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整活儿还得是专业工具!!!菜鸡如我,也能用AWithZ点焊机一次成功制作两个电池组。#AWithZ阿威兹 #便携式点焊机 #U3点焊机 #diy
在本期视频中,我将展示如何使用AWithZ U3便携式电池点焊机来制作一个6S锂电池组。起初,我需要校准我的B6充电器,这促使我自制电池组。为此,我购置了6节18650电池,并准备了焊接所需的材料,包括镍片和自制的平衡线。
开箱AWithZ U3点焊机时,我介绍了其精巧的设计,包括内置的11000mAh电池、USB输出接口、显示屏和耐用的硅胶电源线。我特别提到了点焊机的便携性和耐高温特性。
Переглядів: 140


Переглядів 614 місяці тому
在这段3D打印技术提升视频中,我们将深入讲解如何通过自定义Euclid探针和伸缩探针坞来优化打印精度。你将获得以下实用信息: 1. 探针配置详解 :学习如何根据你的打印机性能调整探针移动速度和探测点间的最佳距离。 2. 床网补偿指南 :掌握如何设置床网补偿参数,确保打印层的平整性。 3. 坐标与偏移量调整 :了解如何精确设置探测点的坐标,以及如何根据探针与喷嘴的偏移量进行调整。 4. 探测点坐标与可打印区域 :确保你的探测区域与喷嘴的可打印区域保持等距,提高打印效率。 5. 配置文件分享 :提供7个实用配置文件,帮助你快速应用到自己的打印机上。 6. 探测点数与精度 :讨论增加探测点数对打印精度和探测时间的影响。 7. Z轴补偿策略 :教你如何设置Z轴补偿的开始和结束点,以及如何在打印过程中适时停止补偿。 8. 舵机控制参数 :如果你的探针坞使用舵机控制,视频将指导你如何配置舵机参数...
Переглядів 2338 місяців тому
3D打印丐版床网探针,我给魔改的欧几里得装了可伸缩探针坞。3D printing, I put the modified Euclid into the retractable probe dock.
Переглядів 838 місяців тому
欢迎来到今天的视频!我们的主角是一款丐版的床网探针,这可不是普通的探针,而是一款可以伸缩的探针,而且我还将魔改的欧几里得放进了探针坞。 在这个视频中,我将详细解释如何利用微动开关和磁铁制作这款探针。我会一步一步地教大家如何固定微动开关,如何连接电气,以及如何利用磁铁实现探针的自动对正。这个过程虽然看似复杂,但只要你跟着我的步骤,你会发现其实并不难。 更重要的是,这款探针的造价非常低廉,结构简单,而且我已经用了一年,非常稳定,精度也非常好。如果你也是3D打印的爱好者,或者你对DIY有兴趣,那么这个视频绝对值得你一看。 此外,我还会分享如何根据自己的喷嘴方案设计底座,以及如何利用Z轴双限位开关。这些都是我在实践中总结出来的经验,希望能对你有所帮助。 如果你对我设计这个探针的初衷感兴趣,或者你想知道有了这个探针后为何Z轴依然使用了双限位开关,那就一定要关注我们的下一个视频。 Welcome...
太阳能小灯升级!告别电量困扰!废物变真香🌞🔧 #废物升级 #太阳能灯 #科技改造 #环保创新 ♻️🌟 #upcycling #solartech #TechMakeover #ecofriendly
Переглядів 18310 місяців тому
太阳能灯翻身记:废物变身高科技!🌞🔧 我亲手改造了那些被丢弃的太阳能小灯,用上了废弃的手机电池和超先进的芯片。电量不再是烦恼!🚀 跟我一起看整个过程,感受创意和环保科技的结合,妙手回春,废物变成了我的新科技伙伴。一起加入环保大军,激发你的创意,见证太阳能灯的新生!♻️🌟 #废物变宝 #太阳能灯改造 #科技新生 #环保创意 Solar Light Revival Diary: Turning Trash into Tech! 🌞🔧 I personally revamped those abandoned solar lights, using discarded smartphone batteries and cutting-edge chips. No more worrying about battery life! 🚀 Join me in witnessing the en...
Переглядів 644Рік тому
17秒就抽光了100斤水! 这个视频展示了轴流水泵2.0版本的全新设计。在上个版本发布后,作者收到了很多观众的建议,于是对水泵进行了重新设计。经过多次测试与改进,最终做出了这个轴流水泵2.0版本。新版水泵采用了更强大的775电机,更紧凑的调速器和航模动力电池。在垂直管道中间部分增加了三爪定心装置,减少传动轴摆动。底部增加了导流叶片,提高了效率。出水头部分增加了一个TPU打印的密封垫片,使用螺丝进行压紧固定,方便后期更换。底部的轴承座给传动轴提供定心的同时,也给叶轮提供了一个向上的支撑力。 视频中还展示了新版水泵的组装过程和测试结果。作者将传动轴穿入密封垫,垂直管道压入出水头,泵体部分就搞定了。接着对准卡槽合体,装上3颗固定螺丝,锁紧连轴器螺丝,动力常在,永不分离。最后别忘了装上电池。 测试结果证明新版的2.0水泵完全可用,而且动力好像还没发挥到它的极致。作者准备接下来给它玩个大的。 ...
Переглядів 74Рік тому
Переглядів 1,6 тис.Рік тому
