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Бял елен край Московец
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Бял елен край Московец
50 години община Стрелча
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50 години община Стрелча
Podrick Payne - High in the Halls Game of Thrones
Переглядів 148 тис.5 років тому
Podrick Payne - High in the Halls Game of Thrones
Кметицата и цял Черноземен се борят да спасят църквата си
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Сопот: Тържествено отбелязаха националния празник на България
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Сопот: Тържествено отбелязаха националния празник на България
Ето така възпитават в Карлово децата да са истински родолюбци
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Карловското село Домлян излезе да аплодира кукерите си, уникалната традиция се спазва от векове


  • @kovacssandor5175
    @kovacssandor5175 2 роки тому

    Nem saját felvétel, a NOVA Tv tulajdona, letiltotta a hangot.

  • @ΓρηγόρηςΠανούσης

    the scenes before the battle of winterfell as well as its start are goated. somehow they ruined it all in the same episode

  • @awesomepossum2598
    @awesomepossum2598 2 роки тому

    Tbh. It probably would’ve been better if they did season 8 in reverse. Have the characters deal with Cersei with Jamie being the one to finish her off, and then deal with the night king since, y’know, they hyped him up as this big bad for the entire show 😂

    • @ZIGZAG12345
      @ZIGZAG12345 2 роки тому

      Jamie "finished off" inside Cersei quite often!

  • @EloImFizzy
    @EloImFizzy 2 роки тому

    Its so sad to me that this was the only episode I liked from start to finish in the final season of what started out as an incredible show. Even then its been almost 3 years since I watched this episode, so I could easily be forgetting about something I disliked.

  • @FrankIsDoingThings
    @FrankIsDoingThings 2 роки тому

    I'm so glad got the box set with seasons 1-7

  • @SGCP.
    @SGCP. 2 роки тому

    Ебах тоя клюн

  • @Маафака
    @Маафака 2 роки тому

    Как нито един виновен няма никога, каква утопична и прекрасна държава ....

  • @teclishighloremasterofhoet7488
    @teclishighloremasterofhoet7488 2 роки тому

    The song is called “Jenny Of Oldstones”

  • @aegonthedragon7303
    @aegonthedragon7303 2 роки тому

    In terms of individual scenes: season 8 actually had many. This, Brienne’s knighting, Theon’s sacrifice, Drogon and Rhaegal flying over Winterfell, Dany destroying all those scorpions, even the Night King’s defeat. But as a whole? Gods what a fucking mess.

  • @dorisstinnett4125
    @dorisstinnett4125 2 роки тому

    The animated touch apically add because time postprandially sign abaft a sleepy experience. wretched, onerous macrame

  • @walker11907
    @walker11907 2 роки тому

    This song is legit the ONLY good part about season 8

  • @marielaberge8236
    @marielaberge8236 2 роки тому

    I misread the title of this video and thought it said "Podrick Payne - High as Balls"

  • @MsTinkerbelle87
    @MsTinkerbelle87 2 роки тому

    I bet Pod sang for those girls lol @0:39 the chemistry!!! They missed a chance there :(

    • @eXCee
      @eXCee 2 роки тому

      Wasn't really much of a chemistry, fealt more like guilt.

  • @michaelrey2159
    @michaelrey2159 3 роки тому

    Say what you will about Season 8, this has to be amongst the most powerful scenes in the series. Really gets you emotionally.

  • @sadiarahman3743
    @sadiarahman3743 3 роки тому

    That scene, Theon and Sansa gazing at each other, I really liked it a bit too much.

  • @stillasp
    @stillasp 3 роки тому

    Good song

  • @uncle6431
    @uncle6431 3 роки тому

    Высоко в залах? Я хочу быть только в одном зале! Зал Дредфорта! Когда леди Болтон заберет себе Винтерхелл, Подрик окажется в состоянии, подобном Вонючему, где он должен будет петь для Руза и Рамзи. РЖУ НЕ МОГУ!

  • @ryang54712
    @ryang54712 3 роки тому

    Bronn and podrick need to drop an album

  • @zEondota
    @zEondota 3 роки тому

    Finally we know why those tavern girls didn't take anything from podrick, he sang for them!

  • @MarijaCZadar
    @MarijaCZadar 3 роки тому

    I'm now at Season 6, lurking ahead, very excited about what's to come.

  • @evyuser
    @evyuser 3 роки тому

    Pod is treasure

  • @krasimirtodorov6229
    @krasimirtodorov6229 3 роки тому

    Slab aktior si dalgoto nosle sig e mn laji i te slabiii kakto tezi koito kazvash sega !!

  • @andrewmorrow967
    @andrewmorrow967 3 роки тому

    this is the reason those ladies gave him back the gold

    • @Kris.G
      @Kris.G 3 роки тому

      Yes, he was only moving his lips to fool everyone the voice came from his throat.

  • @veselinmihalev4240
    @veselinmihalev4240 3 роки тому


  • @benjacobs6656
    @benjacobs6656 3 роки тому

    This was the best episode of season 8 bar far and this was definitely the best scene of the season.

