Mystery Gaming Inc
Mystery Gaming Inc
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Bloody Spell!!! We are in the right path here
but where is the rest
#bloodyspell #mysterygaminginc
*I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see*
if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;]
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Wuthering Waves!!! We just got sent to another game
Переглядів 128 годин тому
Kingdom Hearts to be precise #wutheringwaves #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Roblox Group -!/about Etsy - Instagram - insta...
Strinova!!! No not the PU
Переглядів 2311 годин тому
what will we do #strinova #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Roblox Group -!/about Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosa...
Disney Speedstorm!!! We're doing 90's
Переглядів 1320 годин тому
JUST CRAKING IT #disneyspeedstorm #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Roblox Group -!/about Etsy - Instagram - la...
Stellar Blade!!! All this swimming got me sweating
Переглядів 2123 години тому
If you catch what I'm casting #stellarblade #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Bullet Witch!!! The brain meats
Переглядів 31День тому
ALL THAT...meat...pause #bulletwitch #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Fallout 4!!! Now why is MAX here
Переглядів 38День тому
Now we are a team #fallout4 #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Street Racing Syndicate!!! This is a blast from the past
Переглядів 64День тому
them graphics #streetracingsyndicate #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Need for Speed!!! We are not doing so hot
Переглядів 17День тому
We are going to slip away #needforspeed #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Crackdown!!! WE ARE THE LAW
Переглядів 2314 днів тому
FREEZ DIRT BAG #crackdown #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Tomb Raider Anniversary!!! Next gen physics
Переглядів 8514 днів тому
Bro he ain't getting paid #tombraideranniversary #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Leisure Suit Larry Magna C*m Laude!!! I have NEVER played this game
Переглядів 1814 днів тому
This is all too real man #leisuresuitlarrymagnacumlaude #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Dead to Rights!!! ALL GAS no brakes
Переглядів 4014 днів тому
Just action you know #tombraiderunderworld #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Dead by Daylight!!! Bro the milkman is here
Переглядів 1914 днів тому
The milk is delicious #deadbydaylightsurvivor #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Tomb Raider Underworld!!! WE can cut a jig underwater
Переглядів 3121 день тому
She just went ham on it #tombraiderunderworld #mysterygaminginc *I don't own the music you listen to NOR the Game you guys see* if you like my content do please Subscribe, like the video and comment down below what you guys want to see next ;] Etsy - Instagram - lastdinosaur681 Subscribe -
Fallout New Vegas!!! The Boom Stick
Переглядів 1521 день тому
Fallout New Vegas!!! The Boom Stick
Strinova!!! Paper anime
Переглядів 1221 день тому
Strinova!!! Paper anime
Fallout New Vegas!!! They did us dirty man
Переглядів 6521 день тому
Fallout New Vegas!!! They did us dirty man
Marvel SNAP!!! What are these prices man
Переглядів 34321 день тому
Marvel SNAP!!! What are these prices man
Boombots!!! Why he grabbed the poop
Переглядів 2121 день тому
Boombots!!! Why he grabbed the poop
Baldur's Gate!!! We could of just CAMP IT OUT
Переглядів 4628 днів тому
Baldur's Gate!!! We could of just CAMP IT OUT
Dead by Daylight!!! This is just unreal
Переглядів 26Місяць тому
Dead by Daylight!!! This is just unreal
Gears 5!!! We are on the struggle bus again
Переглядів 17Місяць тому
Gears 5!!! We are on the struggle bus again
Evan's Remains!!! We met our Brother
Переглядів 23Місяць тому
Evan's Remains!!! We met our Brother
Plants Vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville!!! Playing with this one makes it easy
Переглядів 45Місяць тому
Plants Vs Zombies Battle for Neighborville!!! Playing with this one makes it easy
The Casting of Frank Stone!!! We just need to rub some dirt on that
Переглядів 15Місяць тому
The Casting of Frank Stone!!! We just need to rub some dirt on that
Castlevania Symphony of the night!!! He took EVERTYHING from us
Переглядів 175Місяць тому
Castlevania Symphony of the night!!! He took EVERTYHING from us
Arcade Paradise!!! Where is all this trash coming from
Переглядів 54Місяць тому
Arcade Paradise!!! Where is all this trash coming from
Plants vs Zombies Battle for neighborville!!! I hate these gnomes
Переглядів 13Місяць тому
Plants vs Zombies Battle for neighborville!!! I hate these gnomes
Asphalt Legends Unite!!! These things are adding up
Переглядів 115Місяць тому
Asphalt Legends Unite!!! These things are adding up