重要提醒: 1.大家不要学我在视频00:02:32处的剪断极片的操作,推荐大家用电烙铁融化焊锡取下电芯。 因为如果手边没有点焊机的话,直接剪下电芯后电芯上没法焊接引线,直接报废。 2.改装直接供电后因为不是从USB口充电,安卓的电量保护机制仍然会起作用。由此导致的结果就是安卓系统显示的电池电量仍然会持续下降,直到触发低电量警报。 3.我已经更新了一键配置脚本,添加了电池电量设置和强制充电状态的脚本。 传送门:pan.baidu.com/s/19xV2s4M6TkTeqh8qBMnoXA?pwd=dv7f 提取🐎: dv7f 备用:www.aliyundrive.com/s/aEcB8ezjhMc GitHub:github.com/gaifeng8864/klipper-on-android
Переглядів 8 тис.Рік тому
本教程软硬件环境: 小米2S 16GROM,2GRAM 运行基于android9的魔趣9.0操作系统 使用魔趣官方补丁获取root权限 理论上,只要能root的安卓手机都能适用,待测试。 理论上,termux里安装proot安装的debian也可以使用,待测试。 打印机主板型号:MKS SGEN-L V1.0 ,主板内SD卡中已烧录klipper固件。 本教程特点: 1.使用一个单独的APP在图形界面下安装linux系统,配置系统自动重启,系统中文汉化等。方便管理和使用。 2.klipper系统依旧使用流行的kiauh脚本进行安装,升级或卸载。手机KlipperScreen界面或者网页界面都可以进行升级操作。 3.使用一键脚本对klipper全家桶进行快速配置,方便快捷。 4.修改定制了klipper全家桶的基本配置文件,一些关键配置更加实用。 5.安装好以后无 何报错,可单独控制...
Переглядів 253Рік тому
3D打印机常用的mini12864屏幕背光可调节可关闭改造。 视频里我选用了100欧姆的可调电阻,改造后发现最低亮度还是有些偏高,建议大家改造的话选用500欧姆的带开关可调电阻,那样可调节范围更大,价格一样。 或者,也可以用100欧的带开关可调电阻,固定电阻阻值改用更大的,比如50欧的。 The mini12864 screen backlight commonly used by 3D printers can be adjusted and turned off. In the video, I chose a 100-ohm adjustable resistor. After the transformation, I found that the minimum brightness is still a bit high. It is recommended that y...
Переглядів 1342 роки тому
瓢子在早些年的农村家家都有,近些年开始逐渐消失在历史的长河里。 今年家里种的葫芦又丰收了,用6分钟的时间展示如何把一个葫芦给“开瓢”,变成纯天然环保的实用工具。 Scoops were found in every rural village in the early years, but in recent years they have gradually disappeared in the long river of history. This year, the gourd planted at home has been harvested again. In 6 minutes, I will show how to "open a gourd" and turn it into a natural and environmentally friendly practi...
Переглядів 1422 роки тому
去年做的鱼缸太阳能水循环系统的水泵电源接头都在防水盒里,而且外面没有开关。 这样就导致换水时没法关掉水泵,而且水泵也不好拿到方便的地方刷洗。 为了解决以上两个痛点,我用3D打印重新制作了一个防水盒底壳,把水泵的USB接口改为在外面可插拔的,而且加了一个小开关。 效果非常好。
3D打印自制水火箭车,让水火箭横过来贴地飞行 #water rocket #3dprinting
Переглядів 2952 роки тому
水火箭一般都是垂直向天上发射,如果让水火箭横着发射,用它的动力推动地面上的小车,会是一个什么效果? 为了验证这个想法,我用Fusion 360 建模了一个水火箭小车并用自制的3D打印机打印了出来。 我是没想到啊,发射时比往天上飞的那种还好玩,原来真的可以获得廉价的贴地飞行体验!!!哈哈!
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使用3D打印定制水管接头,小院种菜也能用上喷灌技术。#3D打印 #DIY #农村生活 #小院种菜 #3Dprinting #DIY #rural life #growing vegetables
Переглядів 2012 роки тому
使用3D打印定制水管接头,小院种菜也能用上喷灌技术。#3D打印 #DIY #农村生活 #小院种菜 #3Dprinting #DIY #rural life #growing vegetables
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两个奶粉罐自制柴火气化炉 Firewood gasification stove
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两个奶粉罐自制柴火气化炉 Firewood gasification stove
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  • @chihlungchen361
    @chihlungchen361 12 днів тому

