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CMRS Group
Hong Kong
Приєднався 16 січ 2014
CMRS Group is one of the leading digital and social media communications consulting companies in Hong Kong. As a brand custodian group, CMRS endeavors to enable brand communication excellence in digital space. The Group comprises the following four companies:
- Beyond Digital Solutions Ltd. (www.beyonddigital.com.hk)
- CMRS Digital Solutions Ltd. (www.cmrs.com.hk)
- CruiSo Digital Solutions Ltd. (www.cruiso.com.hk)
- Socialink Consultancy Ltd. (www.socialink.com.hk)
Our key offerings include social media insight and monitoring, content management, visual content creation, KOL management, social media marketing guidelines and workshops, etc.
Check out our Facebook page - cmrshk
- Beyond Digital Solutions Ltd. (www.beyonddigital.com.hk)
- CMRS Digital Solutions Ltd. (www.cmrs.com.hk)
- CruiSo Digital Solutions Ltd. (www.cruiso.com.hk)
- Socialink Consultancy Ltd. (www.socialink.com.hk)
Our key offerings include social media insight and monitoring, content management, visual content creation, KOL management, social media marketing guidelines and workshops, etc.
Check out our Facebook page - cmrshk
【Tai Kwun】#大館大搞作:非一般旅程《遙感城市》
Переглядів 4755 років тому
由於反應熱烈,所有《遙感城市》門票現已售罄。參加不到的朋友,不如戴上耳機,感受一下由德國劇團Rimini Protokoll呈獻,巡迴多國的生活哲學導賞團!人工智能領隊將透過耳機帶你漫遊這城,展開「尋寶遊戲」。你將時而變成監視器,時而變成派對動物,一起探討生命、科技、社會現象。 Facebook post : watch/?v=1932499036773028 Due to popular demand, all tickets to “Remote Hong Kong” are now sold out. For those who were unable to get a hold of the tickets, you are invited to join its latest episode here! Presented by Germany-b...
【Tai Kwun】大館Play!
Переглядів 2025 років тому
卓韻芝兩婆孫繼續遊大館,今次婆婆居然自告奮勇,帶孫女去玩!到底館內有什麼玩意,吸引到婆婆的注意,更令她們嘩聲連連? Facebook post : watch/?v=248130899399392 #TaiKwunPLAY: What amazes Vincci Cheuk and her grandma the most during their visit to Tai Kwun? This time, grandma volunteers to be the guide in discovering the fun at the compound... Facebook post : watch/?v=248130899399392
【Tai Kwun】大館Shop!
Переглядів 1085 років тому
新正頭,添新衣,為新一年營造新氣象!今集,卓韻芝帶婆婆來到大館shopping,學習何謂度身訂製洋服,並發掘意想不到的時尚單品! Facebook post : watch/?v=1600830136729158 #TaiKwunSHOP: New clothes for the New Year! Get set for Chinese New Year and update your spring wardrobe with our wide range of shops at Tai Kwun. In this episode, Vincci Cheuk and her grandma learn about bespoke tailoring and discover some unique fashion items! Facebook post ...
【Tai Kwun】大館Taste!
Переглядів 1025 років тому
在大館芸芸人海中,今次竟然有兩個熟悉的面孔 卓韻芝與婆婆!到底兩婆孫來到大館除了「打卡」以外,還有什麽好玩?接下來一連三集,就讓卓韻芝與婆婆親身示範如何食、玩、買遍大館! Facebook post : watch/?v=366095114208532 Here are two familiar faces-Vincci Cheuk Wan Chi and her grandma at Tai Kwun. Besides having all those shots taken “for the gram”, what else does Tai Kwun have to offer? In three episodes, Vincci and her grandma will show you all the places in Tai Kwun for ...
【Tai Kwun】夢幻小寶綵排直擊!
