Origins Archival
Origins Archival
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Origins Archival x ARRSCAN Commercial '24
16MM | 35MM
Conveniently Located at the KODAK HOUSE in Hollywood
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Journey to the Wesak Valley
Переглядів 1,2 тис.9 місяців тому
"Journey to the Wesak Valley," directed by Albert Falzon in 1985, has been reborn through a two-year restoration effort at Origins Archival in Los Angeles. The remaster was conducted from the Super8mm camera originals, which were carefully preserved at Falzon's private residence in New South Wales, Australia. There were no missing elements. The genesis of this cinematic odyssey can be traced to...
The Life and Films of Alby Falzon (2009)
Переглядів 35 тис.2 роки тому
In the early 1970s, Albert Falzon was a young surfer, photographer and magazine publisher who decided that he wanted to make a really beautiful film about surfing. Scraping together just enough money for petrol and a few rolls of 16mm film, Alby began periodically driving up the north coast of New South Wales with a couple of surfing buddies and ended up creating one the greatest surf movies of...
Переглядів 2,6 тис.2 роки тому
In the process of remastering Albert Falzon's 1972 classic film, Morning of the Earth, 90 minutes of never-before-seen 16mm camera original outtakes were unexpectedly unearthed. Because of the wealth of this material, a 38-minute film was produced. Getting back to where it all began, this artistic showcase of the “Lost Reels” paints a more complete picture of the filmmaker's journey, and reveal...
Morning of the Earth (1972) Remastered - OFFICIAL TRAILER
Переглядів 69 тис.3 роки тому
NOW STREAMING: Albert Falzon’s 1972 Classic, Morning of the Earth, is internationally renowned as one of the greatest surf films of all time. Its psychedelic imagery and audio-visual tour de force captured the spirit of a generation and became an instant benchmark of avant-garde cinema. A fantasy of surfers living in three unspoiled lands and playing in natures oceans, Mor...
Spoons: A Santa Barbara Story -TEASER
Переглядів 28 тис.4 роки тому
Available now at Dusty archives have been painstakingly tracked down and remastered to bring a new perspective to one of the most crucial periods in surfing’s evolution. From Santa Barbara to Australia, this is a film compiled of never-before-seen footage from surfing’s Golden Age, with outtakes and extras from some of surfing’s most well known filmmakers to tell a history that h...
Spoons: A Santa Barbara Story - OFFICIAL TRAILER
Переглядів 40 тис.4 роки тому
Available now at Dusty archives have been painstakingly tracked down and remastered to bring a new perspective to one of the most crucial periods in surfing’s evolution. From Santa Barbara to Australia, this is a film compiled of never-before-seen footage from surfing’s Golden Age, with outtakes and extras from some of surfing’s most well known filmmakers to tell a history that h...


  • @timdale4047
    @timdale4047 Місяць тому

    No crowds back then. Now it's mental everywhere.

  • @thomasobrien1213
    @thomasobrien1213 5 місяців тому

    George. Absolute ICON. he's why I'm a kneeboarder. GET BARRELS. Stay stoked.

  •  5 місяців тому

    Amazing. Crystal Voyager transform my life and y became a photographer.

  • @carsonforrester3061
    @carsonforrester3061 5 місяців тому

    Great film. I hate that his understanding of the Christian religion is so wrong. I understand how this could happen but that’s sad. I wish he could see that Jesus is the only way. But this was a beautiful surf film

  • @justingurley836
    @justingurley836 6 місяців тому

    Woh. Was shocked to see Trinidad carnival featured in the expanded “Festivals” series. Interesting.

  • @cranny1321
    @cranny1321 6 місяців тому

    I saw Morning of the Earth at The Manly Silver Screen with all my mates. I was about 13 or 14. It was the greatest thing I had ever seen and still holds its own.

  • @cranny1321
    @cranny1321 6 місяців тому

    So many memories. Thanks Alby. I grew up in Collaroy. Steven Cooney, Fitz, and all those guys were a few years older. I went for a 3 week surf trip to the Gold Coast in 76 and came back just over 12 months later lol. I got to know MP a little, had one of his boards. Some of the best days of my life and all came flooding back watching this.

  • @hanshendrix1558
    @hanshendrix1558 7 місяців тому

    Never heard of this, goosebumps🍀

  • @GregJorgo
    @GregJorgo 7 місяців тому


  • @robinbanks610
    @robinbanks610 7 місяців тому

    Started surfing in 71’ as a grommet😉

  • @jackwest5295
    @jackwest5295 7 місяців тому

    Oh my God.. makes me feel old..I was a few years younger than these guys.. but that movie did it for me and many of my mates...surfing all over Australia fo :74 to 80 ..then moved to Indo ..and Europe.... lived like that for many years...

