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한입가득 A mouthful spoonful
South Korea
Приєднався 6 бер 2021
It's a channel where you can enjoy cooking together.
Let's make it easy~!
Let's make it easy~!
달고나 :: 오징어게임에 나온 추억의 달고나 만들기 :: 뽑기 잘 하는 법 :: 달고나 쉽게 만들기 :: Dalgona
오징어 게임 보고 추억을 소환해 보았어요.
어렸을 때 많이 해먹던 달고나를 직접 만들어 보았는데요.
여러 번 실패한 끝에 성공했답니다 :)
설탕과 식소다 비율만 잘 맞추면
누구나 쉽게 만들 수 있으니 따라 해보세요.
🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll
🍛Instargram : midini_
◎재료 준비하기
▷ 밑판에 종이호일을 깔고 누름판에는 설탕을 묻힌다.
▷ 설탕 2 큰 술 반을 국자에 담는다.
▷ 약불에서 설탕을 녹여준다.
▷ 설탕이 녹아서 카라멜색으로 변하기 직전 식소다를 2꼬집넣어준다.
▷ 설탕이 적당히 부풀어 오르면 밑판에 부어준다
▷ 누름판으로 누른 뒤 모양 틀을 찍어준다.
설탕이 너무 뜨거울 때 소다를 넣으면 금방 부풀어올라 타기 때문에
불 옆으로 국자를 빼서 한김 식힌 뒤 소다를 넣어서 저어주시고
누르개로 바로 찍으면 달고나가 들러붙기 때문에
5초 뒤에 누르개로 찍은 뒤 3초 뒤에 떼어내주세요.
종이호일을 깔면 달고나가 깔끔하게 떨어져요.
어렸을 때 많이 해먹던 달고나를 직접 만들어 보았는데요.
여러 번 실패한 끝에 성공했답니다 :)
설탕과 식소다 비율만 잘 맞추면
누구나 쉽게 만들 수 있으니 따라 해보세요.
🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll
🍛Instargram : midini_
◎재료 준비하기
▷ 밑판에 종이호일을 깔고 누름판에는 설탕을 묻힌다.
▷ 설탕 2 큰 술 반을 국자에 담는다.
▷ 약불에서 설탕을 녹여준다.
▷ 설탕이 녹아서 카라멜색으로 변하기 직전 식소다를 2꼬집넣어준다.
▷ 설탕이 적당히 부풀어 오르면 밑판에 부어준다
▷ 누름판으로 누른 뒤 모양 틀을 찍어준다.
설탕이 너무 뜨거울 때 소다를 넣으면 금방 부풀어올라 타기 때문에
불 옆으로 국자를 빼서 한김 식힌 뒤 소다를 넣어서 저어주시고
누르개로 바로 찍으면 달고나가 들러붙기 때문에
5초 뒤에 누르개로 찍은 뒤 3초 뒤에 떼어내주세요.
종이호일을 깔면 달고나가 깔끔하게 떨어져요.
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스테이크 덮밥 :: 입안에 육즙 가득 :: 달달하고 짭쪼름한 간장소스와 부드러운 고기와의 만남 :: Steak Rice Bowl
Переглядів 3573 роки тому
귀찮을 때는 한그릇 덮밥이 최고이지요. 촉촉한 육즙이 가득한 스테이크에 단짠한 소스를 뿌려서 한그릇 뚝딱 해보았는데요. 비주얼도 좋고 맛도 좋으니 꼭 한번 말들어보세요. 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶스테이크 안심 200g ▶양파 1/4개 ▶숙주 한줌 ▶쪽파 2줄 ▶버터 1큰술 ▶와사비 🧂 소고기 밑간 ▶소금 약간 ▶후추 약간 ▶올리브오일 1큰술 🧂소스 ▶ 간장 4큰술 ▶맛술 2큰술 ▶설탕 1큰술 ▶올리고당 2큰술 ▶물 4큰술 ◇만들기 ▷소고기는 안심은 사방 3cm크기로 자른후 소금, 후추, 올리브유를 뿌려 밑간해주세요. ▷뜨겁게 달군 팬에 카놀라유를 살짝 두르고 소고기를 구운 뒤 ...
Chop Steak :: Moist and Delicious Steak :: Simple Home Party Cooking
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찹스테이크는 홈파티 메뉴로 손색없는데요. 고기와 채소를 듬뿍 먹을 수 있고 와인안주로도 좋아서 꼭 한번 만들어보셨으면 하네요. 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶소고기 부챗살 250g ▶빨간 파프리카 1/2개 ▶노란파프리카 1/2개 ▶양송이버섯 3개 ▶양파 1/2개 ▶통마늘 5알 ▶버터 한조각 ▶카놀라유 2큰술 🧂 소고기 밑간 ▶소금 약간 ▶후추 약간 ▶올리브오일 1큰술 🧂소스 ▶스테이크소스 4큰술 ▶굴소스 1큰술 ▶우스터소스 1큰술 ▶케첩 2큰술 ▶올리고당 1큰술 ◇만들기 ▷소고기는 키친타올로 두드려 핏물을 제거하고 사방 3cm크기로 자른후 소금, 후추, 올리브유를 뿌려 밑간해주세요....
Croissant Sandwich : Delicious sandwich : Luxurious taste : How to make a croissant sandwich
Переглядів 62 тис.3 роки тому
간단하기 즐기는 브런치 요리를 소개 해드릴게요. 그냥 먹어도 맛있고 잼 발라 먹어도 맛있고 버터 발라 먹어도 맛있는 크로와상 샌드위치로 만들어 먹으면 더 맛나답니다 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶크로와상 1개 ▶슬라이스햄 6장 ▶체다 슬라이스 치즈 2장 ▶토마토 1개 ▶양상추 2장 🧂소스 ▶머스터드 1큰술 ▶마요네즈 2큰술 ▶씨겨자 1큰술 ▶올리고당 1작은술 ◇만들기 ▷크로와상은 반으로 갈라준다. ▷토마토는 적당한 두께로 슬라이스 해준다. ▷양상추는 먹기 좋게 뜯어준다. ▷분량의 소스 재료를 섞어 소스를 만든다. ▷크로와상 밑면에 소스를 듬뿍 발라준다. ▷양상추, 토마토, 치즈, 햄...