    求救 我跑完最後的.sh後重開,並沒有自動啟動 KlipperScreen,也不知道怎麼啟動 KlipperScreen, 接上 printer ,USB對應到的路徑是 /dev/bus/usb/001/003,但連不上

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 12 днів тому


    • @chihlungchen361
      @chihlungchen361 12 днів тому

      ​ @峰哥爱鼓捣 XServer-XSDL嗎?有安裝! 我的機器是 ANYCUBIC MEGA-S ,用樹莓派可以認到,並且在 /dev/serials 能夠看到設備序號並連線, 但是用 Android 手機則連不上,用 lsusb 可以看到裝置

    • @chihlungchen361
      @chihlungchen361 12 днів тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 KlipperScreen能顯示了,圖形介面沒設置好,調整好就行了,剩MCU連不上

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 11 днів тому

      @@chihlungchen361 ls /dev/ 命令输出的设备里能找到ttyACM设备吗?如果不能,那么可能有两种情况,一种是手机端没有ttyACM驱动,另一种是手机端有ttyACM驱动但是打印机的主板不支持。这个方案与树莓派方案在设备连接上用到不是一种方法,树莓派是标准linux系统,而手机不是,所以和树莓派有区别。主要是查看 /dev/ 路径下有没有ttyACM 之类的设备。没有就无法连接。

  • @jackgai1929
    @jackgai1929 16 днів тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 16 днів тому


    • @talk8577
      @talk8577 13 днів тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 13 днів тому

      @@talk8577 可以的,档位调高一点就可以。

    • @talk8577
      @talk8577 12 днів тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 谢谢师傅

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 12 днів тому

      @@talk8577 客气了。

  • @咳咳咳-v4i
    @咳咳咳-v4i 20 днів тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 20 днів тому


    • @咳咳咳-v4i
      @咳咳咳-v4i 19 днів тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 我認為你需要的是末日男朋友😄

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 19 днів тому

      @@咳咳咳-v4i 嗯,有个男性朋友在末日一块玩也不错。

  • @山高-k3r
    @山高-k3r Місяць тому


  • @盛世危言-h3u
    @盛世危言-h3u Місяць тому


  • @kaiminglee2773
    @kaiminglee2773 2 місяці тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 2 місяці тому


  • @JVDColin
    @JVDColin 4 місяці тому

    Everything installs perfect, except Klipperscreen, I get an error "###### Installing KlipperScreen ... Checking Python version > 3,8 Python 3.7.3 Not supported" #=======================================================# KlipperScreen installation failed! #=======================================================# ---------------edit Actually this happened because I was installing Debian 10, now I try to install Debian 11 and ssh fails and can't connect :( ---------------edit Everything is fixed :) at: 2:10 you show to install "stable" but that is currently Debian 12, Debian 12 does not seem to work. As soon as I realized this, I knew to install the "OldStable" because this is actually Debian 11.

  • @JVDColin
    @JVDColin 4 місяці тому

    Hello, I see you use the MKS SGEN-L V1.0 mainboard, I have an Ender 3 v2 with default Creality Ender 3 V2 V4.2.2 mainboard, would this still work?