Переглядів 435 років тому
夢幻小寶們已經準備好同大家見面,照亮大館夜空!由今日起,《夢幻小寶》將會現身大館一星期,每晚帶大家走入魔幻迷境。呢趟迷幻旅途上,到底小寶們會有點樣嘅遭遇?結局又會有咩驚喜?留待你嚟發掘! Facebook post : watch/?v=752092195130534 Get ready for a magical ride: Starting from tonight, “Herbert’s Dream” is set to mesmerise you with elusive dancing creatures and bewitching music at Tai Kwun. Visit us this week to watch this fantastical parade! Facebook post : watch/?...
【Tai Kwun】#大館舞蹈季:198491牆後的赤裸信息
Переглядів 595 років тому
最近監獄操場頻頻出現舞者身影,源於大館特別為編舞家們開放場地,排練《198491牆後的赤裸信息》。有別於在其他場館演出,今次他們能率先與團隊感受表演空間,將為大家帶來格外精彩、穿梭室內外的表演! Facebook post : watch/?v=2230598717185986 Recently, you might have noticed dancers around Prison Yard rehearsing “THE MESSAGE BEHIND THE WALL BY 198491”. Unlike other venues, Tai Kwun encourages dancers to get familiarised with the performing space in advance, making this unique indoor...
【Tai Kwun】 大館舞蹈季:來來舞廳
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《來來舞廳》編舞家、來自廣州的二高將會把大館F倉化身為中國80年代的士高,讓我們透過展覽了解當年的的士高文化,並透過演出回到舞廳盛行的年代,感受老一輩的瘋狂歲月,從中探索社會地位、個人身份和性別認同。一起聽聽二高分享這套舞蹈作品背後的創作點滴,他更會透露表演的驚喜設計! Facebook post : watch/?v=353472815395716 Follow Er Gao, choreographer of “DISCO-TECA” as he takes you back to a disco in China in the 1980s. Transforming Tai Kwun’s F Hall into a dance floor, you will learn about the once-popular disco culture in t...
【Tai Kwun】為舞蹈季做足準備!
Переглядів 545 років тому
每個舞蹈季節目都如此精彩,你絕不想錯過 何部分!不如先熟習一下前往兩個表演場地 - F倉及賽馬會立方的路線,到時便能輕鬆準時入場出! Facebook post : watch/?v=694801634234438 Dance Season is set to bring you mesmerising performances that you won’t want to miss any move! Take the stress out of getting to the venue by watching this video to get familiarised with the route to F Hall and JC Cube! Facebook post : watch/?v=694801634234438
【Tai Kwun】《泰特斯2.0》的前世今生
Переглядів 1015 років тому
時間回到2008年,鄧樹榮戲劇工作室第一次演出莎士比亞的《泰特斯》- 演員以第一人稱扮演固定角色,有不同服飾。台上有桌椅、大坑洞及行刑架佈置。那時的《泰特斯》,已逐步展現鄧樹榮的簡約美學,但演員始終受制在故事裡的時空扮演。 後來源於一次冥想,鄧樹榮產生「說書」的靈感,於是《泰特斯2.0》的演員就化身說書人,以第三人稱演出,時而敍事,時而扮演。台上亦只剩下數張椅子、極簡燈光及音樂,探討人類身體五個最原始的表演方法- 聲音、肢體、呼吸、面部表情及空間移位,徹底釋放演員的表演張力,亦被譽為真正的「肢體劇場」! Facebook post : watch/?v=10216935067547309 The minimalist alchemy: Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio strips off most of the realistic ...
【Tai Kwun】「六種練習」小訪談
Переглядів 775 років тому
欣賞《六種練習》前,你或許沒想過中藥能以這種形式呈現。而藝術家蘇詠寶更邀請了本地著名作家董啟章為作品撰文,非常有驚喜!不如聽聽蘇詠寶分享為何會有這次合作,以及籌備展覽的過程。 Facebook post : watch/?v=1907526252603640 Delving deeper with “Six-Part Practice”: By approaching Chinese medicinal herbs with a sense of wonder, Wing Po So made use of inexpensive everyday materials for her artistic production in “Six-Part Practice”. The artist also invited the esteemed writer ...