  • @noradahl6799
    @noradahl6799 8 місяців тому


  • @NowIstheTimeUC
    @NowIstheTimeUC 8 місяців тому

    Great/excellent job! Thank you! Some might like to know that there are a lot of details about the Wesak festival (p. 285-297) in "The Masters & the Path", by C. W. Leadbeater, 1925 + PDF book that is very easy to find on a web search.

    • @drmkgp9611
      @drmkgp9611 7 місяців тому

      Yes sir, I've read it many times in its translated version (Telugu). Its a very interesting illustration of the Holy celebration.

  • @buddha108bliss
    @buddha108bliss 8 місяців тому

    LOVE this celebration. :)

  • @allensarlo
    @allensarlo 9 місяців тому

    Great surfing story, I really like it! Awesome So cool.

  • @frankandbeans6414
    @frankandbeans6414 9 місяців тому


  • @Gatotkatcha
    @Gatotkatcha 9 місяців тому

    Hi all. Anyone with an idea to go to wesak valley this year during wesak?

    • @nandapurohit
      @nandapurohit 7 місяців тому

      I would like to go next year

  • @Cabbage_math
    @Cabbage_math 10 місяців тому

    That bottom turn at 1:26 was unreal

  • @amateurmakingmistakes
    @amateurmakingmistakes Рік тому

    Thanks! I saw this at the Pix Theatre in Geelong when it came out, after a surf on the West Coast somewhere. Magic times and magnificent movie! I eventually surfed at Ulu Watu in the late 70s, with only THREE other guys out, one of them Jeff Hakman.

  • @lucyloose2841
    @lucyloose2841 Рік тому

    Yea he definitely has no idea alright thats an under statement...I've never heard so much BS in my life when you know this guy he is full of crap and a full blown Narcissist

  • @neils8443
    @neils8443 Рік тому

    I love the perspective you receive of surfing from whating this film. Surfing always was and is about having connection to nature and experiencing its raw power.

  • @lucyloose2841
    @lucyloose2841 Рік тому

    Made by a fraud a fake and the biggest narcissist liar on the planet

  • @amandadress2565
    @amandadress2565 Рік тому

    Beautiful views

  • @jagz926
    @jagz926 Рік тому

    "All I wanted to do was make a beautiful film"...he sure did

  • @jimmacintosh5129
    @jimmacintosh5129 Рік тому

    I loved this little doco, just saw it 2023. But back in the day after MOTE , jumped in a car with bunch of mates got out of Sydney and lived in one of those dilapidated farm houses and went surfing at Scott's head, when not surfing, played guitars or ate simple food , yep, what a life, Thanks Alby and Tracks and Go-Set

  • @winfieldritzert2176
    @winfieldritzert2176 Рік тому

    MP's cutty was worth the price of admission...legendary film..

  • @princepatel2287
    @princepatel2287 Рік тому

    When prime minister nehru arrived in bali he said “this is the morning of the world” and so the title

  • @youbigtubership
    @youbigtubership Рік тому

    Just found a VHS copy in a street book exchange in Redfern! Couldn't believe my luck! Got home, put it on, some Philistime had recorded SBS news over the entire tape. Glad it was remastered recently.

  • @cryptohitlist9324
    @cryptohitlist9324 Рік тому

    Wow! So glad this video popped up in my feed....amazing!

  • @Sol_Weird
    @Sol_Weird Рік тому

    Really loved this and the opportunity to learn about important surf history.

  • @ManfredMakauskas-y9d
    @ManfredMakauskas-y9d Рік тому

    Wonderful memories of that time. As Albe said, “he wanted to make a beautiful film… “well he certainly did! It’s stood the test of time. Captured surfing life as it was. Thanks Albe

  • @RoySmith-fl3jt
    @RoySmith-fl3jt Рік тому

    Gr8 watch 😉👍🌊🏄‍♂️🌊🏄‍♂️🌊

  • @davidanderson8469
    @davidanderson8469 Рік тому

    Wonderful guy. Thank you for your spirit. I saw Morning of the Earth in my late teens on the floor of a junior high that hosted surfing films. We didn't have money and it was a sellout so the doorman let us in for free. That sweep of Uluwatu still sends shivers down my spine.