그릭모모 :: 그릭요거트를 품은 달콤한 복숭아 :: 그릭모모 만들기 :: 그릭요거트복숭아 :: Greek momo
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요즘 SNS에서 아주 핫한 그릭 모모를 만들어보았어요. 그릭은 요거트를 모모는 복숭아를 뜻하는데요. 복숭아 속을 파내서 그릭요거트를 채워먹는 디저트로 비주얼도 좋고 맛도 좋아서 정말 강추하는 메뉴에요. 상큼한 복숭아와 꾸덕꾸덕한 그릭요거트 고소한 그래놀라가 어우러져서 정말 맛있는 그릭복숭아 꼭 만들어보세요 :) 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶복숭아 ▶그릭 요거트 ▶메이플시럽 or 꿀 ▶그래놀라 ▶애플민트 ◇만들기 ▷복숭아 꼭지부분을 잘라주세요. ▷가운데 씨를 제거해주세요. ▷ 복숭아 속에 그릭요거트를 채워주세요 ▷껍질을 벗겨주세요. ▷랩으로 감싸서 냉동실에서 1~2시간 얼려주세요 ▷...
삼겹살쌈장볶음밥 :: 꿀맛 삼겹살쌈장볶음밥 만들기 :: 만들기 쉬운 볶음밥 레시피 :: Pork Belly SsamJang Fried Rice
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간단한 요리로 삼겹살 쌈장 볶음밥 만들어봤어요. 한국인이면 누구나 다 좋아할 맛♡ 10분 컷이니 꼭 따라 해보아요! 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶밥 한 공기 ▶삼겹살 2줄 ▶쌈장 3 큰 술 ▶마늘 7톨 ▶대파 1/2대 ▶깻잎 5장 ▶참기름 1 큰 술 ▶통깨 약간 ◇만들기 ▷마늘은 편 썰어주세요. ▷대파는 반으로 갈라서 송송 썰어주세요. ▷깻잎은 채 썰어주세요. ▷ 뜨겁게 달군 팬에 중불에서 삼겹살을 구워주세요. ▷삼겹살이 노릇하게 익으면 마늘과 파를 넣어주세요. ▷밥과 쌈장을 넣어서 중약불에서 3분 볶아주세요. ▷ 깻잎을 올리고 참기름과 통깨를 뿌려주세요. #삼겹살쌈장볶음밥 #볶음...
Folded Gimbap :: Easy and Delicious Gimbap :: Korean Food Recipe
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예전에 핫했던 접는 김밥을 만들어 보았어요. 간단하게 김밥을 즐기고 싶을 때 후다닥 만들 수 있어서 너무 좋답니다. 주말 아침 간단히 때우고 싶을 때 도시락 메뉴 고민될 때 접어먹는 김밥 꼭 만들어보세요! 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶김 4장 ▶밥 1공기 ▶달걀 2개 ▶치즈 2장 ▶쌈무 4장 ▶깻잎 4장 ▶상추 4장 ▶참치 1캔 ▶스팸 1개 ▶식용유 적당히 - 밥양념 재료 ▶참기름 1작은술 ▶소금약간 ▶통깨 약간 - 김치볶음 ▶설탕 1작은술 ▶참기름 1작은술 - 참치마요 ▶참치캔 1개, ▶마요네즈 2큰술 ▶후춧가루 약간 ◇만들기 ▷참치는 기름을 빼고 마요네즈와 후춧가루를 넣어서 섞...
Cheese Potato Hotteok /Crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside Potato Hotteok /Potato Pancake
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밀가루 없이 만드는 감자치즈호떡을 만들어 보았어요. 겉은 바삭바삭 속은 쫀득하니 별미로 먹기 좋답니다. 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶감자 4개 (중간크기) ▶모짜렐라치즈 1컵 ▶감자전분 3큰술 ▶설탕 1큰술 ▶소금, 1/2작은술 ▶식용유 넉넉하게 ◇만들기 ▷감자는 깨끗하게 씻은 뒤 푹 삶아주세요. ▷볼에 감자를 넣어서 으깬 후 양념재료와 전분을 넣어서 반죽을 만들어주세요. ▷감자 반죽을 탁구공 크기로 떼어낸 뒤 가운데에 모짜렐라 치즈를 넣고 오므려서 동글 납작하게 만들어주세요. ▷달군팬에 식용유를 넉넉하게 두른 뒤 감자반죽을 앞뒤로 노릇하게 구워주세요. (중약불) 🧡TIP💛 반죽을...
Corn Cheese Toast :: Simple Toast Recipe :: Make Sweet Corn Cheese Toast :: Corn Cheese Bread
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씹을 때 마다 옥수수 알이 톡톡 터지고 고소한 치즈가 쭈욱 늘어나는 콘치즈토스트 간단한 재료로 후다닥 만들 수 있어서 좋아요. 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶식빵 2장 ▶콘 옥수수 3큰술 ▶샌드위치 햄 1장 ▶슬라이스 치즈 1장 ▶모짜렐라치즈 듬뿍 ▶마요네즈 2큰술 ▶설탕 1/2큰술 ▶파슬리 가루 약간 ◇만들기 ▷콘 옥수수 3큰술, 마요네즈 2큰술, 설탕 1/2큰술 모짜렐라 치즈를 넣고 골고루 섞어주세요. ▷식빵에 샌드위치 햄 1장과 슬라이스 치즈 한장을 올려요. ▷나머지 식빵을 올리고 콘옥수수를 올려주세요. ▷에어프라이어 180도 7분 돌려주세요. ▷ 윗면이 노릇노릇해지면 콘치즈토...