  • @thebubsy3dgamer
    @thebubsy3dgamer День тому

    The lag is why I play Nightmare in Dream Land instead 😎

  • @KKKProblem_KatipunanEmpire
    @KKKProblem_KatipunanEmpire День тому

    Thats *ZERO* Kirby64: *ZERO 2* When the king dedede he became Dark Matter like Kirby Dreamland 2. But acctually the final battle.

  • @brianlopez3945
    @brianlopez3945 День тому

    Hola me llamo Brian te mando saludos gracias por tu video que subiste

  • @gooeydude574
    @gooeydude574 Місяць тому

    It looks like Captain Underpants because the Dog Man series is a Captain Underpants spinoff

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc Місяць тому

      @@gooeydude574 I never read the dog man books. I was a captain underpants fan and still am. Just makes me wonder why there wasn’t no games (aside from flash games) of the main series

  • @jacobbenjamin2664
    @jacobbenjamin2664 Місяць тому

    Their people given a strain of the infestation that mutates their bodies but not their minds. It is called the Gray Strain, and is different from the Helminth strain, which created the warframes we know. Living people were infected with the Helminth by Ballas and it caused their bodies to mutate and they lost higher cognitive function (except Umbra.). The Gray Strain was discovered, selectively bred, then it was brought back to 1999 by Albrecht Entrati. He’s using warframes as a blueprint to modify the bodies of the Hex (Arthur and the others). “Protoframe” I think isn’t saying the Hex were made before the regular warframes, it’s saying the Hex are a Prototype of a new kind of warframe entirely. All the Hex are correlated to a Warframe. Arthur to Excalibur, Aoi to Mag, Lettie to Trinity, Amir to Volt, Eleanor to Nyx, and Quincy to Cyte-09 who will be the next new Warframe to be released. They’re a prototype for a new kind of “Frame” where human beings exhibit the traits of warframes without losing their mind and personalities to it and keeping the overall mutations to a somewhat minimum. Now you’re prepared for 1999, at least somewhat lol :p If you don’t know of them, their are 2 UA-camrs who do a really good job at covering the lore of Warframe if you wanted to watch a few videos to get yourself caught up in detail before 1999 drops. Their names are SocraTetris and TheDSiege. They both cover the lore in heavy detail but SocraTetris focuses more on the themes and inspirations for the quests, while TheDSiege does way more speculation. Your video was fun to watch and listen to :)

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc Місяць тому

      I'm stoked to read all this, you made it easy for me to actually understand it more. Thanks for this :) I know I have more story to get through and learn from it one step at a time :)

  • @alexandrabosman8375
    @alexandrabosman8375 2 місяці тому

    ignis wraith, kuva zarr, kuva nukor, fulmin, kuva bramma, laetum, nikana, cedo, epitaph are some examples of pretty good weapons you could look into :)

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      @@alexandrabosman8375 I recognize some of those names. I’ll definitely see if I have them, if not…it’s back to the grind. Thanks for letting me know :)

  • @sovl2659
    @sovl2659 2 місяці тому

    Technically you can make mostly every weapon to work fine with the right mods, frame and loadout. So it will boils down to your preference.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      @@sovl2659 I’m going to need to study to make something work XD for me mods are a little complicated specially with riven mods AND the new mods that came out that I didn’t even know existed (the red looking ones) PLUS I hear that there are crystals you can attach…there is a lot

    • @sovl2659
      @sovl2659 2 місяці тому

      @@MysteryGamingInc Just like space mom (AKA Lotus) once said, Take it slowly and try moving around. When it comes to weapons you end up using one out of 4 different builds

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      @@sovl2659 thanks for the advice :) I’ll definitely look into it more

