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Hong Kong
Приєднався 26 чер 2024
Girl was ridiculed for being ugly,but stunned everyone after washing face,2 princes pursued her!
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #倪妮 #陳坤 #白敬亭 # 天盛長歌 #TheRiseofPhoenixes
Переглядів: 3 637
Girl was thrown to wolves by stepmother, everone thought she was dead, but she's secretly protected!
Переглядів 30 тис.2 години тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #錦繡未央 #唐嫣 #羅晉 #毛曉彤 # The Princess Wei Young 🎈JXWY 【劇名】錦繡未央 【劇情簡介】講述了亡國公主心兒在遭逢國破家亡的變故之後,陰差陽錯成為“李未央”,回到尚書府與仇敵鬥智鬥勇的故事。
Girl was falsely accused of being rebel,everyone thought she was dead,but she has powerful identity!
Переглядів 12 тис.4 години тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #錦繡安寧 # 敏 #張晚意 🎈JXAN 【劇名】錦繡安寧 【劇情簡介】在別院長大的羅家千金羅宜寧自小未受繁文縟節的束縛,因為看不慣眾人對“三哥”羅慎遠的欺負而多次伸出援手,逐漸發現羅慎遠看似落魄實則文武雙全。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/nhjbtns9
Girl hosting ceremony was mocked for low status, unaware she was princess, silencing everyone!
Переглядів 10 тис.7 годин тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #錦繡安寧 # 敏 #張晚意 🎈JXAN 【劇名】錦繡安寧 【劇情簡介】在別院長大的羅家千金羅宜寧自小未受繁文縟節的束縛,因為看不慣眾人對“三哥”羅慎遠的欺負而多次伸出援手,逐漸發現羅慎遠看似落魄實則文武雙全。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/nhjbtns9
Female Beggar was despised upon entering, but she turned out to be emperor's beloved consort!
Переглядів 3,7 тис.9 годин тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #薛平貴與王寶釧 #陳浩民 #宣萱 🎈XPGYWBC 【劇名】薛平貴與王寶釧 【劇情簡介】唐肅宗年間,因宮廷爭鬥,太子流落民間並改姓薛,名平貴。薛平貴長大後進長安,遇相國王允三千金寶釧。寶釧搭彩樓招親,不顧王允反對,與父斷絕關係,薛王二人結為夫妻。兩軍交戰時,代戰公主嫁給平貴,平貴繼承王位,開放兩國通商促進繁榮,此事被寶釧得知,誤會平貴,兩人發生矛盾。平貴告知前塵往事並好言相勸,寶釧深明大義接納代戰,終得一家團圓。
Girl mutated into monster and sacrificed, everyone thought she would dead,but her powerful identity!
Переглядів 11 тис.12 годин тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #盛唐幻夜 #吳倩 #鄭業成 🎈STHY 【劇名】盛唐幻夜 【劇情簡介】戶部侍郎千金葉遠安好打抱不平,在一起花魁被殺案中,誤打誤撞,結識了英勇的捕頭趙瀾之。兩人攜手破案 ,相識相知。遠安從集市上救了一個身份神秘的失憶男子穆樂,收為家僕,豈料這個一根筋的男生對自己絕對忠誠,漸漸萌發愛戀癡念 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/msck49yu
Prince suffered from anorexia for 20 years, but plump girl cured him with a stick of candied fruit!
Переглядів 5 тис.14 годин тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #錦繡安寧 # 敏 #張晚意 🎈JXAN 【劇名】錦繡安寧 【劇情簡介】在別院長大的羅家千金羅宜寧自小未受繁文縟節的束縛,因為看不慣眾人對“三哥”羅慎遠的欺負而多次伸出援手,逐漸發現羅慎遠看似落魄實則文武雙全。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/nhjbtns9
Cinderella disguised as dancer to assassinate prince, but prince fell in love with her!
Переглядів 4,9 тис.16 годин тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #李沁 #秦昊 #錦繡南歌 🎈JXNG 【劇情簡介】講述俠女驪歌借太妃壽宴獻舞,借機刺殺劉義康,卻成為劉義康和奸佞陸遠爭奪的棋子。陰差陽錯之間,驪歌成為沈家將門嫡女,並與劉義康聯姻。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/4p6yjh8c
The executed Girl turned out to be goddess,she summoned lightning with 1 word,everyone knelt in awe!
Переглядів 2,8 тис.19 годин тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #唐藝昕 #王凱熠 #張睿 #林峰 #屈楚蕭 #獨步天下 🎈DBTX 【劇名】獨步天下 【劇情簡介】明神宗萬歷年末,女真族葉赫部的布喜婭瑪拉格格,小名喚東哥,因她的美貌和名聲成了女真各部落的爭奪對象。東哥被兄長作為政治手段送給努爾哈赤,還面對著褚英掠奪式的感情,代善的溫柔體貼,皇太極無可替代的愛,多爾袞的不羈。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/3pefhbpv
Girl was poisoned and transformed into a bat, regained her humanity with a single kiss from prince!