Caramel bread popcorn :: bread recipe :: making sweet caramel bread popcorn
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달달한 음식이 먹고 싶을 때 만들기좋은 초간단 카라멜 식빵 팝콘을 준비해보았는데요. 딱딱해져서 맛이 없는 자투리 식빵으로 꼭만들어보세요. 어른과 아이 누구나 맛있게 즐길 수 있는 간식 입니다. 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶식빵 2장 ▶설탕 4큰술 ▶물 3큰술 ▶우유 5큰술 ▶버터 1조각 ◇만들기 ▷식빵을 작은 사각형 모양으로 잘라주세요. (가로세로 1cm ~1.5cm) ▷프라이팬에 식빵을 넣고 중약불에서 노릇노릇하게 구워줍니다. ▷프라이팬에 설탕과 물을 넣고 설탕이 녹을 때까지 중불에서 그대로 둡니다. ▷설탕이 다 녹으면 버터를 넣어줍니다. ▷버터가 녹으면서 가장자리가 갈색으로 변...
Kujirai Ramen :: Stir-fried Ramen :: Easy Cooking :: Making Kujirai Ramen
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국물라면이 지겨울땐 쿠지라이식 라면은 어떠세요? 누구나 간단한게 만들 수 있는 레시피~! 볶음라면인 쿠지라이식 라면을 함께 만들어 먹어봐요! 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶물 350ml ▶라면 1개(국물 라면이면 다 가능) ▶계란 1개 ▶슬라이스 치즈 1장 ▶쪽파 1대(기호에 따라 선택 가능) ◇만들기 ▷팬에 물 350ml를 넣고 센불로 끓여주세요. ▷후레이크와 스프를 넣어주세요.(이때 라면 스프는 반만 넣어줍니다) ▷면발이 골고루 익을 수 있게 풀어주세요. ▷국물이 어느정도 자작하게 줄어들면 계란 넣을 자리를 만들어 줍니다. ▷계란 하나를 쏙 넣어주세요. ▷랩뚜껑을 덮어 약 1분정...
Club Sandwich Making :: Visual Pleasure :: Delicious Sandwiches :: Outing Foods :: Sandwich Recipes
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나들이 도시락 메뉴로 근사하게 만들기 좋고 브런치로 만들어 먹기에도 딱좋은 클럽 샌드위치를 만들어봤어요. 같이 한번 만들어봐요~! 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶식빵 2장 ▶계란 1개 ▶양상추 2장 ▶로메인 4장 ▶토마토 1/2개 ▶베이컨 4장 ▶슬라이스치즈 2장 🧂소스 ▶머스터드 1큰술 ▶마요네즈 2큰술 ▶씨겨자 1큰술 ▶올리고당 1작은술 ◇만들기 ▷분량의 소스 재료를 섞어 소스를 만든다. ▷토마토를 먹기 얇게 슬라이스한다. ▷로메인은 먹기 좋게 썰어준다 ▷버터를 두른 팬에 식빵을 앞뒤로 구워준다. ▷기름을 살짝 두르고 계란프라이 및 베이컨을 구워준다. ▷랩위에 식빵을 올리고 소스...
[1분스피드요리]타코야키 만들기 :: 노릇노릇한 타코야키 :: 타코야키 :: Takoyaki
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[1분스피드요리] 노릇노릇한 맛있는 타코야키를 만들어봤어요. 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ 이번 영상은 1분스피드요리 입니다. 다음번에 타코야키를 같이 한번 만들어 보아요~! #타코야키 #1분요리 #스피드요리 #타코야키만들기
Making beef bone broth rice cake soup
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뽀얀육수가 바글바글 하는 맛있는 사골육수 떡국을 만들어봤어요. 같이 한번 만들어봐요~! 🥪Naver Blog : blog.naver.com/llzzinll 🍛Instargram : midini_ ◎재료 준비하기 ▶떡국떡 400g ▶사골육수 1팩 ▶물 1컵 ▶대파 1대 (기호에 따라 깨나 후추를 뿌려도 OK) ▶계란 2개 ▶소금 약간 (기호에 따라 조절) ◇만들기 ▷떡국을 10분간 물에 불린 뒤 흐르는 물에 가볍게 씻어준다. ▷대파를 송송 썰고 계란 2개를 미리 그릇에 풀어 놓는다. ▷뽀얀육수가 바글바글 끓으면 떡을 넣는다. ▷떡이 하나둘 떠오르면 미리 풀어놓았던 계란을 퐁당 넣어주고 저어준다. ▷소금으로 간을 맞춘다. ▷김을 올려주고 취향에 따라 대파를 더 얹어준다(기호에 따...
too slow!