  • @ramsesdiaz27
    @ramsesdiaz27 2 місяці тому

    Good 👍

  • @SpongeBobNumber1Fan2004
    @SpongeBobNumber1Fan2004 2 місяці тому

    Do it again

  • @brianbarton4619
    @brianbarton4619 2 місяці тому

    First Played the shit out of this as a teen

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      I bet you were better than me XD the game is very entertaining but man I couldn't with the robot guy

  • @TheNeon42
    @TheNeon42 2 місяці тому

    Wow! You don't know how to play this game....well

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      @@TheNeon42 no I don’t XD I got stuck on the second boss. Didn’t know if you had to get close to him or shoot the eye balls coming at you

    • @TheNeon42
      @TheNeon42 2 місяці тому

      @@MysteryGamingInc I appreciate and respect your honesty. I know there are some gameplay videos out there for this game. It was one of the hottest and hardest games in the late 80's

    • @segahatty
      @segahatty 2 місяці тому

      ​@@MysteryGamingInc Just mash kick in front of the boss.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      @@TheNeon42 I’m not good at games I just pick up but it’s always fun to try them out. Better late than never you know. if this hit the arcades I bet the line of quarters waiting to play was insane

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      @@segahatty on all the bosses?

  • @markt841
    @markt841 2 місяці тому

    dude i used to love this game! tx

  • @ajgonzalez5109
    @ajgonzalez5109 2 місяці тому

    it's a great game but you can go fyrslf with your damn screams.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      @@ajgonzalez5109 yup it’s a good side scroller game. Too bad it’s just for the Sega genesis. There was a ps2 version of it never played it, could be good too

    • @ajgonzalez5109
      @ajgonzalez5109 2 місяці тому

      @@MysteryGamingInc There's an NES version as well.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      @@ajgonzalez5109 a remake or a sequel?

    • @ajgonzalez5109
      @ajgonzalez5109 2 місяці тому

      @@MysteryGamingInc They came out roughly at the same time. I had the famicom cartridge when I was a kid with an adapter to play it on my NES.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 2 місяці тому

      @@ajgonzalez5109 that’s dope :) I hope at the very least it looked better than the Radica (sega genesis) version I have.

  • @jdycus
    @jdycus 3 місяці тому

    They had this game at the mall by me growing up. It unfortunately looks exactly like it.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 3 місяці тому

      @@jdycus so nothing really changed from the actually arcade version to the home sega genesis version?

  • @jwtirrell
    @jwtirrell 3 місяці тому

    I thought this game was called Sticky. I still do.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 3 місяці тому

      @@jwtirrell It might as well be since everything loosely sticks to the bird

  • @jdycus
    @jdycus 3 місяці тому

    There's a typo in the title.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 3 місяці тому

      @@jdycus I just noticed it XD thank you for letting me know

  • @MunckFu
    @MunckFu 3 місяці тому

    If you don't want the debug scores hanging out up in the corner, you can switch it off under dev tools in the options. For some odd reason they're enabled from the start. Also, you can scroll back to previous text using your mouse wheel, and you can hide the text box by clicking the wheel.

  • @bryonlittle3786
    @bryonlittle3786 3 місяці тому

    It’s just like war frame😮

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 3 місяці тому

      @@bryonlittle3786 it is, I haven’t grinned warframe for a while but the grind for things you need in this game is brutal

  • @AlisaC-j5t
    @AlisaC-j5t 3 місяці тому

    can you restart this game?

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 3 місяці тому

      you can replay the levels on each missions as much as you like, as for restarting the game I don't think you can start with a new profile

  • @danrozsnaki8039
    @danrozsnaki8039 3 місяці тому

    on wii the the game movements don't equal movements

  • @smc293
    @smc293 4 місяці тому

    Cool vid

  • @brunosaur3811
    @brunosaur3811 4 місяці тому


  • @El_Dookey_Drip
    @El_Dookey_Drip 4 місяці тому

    This game was fun asf especially online

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 4 місяці тому

      @@El_Dookey_Drip I really missed out on a lot (this game and phantasy star online 1-2) really wish I could of lived through it

  • @DeltaArxz
    @DeltaArxz 4 місяці тому

    The car area looks nice

  • @1SilverDollar
    @1SilverDollar 4 місяці тому

    The brightness in this game was brutal since like most in this time the company just shrugged and say "do it yourself on your CRT"

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 4 місяці тому

      @@1SilverDollar for real XD this game AND killzone we just had on the pair Oakley’s on the entire time

  • 5 місяців тому

    Did you previously play on PC? MR 17 after only a few times is insane

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 5 місяців тому I was very active on pc and by very active I mean “trying” to get new gear new warframes to level up and go higher on MR…but then the 3 year hiatus happen…who knows where we could of been by then…maybe MR 18…

    • 5 місяців тому

      @@MysteryGamingInc bro you would've hit 30 so quick!