Переглядів 4,3 тис.21 годину тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #盛唐幻夜 #吳倩 #鄭業成 🎈STHY 【劇名】盛唐幻夜 【劇情簡介】戶部侍郎千金葉遠安好打抱不平,在一起花魁被殺案中,誤打誤撞,結識了英勇的捕頭趙瀾之。兩人攜手破案 ,相識相知。遠安從集市上救了一個身份神秘的失憶男子穆樂,收為家僕,豈料這個一根筋的男生對自己絕對忠誠,漸漸萌發愛戀癡念 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/msck49yu
Girl’s spiritual power faded, everyone thought she was dead, but she ascended as a deity!
Переглядів 3,6 тис.День тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #宸汐緣 #倪妮 #張震 🎈CXY 【劇名】宸汐緣 【劇情簡介】戰神九宸萬年前為封印魔神而陷入沈睡後,突因少女靈汐的誤闖而蘇醒,兩人在相處過程中,因彼此欣賞而漸生情愫,靈汐被發現天生自帶煞氣,會解開魔神的封印,使魔神復蘇,禍及天下眾生,兩人感情從此命運波折。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/39ypz45v
Mute girl is disliked by her family, turned out to be reincarnated goddess, god protecting her!
Переглядів 21 тис.День тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #宸汐緣 #倪妮 #張震 🎈CXY 【劇名】宸汐緣 【劇情簡介】戰神九宸萬年前為封印魔神而陷入沈睡後,突因少女靈汐的誤闖而蘇醒,兩人在相處過程中,因彼此欣賞而漸生情愫,靈汐被發現天生自帶煞氣,會解開魔神的封印,使魔神復蘇,禍及天下眾生,兩人感情從此命運波折。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/39ypz45v
No one believed girl was goddess until she revealed ring that freed the dragon god,everyone kneels!
Переглядів 8 тис.День тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #鏡雙城 #李易峰 # 陳鈺琪 🎈JSC 【劇名】鏡雙城 【劇情簡介】講述了海皇蘇摹和空桑郡主白瓔,為守護天下蒼生共同擔負起重建家園的大 ,追求和平的傳奇故事。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/y52xztm9
Cinderella accidentally saves merman, awakening his superpowers, he protects her for life!
Переглядів 18 тис.День тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #鏡雙城 #李易峰 # 陳鈺琪 🎈JSC 【劇名】鏡雙城 【劇情簡介】講述了海皇蘇摹和空桑郡主白瓔,為守護天下蒼生共同擔負起重建家園的大 ,追求和平的傳奇故事。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/y52xztm9
Everyone looks down on new princess, unaware that she’s top assassin, and makes them pay the price!
Переглядів 376 тис.14 днів тому
#中國電視劇 #Engsub #古裝影視劇 #玄幻電視劇 #李沁 #秦昊 #錦繡南歌 🎈JXNG 【劇情簡介】講述俠女驪歌借太妃壽宴獻舞,借機刺殺劉義康,卻成為劉義康和奸佞陸遠爭奪的棋子。陰差陽錯之間,驪歌成為沈家將門嫡女,並與劉義康聯姻。 【播放列表】tinyurl.com/4p6yjh8c
Cold-faced young hero sheds his first tear in 20 years,just because this girl's words moved him!
Переглядів 12 тис.14 днів тому
Cold-faced young hero sheds his first tear in 20 years,just because this girl's words moved him!
General caused Cinderella’s death,5 years later, he saw her appeared by prince’s side,regretted it!
Переглядів 14 тис.14 днів тому
General caused Cinderella’s death,5 years later, he saw her appeared by prince’s side,regretted it!
Cinderella endured for 10 years,returning as princess,she seeks revenge on sly woman who harmed mom!
Переглядів 70 тис.14 днів тому
Cinderella endured for 10 years,returning as princess,she seeks revenge on sly woman who harmed mom!
Cinderella was betrayed by the general, but she married prince, leaving general filled with regret!
Переглядів 100 тис.14 днів тому
Cinderella was betrayed by the general, but she married prince, leaving general filled with regret!
Frail girl was looked down upon, yet she single-handedly drove back 100,000 troops!
Переглядів 6 тис.14 днів тому
Frail girl was looked down upon, yet she single-handedly drove back 100,000 troops!
Everyone thought she wouldn't survive, but her words made emperor arrange for her to fake her death!
Переглядів 4,1 тис.14 днів тому
Everyone thought she wouldn't survive, but her words made emperor arrange for her to fake her death!
General saved girl and was shocked to see her hairpin,she was his long-lost savior for 10 years!
Переглядів 21 тис.21 день тому
General saved girl and was shocked to see her hairpin,she was his long-lost savior for 10 years!
The abandoned girl wakes up to find she is princess, receiving adoration from thousands!
Переглядів 46 тис.21 день тому
The abandoned girl wakes up to find she is princess, receiving adoration from thousands!
Sly girl bullied the newcomer Cinderella, not knowing she was princess,prince was furious!
Переглядів 11 тис.21 день тому
Sly girl bullied the newcomer Cinderella, not knowing she was princess,prince was furious!
Cinderella revealed her true identity with a song, prince recognized her as savior he searched!