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Mamatay ng galibak gadaut gapakalat maling impormasyon gabuhat ug dautang plano sakoa yawaa ka! My prayers and supplication and curse are my cheat meal. "give example" YOUR ASS!!! ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS BY YOURSELF! DON'T MAKE ME DUMB BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS, Y'ALL ARE THE REAL IDIOTS/MORONS! Since when having magical powers/sorcery/magic arts a very bad thing/evil thing? Since 2000 years ago... I'm 1,000,000% serious when it comes to Bible... Why are you prohibiting me from going anywhere? You have no right to control my every movement! F_CK YOU! And who gave you the authority to kill anyone that opposes your agenda/policy/rules? Who gave you the right or the authority to kill or struck anyone with magical powers that doesn't want to take or do that "THING"? As far as I know, as soon as the human is born, God doesn't require people to do or to have a magical powers. The Lord God Almighty doesn't require his people to practice or to possess a magical powers. Therefore it is voluntary, not compulsory/forced.. So you think I'm scared of what you are insinuating/implying? So you think I'm afraid of what words you are throwing against me?Curse and death to all people that are showing me gestures of me being useless/w*ste (slapping / clapping of both hands, rubbing both hands together, etc) , Amen. My prayers and curse are crazy. "watch people perform evil magical powers " "watch people read each others mind" "watch people having evil magical powers" In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit Amen - the anger and wrath of the Lord God Almighty, the Heavenly Father, will be poured out on those people that verbally/non-verbally and physically assault/harass me directly and indirectly, backstab/backbite me, insinuating/implying/throwing false, hurtful words/insults/false accusations & information against me like"died","dead","die","last"."thi*f","lift","att**k,"de*th","ste*l", "bye",etc, falsely accused me, slander/defame me, plots against me, and speak badly of my name. Those same people will be an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach, In Jesus name, AMEN! I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. You can continue with that thing. No one's stopping you. You have my support. Just don't force that thing to me, OK? What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. If it's not an evil thing, then show it. Because for me, it seems to be that way. In Jesus name! It will NOT affect me! So you're thinking I'm dead inside and you're whistling on me? You do need to justify your actions to me! There will be no secrets that will not be revealed. I'm going to find that out sooner or later. You want verbal/non-verbal war? I give you verbal/non-verbal war! Big OOOPS too! I love a challenge! You lied when you said you don't know me! Once you know, you cannot unknow. Whistle whistle whistle eyeglass sunglass cap hat eyeglass sunglass cap hat I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. My prayers and curse never stop too... I will fight you back.What you say and throw to me over and over again won't affect/trigger/activate on me. Same goes to me too, I'm not affected too. Ah so you all are assuming and thinking that if you clap or slap both of your hands together at me, I will collapse or die?!? And also, you all have been thinking and assuming that if you are insinuating/implying/throwing words like "die","last","6","waste", and many other false harsh hurtful words against me, it will have an effect on me? You all are wishing/hoping it will activate/trigger on me? That's the most idiotic / moronic / stupidest / dumbest mindset / thinking I've ever known in my life.. I will talkback/backtalk/fightback at you all forever and ever Mamatay ordinaryong tao, naga voice over/TV reporter&anchor/commentator/actor/vlogger aning channel nagpaparinig nagpapatama nagaigo nagatira sakoa ug words na bye,we*rd, thi*f, sh*p, sh*pping,he*rt atta*k, b*tter, ste*l, say*ng, waste, att**k, l*ft, upl*ft, di*d, die, de*d, death, last, puso, hart, etc diri video ug sa comments section Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa diri sa comments section ug sa video. Curse and death to all people that are throwing false words/insults/false information&accusations against me. Curse and death to all people that are insinuating/implying false information/false words/ insults/false accusations towards me. Curse and death to all people that are assaulting&harassing me verbally&non-verbally, online or personal. Mamatay ka Marian Rivera Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa Mamatay ng nagpaparinig nagpapatama sakin ng mga words na heart att**k, shoppee, etc nhygnn
Mamatay ng galibak gadaut gapakalat maling impormasyon gabuhat ug dautang plano sakoa yawaa ka! My prayers and supplication and curse are my cheat meal. "give example" YOUR ASS!!! ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS BY YOURSELF! DON'T MAKE ME DUMB BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS, Y'ALL ARE THE REAL IDIOTS/MORONS! Since when having magical powers/sorcery/magic arts a very bad thing/evil thing? Since 2000 years ago... I'm 1,000,000% serious when it comes to Bible... Why are you prohibiting me from going anywhere? You have no right to control my every movement! F_CK YOU! And who gave you the authority to kill anyone that opposes your agenda/policy/rules? Who gave you the right or the authority to kill or struck anyone with magical powers that doesn't want to take or do that "THING"? As far as I know, as soon as the human is born, God doesn't require people to do or to have a magical powers. The Lord God Almighty doesn't require his people to practice or to possess a magical powers. Therefore it is voluntary, not compulsory/forced.. So you think I'm scared of what you are insinuating/implying? So you think I'm afraid of what words you are throwing against me?Curse and death to all people that are showing me gestures of me being useless/w*ste (slapping / clapping of both hands, rubbing both hands together, etc) , Amen. My prayers and curse are crazy. "watch people perform evil magical powers " "watch people read each others mind" "watch people having evil magical powers" In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit Amen - the anger and wrath of the Lord God Almighty, the Heavenly Father, will be poured out on those people that verbally/non-verbally and physically assault/harass me directly and indirectly, backstab/backbite me, insinuating/implying/throwing false, hurtful words/insults/false accusations & information against me like"died","dead","die","last"."thi*f","lift","att**k,"de*th","ste*l", "bye",etc, falsely accused me, slander/defame me, plots against me, and speak badly of my name. Those same people will be an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach, In