  • @BLK_MN
    @BLK_MN 3 роки тому

    I still can’t believe: Season 8 was only SIX episodes Winter was over in like.... a week? They ended the show with the “battle” at Kings Landing vs the Lannisters, instead of the White Walkers and Night King, who would march the vast majority of their army past Castle Black and The Wall, because why the fuck would they immediately attack the only group of people that could stop them, and while there were literally tens of thousands of bodies ripe for the taking throughout Westeros because of... I dunno the previous 7 seasons of warring there? Could have been a spectacular finale of all the kingdoms uniting against a massive army of undead, even resurrecting old characters, but no, Winter came and went in a single episode, all that build up for NOTHING.

    • @valaxius
      @valaxius 3 роки тому

      Um the nights watch couldnt stop them. No one could. Pun intended. The nights watch was a mediocre target. Not worth it. Arya was the only one who could even get near the NK. Jon couldnt get close given the NK heard him way before he could reach him. It had to be Arya. It was all or nothing. Thanks to Jon the north and Dany came together and winter fell at Winterfell (foreshadowing). You shouldnt be surprised.

    • @BLK_MN
      @BLK_MN 3 роки тому

      @@valaxius I never argued that the Night’s Watch alone could stop them. Having everything depend on a single character like Arya is bad writing. The NK would hear Jon Snow coming? Okay??? That’s a stupid reason, and I never said anything about Jon needing to be the one to kill the NK. And Winterfell being “foreshadowing” for how Winter would be over after the army of the dead attacked it? You’re a moron.

    • @valaxius
      @valaxius 3 роки тому

      @@BLK_MN lmao you took the bait. Of course season 8 was complete shit. But I wanted to troll you.

  • @radoslavpanchev4218
    @radoslavpanchev4218 3 роки тому

    Имаш турска кръв Носорог. Типично Турски Нос. БОГ ЗНАЕ НАЙ ДОБРЕ, НО НЕВИНЕН ЗА ДВЕ УБИЙСТВА, ЕДВА ЛИ????

  • @magdalenaborisova8988
    @magdalenaborisova8988 3 роки тому

    Не Папагала😀😀😀

  • @rodriguezcesar
    @rodriguezcesar 3 роки тому

    0:28 Se Amaban

  • @Pielover78
    @Pielover78 3 роки тому

    Season 8 might’ve been a complete mess, but this scene is definitely my favorite of the season.

  • @InfamousB9
    @InfamousB9 3 роки тому

    This song is amaizing,deserve cover by some great band

    • @holbvgbbbbkfz
      @holbvgbbbbkfz 2 роки тому

      No band just Florence Hope you heard and loved her version of jenny of oldstones

  • @ursosentado
    @ursosentado 3 роки тому

    now we know why Pod f*cked the whores of kings landing for free he sang to them

  • @linacaromina
    @linacaromina 3 роки тому

    This episode is the only good thing that season 8 gave me. Sorry not sorry.

  • @charmewithcem4830
    @charmewithcem4830 3 роки тому

    love Podricks voice. From all the jabronis in the show, he is my favorite.

  • @rosenborisov9963
    @rosenborisov9963 3 роки тому

    Той пък наивника по две дела невинен а ебах систематА ААА невинен е човека щом синът му казва ?

  • @africanrebel2567
    @africanrebel2567 3 роки тому

    Как му е името? Клюна

    • @krasimirmihaylov9551
      @krasimirmihaylov9551 3 роки тому

      Колко си забавен само, льохман такъв

    • @africanrebel2567
      @africanrebel2567 3 роки тому

      @@krasimirmihaylov9551 и аз като майка ти

    • @Пробуденъ
      @Пробуденъ 3 роки тому

      @@africanrebel2567 ок африканският бунтовник дето няма да издържи и ден в Африка

    • @magdalenaborisova8988
      @magdalenaborisova8988 3 роки тому


    • @Пробуденъ
      @Пробуденъ 3 роки тому

      @@magdalenaborisova8988 😆 🤣 😂

  • @spicypickle889
    @spicypickle889 3 роки тому

    Grey Worm kissing Missandei before marching off to war is the strongest flex of the series.

    • @ad-dk3md
      @ad-dk3md 3 роки тому

      Mid-sex; Melisandre cuffed Gendry to a bed, put a leech on his penis tip, and burned the leeches in a sacrifice to kill Joffrey, Robb, and Balon. I got the red woman for 500 flex points

    • @indra_vrtrahan
      @indra_vrtrahan 2 роки тому

      Seems more like a dark joke since what is even the point since he does not even have the "oath keeper"

  • @phishtix452
    @phishtix452 3 роки тому

    Damn I should really watch this show

    • @keneogbechie4960
      @keneogbechie4960 3 роки тому

      You really should

    • @aleemizcool3654
      @aleemizcool3654 3 роки тому

      Read the books bro, the show only sets you up for heartbreak once it falls off. Read the books and then watch the show either simultaneously along with the books or after you're done the books

    • @phishtix452
      @phishtix452 3 роки тому

      @@aleemizcool3654 👍

    • @Whiteboy781ify
      @Whiteboy781ify 3 роки тому

      Watch till season 6 then forget anything after. You could read the books but i feels that a bigger disappointment if the author doesnt finish it.

