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The first to be cuckold; See how hard the bones of pre-Qin historians are # Spring and autumn
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Kangxi and his guards left midway while playing chess, and later Kangxi felt guilty #Kangxi #Story
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"Poor God does not go, wealth does not come" after this article, this year will be rich
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Those sarcastic quacks in ancient times, make you laugh # jokes # traditional culture # storytelling
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Revealing the internal secrets of Pingshu, interesting Pingshu title jargon # industry terms
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Those interesting things in the middle of the year # intangible cultural heritage # storytelling
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Sun Yi story: Cao Cao's life the most regret one thing # Three Kingdoms # traditional culture # joke
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Look at the ancient holidays, you will envy which dynasty # hot ## non-genetic inheritance
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The best state of life half, half! The best state of life half, half! # The best state of life
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See the ancients engaged in promotion also crazy! # Non-genetic inheritance # storytelling
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Learn this formula and you can predict the weather like Zhuge Liang # Zhuge Liang
Переглядів 1914 днів тому
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The ancient people speak of fun, Bole sell horses # hot # Bole # non-genetic inheritance
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A few metaphors, say life # life perception # life # storytelling
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Sun Yi Pingshu: The most interesting epitaph in history # Pingshu # Traditional culture # Knowledge
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Money can cure what disease, the ancients have already prescribed a good prescription
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Money can cure what disease, the ancients have already prescribed a good prescription
Several secrets of the college entrance examination, refueling for the college entrance examination
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Several secrets of the college entrance examination, refueling for the college entrance examination
There are no serious people # heritage season # knowledge # funny
Переглядів 3814 днів тому
There are no serious people # heritage season # knowledge # funny
The Dragon King lost his temper and said that a Pingshu small Guankou # Pingshu Guankou
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The Dragon King lost his temper and said that a Pingshu small Guankou # Pingshu Guankou
Sun Yi storytelling: Smashing the site of the listener # smashing the site # storytelling # funny
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Sun Yi storytelling: Smashing the site of the listener # smashing the site # storytelling # funny
SunYiStorytelling: Zheng Banqiao send thief poem # Zheng Banqiao # traditional culture #storytelling
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SunYiStorytelling: Zheng Banqiao send thief poem # Zheng Banqiao # traditional culture #storytelling
Sun Yi Bookstore: Does the mouse trap have anything to do with you? # Butterfly effect
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Sun Yi Bookstore: Does the mouse trap have anything to do with you? # Butterfly effect
道不盜,非常盜,盜亦有道,盜不離道#正能量 #傳統文化 #海盜 #中華文化 #博大精深
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道不盜,非常盜,盜亦有道,盜不離道#正能量 #傳統文 #海盜 #中華文 #博大精深
Sun Yi said: a ridiculous dream#评书 #做梦 #評書
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Sun Yi said: a ridiculous dream#评书 #做梦 #評書
Life in the world, three do not laugh three do not black#正能量 #涨知识 #評書
Переглядів 1821 день тому
Life in the world, three do not laugh three do not black#正能量 #涨知识 #評書
Look at the ancient failed celebrity, failed can be so bull! #热点小助手 #搞笑 #评书 #shorts
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Look at the ancient failed celebrity, failed can be so bull! #热点小助手 #搞笑 #评书 #shorts
Big belly can tolerate the world difficult things涨知识 #传统文化 #正能量 #評書
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Big belly can tolerate the world difficult things涨知识 #传统文 #正能量 #評書
Where is your home? The zodiac's residence, please take the right seat haha #評書 #漲知識
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Where is your home? The zodiac's residence, please take the right seat haha #評書 #漲知識
Sun Yi story: Hu Xueyan's great defeat left three major Revelations for posterity!#評書 #涨知识
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Sun Yi story: Hu Xueyan's great defeat left three major Revelations for posterity!#評書 #涨知识
The bottom of the box. The bottom of the box#评书 #漲知識
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The bottom of the box. The bottom of the box#评书 #漲知識


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  • @Max-uv6bt
    @Max-uv6bt 2 місяці тому

    😆😆😆 太棒了 👍👍👍

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    )二零二四年一月三十一日,美国国会众议院议长麦克·约翰逊(Mike Johnson)在国际宗教自由峰会上的发言中,谴责中共活摘法轮功学员器官。 '图1:美国国会众议院议长麦克·约翰逊谴责中共活摘法轮功学员器官' 图1:美国国会众议院议长麦克·约翰逊谴责中共活摘法轮功学员器官 一月三十日和三十一日,国际宗教自由峰会(International Religious Freedom Summit)在美国华盛顿特区举行。约翰逊表示,他生命中的大部分时间和事业都在捍卫宗教信仰自由。他说,“我很荣幸与大家一起反对全球各地发生的对宗教信仰自由的迫害。” 谈到中共对信仰自由的迫害,约翰逊说,“中共将西藏佛教徒和法轮功学员关押在劳教所,活摘他们的器官。” 他说,在维吾尔自治区,维吾尔人在中共种族灭绝运动中遭受苦难,被强迫绝育,受到关押。 他说,中国是迫害最严重的国家。象中共这样的政权无法在经济繁荣和社会流动性上,为公民有所贡献,如果你限制公民的宗教信仰自由,你的政权就是暴政。只有人们被允许实践他们的信仰时,经济才会繁荣。 他强调,美国有责任防止在中国发生种族灭绝罪行,惩罚那些肇事者。 他表示,信仰自由是创世主赐予的,“我们知道宗教信仰自由是普世价值,任何地方都应该有宗教信仰自由,这是创世主赐予我们的。” “我们在宗教自由的旗帜下聚集在国际宗教自由峰会,提倡宗教自由真正的属于所有的人。”他说,“我们宣布,这不言而喻的普世真理,是我们不可剥夺的权利,特别是宗教信仰自由是神赐予的,而不是政府给予的。” 二零二三年三月二十七日,美国国会众议院以413票对2票通过了《2023年停止活摘器官法案》(Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023),惩罚活摘器官罪行。 这是美国首次以立法(而非象征性的)方式,打击中共对良心犯的活摘器官暴行,并以压倒性票数获得通过。 根据法案的相关细节,对参与活摘器官者的惩罚包括:最高25万美元的民事处罚,以及最高100万美元、20年监禁的刑事处罚。 该法案的主要发起人、新泽西州共和党籍众议员克里斯·史密斯(Chris Smith)对媒体表示,活摘器官是一种暴行,这是一种反人类罪,也是一种战争罪,“因为这是对中国无辜人民的战争,(中共领导人)习近平应负直接责任,但那些心甘情愿从事这种行为的人也将被究责。” 二零二二年四月,史密斯议员发表声明表示,直到目前,法轮功学员仍在被中共抓捕、拘押、酷刑迫害,被最残酷的手段迫害致死,其中包括被活摘器官。他们的器官在医疗市场贩卖,而这一切仅仅因为他们相信基本人权和基本的信仰自由,言论自由和集会自由。 史密斯说:“美国国会必须立即采取行动,通过我提出的法案,旨在打击人口贩运和活摘器官,惩罚那些参与或纵容这种毫无人性的野蛮行径的国家。”