Jesus name, AMEN! I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. You can continue with that thing. No one's stopping you. You have my support. Just don't force that thing to me, OK? What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. If it's not an evil thing, then show it. Because for me, it seems to be that way. In Jesus name! It will NOT affect me! So you're thinking I'm dead inside and you're whistling on me? You do need to justify your actions to me! There will be no secrets that will not be revealed. I'm going to find that out sooner or later. You want verbal/non-verbal war? I give you verbal/non-verbal war! Big OOOPS too! I love a challenge! You lied when you said you don't know me! Once you know, you cannot unknow. Whistle whistle whistle eyeglass sunglass cap hat eyeglass sunglass cap hat I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. My prayers and curse never stop too... I will fight you back.What you say and throw to me over and over again won't affect/trigger/activate on me. Same goes to me too, I'm not affected too. Ah so you all are assuming and thinking that if you clap or slap both of your hands together at me, I will collapse or die?!? And also, you all have been thinking and assuming that if you are insinuating/implying/throwing words like "die","last","6","waste", and many other false harsh hurtful words against me, it will have an effect on me? You all are wishing/hoping it will activate/trigger on me? That's the most idiotic / moronic / stupidest / dumbest mindset / thinking I've ever known in my life.. I will talkback/backtalk/fightback at you all forever and ever Mamatay ordinaryong tao, naga voice over/TV reporter&anchor/commentator/actor/vlogger aning channel nagpaparinig nagpapatama nagaigo nagatira sakoa ug words na bye,we*rd, thi*f, sh*p, sh*pping,he*rt atta*k, b*tter, ste*l, say*ng, waste, att**k, l*ft, upl*ft, di*d, die, de*d, death, last, puso, hart, etc diri video ug sa comments section Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa diri sa comments section ug sa video. Curse and death to all people that are throwing false words/insults/false information&accusations against me. Curse and death to all people that are insinuating/implying false information/false words/ insults/false accusations towards me. Curse and death to all people that are assaulting&harassing me verbally&non-verbally, online or personal. Mamatay ka Marian Rivera Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa Mamatay ng nagpaparinig nagpapatama sakin ng mga words na heart att**k, shoppee, etc nhyyhn
Mamatay ng galibak gadaut gapakalat maling impormasyon gabuhat ug dautang plano sakoa yawaa ka! My prayers and supplication and curse are my cheat meal. "give example" YOUR ASS!!! ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS BY YOURSELF! DON'T MAKE ME DUMB BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS, Y'ALL ARE THE REAL IDIOTS/MORONS! Since when having magical powers/sorcery/magic arts a very bad thing/evil thing? Since 2000 years ago... I'm 1,000,000% serious when it comes to Bible... Why are you prohibiting me from going anywhere? You have no right to control my every movement! F_CK YOU! And who gave you the authority to kill anyone that opposes your agenda/policy/rules? Who gave you the right or the authority to kill or struck anyone with magical powers that doesn't want to take or do that "THING"? As far as I know, as soon as the human is born, God doesn't require people to do or to have a magical powers. The Lord God Almighty doesn't require his people to practice or to possess a magical powers. Therefore it is voluntary, not compulsory/forced.. So you think I'm scared of what you are insinuating/implying? So you think I'm afraid of what words you are throwing against me?Curse and death to all people that are showing me gestures of me being useless/w*ste (slapping / clapping of both hands, rubbing both hands together, etc) , Amen. My prayers and curse are crazy. "watch people perform evil magical powers " "watch people read each others mind" "watch people having evil magical powers" In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit Amen - the anger and wrath of the Lord God Almighty, the Heavenly Father, will be poured out on those people that verbally/non-verbally and physically assault/harass me directly and indirectly, backstab/backbite me, insinuating/implying/throwing false, hurtful words/insults/false accusations & information against me like"died","dead","die","last"."thi*f","lift","att**k,"de*th","ste*l", "bye",etc, falsely accused me, slander/defame me, plots against me, and speak badly of my name. Those same people will be an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach, In Jesus name, AMEN! I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. You can continue with that thing. No one's stopping you. You have my support. Just don't force that thing to me, OK? What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. If it's not an evil thing, then show it. Because for me, it seems to be that way. In Jesus name! It will NOT affect me! So you're thinking I'm dead inside and you're whistling on me? You do need to justify your actions to me! There will be no secrets that will not be revealed. I'm going to find that out sooner or later. You want verbal/non-verbal war? I give you verbal/non-verbal war! Big OOOPS too! I love a challenge! You lied when you said you don't know me! Once you know, you cannot unknow. Whistle whistle whistle eyeglass sunglass cap hat eyeglass sunglass cap hat I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. My prayers and curse never stop too... I will fight you back.What you say and throw to me over and over again won't affect/trigger/activate on me. Same goes to me too, I'm not affected too. Ah so you all are assuming and thinking that if you clap or slap both of your hands together at me, I will collapse or die?!? And also, you all have been thinking and assuming that if you are insinuating/implying/throwing words like "die","last","6","waste", and many other false harsh hurtful words against me, it will have an effect on me? You all are wishing/hoping it will activate/trigger on me? That's the most idiotic / moronic / stupidest / dumbest mindset / thinking I've ever known in my life.. I will talkback/backtalk/fightback at you all forever and ever Mamatay ordinaryong tao, naga voice over/TV reporter&anchor/commentator/actor/vlogger aning channel nagpaparinig nagpapatama nagaigo nagatira sakoa ug words na bye,we*rd, thi*f, sh*p, sh*pping,he*rt atta*k, b*tter, ste*l, say*ng, waste, att**k, l*ft, upl*ft, di*d, die, de*d, death, last, puso, hart, etc diri video ug sa comments section Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa diri sa comments section ug sa video. Curse and death to all people that are throwing false words/insults/false information&accusations against me. Curse and death to all people that are insinuating/implying false information/false words/ insults/false accusations towards me. Curse and death to all people that are assaulting&harassing me verbally&non-verbally, online or personal. Mamatay ka Marian Rivera Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa Mamatay ng nagpaparinig nagpapatama sakin ng mga words na heart att**k, shoppee, etc mnuyhh