  • @SPiL227i
    @SPiL227i Рік тому

    I grew up at North Narrabeen, so thank you for this treasure.

  • @salty2667
    @salty2667 Рік тому

    It’s So Cool… Being Given The World 🌎

  • @RobCummings
    @RobCummings Рік тому

    Thanks for posting that. The only thing I knew about Alby Falzon was that he made Morning of the Earth. It was really inspiring to see all the other stuff he's done.

  • @BarbarraBay
    @BarbarraBay Рік тому

    lol - Bali was cool but Tibet was a medieval serfdom

  • @goodvibes0101
    @goodvibes0101 Рік тому

    Thanks Alby you documented the time and put the huge effort in to preserve that period of the surfing evolution for the generations beyond our lifetime to experience what we did. You can tell it was a passion not profit driven enterprise how the world has changed you have left us with the memories of what I would say were simpler and better times🏄

  • @someroob7915
    @someroob7915 Рік тому

    “Just paddle out. Don’t go in competitions. Steer clear of corporate branding, and give the best wave in the water to yer friend” . That’s a helluva mantra 🤙

  • @deasmanning3170
    @deasmanning3170 Рік тому

    An artful, profound, free and inspiring film/person/life/worldview. Bravo. Lot's of great wisdom in his stories - Mr. Falzon is timeless DUDE for ALL SEASONS.

    • @lucyloose2841
      @lucyloose2841 Рік тому

      You obviously don't him and if you do you still don't know he is an arsehole

  • @vidpromjm
    @vidpromjm Рік тому

    I remember an early misty morning in 1972/3? at Crescent Head, walking out to the point past the line up of vans and combi's nearly all of which were playing Morning of the Earth on the old 8 track. Magic times;)

  • @chrisross3055
    @chrisross3055 Рік тому

    Really appreciate this

  • @bondalemecovillage6738
    @bondalemecovillage6738 Рік тому

    Insane, so good! I saw it when it was doing its rounds initially on the east coast at Waverley College in the hall. A packed house was in awe and it changed my life forever, I have never conformed and have been surfing waves all over the planet since. I now live in a remote tropical paradise and still go missing from here to find new waves. RIP Baddy my old mate, my good friends the Webbers bought Witzig's little abode among the swamp oaks a few doors down from the point. I was living in a tent between Anga and Spookies for a while mid 70's, so happy to have been a young grom thru all of this... found Bali in 1979 and never looked back...

    • @westwindpainting
      @westwindpainting Рік тому

      I met Kim. The aussie in denpasar..treated me like family ..he was the guy there. .he passed away few years ago. He and maury close were my first to guys I met in Bali. Amazing experience...and I was a yank from Virginia..

  • @Brigitbe
    @Brigitbe Рік тому

    Excellent all the way throughout the film 🥰💙

  • @grahamb.4447
    @grahamb.4447 2 роки тому

    The soundtrack itself is a work of art

  • @caseyhansen4567
    @caseyhansen4567 2 роки тому

    My friend richard and I would watch this movie before a surf.then I came across 2 Gordon and Smith single fins 8ft.3in thick...we called them the morning of the earth boards as they kinda looked like m.p. s boards.

  • @MrIsomer
    @MrIsomer 2 роки тому

    So glad this documentary on Alby was made. His impact on the surfing culture with the release of "Morning of the Earth" was profound. It was his film and the Forgotten Island of Santosha that inspired my travels and film pursuits. In some ways he reminded me of one of my mentors - Bill Delaney. But then Alby took things to a much higher level with his travels to India, Burma and Tibet, and truly travelled the Golden Road to an amazing life and career.

  • @KevinHallSurfing
    @KevinHallSurfing 2 роки тому

    Albe Falzon spot on. By 1974 back in Sydney, had a mortgage, 77 got married, kid on the way and surfing went out the window. MP would still pop in, stay over sometimes, on the way to Bells or whatever and we'd catch up and even have a few surfs which eventually dwindled into all work and zero surfing. Strangely the short trip to the Goldie, saying with Tommy, catching up with Michael at his book launch in 2004, was when I started surfing again after a dry 30 year hiatus. 😎🏄‍♂🌊🌴😍

  • @057rcbartman
    @057rcbartman 2 роки тому

    Forever young when i see and hear this movie . The benchmark of surfing films !

  • @Alligator6002
    @Alligator6002 2 роки тому

    It's a Start, when you open up your heart 🙏❤️🌊