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 4 місяці тому

      Hello, @JVDColin. You need to confirm the CPU model of your printer motherboard and whether its USB interface is converted using the CH340 chip. Some STM32 series CPUs and all motherboards that use CH340 as the USB interface cannot use this solution to install klipper. Because the native Android kernel is not enabled by default or there is no relevant driver at all. This is the biggest difference from the general Linux system.

  • @jackgai1929
    @jackgai1929 5 місяців тому


  • @峰哥爱鼓捣
    @峰哥爱鼓捣 5 місяців тому


  • @sirolu8152
    @sirolu8152 5 місяців тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 5 місяців тому


  • @ArcticSeal1217
    @ArcticSeal1217 8 місяців тому

    您好喔,感謝分享做法~ 我也去弄了一隻小米2S來安裝Klipper, 但是光是要刷機就卡住了, 能請教您小米2S需要解鎖Bootloader嗎? 網路上許多資源都已經斷聯, 能麻煩您提供一下刷機包嗎?

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 8 місяців тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 8 місяців тому

      drive.google.com/drive/folders/15pWX5QolgwFj7ZWg8mysRCOCg-uwswJB?usp=drive_link 这是小米2s的刷机包。里边有3个文件,先通过fastboot模式刷入twrp。然后进twrp后同时刷入另外两个文件。刷机后打开手机的开发者模式,里面就会有开启root的选项。

    • @ArcticSeal1217
      @ArcticSeal1217 7 місяців тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 十分感謝您的協助,我再來去試試看

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 7 місяців тому


  • @jackgai1929
    @jackgai1929 8 місяців тому


  • @junanzhang8985
    @junanzhang8985 9 місяців тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 8 місяців тому


  • @jackgai1929
    @jackgai1929 9 місяців тому


  • @bettergamingchairwins2442
    @bettergamingchairwins2442 9 місяців тому

    Hi, great guide and video. But I get to the very end about the MCU serial and the bash command. I am not sure how to " Replace ttyACM0 in configuration_klipper_family.sh with the recognized device name ". I am pretty sure I know the device name, since I tried the Octo4A. But my problem is where it says to edit that bash file, I have no idea what that means. Any tips would be greatly appreciated

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 9 місяців тому

      Hello, I'm glad to receive your approval. Which printer control motherboard are you using now? What is the CPU model? What is currently known is that motherboards that use the CH340 chip as the USB interface cannot be directly recognized by this solution. If you want to use it, you need to compile the firmware yourself, which is not recommended. Some STM32 CPUs cannot be recognized. Whether they can be recognized needs to be tested. Can you find your device in the output information after running ls -al /dev/ on your device? You can connect the printer control mainboard to execute the command once, disconnect the printer mainboard and execute the command again, and observe the difference in the output of the two commands. Being able to find your printer motherboard in Octo4A does not necessarily mean that it can be used in my solution. The reason is that Octo4A seems to come with its own driver. I have always wanted to find a way to implement the driver in Octo4A, but there has been no result. If you have clues, you can discuss it together.

    • @bettergamingchairwins2442
      @bettergamingchairwins2442 9 місяців тому

      It is this motherboard. And oh, I had assumed if it worked on a Pi that it probably worked on Android but this makes sense. The board is this one - Ender-3 V3 SE Mainboard Kit CR4NS200320C13_32_MS35774_GD303RET6 Controller - but I think it is incompatible and is a STM32F103, I could never find it when doing "ls -al /dev/" it never showed any new info when plugging in or unplugging, as well as me trying new commands to bash, using the known working serial and what Octo4A showed me. Funnily, when I used the weird Octo4A "/dev/bus/usb/001/002" I got the error about "mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect" but when I tried other things, I got "Klippy is not started" or whatever. So I think that "/dev/bus/usb/001/002" is the closest to being correct, or is correct, but it doesn't work anyway. And thanks for this reply, I greatly appreciate it @@峰哥爱鼓捣 Edit : I wonder if the part about using Octo4A here - github.com/d4rk50ul1/klipper-on-android - can be useful for making it work?