Mamatay ng galibak gadaut gapakalat maling impormasyon gabuhat ug dautang plano sakoa yawaa ka! My prayers and supplication and curse are my cheat meal. "give example" YOUR ASS!!! ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS BY YOURSELF! DON'T MAKE ME DUMB BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS, Y'ALL ARE THE REAL IDIOTS/MORONS! Since when having magical powers/sorcery/magic arts a very bad thing/evil thing? Since 2000 years ago... I'm 1,000,000% serious when it comes to Bible... Why are you prohibiting me from going anywhere? You have no right to control my every movement! F_CK YOU! And who gave you the authority to kill anyone that opposes your agenda/policy/rules? Who gave you the right or the authority to kill or struck anyone with magical powers that doesn't want to take or do that "THING"? As far as I know, as soon as the human is born, God doesn't require people to do or to have a magical powers. The Lord God Almighty doesn't require his people to practice or to possess a magical powers. Therefore it is voluntary, not compulsory/forced.. So you think I'm scared of what you are insinuating/implying? So you think I'm afraid of what words you are throwing against me?Curse and death to all people that are showing me gestures of me being useless/w*ste (slapping / clapping of both hands, rubbing both hands together, etc) , Amen. My prayers and curse are crazy. "watch people perform evil magical powers " "watch people read each others mind" "watch people having evil magical powers" In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit Amen - the anger and wrath of the Lord God Almighty, the Heavenly Father, will be poured out on those people that verbally/non-verbally and physically assault/harass me directly and indirectly, backstab/backbite me, insinuating/implying/throwing false, hurtful words/insults/false accusations & information against me like"died","dead","die","last"."thi*f","lift","att**k,"de*th","ste*l", "bye",etc, falsely accused me, slander/defame me, plots against me, and speak badly of my name. Those same people will be an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach, In Jesus name, AMEN! I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. You can continue with that thing. No one's stopping you. You have my support. Just don't force that thing to me, OK? What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. If it's not an evil thing, then show it. Because for me, it seems to be that way. In Jesus name! It will NOT affect me! So you're thinking I'm dead inside and you're whistling on me? You do need to justify your actions to me! There will be no secrets that will not be revealed. I'm going to find that out sooner or later. You want verbal/non-verbal war? I give you verbal/non-verbal war! Big OOOPS too! I love a challenge! You lied when you said you don't know me! Once you know, you cannot unknow. Whistle whistle whistle eyeglass sunglass cap hat eyeglass sunglass cap hat I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. My prayers and curse never stop too... I will fight you back.What you say and throw to me over and over again won't affect/trigger/activate on me. Same goes to me too, I'm not affected too. Ah so you all are assuming and thinking that if you clap or slap both of your hands together at me, I will collapse or die?!? And also, you all have been thinking and assuming that if you are insinuating/implying/throwing words like "die","last","6","waste", and many other false harsh hurtful words against me, it will have an effect on me? You all are wishing/hoping it will activate/trigger on me? That's the most idiotic / moronic / stupidest / dumbest mindset / thinking I've ever known in my life.. I will talkback/backtalk/fightback at you all forever and ever Mamatay ordinaryong tao, naga voice over/TV reporter&anchor/commentator/actor/vlogger aning channel nagpaparinig nagpapatama nagaigo nagatira sakoa ug words na bye,we*rd, thi*f, sh*p, sh*pping,he*rt atta*k, b*tter, ste*l, say*ng, waste, att**k, l*ft, upl*ft, di*d, die, de*d, death, last, puso, hart, etc diri video ug sa comments section Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa diri sa comments section ug sa video. Curse and death to all people that are throwing false words/insults/false information&accusations against me. Curse and death to all people that are insinuating/implying false information/false words/ insults/false accusations towards me. Curse and death to all people that are assaulting&harassing me verbally&non-verbally, online or personal. Mamatay ka Marian Rivera Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa Mamatay ng nagpaparinig nagpapatama sakin ng mga words na heart att**k, shoppee, etc mjytbn
크로아상의 최대의 단점이, 갓구워져나왔을땐, 영상처럼 바싹하나.. 1~2시간지나면, 눅직해지거든요.. 님은 어떤가요..?
보관할경우 맛에대한 퀄리티가 많이 떨어질까요..? 당일날 먹긴할텐데
안녕하세요^^ 하루 정도는 괜찮답니다^^
안녕하세요^^ 후디스 그릭요거트 플레인이라는 제품 입니다^^
ㅋ nice . . . . sharing . . . . . . delicious 도합 Do hope $10,-
🥰🥰🥰 감사합니다
보기에도 이뿌고 맛있어보이네요. 사람들 초대시 간단히 만들 수 있겠네요.
넹^^ 감사합니다. 한번 만들어보세요🥰
@@amouthfulspoonful2325 Mamatay ng galibak gadaut gapakalat maling impormasyon gabuhat ug dautang plano sakoa yawaa ka! My prayers and supplication and curse are my cheat meal. "give example" YOUR ASS!!! ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS BY YOURSELF! DON'T MAKE ME DUMB BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS, Y'ALL ARE THE REAL IDIOTS/MORONS! Since when having magical powers/sorcery/magic arts a very bad thing/evil thing? Since 2000 years ago... I'm 1,000,000% serious when it comes to Bible... Why are you prohibiting me from going anywhere? You have no right to control my every movement! F_CK YOU! And who gave you the authority to kill anyone that opposes your agenda/policy/rules? Who gave you the right or the authority to kill or struck anyone with magical powers that doesn't want to take or do that "THING"? As far as I know, as soon as the human is born, God doesn't require people to do or to have a magical powers. The Lord God Almighty doesn't require his people to practice or to possess a magical powers. Therefore it is voluntary, not compulsory/forced.. So you think I'm scared of what you are insinuating/implying? So you think I'm afraid of what words you are throwing against me?Curse and death to all people that are showing me gestures of me being useless/w*ste (slapping / clapping of both hands, rubbing both hands together, etc) , Amen. My prayers and curse are crazy. "watch people perform evil magical powers " "watch