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Best TOP Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 2
Переглядів 4,4 тис.5 місяців тому
Best TOP Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 2
Best SUPPORTIVE APC Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 2
Переглядів 1,2 тис.Рік тому
Best SUPPORTIVE APC Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 2
Best CARRY APC Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 2
Переглядів 1,4 тис.Рік тому
Best CARRY APC Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 2
MID & SUPPORT Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 2
Переглядів 3,8 тис.Рік тому
MID & SUPPORT Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 2
Best APC Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 1
Переглядів 6 тис.Рік тому
Best APC Seraphine Build - SEASON 14 SPLIT 1
Seraphine and Nunu ULT Game Changer - ft. PekinWoof
Переглядів 1,5 тис.Рік тому
Seraphine and Nunu ULT Game Changer - ft. PekinWoof


  • @EzOddz
    @EzOddz 9 днів тому

    Get rid of the shitty ward runes and just create a new tree for them. Domination tree should be for aggressive runes not support runes damn riot

  • @xxKuroKajixx
    @xxKuroKajixx 9 днів тому

    This requires you to know how jungler paths work😊

  • @sabel6340
    @sabel6340 10 днів тому

    no they don’t wonder they just don’t do it at all

  • @wolvesblaze582
    @wolvesblaze582 10 днів тому

    Teleport looks so bad

  • @blond7899
    @blond7899 10 днів тому

    If you are red side and heading bot, you can actually get a ward in river bush fron top tri bush in a certain position. Really finnicky to get but its possible

  • @stealthgamer4620
    @stealthgamer4620 11 днів тому

    You gotta fix the title btw! Vid is about adcs and it’s about bot lane. It says “top 3 top lane champs” atm

  • @mecht845
    @mecht845 11 днів тому


  • @BlockmaisteR1998
    @BlockmaisteR1998 11 днів тому

    If someone is using Pax Sivir, im not ganking her. I'd be scared.

  • @aotisoverratedaf
    @aotisoverratedaf 12 днів тому

    Adc buffs are always terrifiying

  • @AschockA
    @AschockA 13 днів тому

    Smol things, smolders crit ratio didn't increase, the ie passive now works on his q tho. Cassio wasn't only the highest wr midlaner, she also dominated top and adc :) Great video and well done on the editing tho, keep it up ^^

  • @abstractdarkness
    @abstractdarkness 13 днів тому

    Super happy they scaled back victor a little

  • @Hesterya-01
    @Hesterya-01 13 днів тому

    Bro when will start this patch in live server EUW

  • @deonjoyner960
    @deonjoyner960 13 днів тому

    What's with that jinx skin?

  • @yashy21
    @yashy21 14 днів тому

    veigar can stack with all abilities and takedowns* (great short btw)

  • @JaqueefiusBrown
    @JaqueefiusBrown 14 днів тому


  • @aaronandressen8062
    @aaronandressen8062 15 днів тому

    The build is okay. The main problem is that building like this leaves you without damage. Build eclipse first, then continue with the build. You could even go tear->eclipse->manamune into tank items which is even better imo

    @ARM0RP0WER 15 днів тому

    Anyone who builds unending despair first item is just dumb. 175% healing on a 60 or so damage aoe that ticks every 5 seconds is not worth

    • @XDavider
      @XDavider 15 днів тому

      tell that to a maokay top

  • @jaggyd2862
    @jaggyd2862 18 днів тому

    I keep using Reksai because I love her playstyle but damn its annoying when you win jungle but you still get outscaled heavily

    • @TrueBlue0611
      @TrueBlue0611 18 днів тому

      Waittt. I thought Bruiser Reksai scales well, but assassin Reksai falls off? Am I wrong?

    • @jaggyd2862
      @jaggyd2862 18 днів тому

      @@TrueBlue0611 you have to absolutely dominate the jungle there are just too many better junglers like she's really dependent on teammates playing well because Reksai cannot carry no matter how hard you try. I literally snowballed top and bottom lane and then the enemy midlane Irelia gets 2 shutdowns from bottom and my Teammates gets too cocky and we lose just use Viego or Warwick if you wanna carry 😭🙏

  • @stargazer1090
    @stargazer1090 18 днів тому

    i would let briar do things to me, gaddam

  • @Jaiden_th
    @Jaiden_th 18 днів тому

    I find it funng that people considear briar and ww a low elo champ but as soon as they get their asses whoped by one thet get mad saying the champ is broken

  • @lantosrevial8846
    @lantosrevial8846 18 днів тому


  • @dirtydeeds4free553
    @dirtydeeds4free553 19 днів тому

    Learn jungle tempo and clears of your particular jungler. Thats how you climb. Do you have tempo, do you have camps up, do you have numbers advantage, and do you finish a full clear before 3 30. Thats how you climb, not much else matters

  • @roondoger
    @roondoger 19 днів тому

    Sejuani. Great clear, has a dash, heavy cc, tanky, and all around easy to learn. Fantasic champ if you dont have a tanky team, but still want a good clear.

  • @levicaptain321
    @levicaptain321 19 днів тому

    sadly tank akali is just not as good as assassin akali

  • @tudodaretro
    @tudodaretro 19 днів тому

    Amumu, this guy has passive ap and ad resistance, and also, an ult that is pretty easy to use, use W amd E to clear the camps, when you start a dragon, just AA amd then Q, you'll be spemding 0 seconds going back ymto attack the dragom, and also, he is a tank that deals massive damage with his passive of 10%true damage of the AP damage that also count for the allies

  • @acr2517
    @acr2517 20 днів тому

    Telling low elo to play helmet and yo Rick is insane bro

  • @aldorain1016
    @aldorain1016 20 днів тому

    I'm a fuck head. I've been using Naafari. Its funny as hell.