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 9 місяців тому

      This solution is feasible, you can try it.🙂

    • @bettergamingchairwins2442
      @bettergamingchairwins2442 9 місяців тому

      So I did what it said with the Octo4A, Mounts and paths, changed the printer.cfg to what it said, gave Klipper the permissions with "sudo chmod 777 /home/android/octo4a/serialpipe" and skipped the rest (the scripts, since yours already had those), and it works perfectly as it should on my ZTE Axon 7. I didn't actually try printing with it yet but this phone still has a battery in it so I didn't want to take it out until I could get it working. Thanks for the great guide, info and recommendation. @@峰哥爱鼓捣

    • @DOM1N4TOR_FR34K
      @DOM1N4TOR_FR34K 2 місяці тому

      @@bettergamingchairwins2442Hi, inwant to know if what you did work or if you happen to find a way around the issue? I also have a Ender 3 v3 SE and i wanted to take a crack on giving this machine a klipper overhaul too

  • @dscainite
    @dscainite 10 місяців тому

    Hello, thanks you for your work, you mention MKS SGEN-L V1.0 mainboard, i have a sidewinder x1 which i think has MKS GEN-L V1.0 , is it possible to make it work too please ?

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 10 місяців тому

      Most likely, no. Because as far as I know, the motherboard "MKS GEN-L V1.0" uses the CH340 chip as a bridge for USB and CPU communication. The current klipper installation solution is because the Android kernel does not enable the driver for this chip by default, so the mobile phone cannot communicate with "MKS GEN-L V1.0". There is a solution to this problem, but it requires compiling the Android kernel and replacing the original kernel. I have not studied this solution in depth, and the kernel of each model of mobile phone is different, so the specific steps for compiling the kernel are not universal. If you are interested, you can research it. If you succeed, please share your joy. Thanks for the support, bro.

    • @dscainite
      @dscainite 10 місяців тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 Thanks for the informations, i will search but i don't think i will be able to do such a job unfortunately. Still you did an amazing job, congrats

  • @WarriorServent009
    @WarriorServent009 11 місяців тому

    I really enjoyed this tutorial and appreciate the included English instructions on the github repository! As someone who was going to buy a specially made tablet to run Klipper I think that this will be very useful! I have a question regarding the 6th feature you list: input shaping and pressure compensation. How do you attach the accelerometer to get the necessary information for the input shaping to work? From what I understand the phone would need to be wired into the printer and the accelerometer at the same time, but I am very new to this so I could also be wrong.

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 11 місяців тому

      I currently use ADXL345 acceleration sensor and MKS SGEN-L V1.0 printer control motherboard. I connected the ADXL345 acceleration sensor directly to the SPI pins of the MKS SGEN-L V1.0 printer control motherboard. This motherboard does not have a specially reserved SPI interface, but the SPI pins can be found on the interface connected to the screen. There are currently no problems with this connection method. If your motherboard has a dedicated SPI interface, that's even better. You can directly connect the acceleration sensor to the motherboard and then change the configuration in the configuration file.

  • @可樂下雪了
    @可樂下雪了 Рік тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому


  • @omerozgurcetinoglu
    @omerozgurcetinoglu Рік тому

    Thank you for this video. I rooted my Pixel XL. installed TWRP, Lineage os 16, Linux deploy, octoprint, usb camera, kernel auditor on android. Later installed Klipper with KIAUH script. Moonraker, Fluidd, Mainsail, Klipper Screen Changed my phones power response, whenever it gets power it boots , whenever no power it shutdowns. USB camera app streams as IP Camera. I also changed a file in the kernel so phone automatically give USB autorization. So I dont need any interaction. So I can use my phone with fluidd and mainsail. With a smart plug connected to both my printer and phone I can turn on my printer remotely and turnoff. Phone boots seamless in to the klipper screen without any interaction. Camera works perfect both with fluidd and mainsail.. I think this is the best and cheap solution for klipper. I only see max 30 % CPU Utilization during fast and big print

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      Great work, I'm amazed how well you managed to make it so perfect. I really want to ask you a few questions, "Changed my phones power response, whenever it gets power it boots , whenever no power it shutdowns. USB camera app streams as IP Camera. I also changed a file in the kernel so phone automatically give USB automation. So I dont need any interaction. "How did you do the above? Is it convenient to provide some operation steps?