people read each others mind" "watch people having evil magical powers" In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit Amen - the anger and wrath of the Lord God Almighty, the Heavenly Father, will be poured out on those people that verbally/non-verbally and physically assault/harass me directly and indirectly, backstab/backbite me, insinuating/implying/throwing false, hurtful words/insults/false accusations & information against me like"died","dead","die","last"."thi*f","lift","att**k,"de*th","ste*l", "bye",etc, falsely accused me, slander/defame me, plots against me, and speak badly of my name. Those same people will be an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach, In Jesus name, AMEN! I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. You can continue with that thing. No one's stopping you. You have my support. Just don't force that thing to me, OK? What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. If it's not an evil thing, then show it. Because for me, it seems to be that way. In Jesus name! It will NOT affect me! So you're thinking I'm dead inside and you're whistling on me? You do need to justify your actions to me! There will be no secrets that will not be revealed. I'm going to find that out sooner or later. You want verbal/non-verbal war? I give you verbal/non-verbal war! Big OOOPS too! I love a challenge! You lied when you said you don't know me! Once you know, you cannot unknow. Whistle whistle whistle eyeglass sunglass cap hat eyeglass sunglass cap hat I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. My prayers and curse never stop too... I will fight you back.What you say and throw to me over and over again won't affect/trigger/activate on me. Same goes to me too, I'm not affected too. Ah so you all are assuming and thinking that if you clap or slap both of your hands together at me, I will collapse or die?!? And also, you all have been thinking and assuming that if you are insinuating/implying/throwing words like "die","last","6","waste", and many other false harsh hurtful words against me, it will have an effect on me? You all are wishing/hoping it will activate/trigger on me? That's the most idiotic / moronic / stupidest / dumbest mindset / thinking I've ever known in my life.. I will talkback/backtalk/fightback at you all forever and ever Mamatay ordinaryong tao, naga voice over/TV reporter&anchor/commentator/actor/vlogger aning channel nagpaparinig nagpapatama nagaigo nagatira sakoa ug words na bye,we*rd, thi*f, sh*p, sh*pping,he*rt atta*k, b*tter, ste*l, say*ng, waste, att**k, l*ft, upl*ft, di*d, die, de*d, death, last, puso, hart, etc diri video ug sa comments section Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa diri sa comments section ug sa video. Curse and death to all people that are throwing false words/insults/false information&accusations against me. Curse and death to all people that are insinuating/implying false information/false words/ insults/false accusations towards me. Curse and death to all people that are assaulting&harassing me verbally&non-verbally, online or personal. Mamatay ka Marian Rivera Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa Mamatay ng nagpaparinig nagpapatama sakin ng mga words na heart att**k, shoppee, etc mnhh
Mamatay ng galibak gadaut gapakalat maling impormasyon gabuhat ug dautang plano sakoa yawaa ka! My prayers and supplication and curse are my cheat meal. "give example" YOUR ASS!!! ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS BY YOURSELF! DON'T MAKE ME DUMB BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS, Y'ALL ARE THE REAL IDIOTS/MORONS! Since when having magical powers/sorcery/magic arts a very bad thing/evil thing? Since 2000 years ago... I'm 1,000,000% serious when it comes to Bible... Why are you prohibiting me from going anywhere? You have no right to control my every movement! F_CK YOU! And who gave you the authority to kill anyone that opposes your agenda/policy/rules? Who gave you the right or the authority to kill or struck anyone with magical powers that doesn't want to take or do that "THING"? As far as I know, as soon as the human is born, God doesn't require people to do or to have a magical powers. The Lord God Almighty doesn't require his people to practice or to possess a magical powers. Therefore it is voluntary, not compulsory/forced.. So you think I'm scared of what you are insinuating/implying? So you think I'm afraid of what words you are throwing against me?Curse and death to all people that are showing me gestures of me being useless/w*ste (slapping / clapping of both hands, rubbing both hands together, etc) , Amen. My prayers and curse are crazy. "watch people perform evil magical powers " "watch people read each others mind" "watch people having evil magical powers" In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit Amen - the anger and wrath of the Lord God Almighty, the Heavenly Father, will be poured out on those people that verbally/non-verbally and physically assault/harass me directly and indirectly, backstab/backbite me, insinuating/implying/throwing false, hurtful words/insults/false accusations & information against me like"died","dead","die","last"."thi*f","lift","att**k,"de*th","ste*l", "bye",etc, falsely accused me, slander/defame me, plots against me, and speak badly of my name. Those same people will be an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach, In Jesus name, AMEN! I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. You can continue with that thing. No one's stopping you. You have my support. Just don't force that thing to me, OK? What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. If it's not an evil thing, then show it. Because for me, it seems to be that way. In Jesus name! It will NOT affect me! So you're thinking I'm dead inside and you're whistling on me? You do need to justify your actions to me! There will be no secrets that will not be revealed. I'm going to find that out sooner or later. You want verbal/non-verbal war? I give you verbal/non-verbal war! Big OOOPS too! I love a challenge! You lied when you said you don't know me! Once you know, you cannot unknow. Whistle whistle whistle eyeglass sunglass cap hat eyeglass sunglass cap hat I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. My prayers and curse never stop too... I will fight you back.What you say and throw to me over and over again won't affect/trigger/activate on me. Same goes to me too, I'm not affected too. Ah so you all are assuming and thinking that if you clap or slap both of your hands together at me, I will collapse or die?!? And also, you all have been thinking and assuming that if you are insinuating/implying/throwing words like "die","last","6","waste", and many other false harsh hurtful words against me, it will have an effect on me? You all are wishing/hoping it will activate/trigger on me? That's the most idiotic / moronic / stupidest / dumbest mindset / thinking I've ever known in my life.. I will talkback/backtalk/fightback at you all forever and ever Mamatay ordinaryong tao, naga voice over/TV reporter&anchor/commentator/actor/vlogger aning channel nagpaparinig nagpapatama nagaigo nagatira sakoa ug words na bye,we*rd, thi*f, sh*p, sh*pping,he*rt atta*k, b*tter, ste*l, say*ng, waste, att**k, l*ft, upl*ft, di*d, die, de*d, death, last, puso, hart, etc diri video ug sa comments section Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa diri sa comments section ug sa video. Curse and death to all people that are throwing false words/insults/false information&accusations against me. Curse and death to all people that are insinuating/implying false information/false words/ insults/false accusations towards me. Curse and death to all people that are assaulting&harassing me verbally&non-verbally, online or personal. Mamatay ka Marian Rivera Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa Mamatay ng nagpaparinig nagpapatama sakin ng mga words na heart att**k, shoppee, etc nbytg
@@amouthfulspoonful2325 Mamatay ng galibak gadaut gapakalat maling impormasyon gabuhat ug dautang plano sakoa yawaa ka! My prayers and supplication and curse are my cheat meal. "give example" YOUR ASS!!! ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS BY YOURSELF! DON'T MAKE ME DUMB BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS, Y'ALL ARE THE REAL IDIOTS/MORONS! Since when having magical powers/sorcery/magic arts a very bad thing/evil thing? Since 2000 years ago... I'm 1,000,000% serious when it comes to Bible... Why are you prohibiting me from going anywhere? You have no right to control my every movement! F_CK YOU! And who gave you the authority to kill anyone that opposes your agenda/policy/rules? Who gave you the right or the authority to kill or struck anyone with magical powers that doesn't want to take or do that "THING"? As far as I know, as soon as the human is born, God doesn't require people to do or to have a magical powers. The Lord God Almighty doesn't require his people to practice or to possess a magical powers. Therefore it is voluntary, not compulsory/forced.. So you think I'm scared of what you are insinuating/implying? So you think I'm afraid of what words you are throwing against me?Curse and death to all people that are showing me gestures of me being useless/w*ste (slapping / clapping of both hands, rubbing both hands together, etc) , Amen. My prayers and curse are crazy. "watch people perform evil magical powers " "watch people read each others mind" "watch people having evil magical powers" In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit Amen - the anger and wrath of the Lord God Almighty, the Heavenly Father, will be poured out on those people that verbally/non-verbally and physically assault/harass me directly and indirectly, backstab/backbite me, insinuating/implying/throwing false, hurtful words/insults/false accusations & information against me like"died","dead","die","last"."thi*f","lift","att**k,"de*th","ste*l", "bye",etc, falsely accused me, slander/defame me, plots against me, and speak badly of my name. Those same people will be an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach, In Jesus name, AMEN! I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. You can continue with that thing. No one's stopping you. You have my support. Just don't force that thing to me, OK? What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. What's the meaning of whistling in the graveyard? I'm just curious. I'm just asking. If it's not an evil thing, then show it. Because for me, it seems to be that way. In Jesus name! It will NOT affect me! So you're thinking I'm dead inside and you're whistling on me? You do need to justify your actions to me! There will be no secrets that will not be revealed. I'm going to find that out sooner or later. You want verbal/non-verbal war? I give you verbal/non-verbal war! Big OOOPS too! I love a challenge! You lied when you said you don't know me! Once you know, you cannot unknow. Whistle whistle whistle eyeglass sunglass cap hat eyeglass sunglass cap hat I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. My prayers and curse never stop too... I will fight you back.What you say and throw to me over and over again won't affect/trigger/activate on me. Same goes to me too, I'm not affected too. Ah so you all are assuming and thinking that if you clap or slap both of your hands together at me, I will collapse or die?!? And also, you all have been thinking and assuming that if you are insinuating/implying/throwing words like "die","last","6","waste", and many other false harsh hurtful words against me, it will have an effect on me? You all are wishing/hoping it will activate/trigger on me? That's the most idiotic / moronic / stupidest / dumbest mindset / thinking I've ever known in my life.. I will talkback/backtalk/fightback at you all forever and ever Mamatay ordinaryong tao, naga voice over/TV reporter&anchor/commentator/actor/vlogger aning channel nagpaparinig nagpapatama nagaigo nagatira sakoa ug words na bye,we*rd, thi*f, sh*p, sh*pping,he*rt atta*k, b*tter, ste*l, say*ng, waste, att**k, l*ft, upl*ft, di*d, die, de*d, death, last, puso, hart, etc diri video ug sa comments section Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa diri sa comments section ug sa video. Curse and death to all people that are throwing false words/insults/false information&accusations against me. Curse and death to all people that are insinuating/implying false information/false words/ insults/false accusations towards me. Curse and death to all people that are assaulting&harassing me verbally&non-verbally, online or personal. Mamatay ka Marian Rivera Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa Mamatay ng nagpaparinig nagpapatama sakin ng mga words na heart att**k, shoppee, etc mnbhyth
하루한끼 주부님 버전 느낌이네요 ㅎㅎ 고퀄 채널인데 구독자가 이것밖에 없다니.. 구독 누르고 갑니다! (참고로 블로그에서 보고 왔어요)
안녕하세요! 영상 잘 봤습니당 혹시 어떤 크루아상을 사용하시는지 알 수 있을까요?
안녕하세요 ^^ 넹🥰 곤트란쉐리에 입니당🤩
간단하면서 맛있어 보이네요~ 햄은 무슨햄 넣으신거예요?
안녕하세요^^ CJ제일제당 더건강한 브런치 슬라이스 햄 이라는 제품 입니다^^
크로와상은 어디꺼인가요
안녕하세요^^ 곤트란쉐리에 라는 제품 입니다
챂스테이크.. 내가 젤 좋아하는데..
국자 진짜 달고나국자네용킄킄
재밌겠네요 ㅋ
크로와상 어디 제품인가요?
넹🥰 곤트란쉐리에 입니당🤩
최고!! 최고!!!
파바 분들 보고 계시ㅣ나요????? 제발 메뉴 내주세요 제발
Oh sehr lecker 😋. Und ein tolles Video vielen Dank 🙏
Thank you👍👍🤩
Great ! 😋
비쥬얼이 끝내줍니다 간단 하면서도 짱! 맛나겠네요
말 안하시닌깐 좋네요오. 감사합니다아.
🥰넵 감사합니다😍
고런 기구들은 어디서 구입?
인터넷으로 주문했어요🥰🥰
간단해서 좋네용~~
식사후 디저트로 딱~이겠네요
Great video and great dessert!
Thank you 😍😍
꼭 한번해먹어봐야겠음다 너무 맛나게생겼어요 배고파연🤪🤪🤪👍👍👍
아..타코야끼 좋아하는데 너무 맛나보입니다ㅎㅎㅎ😍😍😍😍
와 소리도좋고 음식도 너무 먹음직스럽습니다ㅎㅎㅎ👍👍👍👍👍
대~~박 쇠주 생각난다~ㅍㅎㅎ
I like pork!!! Nice and easy recipe... What kind of oil do you use when you cook?? Olive oil?
Hi🥰🥰 I'm making fried rice with the oil that comes from roasting pork belly. For other dishes, I usually use olive oil or canola oil🥰🥰
@@amouthfulspoonful2325 great! thanks