тис.14 років тому
"I have a dream! that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." 28th Aug. 1963, Martin Luther King Jr "So, I say to you, forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion. Honor your calling. Trust your heart and success will come to you." 15t...
Book&Dic-世界名縯講 Premium (World's Famous Speeches)
Переглядів 16114 років тому
Book&Dic-世界名縯講 Premium (World's Famous Speeches)
is this app removed from the app store? why we cant find it?
how to download?
نسيت الرمز ايش الحل
You guys should fix the sluggishness when scrolling through large amounts of photos. Other than that all is well.
It doesn't play my music. Keeps playin that default alarm like it did on ur vid. How would u fix that???
i have this app and it works REALLY GREAT! Much better than the others. It transfers photos to computers really fast with the multiple select feature. I just don't want the welcome screen in the beginning everytime i open the app.
Cool app that noone knows about. Ssshhhh...
However ... its crappy you cant just put the folders to the same place your other photos is
@Andersbendorff lol nwm.. downloaded your app.. works great too.. cheers !
I want to know how you get into the place where you create a new folder for your pic.. please reply.. great vid btw..