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 5 місяців тому maybe? I remember struggling to get the parts I needed and the actual blueprints for guns and warframes were a bit of a hassle to get (specially the prime warframes) but maybe I’ll get back into the grind and see if I can hit at least MR20…for now

  • @EldenSalkeld-dq3qy
    @EldenSalkeld-dq3qy 5 місяців тому

    Curiously this VN will also release in Ps5, paint me surprised when I saw it at the playstore.

  • @AarenYASS
    @AarenYASS 5 місяців тому

    I wanted to know if it had motion controls with the controller (like the mobile version) but it doesnt look like it? Also, I know it's been a few years, but did you ever try the FREE ROAM mode and was it timed/ did it have a limited gas gauge? -

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 5 місяців тому

      @@AarenYASS I redownloaded the game and as far as controllers go there are some options but non to motion controls. I think at some point I played it with a wheel and pedals but it didn’t go well. And there is a free roam with the maps you have unlocked

    • @AarenYASS
      @AarenYASS 5 місяців тому

      ​@@MysteryGamingIncey thanks for the response back, appreciate you redownloading. Surprised you still had it on you 😂 worth the like for the effort alone 👍

  • @MamaMo2-2
    @MamaMo2-2 5 місяців тому

    Nice spin on FNAF!

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 5 місяців тому

      @@MamaMo2-2 I do like the character models of the game and the gameplay all around. I don’t know if I skipped it or missed it but I wish I knew how to get rid of them when they come around the door. Overall good game if you don’t mind the fan service

    • @polarwookie3701
      @polarwookie3701 5 місяців тому

      ​​@@MysteryGamingInc So, a bit of info about them, they're not in the position to attack you until they're pressed against the glass, THAT'S when you shut the door on 'em, otherwise it's a waste of your sanity Edit: The screaming shark only comes out if you squeeze the squeezie rapidly, and she comes from the left hand side, shutting the door drains your sanity INSANELY fast

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 5 місяців тому

      @@polarwookie3701 I thought you had to do something to get them away from the door before they press against the glass, thanks for letting me know. That shark one through me off when I first saw her and Ari won’t make it any easy if she comes by when they’re ready to attack

  • @wisemiik
    @wisemiik 5 місяців тому

    Free game, gotta get paid some how. Other games are way worse and that’s the Mandalorian

  • @Teleport73
    @Teleport73 6 місяців тому

    We need more WH40K Space Hulk games!

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 6 місяців тому

      I may not know a lot about the WH40K lore but I agree.

  • @danielbehaylu3923
    @danielbehaylu3923 6 місяців тому

    Please tell me online or offline game

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 6 місяців тому

      as far as i know i think this game is only offline.

    • @danielbehaylu3923
      @danielbehaylu3923 6 місяців тому

      Okay thanks

    • @danielbehaylu3923
      @danielbehaylu3923 6 місяців тому

      Please givem game link Download on chrome

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 6 місяців тому


  • @a-manwhorememains334
    @a-manwhorememains334 7 місяців тому

    It gets easy over time bro.

  • @lotharhansen4170
    @lotharhansen4170 7 місяців тому

    Liked it!

  • @julioestrada1573
    @julioestrada1573 7 місяців тому

    Hey brother. I love this game. The game is both tactical patient. Learn the moves and learn the combo pattern. I think it's quick, medium, and it's like a character medium attack, heavy button, and a quick attack to finish. You can also link small moves

  • @Retro-cabin
    @Retro-cabin 7 місяців тому

    I’ve got this on the Super Nintendo, great game and snes sound chip is killing it the music is awsome👍🏻

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 7 місяців тому

      The music is pretty dope too. Reminds me alittle of the donkey Kong series

  • @chrisparker8539
    @chrisparker8539 7 місяців тому

    I loved this game. I remember being in awe of the color blending on the canopy. It looked like it had depth and was glowing inside. I never made it far though.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 7 місяців тому

      I wouldn’t have made it that far either if it wasn’t for the rewind feature on the switch. It is an eye catching game too

  • @Greg137-go8gv
    @Greg137-go8gv 7 місяців тому

    Awesome game!