Переглядів 56 тис.21 день тому
Cinderella revealed her true identity with a song, prince recognized her as savior he searched!
Girl stumbled into mansion and saved blind man, not realizing he is not easy,marry her as princess!
Переглядів 163 тис.21 день тому
Girl stumbled into mansion and saved blind man, not realizing he is not easy,marry her as princess!
Cinderella had the power to heal the general, and he fell deeply in love with her!
Переглядів 7 тис.21 день тому
Cinderella had the power to heal the general, and he fell deeply in love with her!
Prince had avoided women for 20 years, but fell in love with a chubby girl enjoying her meal!
Переглядів 1,1 млн21 день тому
Prince had avoided women for 20 years, but fell in love with a chubby girl enjoying her meal!
Girl was offered as sacrifice, everyone thought she was doomed, unaware of her powerful identity!
Переглядів 2,4 млн28 днів тому
Girl was offered as sacrifice, everyone thought she was doomed, unaware of her powerful identity!
Cinderella was forced to marry strange man,only to find out he was lover who separated for 10 years!
Переглядів 13 тис.28 днів тому
Cinderella was forced to marry strange man,only to find out he was lover who separated for 10 years!
MAGYARUL: (A MéregTű csapdát állított, és azt hitte, elkaphatja Zhou Fejt/Tündért a 48-as erődből Hamupipőke váratlanul mester volt, és egy ellenséggel száz ellen tört ki az ostromból Anzsu Kém Óriás Párduc ellen..) 2024-11-22.
Whats the name of the first song playing in the background
Chubby? 😂😂😂😂
Some of these comments are wild. This is a Chinese fantasy drama which is similar to supernatural & other fantasy dramas. Names and titles of the characters are inspired from ancient Chinese mythology and culture. It’s not real. I don’t get how there are ppl who come on here and talk about God in a fantasy show or act like this is a true story. That’s equivalent to saying little mermaid is fact and God should punish her for turning into a human and marrying a prince. Come one people! Mental health can’t be that bad globally. Smh
Tolong terjemah kan bahas Indonesia
She is so cute or am i the only weird one here 😅
Too bad she wasn't actually chubby lol. But the Prince was better. He liked her, had no issue with her gaining weight, and was richer.
MAGYARUL (A lányt kigúnyolták, mert csupa pattanásos arca Arcmosás után váratlanul elkábította a közönséget, és a helyszínen két herceg üldözte!) 2024-11-22.
Nombre del drama es "The Princess Weiyong."
So dramatic ughhhh
MAGYARUL. (A lányt mostohaanyja bekeretezte és bedobta egy farkasfalkába. Mindenki azt hitte, hogy meg kell halnia, de a személyét, a tűztől, farkastól herceg védte.) 2024-11-22.
the subtitles were way off
shes so pretty and finally a decent figure lady.
Close the internet cafe? Either the automatic English translation is whack or this is a story that transcends time and space 😂
Got tricked by the thumbnail cause I wanted to watch it if there is actually a drama with those actors
What is this drama called???
太偉大了! 長劍穿刺眼睛整個穿過腦袋…… 還可以好好活著,只有眼睛失去,不但人活著,腦部還完全好好的……! 怎麼醫的啊? 現代的醫生真該好好學學!
What is the name of the show? I want to see the whole thing .
Ms. Dora, can you pls pick movies with an ending. it is not good to see a movie without an end. Can you also let us know the names So we can look them up to finish watching the end of the series or movies. thank you Dora.
i love my bby a lot muaaaaah 😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Is this a movie or an episode for a series? The english translation is so bad! What is even the name of this??
came here with promises of a chubby girl, left disappointed
What's the name of the series?
Nombre del drama por fabor....
Nombre del drama por fabor
The Princess Weiyong
Clickbait, i came for a chubby girl and got a girl who is half my size. Please dont use cheap click bait like these
I want to know the story! This is beautifully filmed and intriguing! The translation to English is confusing.. Who is the young man who is interested in the "chubby" girl? Why are the girls there at the banquet? So far I love this movie !!
Pode por gentileza traduzir no português aqui no Brasil também assistimos blz ? 🙏
Is there a part 2?
English please
The women must learn how to swim. Why are they so helpless?
The best Chinese drama I've ever watched
The princess weiyong
i understand this is a side-plot. But this side-plot story is incomplete here. Has it been resolved? Is there more of this side-plot on UA-cam? Is there a conclusion?
Pls whats the title
The Princess wei yuong.
😂😂😂lucu waktu mandi
Well that's not the chubby woman from the thumbnail
I'm feeling clickbait by making the woman chubby I think they feel people would want to watch the drama even more? And it's not the actual woman in the drama series because she's not as huge as the woman in the thumbnail
Uggghhh.. where is the second half of the movie!!????? ... 😢
MAGYARUL: (Hamupipőke nem volt hajlandó levenni a rajongóját az esküvő napján, mert mindenki csúnyának tartotta, a rajongó váratlanul leesett és mindenkit sokkolt!) 2024-11-21.
So... This dude is a feader?
吃播丫 😁