    • @omerozgurcetinoglu
      @omerozgurcetinoglu Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 drive.google.com/file/d/1uUzF2c0uePG19o_DccpmN-v71-_MBa48/view?usp=sharing SystemUI.apk is phone specific. It is in your phone .

  • @SwiftCookie
    @SwiftCookie Рік тому

    Hey I'm using a Samsung sm-g955f and when I try to run any of the commands like "sudo apt update" I get an instant reply "killed" Any idea how I can fix this?

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      Can you copy all the error messages here to further confirm the problem?

    • @SwiftCookie
      @SwiftCookie Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 It doesn't give me an error message. It just says killed as soon as send the command, almost as if it's being denied or something. sudo apt update killed

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@SwiftCookie Can other commands be executed normally?

    • @SwiftCookie
      @SwiftCookie Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 Nah they all get killed instantly

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@SwiftCookie This problem may be caused by insufficient system resources. Please confirm your phone's memory usage. Insufficient compatibility of some Android kernels with linuxdeploy can also cause this problem. It is recommended to try to replace the Android system, such as finding a compatible AOSP.

  • @baptisteveuchau
    @baptisteveuchau Рік тому

    Hi, thank you so much for your tutorial. I have a problem: if I restart my printer while klipper is active, I am not able to restart klipper (mcu issue). The only solution I have is to restart my Android device. Do you have this problem? If so, do you have a solution? Thank you so much for your great work

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      Are you saying that you cannot connect to the printer control board again after restarting the klipper service in the web interface? If so, I'm not currently experiencing this problem. However, if the main board of the printer is restarted alone during the running process or the connection with the MCU of the main board of the printer is lost due to other reasons, then the same problem as you will appear even if the klipper service is restarted. At this time, you need to restart the Android phone to connect. I guess it is because the Android system did not refresh the MCU status again when the klipper was restarted after the motherboard MCU was disconnected from the Android phone. Since this situation doesn't happen very often, I haven't delved into the solution. According to the operating principle of the entire system, if the MCU has been disconnected from the Android system, the MCU status can only be recognized again by restarting the Android system. After all, in this solution, klipper runs on the basis of the Android system, and the hardware driver is also based on Android.

    • @baptisteveuchau
      @baptisteveuchau Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 Thank you for your detailed answer. I’m quite surprised when you say this doesn’t happen very often. I thought that when people don’t use their 3D printer, they turn off their 3D printer but the Android device stays on. So you mean people used to turn off the Android device too?

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@baptisteveuchau I've changed my android phone to run directly from the printer's power supply. The battery has been removed by me, and turning off the printer means turning off the Android phone at the same time. So, the situation you're experiencing doesn't happen very often on my device. Your Android phone has not been modified for power supply, right? Sorry I didn't know this before. However, in the usage scenario of Android klipper, I don't think it makes any sense to keep the Android phone on after the printer is turned off.

  • @chiye64
    @chiye64 Рік тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому


  • @chiye64
    @chiye64 Рік тому

    能用9V 6F22的电池吗

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому


  • @19786310
    @19786310 Рік тому


  • @Digitallifeconcepts
    @Digitallifeconcepts Рік тому

    great work, thank you

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      You're welcome, glad the video was helpful to you.

  • @19786310
    @19786310 Рік тому


  • @19786310
    @19786310 Рік тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому


  • @19786310
    @19786310 Рік тому

    填上用户名和密码,点击连接报错:unable to ressolve hotst 'print3D登录linuxdeploy': connection failed.,希望指点一下,谢谢

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому


    • @19786310
      @19786310 Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 可是安装过程没有报错,ping 不通。内核是魔趣ROM(安卓11)。.怎么能联系上你,非常希望得到你的帮助

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@19786310 在电脑上都ping不通你手机ip吗?在国内的话你可以加QQ群:562651128 交流。

  • @taozhang1514
    @taozhang1514 Рік тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому


    • @taozhang1514
      @taozhang1514 Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 你小米手机的内核是魔趣吗,我用原版的小米开翻版不行

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@taozhang1514 是的。用的魔趣9,目前一直在用,没什么问题。

    • @taozhang1514
      @taozhang1514 Рік тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@taozhang1514 什么机型?每种机型合适的安卓版本和内核版本都不一样,并不是用魔趣就可以。

  • @taozhang1514
    @taozhang1514 Рік тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому


    • @taozhang1514
      @taozhang1514 Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 我的也是小米2S

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@taozhang1514 不好意思,刚想起来我最初并没有上传小米2S的文件。你说的是哪个整合包?