    • @sharpeleague
      @sharpeleague 20 днів тому

      Literally do what works for you 😂😂

  • @bencornell2966
    @bencornell2966 21 день тому

    Okay so low elo players cannot play velkoz. Also Q first on Tahm, it guarantees his W will hit because they’re slowed. It also allows you to get autos off and stack his passive

    • @DoubIeDeckerCouch
      @DoubIeDeckerCouch 21 день тому

      Thing is, vel is pretty easy, he only gets difficult when the enemy is good, when the enemy don’t dodge he is a monster

  • @SethJSteiner
    @SethJSteiner 21 день тому

    Uhhhhhh, get a new platform

  • @iwrecklevaj3349
    @iwrecklevaj3349 21 день тому

    Stop bro what the fuq Velkoz?????

    • @thenotoriousnephi4308
      @thenotoriousnephi4308 21 день тому

      He's not wrong velkoz has one of the highest winrates from bronze to gold, with a 3% pick rate, high pick high winrate its just lux and morgana

  • @alxxxnder2
    @alxxxnder2 22 дні тому

    Great tips!!

  • @realjottie
    @realjottie 27 днів тому


  • @m.4081
    @m.4081 Місяць тому

    here before the channel blows up

  • @nacl-y9513
    @nacl-y9513 Місяць тому

    Building dmg increases ur dmg 😱😱

  • @ramespeon
    @ramespeon Місяць тому

    please just don't pick Lux if you want to build this, go a battle or DPS Mage if you really want to melt tanks and bruisers, she's a burst mage for a reason

  • @pandaescarlate7268
    @pandaescarlate7268 Місяць тому

    Anything works on lux

  • @skdjakhuhsadk2863
    @skdjakhuhsadk2863 Місяць тому

    Gs becomes good after 30 minutes, why ppl still run that rune when scorch just outvalues it so hard on these poke mages ?

  • @Nomad
    @Nomad Місяць тому

    Damn you have some shitty editing 🤡

  • @Rustyvoil27
    @Rustyvoil27 Місяць тому

    Why dont add liandry?

  • @ninogiouvris9887
    @ninogiouvris9887 Місяць тому

    as a akali main i easily get bored of the basic ap assasin build i am always thrilled to try out new builds like the eclipse one and i have been wating for a new build to come for 2 months or so, im guessing after those 3 items then you can build around team dmg need sand enemies good to know

  • @alfredoaleman6908
    @alfredoaleman6908 Місяць тому

    Credit to XPetu, he gave the idea

    • @shady8273
      @shady8273 Місяць тому

      that guy is crazy

    • @theteamxxx3142
      @theteamxxx3142 Місяць тому

      I mean tank akali was a thing in season 6 and even before u had bruiser ad fizz and nidalee top in season 4 . Old players remember

  • @simonenoli4418
    @simonenoli4418 Місяць тому

    tank assassin are rising. ew.

    • @InfinityOver0
      @InfinityOver0 Місяць тому

      Tanks can’t be assassins by definition. Akali is a fighter here, not an assassin.

    • @simonenoli4418
      @simonenoli4418 Місяць тому

      @InfinityOver0 argue over the definition. Doesnt fking matter. Tank assassin on the rise. Pure abominations

    • @theteamxxx3142
      @theteamxxx3142 Місяць тому

      We had them in season 6

  • @jonremington7834
    @jonremington7834 Місяць тому

    Its funny some people just don't understand that certain champs already have insane base damage so they can cheese build. Its misunderstood though, just because your behind doesn't mean start building defensive items, its kinda the opposite in a way, if your ahead building defensive is good, your already ahead, youve got the dmg, you just need to survive, cant keep snowballing if your dead and giving up those bountys.

    @IYPITWL Місяць тому

    Voli can use this build too

  • @Fabrimonst93
    @Fabrimonst93 Місяць тому

    I mean... Its just an average build, nothing new

  • @livadaripavel2953
    @livadaripavel2953 Місяць тому

    Yozu also plays tank Lux, funny as shit, cool guy

    • @andreiionutcalin530
      @andreiionutcalin530 Місяць тому

      well lux is overtune af short cd slows roots shields a laser that can one shot you she's so annoying wish they nerf this stupid champ you can build pretty much anything on her and she still does way to much damage now everyone goes malignance first one her and have the most stupid wave clear ever riot remove malignace or nerf it way to broken on many champs

    • @livadaripavel2953
      @livadaripavel2953 Місяць тому

      @ I always go ludens and cdr build, ult every 23ish seconds after 3 items, ridiculous

  • @kristiankolozsvary5047
    @kristiankolozsvary5047 Місяць тому

    Wow who could have guessed going the most mathematically obvious damage items on lux would be good on lux for most damage

  • @itsthelepto
    @itsthelepto Місяць тому

    Oh hey look, its something an ARAM lux would build

  • @amirg9382
    @amirg9382 Місяць тому

    Ok respect for being chal and whatever but respectfully get cancer fkn lux apc. Once again respect on being chal and good editing/vid

  • @MinNJW2111
    @MinNJW2111 Місяць тому

    developed builds.... i started this when the item came out. but it's based on what you face, as you stated.