  • @superfreaktitan
    @superfreaktitan 3 роки тому

    "So the first couple of episodes are everyone meeting and reuniting and in Winterfell...ya know, Arya's gonna sleep with Gendry.." "Oh, having seen her grow up on the show, that makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable, is she 18?" "That's certainly what people are going to google, but yes she is."

    • @gyulasarsanszky115
      @gyulasarsanszky115 3 роки тому

      The actor might be. Arya not

    • @darth856
      @darth856 3 роки тому

      ​@@gyulasarsanszky115 the actor is what matters most, really. For legal reasons. Dany was not 18 when she married Khal Drogo, but Emilia was.

    • @juliandacosta6841
      @juliandacosta6841 2 роки тому

      I mean sex is something a lot of people would do pre apocalypse

  • @thestevenofsuburbia8431
    @thestevenofsuburbia8431 3 роки тому

    One of the 3 or so scenes in Season 8 that wasn’t utter dogshit

    • @claudiocastro5487
      @claudiocastro5487 3 роки тому

      The other was Briennes knighting and the other?

    • @thestevenofsuburbia8431
      @thestevenofsuburbia8431 3 роки тому

      @@claudiocastro5487 3 was an estimate. SuperCuts made a list of the good ones. It’s like 10 or so

    • @thestevenofsuburbia8431
      @thestevenofsuburbia8431 3 роки тому

      @@claudiocastro5487 I’d say a couple that really stood out to me though were Sam reacting to the news that Randyll and Dickon died, Jon finding out he’s a Targaryen, and Theon’s death

    • @ananthakrishnana5788
      @ananthakrishnana5788 3 роки тому

      @@claudiocastro5487 the other one is davos remembering Shireen when he saw a kid like her

  • @hasteeafnani4259
    @hasteeafnani4259 3 роки тому

    Am I the only one who thought Theon and Sansa would have been so beautiful together as a couple?

    • @mellodraws
      @mellodraws 3 роки тому

      yes you were

    • @ajmals922
      @ajmals922 3 роки тому

      Yes Absolutely

    • @ajmals922
      @ajmals922 3 роки тому

      They had a More younger Brother and Sister wibe even though he was older one ever since loosing his lil buddy he’s been like the younger one.

    • @ad-dk3md
      @ad-dk3md 3 роки тому

      I love it bc it would be really pure. Since theon is a eunuch, they wouldnt have traditional sex. It would be a purely emotional marriage, because they would always be there for each other. I think that suits Sansa. Her arc started with her craving royal babies and a King husband. By the end of the series,she is completely independent with no desire for children or a man. Theon fits into that perfectly. They're best friends that protect each other, know each other better than most\all, and require nothing else of the other. I could go on but I love it. Needed more scenes together

    • @eythankarp5221
      @eythankarp5221 3 роки тому


  • @niohulu
    @niohulu 3 роки тому

    yo!! liam payne's ancestor was also a singer

  • @IzaakCha7
    @IzaakCha7 3 роки тому

    That kiss between Missandei and Greyworm is one of the best in film imo, and I usually don't give a fuq about that kind of thing

  • @matthewwalker4834
    @matthewwalker4834 3 роки тому

    What a great way to end the series. Complete suspense, we'll never know who survives and who takes the throne since this is the last episode.

    • @nightking2182
      @nightking2182 3 роки тому


    • @icecreamcake5381
      @icecreamcake5381 3 роки тому

      D&D are such great writers

    • @padraig6200
      @padraig6200 3 роки тому

      Non ironically think ending the show with this scene fading to black with the song playing, and the song ending as cersei stands on a balcony at the red keep as it begins to snow would've been phenomenal

    • @LornFortheForlorn
      @LornFortheForlorn 3 роки тому

      are you high? the last 2 seasons paled in comparison. they just threw out 5 years of character development in 2 episodes.

    • @padraig6200
      @padraig6200 3 роки тому

      @@LornFortheForlorn are you high? It's quite clearly sarcasm

  • @mysteriousyogurt
    @mysteriousyogurt 3 роки тому

    This video has 420 likes as of the moment I write this. I really like this song, but we gotta keep the culture alive.

  • @blaydeesy2005
    @blaydeesy2005 3 роки тому

    Fuck they ruined this show.

  • @thearomanticshipper4468
    @thearomanticshipper4468 3 роки тому

    Season 8 is shit, but there are a few great scenes!

  • @RaynmanPlays
    @RaynmanPlays 3 роки тому

    Littlefinger thought he was Bael the Bard, but it turns out that Podrick was the real bard all along.

  • @cognoto2159
    @cognoto2159 3 роки тому

    Season 8 is a warcrime, but this is some good shit

    • @darthlazurus4382
      @darthlazurus4382 3 роки тому

      It had good parts. Sadly, they were few and drowned in shite.