    • @taozhang1514
      @taozhang1514 Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 MK90.0-aries的文件,我已经把手机系统刷成魔趣9.0了,Xerver也稳定运行了,感谢

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@taozhang1514 那太好了。恭喜😀

  • @taozhang1514
    @taozhang1514 Рік тому

    手机和视频一样,启动Xerver显示 error x server failed to launch

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому


  • @karlwong7317
    @karlwong7317 Рік тому


  • @阿豈先生
    @阿豈先生 Рік тому


  • @asdv342
    @asdv342 Рік тому


    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому


  • @gangliezhu
    @gangliezhu Рік тому


  • @jina8530
    @jina8530 Рік тому

    峰哥好: 我要个远程的遥控器、50 千米的、介绍下吧、 谢谢! 麻烦您了!

  • @glegoo195
    @glegoo195 Рік тому


  • @sachinsawant4482
    @sachinsawant4482 Рік тому

    Amazing tutorial. However, I have the following issue and hoping to get your help on this. The Linux Deploy has been setup as guided, but the Debian architecture doesnt get installed. Upon hitting "Install", the screen displays (>>> deploy & <<< deploy) in a matter of second. Can you advise on how to fix this? Thanks

    • @sachinsawant4482
      @sachinsawant4482 Рік тому

      I have posted the issue on Github as well for your reference.

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      Can you provide the model of your mobile phone and the version of Android system you are using? And, what method does the Android system use to obtain root privileges? The reason for this phenomenon is likely to be the incompatibility between the kernel of the Android system and the Debian system or the container virtualized by linuxdeploy. If this is the case, you can only try to change the Android system version.

    • @sachinsawant4482
      @sachinsawant4482 Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 hi.. i am using Samsung Galaxy S8 with Android 9 (pie). I have used the TWRP method to access the root privilege. I also had the thought of re rooting the phone so doing it right now. Will surely update you once I succeed 😊

    • @sachinsawant4482
      @sachinsawant4482 Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 Hi I managed to fix the issue by re rooting my phone with LineageOS

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@sachinsawant4482 That's great, congratulations.

  • @陳均綸
    @陳均綸 Рік тому


  • @禮棋
    @禮棋 Рік тому


    • @forkcold
      @forkcold 10 місяців тому

      這其實就是典型IED自製炸彈中電雷管的原理 用電引燃點火藥/起爆藥 他還教了怎樣遙控 怎麼說是多餘呢😂

  • @河南老乡-l4n
    @河南老乡-l4n Рік тому


  • @jackgai1929
    @jackgai1929 Рік тому


  • @eminentbadge60
    @eminentbadge60 Рік тому

    For this video, you deserve a sub!

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      thank you for your support. Glad this video helped you.

  • @BassBoostedWorld
    @BassBoostedWorld Рік тому

    I need help

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      what happened?

    • @BassBoostedWorld
      @BassBoostedWorld Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 You got discord? so we can discuss there.Basically I got three devices lenovo k6 power,moto e3 power and samsung galaxy core 2 duo but non of them connecting to printer as likely i think i have to edit android kernel of that device to enable CH341 driver So you know how to do that? i got source files (all devices are rooted and custom ROM)

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@BassBoostedWorld I also don't know how to compile the kernel, but I plan to learn it.

    • @BassBoostedWorld
      @BassBoostedWorld Рік тому

      @@峰哥爱鼓捣 oh okay but how your phone got connected to printer easily?

    • @峰哥爱鼓捣
      @峰哥爱鼓捣 Рік тому

      @@BassBoostedWorld My motherboard model is MKS SGEN-L V2.1, and the CPU model it uses is LPC1768, which can be directly recognized and driven by the Android system. It is said that because it was once widely used as a car chip, as we all know, most of the current car systems are developed and customized based on the Android system. So maybe the Android system has a built-in driver.

  • @jackzheng3562
    @jackzheng3562 Рік тому


  • @n.t.nocean1713
    @n.t.nocean1713 Рік тому


  • @kcchoi8404
    @kcchoi8404 Рік тому


  • @jackgai1929
    @jackgai1929 Рік тому


  • @whguo1696
    @whguo1696 Рік тому