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 7 місяців тому

      Indeed. Not to long ago it was on sale for 3 bucks.

    • @Greg137-go8gv
      @Greg137-go8gv 7 місяців тому

      @@MysteryGamingInc I got the ps3 and ps4 versions.

  • @pablom12345687
    @pablom12345687 7 місяців тому

    its for pc?

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 7 місяців тому

      Unfortunately it’s only for PlayStation 3, 4, 5 and the PSVITA. But I think there could be some emulation maybe

  • @bw8685
    @bw8685 7 місяців тому

    When is this coming out and where is the lingerie mod?

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 7 місяців тому

      Unfortunately it doesn’t say when the FULL game comes out and as for mods I don’t see any at the moment on the workshop, until the full game comes out. I also notice that when playing the demo the auto saves don’t work properly and all the costumes you find might get taken away and when finding them in the boxes they have random ones.

    • @bw8685
      @bw8685 7 місяців тому

      @@MysteryGamingInc :(

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 7 місяців тому

      @@bw8685 sorry for that but all we could do is wait :)

  • @Ilyaikya
    @Ilyaikya 8 місяців тому

    You maybe need to watch the show first then you wil understand more. And press y more then you use special moves and then you can score more.

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 8 місяців тому

      I’ll definitely look into watching the anime. I’ll keep that in mind by pressing Y, thanks for the tip ;)

  • @LiewLmao
    @LiewLmao 8 місяців тому

    No way you’re playing with joystick bro 😭

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 8 місяців тому

      I don’t have the backbone or paired a controller XD

  • @traumakampfcreature
    @traumakampfcreature 8 місяців тому


    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 8 місяців тому

      Would be pretty dope to see an Ashley character here, like sheva

    • @traumakampfcreature
      @traumakampfcreature 7 місяців тому

      @@MysteryGamingInc i remember hating ashley but she was cool i guess. Never played the remake haha

  • @aschryu
    @aschryu 8 місяців тому

    who in their right mind watching your yapping for straight 30 min without any interesting stuff showing on screen, nor segmentation/chapter on the playback to sum what youre talking about

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 8 місяців тому

      Sorry about that. I just tend to show the game off and if the game interest you, you can download it and play it for your self. I don’t have fancy equipment to be recording for hours the way I would like. I’ll keep trying my best but at the end of the day I just want you to play the game if it looks interesting enough. Thank you for letting me know.

    • @robochan4902
      @robochan4902 8 місяців тому

      @@MysteryGamingIncdon’t listen bro, your doing your best. Keep doing you ❤

    • @defaultpfpwithafly7504
      @defaultpfpwithafly7504 8 місяців тому

      Not listening is a bad idea. Instead he should take it to heart and try to find mistakes so he can make better content ​@@robochan4902

  • @prettyepic711
    @prettyepic711 8 місяців тому

    Nice video, wish I had those activity reports lol, leveling up characters to 87 costs so much 😭

    • @MysteryGamingInc
      @MysteryGamingInc 8 місяців тому

      I’m probably not leveling up and upgrading efficiently but I can tell it gets expensive around that level.

  • @adamchavez1904
    @adamchavez1904 8 місяців тому

    Thinking about getting this game!!

  • @siekensou77
    @siekensou77 8 місяців тому

    Only just recently beat the final game (dungeon)

  • @siekensou77
    @siekensou77 8 місяців тому

    Before starting, you can summon 1 extra bullet to add to your base deck. This is RNG for up to 3 rolls.

  • @brunosaur3811
    @brunosaur3811 8 місяців тому


  • @lynpotter6471
    @lynpotter6471 8 місяців тому

    Hunting poor people for clout? What a realistic game. The director's name is pronounced Tau. Also, you can jump in later levels.