Переглядів 265 років тому
【Royal Caribbean Hong Kong 皇家加勒比國際遊輪】輪到全家放暑假 - 亞洲篇
Переглядів 1045 років тому
【Royal Caribbean Hong Kong 皇家加勒比國際遊輪】輪到全家放暑假 - 亞洲篇
【Mead Johnson Nutrition】美贊臣MOMsenger正式登場!
Переглядів 5045 років тому
【Mead Johnson Nutrition】美贊臣MOMsenger正式登場!
Mead Johnson Nutrition - 2017 MOMment 04
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Mead Johnson Nutrition - 2017 MOMment 04
Bausch + Lomb - 2017 BTOD DryTV Episode 1 防狼有術 ft. 警訊堅哥
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Bausch Lomb - 2017 BTOD DryTV Episode 1 防狼有術 ft. 警訊堅哥
DBS - 2017 友你更滋味 Dining at Hysan Place
Переглядів 467 років тому
DBS - 2017 友你更滋味 Dining at Hysan Place
HP - 2017 Deskjet 3700 AIO series 微星人救「細」事件簿
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HP - 2017 Deskjet 3700 AIO series 微星人救「細」事件簿
HP - 2017 Deskjet 3700 AIO series ft. Ryan Lau 柳俊江的回憶印記
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HP - 2017 Deskjet 3700 AIO series ft. Ryan Lau 柳俊江的回憶印記
Microsoft Office 365 - 2017 Style Guide Freelancer Work Smart
Переглядів 287 років тому
Microsoft Office 365 - 2017 Style Guide Freelancer Work Smart
Borzai dkg
Let me do it for you
they should make a 2024 version now
what area 16 and Tuen Mun south?? it’s not even built yet
When I Put 1.25X Its Better
My English teacher miss lo play this song before
I almost said it to my teacher 😅
My english teacher showed this to my class
I like this,HK aprooved!
0:11 0:13 0:18 0:22 0:24 0:25 0:34 0:35 0:37 0:52 0:54 0:57 0:59 1:01 1:01 1:04 1:05 1:06 1:08 1:20 1:24 1:25 1:27 1:28 1:29 1:32 1:34 1:55 2:01 2:11 2:12 2:13 2:19 2:31 2:35 2:49 2:50 2:52 2:53 2:55 3:02 3:14 3:17 3:18 3:26 3:32 3:33 3:36 3:38 3:42 are my favorite stations 🥲❤️
how much effort did you put into this? deserves a like
Like a lot of effort and it took like 5 minutes@@jasonchiu7158
A lot 😭@@jasonchiu7158
there is MTR around the world 😮
i live in hotel in shek mun and I was born there😊
i went to mtr in Hong Kong 🎉
as a hong konger i can confirm this is accurate but that's the old version
is ugliest
Jackson Laura Hernandez Timothy Allen Margaret
Is the best
Soledad Forks
¡ like MTR😊
Kessler Park
4 5
Robinson Susan Wilson Sharon Perez Elizabeth
I am watching the video and like the song very much, well done!
time flies....
Why u so excited
😂😂😂你真是笑死我😂😂😂 誰是香港人看這個西人唱MTR歌啊😂❤❤
Straight from my childhood 🥺🥺
Some station this song doesnt have like... kaitak
This song was made before the merge of West Rail Line and Ma On Shan Line
Who in the earth watches this kid song in 2024?!?!??!
Bro,don’t disrespect my childhood and home
Me my childhood
Shut up you don't have a good childhood bro
really want ❤
0:54 0:56 0:57 0:58 0:59 0:59 0:59 0:59 0:59 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 368
I'm in Hong Kong. This is accurate.
"Catch a show at AsiaWorld-Expo" 💀☠️
The Cantonese of Rainbow is Choi Hung.
Best get my washing in
For me i live in Tsuen Wan West for vacation
What a ek
3:32 and 3:38 are my favorite stations
Austin and Yuen Long?
@@yourSIhater yep
OMG I hate this station Click here 👉 3:19
I heard Ea Tsim Sa Tsui in 3:30
@@Trainstation2014you mean Shek mun